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1、1,Teaching grammar: research, theory and practice,Penny Ur ETAI miniconference Rehovot, February 2010,2,Some questions: grammar within a communicative methodology,Is learner mastery of correct grammar a major aim in (communicative) language teaching? If it is, then how should it be taught?,3,What do

2、 you think?,Would you agree or disagree with the following statement? Its not important for students to use correct grammar when they are talking, as long as they are getting their message across. Its not important for students to use correct grammar when they are writing, as long as they are gettin

3、g their message across.,4,Accuracy is important because,From the point of view of the hearer/reader, inaccuracy, even if it doesnt affect meaning, is distracting, jarring discourteous may lower respect for the speaker/writer,5,And because, from the point of view of the speaker/writer, inaccuracy may

4、 lower self-confidence lower self-respect as a language user,6,And because,from the point of view of the teacher, professionalism means teaching the language as best we can.,7,Research and theory,implicit and explicit teaching noticing the teachability hypothesis exemplar-based learning,8,Implicit a

5、nd explicit teaching,The goal is implicit knowledge of correct grammar (i.e. getting it right without thinking about it) BUT Does this imply implicit teaching (no explanations)?,9,Implicit teaching,Krashen (1981): input hypothesis You learn by getting lots of comprehensible input The Natural Approac

6、h The Interaction Hypothesis (Long, 1985) You learn by interacting Task-based learning,10,Explicit teaching,BUT: Explicit grammar teaching appears to be helpful Spada (1997) Norris and Ortega (2001) But: only explicit teaching doesnt produce people who can communicate,11,The relationship between exp

7、licit and implicit knowledge,The non-interface position The weak interface position The strong interface position,12,So where does that leave us?,13,Noticing,Schmidt: There is no such thing as unconscious acquisition of a second language Noticing is necessary for learning Intake is that part of the

8、input which has been noticed Incidental learning is possible, provided that noticing takes place,14,The teachability hypothesis,There is a natural developmental sequence of acquisition of morpho-syntactical structures, impervious to teaching. Teaching of a grammatical feature will be effective only

9、if the learner is developmentally read to acquire it. Teaching of a feature when a learner is not ready may have a detrimental effect. (Pienemann, 1984),15,Exemplar-based learning,You learn grammar by accumulating lots of memorized exemplars Through extensive exposure + noticing Importance of learni

10、ng grammatical chunks Ellis (N.) (2002): frequency Nattinger and DeCarrico (1992), Wray (2000): formulaic sequences,16,So the conclusion so far is that,17,You need:,communication + some explicit teaching of grammar you need to notice you may not learn new grammar because youre not ready for it you n

11、eed lots of exposure to grammatical chunks (exemplars),18,Some practical models,Task-based + Focus on form Task-based + Consciousness-raising Practice-based instruction,19,Task-based + focus on form,A communicative task, with incidental focus on form . focus on form. overtly draws students attention

12、 to linguistic elements as they arise incidentally in lessons whose overriding focus is on meaning or communication (Long, 1991: 45-46),20,May be based on:,error correction noticing of salient forms in texts teacher- or student-initiated attention to a lanaguage feature Originally: unplanned, brief

13、(Long, 1991) But later: largely planned, extended (Ellis, 2001, Shak & Gardner, 2008),21,Task based + consciousness-raising,Practice is not helpful (some research, experience, the teachability hypothesis). But awareness of grammatical rules, forms and meanings may facilitate later acquisition So: Oc

14、casional lessons where learners attention is drawn to forms, often in the shape of an explicit rule Discussion of examples, and some intellectual effort,22,Practice-based teaching,The transformation of declarative into procedural knowledge by a process of automatization through practice (Dekeyser, 2

15、007) Underpinning in cognitive psychology: skill theory Research evidence that it helps (Van Patten and Cadierno, 1993; Muranoi, 2007),23,PPP,Skill-theory, practice-based,The communicative approach,Input-based,Task-based,Focus on form,Consciousness-raising,24,Implications for classroom teaching,Prob

