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1、陕旅版英语精品资料(精修版)Revision1 第1课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社四年级下册【主 题】Listen and tick or cross, Talk with your classmates, Play a game【课 时】第1课时一、教学准备教师准备:1. Units 1-4所有的词汇卡片。2. Listen and tick or cross部分的教学音频。3. Talk with your classmates及Play a game部分的图片。二、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前热身1. 教师快速出示词汇卡片,学生看卡片说词汇。教学小贴士建

2、议教师以后在复习词汇时,可以通过抢答的方式进行。如:教师出示卡片时,学生不能举手,必须在听到教师的指令Start!/Action!/Begin!之后,第一个举手的才能回答问题;反正为犯规,教师可以制定有趣的惩罚规则。以这种方式复习已学词汇,让学生积极地参与到课堂活动之中,变被动为主动,效果非常好!2. 开火车拼词教师出示词汇卡片,学生按座位顺序,每人拼读一个字母,拼读完该单词的最后一个字母之后,下一个轮到的学生读一遍单词,以此类推,拼完第一个单词后继续拼读第二个单词。如果是一个短语,则把该短语的所有单词都拼读完成后轮到的那个学生把该短语大声读出来,教师注意纠正错误读音。课程展示活动和过程的设计

3、建议(presentation)(1)Listen and tick or cross1. 教师带领学生仔细观察图片并对每幅图片提问。以下问题可供参考:Question 1: Is the sun in the sky in Picture 1?Question 2:What are the boys doing in Picture 2?Question 3: Is it snowing in Picture 3?Question 4: What is the girl doing in Picture 4?Question 5: Is it raining in Picture 5? Wh

4、at does he take?2. 教师播放录音,让学生根据录音内容判断图片是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。录音内容如下:1. Look at the sun in the sky! And there is no wind. Lets go to play.2. Boys often play football on the playground.3. Its snowing. Please put on your coat.4. She is drawing a picture in her bedroom.5. Its raining. Please take your rai

5、ncoat.参考答案:l. 2. 3. 4. 5.(2)Talk with your classmates1. 教师带领学生观察本部分图片并通过提问的方式复习现在进行时态:T: What is the pig doing?S1: She is sleeping.T: What is the panda doing?S2: He is eating.T: What are the monkeys doing?S3: They are singing and dancing.T: What is the elephant doing?S4: He is playing with the ball.

6、T: What are the bears doing?S5. They are dancing / playing games.T: What are the lions doing?S6: They are running.2. 教师出示本部分图片,继续引导学生进行问答:T: (出示猪睡觉图) Is she sleeping?Ss: Yes, she is.T:(出示熊猫吃竹子图)Is he reading a book?Ss. No, he isnt. He is eating. .3. 学生两人一组进行问答:S1: Is he / she .?S2: Yes, he / she is.

7、 / No, he / she isnt.S1: Are they .?S2: Yes, they are. / No, they arent.(3)Play a game1. 教师将学生分成两大组,让各组学生讨论并定好各自的组名。2. 教师出示本部分图片,并宣布比赛规则:每组学生轮流用本部分所提供的参考句型提问另一组同学:What is he / she doing?What does he / she do on ?Does he / she .?也可以拓展句型:Is he/she . ?被问到的同学必须根据本部分图片作答,答对前进一格,答错后退一格,先到达终点的小组获胜。如:A组一名同学根据第一幅图提问B组一名同学:What is she doing? B组同学如果回答正确,那么他们组可以在本部分图片上前进一格,如回答错误,则倒退一格。同理,B组同学也可根据第一幅图提问A组的一名同学:What does she do on Monday? A组同学若回答正确,前进一格,反之,后退一格。教师注意提示学生:两组提问的同学,必须根据同一幅图提出不同的问题,让对方作答。【板书设计】


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