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1、优秀精品课件文档资料,English Language,I. Intensive Reading,Text Comprehension,Skill Building,Fast Reading,Unit 1,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Before Reading,Part I Intensive Reading,English Language,Study Focus,1. Learn about the differences between British English and American English. 2. Enlarge our vocab

2、ulary for expressing differences and similarities. 3. Learn to use the structure “The truth is that” 4. Review the knowledge of Simple Sentence (简单句) and Compound Sentence (复合句) . 5. Think about a bad habit in using the English language.,A. Discuss the following questions with your partners.,Prepara

3、tion,For More,1. Do you think that all the English-speakers speak the same language? 2. Do you speak British or American English? Are they the same language?,key,B. Read the following sentences carefully and work out the meaning of the underlined words and expressions.,Preparation,For More,1. He pic

4、ked up a little French when he was traveling in France. 2. She decided it was a good time to exhibit her skills as a negotiator (谈判代表). 3. He is a man of principle (原则) and always sticks to what he thinks is right.,key,Preparation,End,4. As the monitor of his class, he laid down the rules of self-st

5、udy in class. 5. Club members are required to conform to the rules of the club. 6. His first attempt at English composition was poor and so he is really afraid of writing in English now.,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para. 1a American English and British English exhibit differences,

6、 particularly in colloquial speech. In print, the differences are not great. The central vocabulary is the same in both. A Londoner who reads The Times will find no special difficulty if he flies the Atlantic and picks up the New York Times.,British or American English? By Ian Gordon,translate,Text

7、Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para. 1b The “slant” (or emphasis) of the news will naturally be different, but the language he reads is basically the same.,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para. 2 For those whose first language is not English there are, however, some puzzling differen

8、ces. The most obvious is spelling. In the days before print, communication was handwriting and every man spelt as he chose. Printing changed all that; by the 18th century the great English Dictionary (1755) of Dr. Johnson laid down a standard set of spellings that has altered little to the present d

9、ay.,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para. 3 This spelling is not easy. It is partly phonetic, but only partly, and it has many maddening inconsistencies. Even native speakers find it hard and children who speak their native English fluently take years to learn how to spell their own l

10、anguage. Even well-educated people in Britain and America have to consult the dictionary more often than they generally admit!,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para. 4 There have been many attempts to “reform” English spelling. The most important spelling reformer was an American Noah

11、Webster, who in 1828 produced a frankly nationalistic American Dictionary of the English Language. Webster added some thousands of “American” words that were unknown to Dr. Johnson and he mounted an all-out assault on the “traditional” English way of spelling.,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-

12、Reading,Para. 5 Why, he asked, should we spell “thumb” when we do not pronounce the letter “b”? But even the Americans of his time ignored him and it remains “thumb“ to this day in modern editions of Webster.,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para. 6 However, Webster was triumphant in o

13、ther words. His “reformed spelling” of English in “-our” words has won the day, “favor”, “labor”, “honor”, replacing the English “favour”, “labour”, “honour”. Similarly, American English spells words like “centre”, “theatre”, “calibre” as “center”, “theater”, and “caliber”.,translate,Text Study,Pre-

14、Reading,After-Reading,Para. 7 One of the other ways in which American spelling differs from the British is in the treatment of the letter “I” in the middle of a word. The difference is clearly visible in American Express checks. If they are issued in UK pounds they bear the title “Travellers Cheque”

15、; if in US dollars “Travelers Check”. Fortunately a trader will accept either! If the money is good why worry about spelling?,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para. 8a In vocabulary there are also numerous differences. The British take a “lift” to the upper floors of a building, the Am

16、ericans an “elevator”; British motor cars have a “bonnet” and a “boot” and are protected by “bumpers”, American cars have a “hood” and a “trunk” and are protected by “fenders”; British passengers travel in railway “carriages”, Americans in railway “cars”.,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Readi

17、ng,Para. 8b Dead Britons get buried in a “coffin” by means of an “undertaker”, dead Americans in a “casket” by means of a “mortician”; British children progress in school from “form” to “form”, American children from “grade” to “grade”; the British walk on a “pavement”, Americans on a “sidewalk”. Th

