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1、Business Finances -企业财务,NO. 26,2,Assets:资产 Anything having commercial or exchange value that is owned by a business, institution, or individual. Liabilities:债务 Claim on the assets of a company or individual (excluding ownership equity).,3,P&L:损益表 Profit and Loss statement is a summary of the revenue

2、s, costs and expenses of a company during an accounting period (also called income statement). Budget:预算 Estimate of revenue and expenditure for a specified period.,4,Market capitalization:资本市场总额 Value of a corporation as determined by the market price of its issued and outstanding common stock. Cas

3、h flow:现金流 Analysis of all the changes that affect the cash account during an accounting period.,5,Line of credit:信贷额度 A banks moral commitment, as oppsed to its contractual commitment, to make loans to a borrower up to a specified maximum during a specified period, usually 1 year.,6,Fiscal year:财政年

4、度 Accounting period covering 12consecutive months, 52 consecutive weeks, 134-week periods, or 365 consecutive days, at the end of which the books are closed and profits and losses are determined.,7,Venture capital:风险资本 Important source of financing for start-up companies or others embarking on new o

5、r turnaround ventures that entail some investment risk, but offer the potential for above-average future profits. Also called risk capital.,8,Usage,Following are interesting or colorful expressions that are sometimes used to describe business finances and financial market situations: (下面是一些可以用来描述公司财

6、务和金融市场状况的有趣词汇:) Consortium: 集团 Group of companies formed to promote a common objective. In the black / In the red:盈余/亏损 Company cash flow is positive/negative.,9,Black Friday:黑色星期五 Sudden sharp drop in the financial market. Cushion:缓冲资金 Margin of safety for a corporations financial ratios. Dont figh

7、t the tape:别和纸带过不去 Dont trade against a market trend.,10,Dont know:不知道 Wall Street slang for a questionable trade. Fill or kill:要么马上,要么取消 An order to buy or sell a security which, if not executed immediately, is cancelled. Fortune 500:财富500强 Annual listing by Fortune magazine of the 500 largest indu

8、strial corporations, ranked by sales.,11,Gnomes of Zurich:苏离士地精 Term coined to describe the financiers and bankers in Zurich, Switzerland. Gun jumping:抢跑/提前行动 Trading securities on information before it becomes publicly disclosed.,12,In the bank:套劳 Slang term meaning market prices are dropping rapid

9、ly. Killer bees:杀人蜂 Those who aid a company in fending off a hostile takeover.,13,Summary,To be an effective high-level manager in todays fast-changing global business environment, one needs to understand and interpret key financial concepts and terms so that he or she can meaningfully manage and drive the business.,14,要在当今日新月异的全球商业环境下成为一名有效率的高层经理,你需要了解关键的金融理念和术语,才能更好地管理和发展你的公司。,


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