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1、QUANTCAST HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN MOBILE ADVERTISING Over the last decade, Mobile has driven an unprecedented behavioral and cultural shift, providing utility, information and connectivity at our fingertips. Mobile is increasingly becoming the main screen accessed throughout the day, and Mobile mark

2、eting, in turn, has developed into a sophisticated, personalized marketing channel to reach Mobile consumers. In this paper, we explore the Mobile landscape and identify opportunities and solutions for advertisers. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 KEY MOBILE TRENDS 3 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU? 4 MOBILE ADVERTI

3、SING OPTIONS 5 MOBILE MARKETING MYTHS BUSTED 6 SUCCESSFUL MOBILE CAMPAIGN CHECKLIST 201 Third Street, San Francisco, CA E T 415.738.4755 W 2014 Quantcast. All Rights Reserved. KEY MOBILE TRENDS 2 1 “Mobile Majority: US Smartphone Ownership Tops 60%.” Forrester, June 6, 2013. Web. 2 “Internet Trend

4、s 2014.” Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, May 28, 2014. Web. 3 “Tablets Challenge PCs as Leading Digital Video Channel in the US.” eMarketer, May 1, 2014. Web. 4 “Holiday Shopping 2014: Online Trends and Forecast.” eMarketer. Web. 5 “Mobile Continues to Steal Share of US Adults Daily Time Spent with

5、Media.” eMarketer, Apr. 22, 2014. Web. OVER 60% of the US population are smartphone users.1 Additionally, tablet usage grew 11.3% over the last year to become 45% of the total US population. Mobile penetration is growing. As the majority of the US population is connected, Mobile offers significant r

6、each and opportunities for advertisers. 194 MINUTES A DAY, on average, people spend on their Mobile device(s) (smartphone and tablet), compared to only 103 minutes a day on their PCs.2 A greater proportion of digital consumption is on Mobile. Mobile offers more touchpoints to connect with your consu

7、mer. 77% OF TABLET OWNERS use them as a so-called “second screen” while watching TV.3 Mobile is taking attention away from TV. To connect with your audience, you need to have a Mobile presence. $53 BILLION in retail sales in the US are expected to come from Mobile by the end of this year.4 Mobile ha

8、s become a significant sales channel. People are converting on Mobile and more of your customers will be coming from this channel in the future. However. ONLY 7% of total digital ad spending in the US is on Mobile, despite the fact that Americans spend the majority of their digital time on their Mob

9、ile devices.5 Marketers have been slow to adopt Mobile due to challenges in the Mobile ecosystem, including different operating systems, publishers, inventory and lack of ad performance metrics. Mobile advertising is now becoming more accessible. As ad marketplaces and new players have entered the M

10、obile space, these challenges are being addressed, providing new opportunities for marketers. 201 Third Street, San Francisco, CA E T 415.738.4755 W 2014 Quantcast. All Rights Reserved. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU? 3 6 “Mobile Continues to Steal Share of US Adults Daily Time Spent with Media.” eMa

11、rketer. Dont miss the additional touchpoints along the consumers path to purchase that the always-on nature of Mobile offers. Traditional online and offline advertising campaigns can fail to reach consumers at some of the most important points, such as reaching consumers while theyre in stores shopp

12、ing, to encourage conversion. Additionally, as consumers are spending more than a quarter of their time exclusively on Mobile,6 you risk missing potential customers whose primary media consumption is on Mobile. As Mobile technology has progressed, advanced targeting solutions have become available t

13、o provide streamlined solutions to get your message in front of the most relevant audiences. Data-driven real-time bidding has opened up a new level of personalization and relevance for marketers to readily identify and reach the right audience with the right message across web, apps and devices. Mo

14、bile targeting that incorporates location and environmental cues can hypertarget marketing messages to offer that immediate information. Mobile technology can reach consumers in a specific locationdelivering a contextually relevant discount for a store thats just a block away can be the push a consu

15、mer needs to make a purchase. Mobile also reaches consumers on-the-go, opening up the opportunity to connect with them at the very instant that they are searching for your product or service. “MOBILE ALSO REACHES CONSUMERS ON-THE-GO, OPENING UP THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONNECT WITH THEM AT THE VERY INSTAN

16、T THAT THEY ARE SEARCHING FOR YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE.” 201 Third Street, San Francisco, CA E T 415.738.4755 W 2014 Quantcast. All Rights Reserved. MOBILE ADVERTISING OPTIONS 4 7 Loechner, Jack. “Mobile Video Advertising Still the Hot Ticket.” MediaPost, Oct. 29, 2014. Web. 8 “Consumers Get Engage

17、d with Rich Media.” eMarketer, Oct. 23, 2014. Web. The most common types of Mobile ads are Mobile banners, which appear at the top or bottom of a web page, and Mobile search advertisements in search results. Web banners include standard IAB sizes, Mobile-specific sizes and full-screen interstitials