16、lems with implementing research-based theory in practice: Varied, sometimes incompatible, conclusions Insufficient attention paid to purely pedagogical factors,25,Ultimately: the teacher decides,Teaching is informed, but not determined, by research-based theory (Widdowson). Methodological decisions

17、are taken by the teacher within particular situations, determined by pedagogical constraints + professional judgement.,26,A suggestion: five basic components of grammar teaching,Task-based + focus on form Presentation- and practice-based Communication only Focus on form only Exemplar-based teaching,

18、27,Task-based + focus on form,The basis of the lesson is a communicative task. We may teach bits of grammar / vocabulary / spelling before, during or after: but the focus is always on the communicative task. Example: an agree/disagree discussion:,28,A communicative task,Discuss how far you agree wit

19、h the following statements The teacher should correct me when I make a mistake. Agree .Disagree The teacher should ask other students to correct me when I make a mistake. Agree .Disagree The teacher should get me to correct myself. Agree .Disagree The teacher should make me rewrite essays after shes

20、 corrected them. Agree .Disagree The teacher should not only correct me, but also explain why what I said was wrong. Agree .Disagree,29,Meaning-focused: Pair/group work Full-class summary and discussion Form-focused: modal should object / reflexive pronouns (correct me/myself),30,2. Presentation + p

21、ractice,A grammatical rule, presented inductively or deductively Then: practice activities, progressing from mainly form to mainly meaning focus.,31,Example: The Present Perfect,Conventional form-focus Nina is looking everywhere but she cant find her keys. She (lose them) Peter weighs only 50 kilos.

22、 Last month, he weighed 60. He (be on a diet),32,Example: The Present Perfect,1. Focus on meaning, but controlled form Find someone who. .has slept in a cave._ _ . has eaten caviar _ _ . has visited India _ _ . has been in a car accident _ _,33,2. Focus on meaning, semi-controlled form (sentence com

23、pletion): Since this time last year, I have . 3. Focus on meaning, free sentence-making Think of a situation (using the present perfect) that would produce the reaction 1. Oh dear! 2. Wonderful! 3. What a surprise! 4. Congratulations! 5. Help! 6. What a relief! 7. What a pity 8. Thank you! 9. What a

24、 pity! 10. Im sorry! 11. Oh no! 12. (sigh),34,4. Focus on meaning, full paragraph writing:,Today is picture B. What has happened since yesterday (picture A)?,35,5. Focus on communication Group discussion: You are a committee of experts who have to interview candidates for a specific course or profes

25、sion. Your candidate is requesting: to become a marriage counsellor to become a kindergarten teacher to join the police force to work on a summer camp for teenagers to become an ambulance driver,36,3. Communication only,Receptive: listening to recorded or improvised speech extensive reading watching

26、 movies, TV Productive: talking, communication games exchanging information, creative or transactional writing,37,4. Form-focus only,Examples: Tip of the day isolated language points Grammar rule explanations Analysis of formulaic sequences Comparison with L1,38,5. Exemplar-based,Familiarization or

27、learning by heart of: Chants Poems Proverbs Dialogues Songs Performances: sketches or plays,39,Variable selection and emphasis: Two examples,Grammar teaching procedures in the following situations: ELF at elementary level in a state school A university EAP course,40,A. ELF at elementary level in a s

28、tate school,Predominantly: Presentation and practice Exemplar-based learning Focus on communication Occasionally: Form-focus only Task-based group work,41,B. Young adults in a university EAP course,Predominantly: Task-based + reactive form-focus Form-focus only Communication only Occasionally: Prese

29、ntation + practice Very occasionally: Exemplar-based,42,In conclusion,Research and theory have not produced a consensus on the best way to teach grammar. They have produced many interesting and suggestive insights. The practical five-component model proposed here is one possible basis for decisions about the treatment of grammar in materials for specific contexts.,43,Thanks for listening!,,


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