18、ere are hundreds of such variants.,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para. 9 After Webster, the most influential advocate of the separateness of American English was H.L. Mencken, whose book The American Language was first published in 1919. But the even more influential magazine The Ne

19、w Yorker, first published in 1925, insisted that contributors conform to the style of the H. W. Fowlers very British Modern English Usage.,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para. 10a The truth is that there are numerous small differences between British and American usages. All major la

20、nguages show the same kind of regional variation. It is inevitable. The question is: Are they important? With the spread of English as an international medium the answer seems to be “not very”.,translate,Text Study,Pre-Reading,After-Reading,Para. 10b The variations between American English and Briti

21、sh English are slight when set beside what the two have in common. Readers of English anywhere can move from the Financial Times or The Economist (published in England) to Time or the Readers Digest (published in America), well aware that they are reading the same language.,translate,Text Study,Pre-

22、Reading,After-Reading,Para. 11 Which then to choose? Use the variant used in your community. Then stick to it. Do not mix the two. (699 words),English Language,Team work,Discuss the following topics with your teammates. You may use the given topic-related words and expressions. 1. Which is more popu

23、lar, British English or American English? And why? You may use the words learned in the text or some of these given below.,Word and Expressions,Team work,key,economic development 经济发展 English-speaking country 以英语为母语的国家 complex 复杂的 mother tongue 母语 second language 第二语言 globalization 全球化,Team work (ke

24、y),1. American English. There are many reasons. Firstly, the United States is more influential compared with UK; secondly, American English does not have as many rules as British English.,End,Joke,Q: Whats the difference between a monkey and a flea? A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea cant have o

25、nkeys 猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一小。但除此之外呢,那就是猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。这个答案很有意思吧? Q: How can you most irritate a farmer? A: By treading on his corn? 如果你踩了农夫的玉米或是谷物,他肯定会生气的;而如果你踩了农夫脚底的鸡眼,他会更生气。Corn既可以表示“玉米/谷物”,也有“鸡眼”的意思。,英语笑话,For More,Joke,Q: Which is the strongest creature in the world? A: The snail.

26、It carries its house on its back. 因为snail(蜗牛)的后背上总是背着一所房子,所以说蜗牛是世界上最强壮的生物是不足为奇的。你说呢? Q: What do people do in a clock factory? A: They make faces all day. 一看到make faces这个短语,你可千万别以为是在钟表厂工作的人整天都做鬼脸呀!因为除了这个意思以外,它还可以从字面上解释为制造钟面。,End,Click here,Music,92年1月发行 Remember The Time。1990 年代把这曲命名为最佳曲的方向, Edward T

27、heodore Riley(歌手)在06年5月14日访谈中把 Remember The Time评价为自己所看到的作品中最好的歌. MV开场就看到无聊的古埃及女王在叹息,接着有几个杂技表演的出场为了让女王开心,不过女王不满意都让他们进狮子窝,而这时JACKSON惟妙惟肖的出现紧张了现场人。紧接着JACKSON的音乐,舞蹈,背景都华丽地造化着整个画面。 他的MV一直很华丽,神秘,又好玩,给人一种进了另一个世界的感觉,加上动听的音乐和舞蹈。,Lyric,Do You Remember 你可曾记得 When We Fell In Love 当年我们坠入爱河 We Were Young And Inn

28、ocent Then 我们都还年少而天真无过 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 How It All Began 这一切是怎样开始的 It Just Seemed Like Heaven 感觉美妙如同天国 So Why Did It End? 可它却已终结,这是为何? Do You Remember 你可曾记得 (I bet You Remember) (我赌你一定记得),For More,Lyric,Back In The Fall 回想起秋天的时刻 Wed Be Together All Day Long 整日里我们只愿耳 鬓厮磨 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 Us

29、 Holding Hands 我们把手紧握 In Each Others Eyes 在彼此的眼窝 Wed Stare 我们秋波脉脉 (Tell Me) (告诉我) Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河,For More,Lyric,Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We First Met 当你第一次遇见我 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember

30、The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 How We Used To Talk 我们如何把衷肠诉说 (Ya Know) (你晓得) Wed Stay On The Phone 一夜夜的电话情多 At Night Till Dawn 直到阳光把黑暗吞没,For More,Lyric,Do You Remember 你可曾记得 All The Things We Said Like 我们互诉的情话如火 I Love You So 比如:我爱你正如你爱我 Ill Never Let You Go 我永远不会把你错过 Do You Remember 你可曾记得

