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1、形容词和形容词词组,形容词与形容词词组,一.分类 二.功能 三.级 四.位置 五.其他 六.小牛试刀 七.同学们的问题,一.形容词的分类: 1.多功能形容词,指既能充当定语又能充当表语、宾语补足语的形容词,多数形容词属于这类。 the best possible means(前置定语) the best means possible (后置定语) It is possible that he will come (表语) That made it possible for us to fulfil the task on time .(宾语补足语),2.前置定语形容词,指只能用做前置定语(或在

2、特定意义或用法中只能用作前置定语)的形容词。 1)-most 类 指以词尾-most 结尾的形容词,如 utmost, foremost, innermost等。 2)elder类 指以-er结尾的形容词,如 elder, inner, other, latter等。,Her elder brother is 16.(正) Her brother is elder.(误) 3)-en类 指以-en结尾的形容词,如 wooden, golden, earthern等表示物质的形容词。 Note:有些多功能形容词,在某些特定意义上只用作前置定语。 eg:her right shoe 穿在她右脚上的

3、鞋(不可说:the shoe that is right),3.后置定语形容词,指在用作定语时,须放在被修饰的词之后的形容词,可分为下面几种情况。 1)少数形容词或分词习惯上或在某种意义上后置作定语 常用的有:general, immemorial,extraordinary(特派的)等。 eg:from time immemorial 远古以来 Governor General(英)总督 2)由前缀a-构成的形容词作定语时要求后置 常见的有:afraid, alive, alone, alike, ashamed, asleep, awake等。,eg:He is the only man

4、awake at that time.他是当时唯一醒着的人。 3)修饰由no, some, any, every构成的复合不定代词的形容词要求后置。 something new nothing interesting 4)形容词用来修饰称呼时可以后置 mother dear 亲爱的母亲 my lady sweet 亲爱的夫人 5)某些形容词作非限制性定语时可以后置 The boy ,slient ,stood at the door.那个男孩一声不吭地站在门旁。,6)形容词成对使用时须后置 It was March,balmy and warm.阳春三月,莺飞草长。 7)形容词短语(或形容词性

5、的其他短语)一般后置 Have you found a man suitable for the work ? (形容词+介词短语) I didnt know she was a woman so difficult to please.(形容词+不定式) He is a man (who is )so noble and strong-minded that even his enemies admired him.(so+形容词+that+从句) Note:某些形容词如果本身有修饰语,有时前置后置均可,意义上没有变化。 eg: a 300-metre high building a bui

6、lding 300-metre high (一幢300米高的大楼),8)前后置定语的两点补充说明 (1)不定式作定语须后置,但用连字符的不定式被,动式要前置;分词短语一般后置,但过去分词有时可以前置;用连字符的介词短语要前置。 a much-to-be-longed-for place一个非常令人神往的地方 a never-to-be-forgotten face 一个难忘的面容 a quarter-past-eight train 一次八点一刻的列车 (2)一般来讲,前置定语形容词同中心词结构紧密,表示该中心词的较永久的特征,而后置定语形容词多表示暂时的特性。 the stars visib

7、le(在特定的情况下)能看见的星星 the visible stars (在一般情况下)能看见的星星,4.表语形容词,指只用作表语的形容词,可分为如下两种(少数这类词亦可作补语)。 1)afraid,alive,aglow,asleep,aware,aground, abloom,alone,amiss,ashamed,awash等以前缀a-开首的形容词 The sky was aglow with the setting sun.晚霞满天 上述这些词都不能做前置定语,但当它们本身带有副词修饰时,又可做前置定语。 eg: a really alive student 一个非常活跃的学生,Not

8、e:(1)这类形容词(短语)可用作状语,可用某些副词修饰,可有自己的比较级或者最高级(用more和most),有些可后接介词短语,不定式短语或从句。,eg:Alone,he did not care much about food. Sally is fast asleep. He felt more ashamed than ever. Her face was ablaze with happiness. (2)aloff,alert可随意用做前置定语 eg:She is an alert girl.她是一个很机灵的女孩。 2)well,worth,subject,content,ill,

9、sunk,drunk, sure,unable等词 eg:The film is worth seeing.(正) This is a worth film.(误),Note:ill不作“生病”解时,可用做前置定语。如ill luck(厄运),ill wind(逆风),ill news(坏消息)等。,另外,英语惯用法要求,alike等表语形容词用much,very much或习惯搭配的副词修饰不用very修饰。 eg:He is very asleep.(误) He is fast asleep.(正) He is sound asleep.(正) 但,Im very well.(正) Im

