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1、应用文体翻译赏析,公示语翻译 旅游文体,公示语(public signs)文体特点,语言冼练、简明扼要、引人注意、句法独特 一、词法特点 1 名词中心论-直接显示特点信息 A no+名词 非公莫入 No Admittance except on Business 不准携带食物和饮料 No Food and Beverage,公示语(public signs)文体特点,B 名词+过去分词 谢绝参观 Inspection Declined 此路封闭 Road Closed 厕所有人 Toilet Engaged 允许停车 Parking Permitted 严禁吸烟 Smoking Strictl

2、y Prohibited,公示语(public signs)文体特点,C 名词+副词 请勿手摸 Hands Off 闲人免进 Staff Only 前方施工 Working Ahead 八折优惠 20% Off,公示语(public signs)文体特点,D 名词单独使用 餐饮部 Food & Beverage 收费站 Tollgate 注册登记 Registration 贵宾停车场 VIP Car Park,公示语(public signs)文体特点,2 频繁使用动词其目的是要公众采取行动 请记住: 将需要清洗的毛巾放在地板上; 将准备继续使用的毛巾挂在毛巾架上。 您的举手之劳将有助于环保。

3、谢谢 Please remember to: Put towels you want washed on the floor, Leave towels you will use again on the towel racks. This simple gesture helps to protect the environment,thank you.,公示语(public signs)文体特点,二、句法特点 1 多省略-核心词汇 允许掉头 U-Turn OK 现在营业 Open Now 酒水另付 Beverage Not Included 提供外卖 Take Away Service A

4、vailable,公示语(public signs)文体特点,2 多现在时 如果电梯出现故障,请拨打020-936397求助,我们为由此造成的任何不便深表歉意。 If this lift is out of order,please call 020-736397 for assistance. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.,公示语(public signs)文体特点,3 多祈使句 抓紧扶手 Hold the Hand Rail 调低车窗通风 Lower windows for ventilation 详细规则条款见背页 See reve

5、rse for Full Rules and Conditions,公示语(public signs)文体特点,三、语篇特点 篇幅mini独词、独句、独图均可成篇 回避生僻词语,易于受众者接受。 买二赠一 Buy Two Get One Free 顾客服务处 Customer Service 勿与司机交谈 Do not Speak to the driver,公示语的基本功能,1 指示性公示语周到的信息服务(信息多静态) 门诊部 Out-patient Department 机场休息室 Airport lounge 夜总会 Night-Club,公示语的基本功能,2 提示性公示语 油漆未干 W

6、et Paint 售完 Sold Out 正在清扫地板 Floor Cleaning in Progress,公示语的基本功能,3 限制性公示语信息多动态 慢速驶出 Slow Out 高温、勿触 Hot! Avoid Contact 来客请到门房登记 All visitors Please report to Gate Warder,公示文体的误译分析,1 小心碰头 Attention Your Head Mind (Lower) Your Head 2 新华人寿保险公司 New China Life Insurance Co Ltd Xinhua Life Insurance Co Ltd

7、3 教师休息室 Teachers restroom Teachers Lounge,公示文体的误译分析,4 社会保险局 Social Insurance Bereau Social Security Bereau 5 发展是硬道理 Development is a hard reason NO DEVELOPMENT,NO SURVIVING Development is of vtal importance.,公示文体的误译分析,6 小草微微笑,请您走便道 Little grass is smiling slightly.Please walk on pavement. Keep off t

8、he grass. Little grass has life.Do Take care of her. 7 请节约用水 Please save water Every drop (of water) counts,公示文体的误译分析,8 游客止步 Guests go no further Staff Only 9 本院为无烟医院 Smoking is not allowed in this hospital. Smoking-free Hospital 10 收银台 Receive Silver Counter CASHIER Counter,即兴训练,1 凭此宣传单优惠15% 2 儿童与老

9、人免费 3 前方学校请慢行 4 限速每小时48公里 5 此池塘禁止游泳、垂钓 6 正在开会,请保持安静 7 馆内不许拍照、录像 8 仅限紧急情况下使用 9 停车时限30分 早6时晚6时货车需许可证 10 门票在检票处免费索取,如需帮助,请找工作人员,5:30 停止入园。,旅游文体,是一种信息型文体,呼唤型文体,以描述见长,与民俗文化不可分离。 1 短小精悍 2 生动活泼 3 通俗易懂 4 信息量大 5 集文学性、艺术性、宣传性和广告性于一体,旅游文体词汇特点,1 大量使用特定文化专有名词 苏堤 Su Causeway 玉皇山 Jade Emperor Hill 威斯敏斯特大教堂 Westmin