31、Back In The Spring 回忆起春天的时刻 Every Morning Birds Would Sing 每个早晨鸟儿都在欢歌 Do You Remember 你可曾记得 Those Special Times 那些特别的时刻 Theyll Just Go On And On 它们将永远生动鲜活,For More,Lyric,Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 When We Fell In Love 当我们坠入爱河 Do You Remember The Time 你可曾记得那一刻 Those Sweet Memories 那些甜蜜的回忆蔓延着 W

32、ill Always Be Dear To Me 它们对我来说将永远是最珍贵的 And Girl No Matter What Was Said 我都不会把你我曾有过的幸福忘了 Now Baby 宝贝,那么 END,Pre-reading Preparation: B (key),pick up :随手翻阅,不经意地学习 exhibit :展出,展览,展示 stick to :坚持,固守,忠于 laid down :规定 conform to :符合,遵照 attempt :试图; 尝试,Ian Gordon,伊恩戈登,语言学家,新西兰辞典编纂和 语言学的创始人,同时也是新西兰第一所语言学 院

33、的创始人。,The Times: 泰晤士报,创刊于1785 年元旦,原名为每日环球纪录报,也有资料翻译为世鉴日报,创办人是约翰沃尔特。1788 年正式定名为泰晤士报。目前该报是英国最有影响的媒体之一,也是世界上最著名的报纸之一。它历史悠久,被看作是英国传统观念的代表。,New York Times:纽约时报,最初的名字是纽约每日时报(The New York Daily Times)。 1851 年,亨利J. 雷蒙德和乔治琼斯在一个没有窗户的阁楼上,点着蜡烛印出了四块版的纽约时报创刊号。 如今,纽约时报已经成为北美发行量最大的日报之一,并成为全美最大的媒体集团之,一,年收入达30 多亿美元。在

34、财富杂志的“最值得羡慕的美国公司”排行榜上,纽约时报名列出版业首位。,The New Yorker: 纽约客,1925 年2 月,哈罗德 罗斯创办的纽约客推出了它的第一期杂志。在纽约客的创刊号上,出现了一个带高礼帽夹单片眼镜的卡通绅士形象,他成了纽约客日后的象征。纽约客上登载的卡通与原创小说是美国精英阶层文化的标志。纽约客上面登载的原创小说是其最大招牌之一。由于编辑接纳稿件的标准非常严格,要想在纽约客上发表作品难上加难,而一旦作品被纽约客所采纳,该作者就会一炮走红。纽约客已成为美国社会文化传统的一部分。,Readers Digest:读者文摘,德威特华莱士于1922 年初,与 婚不久的妻子莉拉

35、靠着借来的5,000 美元,在纽约格林尼治的狭窄公寓里创办了读者文摘。如今读者文摘是全球最大的文摘杂志,同时也是世界上最成功的杂志之一:月发行量2,000 多万册,用19 种文字发行48 个版本,读者多达1 亿,年收入超过25 亿美元,是美国发行量最大的月刊,在全世界颇具影响力,被认为“比纽约时报和时代周刊更能影响美国人”。,Dr. Johnson,Dr. Johnson: 塞缪尔约翰逊博士(17091784),英国18 世纪最负盛名的文人之一。他著有阿比西尼国拉赛拉斯王子传、诗人传、艾琳以及其他许多备受赞赏的作品,并且编纂了当时最伟大的书英语辞典。1999 年起,英国设立了“塞缪尔约翰逊奖”

36、,参评作品均为在英国出版的、用英语撰写的非小说类书籍,内容可涉及时事、历史、政治、科学、体育、旅游、传记和艺术。,Noah Webster,Noah Webster: 诺亚韦伯斯特, 美国所有词典编纂家中最著名的一位,他一直坚定不移地支持美国英语。从1789 年的论英语到1828 年的美国英语词典(今简称韦氏大词典),他的作品像塞缪尔约翰逊的作品一样举世闻名。,nationalistic,nationalistic: 国家主义,该词本意是指国家主义,在此处指带有国家主义色彩,原因是诺亚韦伯斯特在当时坚持不懈地在美国推行美国英语,并撰写了美国英语词典(今简称韦氏大词典)对美国英语进行规范,所以说