10、much(very much) well.(误),5.静态形容词与动态形容词,参考课本 P260 “动态形容词与静态形容词” 补充:1)动态形容词常用于“it is+形容词+of.”结构,静态形容词常用于“it is+形容词+for.”结构 It is kind of you to do that. It is easy for us to do that. Note:动态形容词与静态形容词都可用在以how开头的感叹句中。 eg:How dull the book is ! How small the cat is !,2)动态形容词作表语时可与forsake结构连用,也可与表语的附加语连用,

11、而静态形容词则不可 She was careful only reluctantly.(正) She was tall only reluctantly.(误),Note: (1)动态形容词用于进行时态,表示人在某种情况下的行动,是一种暂时的变化着的特征和状态,表现说话人的批评,抱怨,惊讶,谴责,赞扬等情感。 eg:You are being cruel.(相当于Dont be so cruel!) (2)tall,young,smart等静态动词,不可用于祈使句,但有时可用于进行时态,具有动态性,表示某种暂时变化着的特征或状态。,eg:She is being young today.(相当

12、于She is making an effort today to appear younger.今天,她尽力显得年轻些。) (3)有些形容词兼有动态性和静态性。difficult做动态形容词时,意为“刁难、与人为难”;hard做动态形容词时,意为“苛刻、严厉”。 He is being difficult! 他在刁难人! Dont be so hard on me. 不要待我这样苛刻。,6.只能作定语不能做表语的形容词,1)某些起特指作用或强调作用的形容词(但firm,true,certain等在某些意义上可用作表语) a certain winner 某位获胜者 a true schola

13、r 真正的学者 He ia a complete fool.(正) The fool is complete.(误) 2)某些源自名词等的形容词 That is an electric calculator.(正) The calculator is electric .(误),其他还有:advance先头的,apres-ski滑雪后的,burnt,wooden,outboard船外的,wild-cat不切实际的. Note:英语中有些形容词,既可作定语,也可作表语,但表示的意思往往不同。比较: He felt faint for lack of enough rest。(昏厥的) He ha

14、d a very faint hope of success.(渺茫的),7.介词用作形容词,英语中有些介词,可放在名词前起形容词的作用,作定语,也可作表语。例如: 1)above the above sentence或the sentence above(上面的) 2)outside an outside door(外边的)an outsiade wrapping(外包装) 3)in Thats the in place to go now.(时髦的) an in door (朝里面的) 4)inside the inside front(书等)封面的背面(里面的),5)down a dow

15、n platform 下行列车月台(向下的) make a down payment(现付的) 6)off off hours (业余时间的) fell off(不舒服的) 7)after in after years (以后的) an after cabin(后部的) 8)through a through train (直达的)a through ticket(通票) You are through.电话通了。(但在美国表示通话完毕),8.复合形容词 详见课本P259“单词形容词和复合形容词” 9.主动意义形容词和被动意义形容词 详见课本P263“主动意义和被动意义” 10.由现在分词转换

16、而来的-ing形容词 详见课本P263“由-ing分词转换而来的形容词” 11.由过去分词转换而来的-ed形容词 详见课本P263“由-ed分词转换而来的形容词”,12.名词+-ed分词构成的形容词,有一类形容词是由“名词+-ed”构成的,这类形容词通常作定语。 eg:a skilled politician 老练的政治家 a gifted musician 有天赋的音乐家 a heavily bearded man 长一大把胡子的人,二 .形容词的功能: 1.作定语,He is the greatest writer alive. 他是依然健在的最伟大的作家。 Someone else ha

17、s done it. 注意下面几个作定语的形容词的含义: A heavy eater 吃得多的人(=somebody who eats heavily) A poor doctor- 精神病医生 患精神病的医生 An English teacher-英语教师 英国人教师,2.做补语,形容词作主语补足语和宾语补足语时,可以表示其现状、状态,也可以表示某一动作的结果(如 knock sb.senseless),并常用在表示“认为,看待”的动词如 believe,prove,consider等后。 e.g. The news made her very sad.(宾语补足语) The Interne

18、t has made the global village possible.(宾语补足语) The bottle was found empty.(主语补足语) The facts proved his accusation groundless. 事实证明他的指责是毫无根据的。,3.作状语,形容词(短语)可作状语,其位置可以是句首、句中和句末;形容词作状语时,可以看作“being+形容词”结构或when、if、because等从句的省略,表示时间、方式、原因、伴随、让步、强调、条件等,或对主语进行解释,说明主语是什么一种情况;或进行强调。 e.g. Ripe, the oranges wi

