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1、,第一部分 教材复习,单元概要,1、教材内容,2、语言功能,3、语言目标,4、语言结构,5、重点词汇,6、常用短语,教材内容,七年级上册Unit 1 My names Gina .,八年级上册Unit6 Im more outgoing than my sister.,九年级Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.,语言功能: 介绍自己;问候某人;关于电话号码的问答;表述个人特征、对人物进行比较;谈论你过去的性格。,语言目标,七(上)Unit 1,八(上)Unit 6,九Unit 2,-Whats your name? -My name is Bob. -

2、Whats your telephone number? -Its 2340789.,-Is that Sam? -No,thats Tom.He has shorter hair than Sam. Hes calmer than Sam.,-You used to eat candy all the time,didnt you? -Yes,I did.And I used to chew gum a lot. Maroi used to be short.Now hes tall.,语言结构:,Be的一般现在形式;what引导的特殊疑问句;形容词性物主代词; 比较级-er,-ier,mo

3、re的使用;both的用法;used to,conjunction,重点词汇检测,1.用英语说出1100的数字。,2.用下列动词造句:is ;meet;look;mean;laugh;care;cause;waste.,3.汉译英:名字、问题、回答、电话、家庭、物理学、便条、名胜、信息、糖果、友谊友情、注意专心留心、死亡,4.英译汉:nice;first;last;serious;necessary;on;daily;patient 这些词的词性是什么?,5.这三个单元我们需要掌握的词类还有哪些?它们是什么?,七(上)1.first name 2.telephone number 3.ID c

4、ard,4.family name,八(上)5.in some ways 6.look the same 7.more than 8.in common 9.be good at,10.a little 11.the same as,12.most of 13.be good with 14.stay at home,九 15. used to 16. be interested in 17.be terrified of 18. go to sleep 19.in the end 20.make a decision 21.to ones surprise 22.even though 23

5、.no longer 24.take pride in 25.pay attention to 26.give up 27.not any more,考点呈现,热点聚焦,冠词,不使用冠词,定冠词,不定冠词,a an,the,零冠词,冠词的分类,冠词是一种虚词,修饰名词的。目标:理解冠词a 、an 、the和零冠词的基本用法。,2.表示某人(事物)的某一种类 My father is a driver. She is a girl. Do you like an apple or a pear? This is a desk.,一.不定冠词(a,an)的用法,1.a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前 a

6、n用在以元音音素开头的单词前,e.g. _book _ egg _ useful book _ underground room,a,a,an,an,3.表示某一事物中的任何一个(泛指) An elephant is bigger than a horse. A monkey can climb trees.,4.表示数量,有“一” 的含义,但数的概念没有one 强烈. There is a flower in the vase. A panda has a mouth , a nose, two eyes. We have six classes a day.,5. 有些不可数名词要表示“一

7、种”、“一场”、“一堆”时,须加不定冠词 a heavy snow a strong wind make a fire (生火) have a good time,6. 用于固定词组 half an hour a moment ago a lot of have a rest a little a few a pair of make a contribution to make a phone,7.用于what 引导的感叹句,修饰可数名词的单数形式.,What a nice girl! What an interesting film it is !,定冠词(the)的用法,基本用法: “特

8、指”. 特指某(些)人或者某(些)事物,以便与其他的人或物有所区别,1. 2. 3. 4.,e.g. The book on the desk is Jims. 书桌上的那本书是吉姆的 The chairs are there. 椅子在那里,指谈话双方都知道的人或事物,e.g. Where is the kite? 风筝在哪儿?(双方都知道指的是哪只风筝) Open the door, please.请把门打开(双方都知道要打开哪扇门),在叙述中,上文(第二次)提到过的人或者事物,e.g. :I can see a kite. 我看见一只风筝 :where is the kite? 这个风筝在

9、那里?,用在姓氏的复数名词前,表示“一家人或某某夫妇”,常看成复数,e.g. The Blacks are watching TV at home now . The Browns have gone to the Great Wall .,用在宇宙间独一无二的天体名词之前,5. 6. 7. 8.,e.g. the sun the sky the moon the earth the world,用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only, same,whole等前,e.g. I live on the second floor. 我住在二楼 Skating is the best sport