37、带有美国国家主义色彩。,Financial Times:金融时报,Financial Times: 金融时报,创刊于1888 年,总部设在伦敦,是世界最著名的金融、经济类报纸之一,销往世界120 多个国家和地区,读者多为高层工商界人士。,The Economist:经济学人,1843 年创刊于英国,是一份 包含新闻、政治经济观点和深度分析的周刊。该杂志所有的文章都不署名,皆由集体创作。经济学人的读者定位为高收入、富有独立见解和批判精神的社会精英。与此相适应,文章始终保持了一种独特的风格:不拘一格、叙述朴实、用词准确和忠于事实。,Time:时代周刊,Time:时代周刊,美国影响最大的新闻周刊,有

38、世界“史库”之称。1923 年3 月由亨利R. 卢斯和布里顿哈登创办。刊名最初为事实,后改用现名,由时代华纳公司在纽约出版。该刊的宗旨是要使“忙人”能够充分了解世界大事。刊物大量使用图片和图表,是美国第一份用叙述体报道时事,打破报纸、广播对新闻垄断的大众性期刊, 其编排方式广为国内外新闻杂志所效仿。该刊拥有一批精明能干的撰稿人和一支庞大的研究人员队伍,覆盖面遍布全世界。读者主要是中产阶级和知识阶层。,Para. 1a美式英语和英式英语呈现出一些不同之处, 特别是在口语中。 书面语中二者的差异并不大,它们的核心词汇是相同的。一个读泰晤士报的伦敦人,在飞越大西洋时能毫不费力地读懂随手翻阅的纽约时报

39、。,Translation,美式英语还是英式英语? 伊恩戈登,Para. 1b。报纸上新闻的观点(或重点)自然是各不相同,但他读到的语言则基本上是相同的。,Translation,Translation,Para. 2 但是对于那些母语不是英文的人来说,就 会有一些令人迷惑的差异了。最明显的是拼写。在 印刷技术出现之前,文字交流是靠手书写的,每一 个人都可以按自己的选择拼写。而印刷技术完全改 变了这一情况; 到 了18 世纪,约翰逊博士的伟大 的英语辞典(1755)制定了一套拼写标准,而且 至今几乎没变。,Translation,Para. 3 这种拼写并不容易。它部分是根据发音而 成,但仅仅

40、是部分而已,而且有一些令人发狂的矛 盾之处。甚至说母语的人也觉得它很难,连那些说 一口流利英语的孩子们也要花好几年的时间才能学 会拼写他们的母语。在英国和美国,甚至那些受过 良好教育的人也不得不经常查阅字典,其频率比他 们通常承认的要高得多。,Translation,Para. 4 历史上曾出现过许多“改革”英文拼写的 尝试。 最重要的拼写改革家当数美国的诺亚 韦伯 斯特, 他在 1828 年编纂出了一本带有不加掩饰的 国家主义色彩的词典美国英语词典。 韦 伯斯特增加了数以千计的“美国词汇”,这些词汇并 不为约翰逊博士所知。而且,他还竭力攻击“传统 的”英文拼写方式。,Translation,

41、Para. 5 他曾说:“thumb(拇指)”中的“b”不发 音,为什么我们却拼成“thumb”? 但是,甚至他那 个时代的美国人也都对他不予理睬,所以直到现 在,韦伯斯特现代版的词典还是将“拇指”拼成 “thumb”。,Translation,Para. 6 然而,韦伯斯特却成功地改革了其他的 一些词汇。 他在“-our”的拼写改革上就取得了成 功。“favor”,“labor”,“honor”替代了(以前) 英式英语中的“favour”,“labour”,“honour”。 同样, 美式英语把诸如“centre”,“theatre”, “calibre”拼写成“center”,“theat

42、er”,“caliber”。,Translation,Para. 7 美式拼写与英式拼写的另一个不同之 处,是在处理一个单词中间的字母“l”的问题上。 这种不同在美国捷运公司的支票上显而易见。 如 果它们是以英国英镑发行,那么它们就叫 “Travellers Cheque”, 如果是以美国美元发行, 那就是“Travelers Check”。幸运的是,商人会接 受两者中的任何一种! 如果钱没错,为什么要在乎 它的拼写呢?,Translation,Para. 8a ( 美式英语和英式英语) 在词汇方面也有很多不同之处。英国人乘“lift(电梯)”到 一栋建筑的高层,而美国人则乘“elevator

