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1、BR2-Napoleon-main,Napoleon Bonaparte,1. A Brief Introduction to Napoleon Bonaparte,2. The Battle of Waterloo,3. Napoleons Campaign,BR2-Napoleon-1.1,A Brief Introduction to Napoleon Bonaparte,Napoleon Bonaparte (17691821),Emperor of the French, who consolidated and institutionalized many reforms of t

2、he French Revolution. One of the greatest military commanders of all time, he conquered the larger part of Europe. During 1802-1815 Napoleon tried to gain control of the whole of Europe. He had great success against all his enemies except Britain, whose navy under Nelson defeated the French navy at

3、the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and whose army fought the Peninsular War against him from 1808 to 1814, making him weaker in his other campaigns.,II,BR2-Napoleon-1.2,In 1812 Napoleon lost half a million men when he invaded Russia in winter, and in 1814 the British, Russians, Prussians and Austrians

4、 entered Paris. They sent Napoleon to rule the island of Elba in the Mediterranean, but he collected an army around him and returned to Paris. He was soon defeated again, at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, and was sent to the island of St. Helena摩根索岛的海伦娜in the south Atlantic, where he died in 1821.,

5、BR2-Napoleon-1.3,French Revolution,BR2-Napoleon-1.4,Nelson纳尔逊,BR2-Napoleon-1.5,The Battle of Trafalgar 特拉法加,BR2-Napoleon-1.6,The Peninsular War 半岛战争,BR2-Napoleon-1.7,The Battle of Waterloo,1815年,在比利时的滑铁卢,拿破仑率领法军与英国、普鲁士联军展开激战,法军惨败。随后,拿破仑以退位结束了其政治生涯。滑铁卢被用来比喻惨痛的失败,BR2-Napoleon-1.8,The Island of St. Hel

6、ena,圣赫勒拿岛(Saint Helena),是大西洋中的一个岛,属英国,离非洲西岸1900公里,离南美洲东岸3400公里。圣赫勒拿岛与其北方的阿森松岛和南方的特里斯坦-达库尼亚群岛一起组成英国的圣赫勒拿殖民地。圣赫勒拿岛地形崎岖多山,终年温和。圣赫勒拿岛完全依靠英国的资助,1998年英国政府对圣赫勒拿岛的经济援助为500万英镑。1815年8月2日,拿破仑被放逐到圣赫勒拿岛。1821年5月5日,拿破仑病死,BR2-Napoleon-3.1,The Battle of Waterloo,The Battle of Waterloo is the final and decisive actio

7、n of the Napoleonic Wars, which effectively ended French domination of the European continent and brought about drastic changes in the political boundaries and the power balance of Europe. Fought on June 18, 1815, near Waterloo, in what is now Belgium, the battle ranks as a great turning point in mo

8、dern history.,II,BR2-Napoleon-3.2,II,The Battle of Waterloo,BR2-Napoleon-4.1,Napoleons Campaign,While allies in name, France and Russia were never real friends. Russias economy was being hurt by Napoleon Bonapartes Continental System that banned trade with Britain and internal pressures forced Tsar

9、Alexander to turn a blind eye to those who broke it. Bonaparte decided to bring the Russians back into line and gathered a Grand Army of more than 500,000 men - including contingents队伍 from all Frances allies - to frighten them. Bonaparte left the army on 5 December to return to Paris where a coup h

10、ad been foiled阻止 and to raise another army. His troops dragged themselves on and on 7 December finally crossed the Niemen涅曼河 out of Russian territory. They had survived, but only 20,000 of them.,II,BR3-world-main,World War II,Joseph Stalin,A Brief Introduction to the War,Adolf Hitler,Siege of Lening

11、rad,Stalingrad,BR3-world-2,II,BR3-world-3-1,A Brief Introduction to Adolf Hitler,II,BR3-world-4.1,Siege of Leningrad,BR3-world-4.2,Also known as the 900-Day Siege, blockade by German forces of the USSRs second largest city during World War II, from September 1941 to January 1944. The total destructi

12、on of Leningrad was one of Adolf Hitlers major objectives in his Russian campaign and had been specifically mentioned in the Barbarossa巴尔巴罗萨(德意志国王腓特烈一世 directive of December 18, 1940. The Nazi leader had described the city as a center of Jewish-Bolshevik intelligentsia.知识分子 There was to be no place

13、for Leningrad in the Nazi “New Order”.,Siege of Leningrad,BR3-world-5.1,Stalingrad,II,BR3-world-5.2,Stalingrad,II,BR3-world-6,Joseph Stalin,II,BR4-MAP-1.1,Map Reading,Read the following maps and answer the following questions.,1. Napoleons Russian Campaign, 1812 1) Find the following place names: Mo