19、ll sell at a good price.(时间) Alice tiptoed to the bed, carefully not to wake the baby.(方式),Eager to see the sunrise, they got up at four.(原因) Cheerful and warm-hearted, she gave help to a lot of people.(伴随,起补充说明的作用) Energetic and enthusiastic, he plunged into the new work.(说明主语的状态) John is big and b

20、usy.(强调,=very busy) The building is fine and tall.(强调,=very tall) 注意:1. 上述作状语的形容词,若位于主语后,强调性较弱,若位于句尾,则强调性最强。 e.g. He, sad and tired, slept all day.(弱) He slept all day , sad and tired.(强),2.有些形容词如 strange, funny, curious, odd, important, surprising, remarkable 等作状语时,表示的是评注性的说明,是说话者的某种看法,前面可加 more 或

21、most ,转换成 It is that 句型。 e.g. Strange, he is ignorant of it. 很奇怪,那件事他竟一点也不知道。 True, he has done his best. 3.bitter 等亦可用作副词,作状语 如 bitter cold 酷寒, red hot 炽热,dead asleep 熟睡, dead sure 铁定, awful sick 病得厉害, a real good time 好时光 .,4.做表语,在下列三类系动词或感官动词后,要用形容词作表语,不可用副词。 1.表示“是,在”的动词要求用形容词作表语。 remain, keep 持

22、续在,continue 继续在,stay 保持,stand 位于,come 果然变成,等。 He remained silent at the meeting. 2.表示“变成,成为”的动词要求用形容词作表语。 Grow, turn, get, go, come,等。 3.感觉,感官动词要求用形容词作表语。,5.做主语 6.感叹语,形容词可以用作主语,往往成对使用,具有名词化的特点。 e.g. Old and young joined in the discussion. Rich or poor meant the same to him. 形容词还可做宾语。 e.g. They cant

23、tell right from wrong. 有些形容词可作感叹语,表达某种情绪。 e.g. Shocking! Ive never heard of such a thing. Wonderful! Sing us another song.,三. 形容词的级: 1.比较级和最高级,此处略去,2.没有比较级和最高级的形容词,1.表示“完全、特别”等意义的形容词(副词)。 omnipresent无所不在的,final, fatal致命的,hopeless,almighty全能的,universal普遍的,utter(ly), total(ly), thorough(ly), full, emp

24、ty等。包括其他带有前缀或后缀in-,im-, un-,ill-,-less 的形容词。 e.g. Jim is a faultless man.(正) Jim is a most faultless man.(误) 2.表示“极限、主次”等的形容词(副词)。 chief(ly), extreme(ly), infinite, main, maximum, minimum, major, fundamental, primary, utter-most 等。,3.表示“几何形状”的形容词 angular角形的,circular, level, oblong长方形的,oval椭圆形的,round

25、, square, vertical垂直的,horizontal水平的,triangular三角形的 等。 4.表示“处所、方位、时间”的形容词(副词) ahead, daily, weekly, here, now, present, then, there, forward, backward, outside, future, once 等。 注:east, north, 等,还有left,right, back, middle 等虽没有比较级, 但可加-most 构成最高级。 5.表示“状态”的形容词 agape目瞪口呆的,afloat漂浮的,alight烧着的,ashamed,ash

26、ore, asleep,blind, deaf, dumb, dead 等。,6.表示“性质、材料、国籍”等的形容词 American, economic, earthen泥土做的,golden, sonic,声音的,wooden,woolen羊毛制的,spiritual精神的 等。 7.表示“独一无二”的形容词 invincible战无不胜的, mere, only, single, sheer, sole, unique, unrivalled无敌的 等。 8.表示强调的形容词(副词) barely,favorite, hardly, own, scarcely, simply, very

27、 等。 Junior,senior, inferior, superior, prior, posterior, previous 等词,3.加more和most构成比较级和最高级的形容词,1.由分词转化成的形容词 tiring, astonishing, shocking, discouraging, charming, tired, astonished, shocked,discouraged, charmed 等 。 e.g. You are more learned than he. 2.描述某种特征、品质或具有强调意义的形容词。 right, wrong, real, like,

28、fond, glad, common, polite,mad, free, clear, calm, fit, frank, drunk, true,cheerful, cautious, antique, keen热心的,pale 等。 e.g. She is more lucky than clever.,注:long, high, thick, wide等表示度量的词, 在此结构中,仍加-er, -est 构成比较级和最高级。 The window is higher than its wide. 3.一些以两个辅音字母结尾的单音节形容词 The director is more jus

29、t than others. The place is more worth visiting. Mother is more strict with her than father. 4.表示国籍的形容词,转义表示该国人的行为举止时 She is more English than the English. His accent is more French than yours. 5.通常能用作表语的双音节形容词,如alive, aware, alone, alike, apart, content 等。 He is more aware of the danger than you. S