43、(电梯)”;英国的机动车有一个“bonnet(引擎罩)”及一个“boot(行李箱)”并且受“bumpers(保险杠)”的保护;而美国汽车则有一个“hood(引擎罩)”及一个“trunk(行李箱)”,并受“fenders(保险杠)”的保护;英国乘客在铁路上的“carriages(车厢)”中旅行,而美国人则乘坐在铁路上的“cars(车厢)”里。,Translation,Para. 8b 去世了的英国人通过一个“undertaker(丧葬承办人)”将其埋葬在一个“coffin(棺材)”里,而在美国则由一个“mortician(丧葬承办人)”将死者埋葬在一个“casket(棺材)”里;英国小孩在学校里

44、从一个“form(年级)”升到高一个年级,而美国小孩则从学校的一个“grade(年级)”升到高一个年级;英国人走在“pavement(人行道)”上,而美国人却步行在“sidewalk(人行道)”上。诸如此类的差异还有数百种。,Translation,Para. 9 在韦伯斯特之后, 路易斯 门肯则是提倡 美式英语独立性的最有影响的人物, 他所著的美 国语言于1919 年首次出版。但是更有影响力的 杂志纽约客1925 年首次出版却坚持 让投稿者遵循 H. W. 福勒的现代英语用法词典 中那种带有明显英式英语特点的风格。,Translation,Para. 10a 事实上, 英式英语和美式英语之间

45、在用 法上有许多细微的差异。所有的主要语言都有着同 样的地域性差异,这不可避免。但问题是: 它们很 重要吗? 随着英语作为一个国际媒介被广泛传播, 答案似乎是“不是很重要”,Translation,Para. 10b 与它们的共同之处相比, 美式和英式英 语之间的差异只是微乎其微的。任何地方的英文读 者都既能读金融时报和经济学人(英国出 版),也能读时代周刊和读者文摘 ( 美国 出版), 并很清楚地知道,他们读到的是相同的语言。,Translation,Para. 11 那么该选择哪一个呢? 答案是使用你所 在区域使用的语言,然后坚持使用下去,不要混用。,pick up,拿起;捡起;整理;(通

46、过学习或经历)获得,不经意中学会 e.g. a. He picked up a book from the bookshelf and read it. 他从书架上拿起一本书,然后读了起来。 b. He picked up the broken pieces of glass on the floor. 他拾起地上的玻璃碎片。,For More,pick up,c. Lets pick up the living room, for it looks too untidy for girls. 我们收拾一下起居室吧,因为对于女孩来说它太脏了。 d. While he visited Paris

47、, he picked up some French. 在访问巴黎期间,他学了些法语。,End,colloquial speech,口语 e.g. a. In colloquial speech, the Americans use the word “kid” to refer to “child”. 在口语中,美国人用“kid”这个词来指小孩。,For More,colloquial speech,b. In the United States, many people use slang in their colloquial speech. Therefore, sometimes,

48、it is very difficult for you to understand what they are talking about. 在美国,很多人在口语中使用俚语。因此, 有时你很难听懂他们在说些什么。,End,exhibit,vt. 表现;展现 e.g. a. She exhibited pleasure by smiling. 她用微笑表示高兴。 b. The young musicians are eager to exhibit their talent. 年轻的音乐家们都极想展现他们的才能。,slant,n. 观点,倾向性;斜面 e.g. a. The editorial

49、 had an antiunion slant. 这篇社论有一种反工会的倾向。 b. The lines are drawn on a slant. 这些线条被画成斜线。,emphasis,n. 重点, 强调 e.g. a. The emphasis was on the human side of doctoring. 工作的重点是在行医时对病人的关怀方 面。 b. This year cotton is again being given special emphasis. 今年再一次特别强调棉花。,alter,vt. 改变,使变样 e.g. An old dog cannot alter its way of barking. 老狗难改吠声。 vi. 改变,变动 e.g. As times alter, mens affections change.


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