10、ster Abbey 西子 Chinese Cleopatra(Xizi),旅游文体词汇特点,2 常用优美的文学性较强的形容词 风景如画 picturesque 细致精巧 exquisite 田园诗般 idyllic 形态各异 spectacular 沁人心脾 frangrant 风姿迷人 enchanting bewitching,旅游文体句法特点,1 句型灵活多变,长短不一 2 频繁使用修饰语 3 时态多为现在时(景区历史传说除外) 4 语态多用被动态以突显静态 5 适当引用诗词与古典文体,城市介绍,青岛座落在山东半岛南部,依山临海,天姿秀美,气候宜人,人称“东方瑞士”。白天。青岛宛如镶嵌

11、在黄海边的绿宝石。夜里则像一只在大海中摆动的摇篮。难怪许多人来这里疗养。 Qingdao,known as the “Switzerland of the Orient,”is situated on the southern tips of Shandong Peninsula. Wedged between hills and waters, the city is endowed with beautiful scenery and a delightful climate. By day,she looks like a green gem inlaid in the coastlin

12、e of the Yellow Sea and,at night, a cradle rocking upon the sea waves.No wonder so many people come to seek rest and relaxation here.,城市介绍,杭州的春天,浓妆淡抹,无不相宜;夏日荷香阵阵,沁人心脾;秋天,桂枝飘香,菊花斗艳;冬日,穷装玉琢,俏丽媚人。西湖以变幻多姿的风韵,令人心旷神怡。 Sunny or rainy,Hangzhou looks its best in spring. In summer the fragrance of lotus flowe

13、rs gladdens the heart and refreshes the mind. Autumn brings with it the sweet scent of laurel flowers,and chrysanthemums are in full bloom.In winter the snow scenery looks just like jade-carvings,charming and beautiful.The ever-changing aspects of beauty of West Lake makes one care-free and joyous.,

14、城市介绍,具有两千年历史的剑桥市座落在康河岸上,闻名于世的剑桥大学就在这里。近八百年前,牛津大学的学生对他们的学校产生了不满。所以他们创建了这所大学。 Resting on the bank of the River Cam for over two thousand years,the City of cambridge is home to the pretigious University of Cambridge.When Oxford University students felt discontent with their school,they established the

15、University of cambridge nearly eight hundred years ago.,景点介绍,九寨沟是个童话的世界。 冬天的九寨沟,童话的意味更长。 Nine-Village Valley is a world of fairy tales. In winter, it has a lot more to tell.,景点介绍,颤悸的枯枝,倔强地傲立在雪野上,似大自然敏感的神经,在默默诉说着生命的奥秘;披着霜雪的斑驳古树,如龙钟的老者,面对湛蓝深邃的湖水,恍若回忆岁月的沧桑;不竭的瀑流,在乱石雪堆和冰凌铺成的道路上,依然编织着不甘寂寞的歌,而那歌声却使这世界显得愈加

16、辽阔和寂静。,景点介绍,Standing still in the snowy fields,resembling Natures sensitive nerves, the withered twigs are telling the mystery of life. Facing the dark blue lake, like an aged man, the age-old snow-clad trees are recalling the ups and downs of their past years. Along the road paved with rubbles, sno

17、w drifts and icicles, the endless waterfalls keep composing her resounding song which makes this world even wider and all the more silent.,景点介绍,西湖在杭州市的西部,面积约6.03平方公里,其中,水面积5.2平方公里,湖岸周长15公里。 Situated to the west of Hangzhou,the West Lake area covers 6.03 square meters,with a water area of 5.2 square

18、kilometers and a circumference of 15 kilometers.,饭店介绍,京伦饭店位于首都市中心,通体洁白,像一方无暇的美玉,镶嵌在十里长安街上。 Hotel Beijing-Toronto,located in the downtown area of Chinas capital, Beijing,decoratd in white,resembles a piece of pure jade embedded in the ten-mile Changan Avenue.,饭店介绍,饭店主楼12层,拥有客房659间,各式餐厅、酒吧、宴会厅多功能厅齐备,并有商务中心、商场、室内游泳池等项服务设施。 The main building of the hotel,12 stories high,has 659 rooms and suites,a variety of restaurants,bars,banquet rooms and function rooms as well as a complete set of service facilities including business centers,shopping arcade and in-door swimming pool.,


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