18、between pages. Banner ads can be especially effective when targeting consumers by their browsing histories. Interstitials, on the other hand, offer high engagement due to their high visual impact, as they usually appear for a couple of seconds before taking the consumer to a desired page. More engag

19、ing formats, such as rich media and video, have grown more popular in the last year. Digital video ad inventory tripled in the last year, as people are spending more time watching videos online.7 And according to eMarketer, rich media ads (incorporating Flash or HTML5 technology) see far higher enga

20、gement rates, likely due to their high-impact, visually appealing formats.8 Should I advertise on a Mobile website or an app? There are a lot of opportunities for advertising in both Mobile web and apps, and both channels support all types of Mobile ads, ranging from banners to video. Mobile web is

21、efficient, scales well, and there is no need for download. Mobile apps, on the other hand, are engaging and work especially well with video and rich media advertisements. While studies show that more time on Mobile is spent in apps, people continuously switch between apps and web. When exploring con

22、tent in apps, oftentimes links in apps take you to Mobile web. To maximize reach and engagement throughout the purchase funnel, it is important to incorporate both Mobile web and app in your campaign while taking into account campaign goals and the synergies between the two channels. YOUR AD HERE YO

23、UR AD HERE YOUR AD HERE 201 Third Street, San Francisco, CA E T 415.738.4755 W 2014 Quantcast. All Rights Reserved. “Mobile advertising is not effective.” FALSE! Mobile is a great way to engage with consumers. Consumers use Mobile for everything from checking the news to tracking their fitness to

24、researching a dinner spot, and this provides opportunities to connect and engage them with relevant messages. Consequently, ads on tablets deliver similar direct response (DR) performance to desktops, and can even reach a click-through rate (CTR) four times higher than desktops. “There is not much i

25、nventory in Mobile.” FALSE! Over a third of inventory on all of the major ad exchanges is now Mobile web and app inventory.9 As time on Mobile continues to increase, Mobile inventory will continue to grow as well. “There are no cookies in Mobile real-time bidding.” FALSE! Although Apples Safari web

26、browser blocks third-party cookies by default, iOS users can still manually accept a third-party cookie and are automatically accepting cookies during any in-app browser time. Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone devices all accept third-party cookies, and this accounts for 85% of Mobile users.10 A

27、dditionally, real-time bidding for apps does not rely on cookies, so the presence of cookies does not affect the app advertising effectiveness. 1 2 3 Despite Mobiles growth, there are some persistent misconceptions surrounding Mobile. Lets bust these myths one by one: 5 MOBILE MARKETING MYTHS BUSTED

28、 9 Quantcast Internal Data. 2014. 10 Smith, Julian. “Is it time to redress the balance between Android and iOS in mobile ad targeting?” The Drum, Oct 20, 2014. Web. 201 Third Street, San Francisco, CA E T 415.738.4755 W 2014 Quantcast. All Rights Reserved. To ensure the success of your Mobile camp

29、aign, here are a few helpful tips: Integrate Mobile into your overall campaign strategy Consistent messaging across channels is important to reinforce the overall campaign objectives. While your Mobile campaign should be consistent with your overall campaign, it should also be tailored according to

30、the Mobile user. Since Mobile usage is different from desktop, it is important to understand how Mobile fits into your customers path to purchase and tailor your messages accordingly. Develop creative and messaging that enhances the experience of Mobile users Creative assets for Mobile are often rep

31、urposed from desktop. However, Mobiles smaller screen size, various page formats and different consumer behavior require a separate ad experience. Consumers turn to Mobile for utility and simplicity, and the overall experience (in both design and messaging) must be relevant and integrated, focusing

32、on the utility that consumers expect from Mobile. Optimize your website for Mobile Once a consumer interacts with your ad, the experience doesnt stop there. Make sure that you are driving consumers to a Mobile optimized website that provides a seamless user experience where they can find the informa

33、tion and products that they are looking for and convert. Define and target the right audience Reaching the right audience improves campaign performance and efficiency. Work with media partners with proven data and modeling capabilities who can identify and deliver the right ad to the right audience

34、at scale. Set clear goals and metrics Identify your campaign goals and measures of success. Continue to evaluate and optimize your campaign based on what is and isnt working. Use insights about your audience to guide your strategy. The Mobile landscape is constantly changing, and a test and learn ap

35、proach will ensure success. As Mobile grows, the Mobile web and app experience will continue to improve. Mobile ad formats will evolve to be more effective and integrated into the Mobile experience, making it ever more important to use Mobile in your strategy to drive business growth. 6 SUCCESSFUL MOBILE CAMPAIGN CHECKLIST


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