30、he is more content to do the work than before.,6.单音节形容词作后置定语或宾语补足语时 e.g. Weve never met a man more kind and brave than he is. He found it more easy to read this book. 7.当形容词不是用作比较,而是强调其本身所表示的含义时 e.g. He prefers a more sweet type of beer. They are most keen.他们很热心。 8.有一个单音节或双音节形容词加另一个形容词或分词构成的复合形容词关系密

31、切时 short-sighted more short-sighted most short-sighted cold-blooded more cold-blooded most cold-blooded e.g. He is a most public-spirited man. It is difficult to find a more kind-hearted man than he is.,四 .形容词的位置,1.形容词作定语时,通常放在被修饰词之前。 2.形容词短语作定语时放在名词后。 3.形容词放在-thing, -one, -body 等结尾的复合词后。 有时也见到形容词放在

32、something之前的情况,此时 something前有定冠词修饰,可视为something被名词化了。 e.g. There was the mysterious something glowing with faint blue in the distance. 4.当形容词(一个或数个)与其他词类共同修饰一个名词时,在意义上同名词关系最密切的词最靠近该词 其排列次序如下:,冠词或指示形容词(a, an, the, this, that, there, etc) 所有格(my, our, Johns, etc) 序数词 基数词 表示特征或性质的词(good, pretty,etc) 大小

33、、长短、高低 年龄、温度、新旧 形态、形状(round, square, etc) 颜色 国籍、地区、出处 物质、材料 用途、类别、目的、与有关(medical, writing, etc),五.其他,1.以 well 等构成的复合形容词有两种比较级和最高级 well-known better-knownbest-known more well-known most well-known old-fashioned older-fashionedoldest-fashioned more old-fashioned most old-fashioned 但只能说:well-to-do more

34、 well-to-domost well-to-do 以bad构成的复合词,也只有一种比较级和最高级形式。 bad-tempered worse-tempered worst-tempered,2.Responsible,involved, responsible 等做定语时可前置也可后置,但意义不同 the man responsible 应负责任的,应受归咎的 the responsible man 可以信赖的,有责任感的 the issues involved 有关的,有牵连的 an involved style 复杂的 the members present 出席的,在座的 the p

35、resent members 现有的,1.- How was your recent visit to Qingdao? - It was great. We visited some friends,and spent the _days at the seaside. A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. few sunny last B。 本题考查多个形容词的排序问题。一般与被修饰形容词关系密切的形容词靠近名词;如果几个形容词的重要性差不多,音节少的形容词在前,音节多的方在后,在不能确定时,可参照下表: 限定词+

36、数量词(序数词在前,基数词在后)+性状形容词+大小、长短、高低等形体+新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+名词,小牛试刀,2. If I had_, Id visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting place. A. a long enough holiday B. an enough long holiday C. a holiday enough long D. a long holidayenough 答案是A. 本题是语序测试题,enough 应紧跟在所修饰形容词之后. 3.How beautifully she sings! I ha

37、ve never heard _. A. the better voice B. a good voice C. the best voice D. a better voice 答案是D. 根据题意应采用比较级形容词,这句话相当于I have never heard such a good voice before.,4.-Mum, I think Im _ to get back to school. -Not really, my dear. Youd better to stay at home for another day or two. A. so well B. so good

38、 C. well enough D. good enough 答案是C. 对话的内容是谈论身体情况,所以形容词应选用well. 另外, enough作副词修饰形容词时应放在形容词之后. 5.The story sounds_. A. to be true B. as true C. being true D. true 答案是D. sound是连系动词,后面应接形容词作表语。,6.The experiment was_ easier than we had expected. A. more B. much more C. much D. more much 答案是C. much可修饰比较级,

39、因此B,C都说得通,但easier本身已是比较级,不需more,因此C为正确答案。 7.One day they crossed the _bridge behind the palace. A. old Chinese stone B. Chinese old stone C. old stone Chinese D. Chinese stone old 答案A. 几个形容词修饰一个名词,他们的排列顺序是:年龄,形状,大小+颜色+来源+质地+用途+国家+名词。,七.同学们的问题,1.有些形容词与某些名词搭配时,既可前置也可后置,但与另外一些名词搭配时,却只能取一个位置,这样的名词有哪些? 2.什么是关系分句? 关系分句是由关系词引导的分句结构。这种分句结构又称“定语从句”,因为这种分句的主要功能是作名词修饰语(即“定语”)。详见课本第33讲 “关系分句”,3.那些词可以形容词化?这些词有什么区别? 介词,-ing分词, -ed分词详见PPT,Thank you !,


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