10、 in winter. 滑冰是冬天最好的运动,用于普通名词构成的专有名词),the Palace Museum the Summer Palace the Red Star Hotel the Great Wall the Childrens Palace,用在表示乐器的名词之前,e.g. the violin the piano the drum,9. 用于表示方位的名词前 in the south (east west north -),10.用在山脉、江河、海洋、岛等名词前。 如: the Yellow River, the West Lake , the Taiwan Island,

11、etc. 11.在一些形容词前,表示一类人 the rich , the old , the deaf , the young , the sick -,12.用在(the +形容词比较级, the +形容词比较级)结构,表示”越-越-”.,Eg. The more we learn, the better we will be .,在一些习惯用语中常用定冠词,13.,e.g. in the day in the morning / afternoon/ evening the day before yesterday the next morning / week/ month/ year

12、in the sky/ water/ field/ country in the dark in the rain in the middle (of) in the end on the right by the way go to the theatre (cinema) behind the chair all the time,零冠词的用法 (不用冠词),名词前已有定语this, that, these ,those my, your, some, any, each 和“”所有格时,不用冠词。,1. 2. 3. 4.,Eg . Theyre Our books . Jims pen

13、is very expensive .,复数名词在表示一类人或者事物时不用冠词。,e.g. They are teachers. 他们是老师。,一些表示人名.地名等专有名词.物质名词.称呼.头衔前不用冠词 Ruian ,Grade Two , Mr.Li , Dr.Liu , David ,meat ,milk-,在节日.星期.月份.季节.年.学科等词前不用冠词 in summer in August on Childrens Day on Sunday study physics in 2008 请区别:in the spring of 1945 (特指,加the),零冠词的用法 (不用冠词

14、),名词前已有定语this, that, these ,those my, your, some, any, each 和“”所有格时,不用冠词。,1. 2. 3. 4.,Eg . Theyre Our books . Jims pen is very expensive .,复数名词在表示一类人或者事物时不用冠词。,e.g. They are teachers. 他们是老师。,一些表示人名.地名等专有名词.物质名词.称呼.头衔前不用冠词 Ruian ,Grade Two , Mr.Li , Dr.Liu , David ,meat ,milk-,在节日.星期.月份.季节.年.学科等词前不用冠

15、词 in summer in August on Childrens Day on Sunday study physics in 2008 请区别:in the spring of 1945 (特指,加the),在球类运动及棋类及三餐名词前不用冠词。,5. 6.,e.g. play football/ basketball, have supper, have chess,在街道、广场、公园、桥梁、学校、表示交通手段等前面及一些固定搭配中不用冠词,e.g. Wuma Street Zhongshan Park by bike at night go to school at table at

16、 work go to bed at school at home watch TV etc.,7.表示颜色、语种、国家前不用冠词 in purple in red Japanese Britain,注意: 在有些词组中,有冠词和无冠词意思不同 Eg : in front of in the front of There is a tree in front of the house. The teachers desk is in the front of the classroom,Hes ill in hospital. 他生病住院。 My parents work in the hos

17、pital. 我的父母在医院工作。,1)at table在吃饭; at the table在桌子旁 2)in class在上课; in the class在班级中 3)go to school去上学; go to the school到那所学校去 4)go to bed上床睡觉; go to the bed到床那边去,Be(原形)还有其他七种形式,am,is,are,been,being,was,were,在句子中,be可以是系动词或助动词,作系动词时,be动词后面要有名词、形容词或短语作表语。如:The man is a science teacher.,Be作助动词时,有两种用法1.be+

18、现在分词,构成进行时态。 如:English is becoming more and more impotant. 2.be+过去分词,构成被动语态。如:The window was broken by Tom.,Be 动词,1.问候(Greetings) A: Hi! Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? How are you doing? Please say hello to your parents. Please give my love/best wishes to Lucy.,B: Hi! Hello! Goo

19、d morning/afternoon/evening. Im OK. Fine,thanks,and you? Very well,thank you. Sure. All right.,2.介绍(Introduction) A: My name is Jim. Im a student. Im from England. This is Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.Brown. Id like you to meet Bob.,B: Hello! How do you do? Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet(see)you.,3.告别(Farewells) A:G

20、ood-bye/Bye/Bye-Bye. Good night. See you later/then/tomorrow/soon. I am sorry I have to go now.,B:Good-bye/Bye/Bye-bye. Good night. See you later/then/tomorrow/soon. I am sorry I have to go now.,4.年龄(Age) A: How old are you? How is he/she?,B: Im eighteen. He/She is six years old. Uncle Wang is an old man.,


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