14、scow, Borodino, and Neman River. 2) What happened in Borodino?,Click here to see the map!,2 Hitlers Russian Campaign, 19411944 1) When did the Hitlers Russian Campaign happen? 2) How long was Leningrad being besieged?,Click here to see the map!,BR4-MAP-1.2,Napoleons Russian Campaign,1) Find the foll

15、owing place names: Moscow, Borodino, and Neman River. 2) What happened in Borodino?,BR4-MAP-1.3,Hitlers Russian Campaign,1) When did the Hitlers Russian Campaign happen? 2) How long was Leningrad being besieged?,GR-PART1,Part Division of the Text,Part,Lines,Main Ideas,1,2,4,112,1362,114117,Introduct

16、ion - Both Napoleons and Hitlers military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter.,Napoleons military campaign against Russia.,Conclusion - The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign.,3,63113,Hitlers military campaign against the Soviet Union.,GR-tru

17、e1,True or False,“The icy defender” refers to the Russian river.,F,( ),1.,“The icy defender” refers to the bleak Russian winter.,Napoleon and his troops gained the quick victory in Russia as they had expected.,F,( ),2.,To Napoleons surprise, the Russians refused to stand and fight. They retreated ea

18、stward, burning their crops and homes as they went.,Napoleon didnt capture the capital of Russia.,F,( ),3.,Napoleon captured the capital of Russia: Moscow.,GR-true2,True or False,Hitler began an invasion of the Soviet Union that was the largest military land campaign in history.,T,( ),4.,German troo

19、ps adopted scorch-earth policy when they entered Russia.,F,( ),5.,Stalin instructed the Russian people to burn and destroy farms and factories.,Hitler failed to capture Moscow because of the strong resistance from Russian people.,F,( ),6.,Hitler failed to capture Moscow because of the severe winter

20、in Russia.,France,Napoleon,Prediction,Strength of invading force,Starting time of invasion,Starter of war,Country invaded,Invading country,GR-text1,A Comparison-and-Contrast Analysis of the Two Invasions,Spring, 1812,600,000,quick victory, conquest of Russia in 5 weeks,Germany,Soviet Union,Hitler,6/

21、22/1941,the largest land campaign in history,Blitzkrieg (lightning war), lasting no longer than 3 months,Text Analysis,Russia,GR-text2,A Comparison-and-Contrast Analysis of the Two Invasions,Text Analysis,Truce offer,Major battles,Capture of the Russian capital,Initial resistance strategy,refusing t

22、o stand and fight; retreating eastwards, burning crops and homes,“scorch the earth”, fierce fight to defend major cities,yes,no,Smolensk, Borodino, the Berezina River,Leningrad, Stalingrad,by Napoleon, rejected by the Czar,no,After-1.useful-1,Useful Expressions,1. 骄兵必败,pride comes before a fall,2. 战

23、无不胜,nothing could stand in their way,3. 奋勇抵抗,fierce resistance,4. 堪称无敌,be unequaled,5. 痛苦的教训,a painful lesson,6. 速决速胜,a quick, decisive victory,After-1.useful-2,Useful Expressions,7. 面临着一个重要抉择,be faced with a crucial decision,8. 孤注一掷,take the gamble,9. 激战,fierce battle,10. 等待时机,bide ones time,12. 成为

24、一场噩梦,turn into a nightmare,11. 向提出停战,offer a truce to,After-1.useful-3,13. 拖着脚步行进,drag on,14. 溃不成军的幸存者,the tattered survivors,15. 不宣而战,without a declaration of war,Useful Expressions,16. 闪电式战略,lightning war,17. “焦土”政策,“scorch the earth”,18. 处境变得危急,the situation becomes desperate,19. 食品匮乏,food runs o

25、ut,After-1.useful-4,20. 耐得住寂寞,a tolerance for solitude,Useful Expressions,21. 自给自足,self-sufficiency,22. 抵制诱惑,resist the temptation to do sth.,23. 怆然离去,leave with a feeling of sorrow,24. 自豪感,a sense of pride,25. 一旦经济形势好转,once economic conditions improve,26. 赚钱,earn money,After-4.discussion-1,Discussi

26、on,Translate the following Napoleons quotations and discuss his characters with your partner.,After-4.discussion-2,The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”. I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated. To really understand a man we must judge him in misfortune. He w

27、ho fears being conquered is sure of defeat.,凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。,我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。,要真正了解一个人,需在不幸中考察他。,怕吃败仗的人必然要打败仗。,After-4.discussion-3,If you wage war, do it energetically and with severity. This is the only way to make it shorter, and consequently less inhuman. There is a moment in every battle

28、at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow.,如果打仗,就要毫不留情地全力去打。这是缩短战争的唯一方法,因而也可以减少战争的残酷。,在每一场战争中,都有那么一刻,运用一点策略就是决定性的并带来优势,正如加一滴水就可以促成溢流一般。,After- 6. Proverbs-1,Proverbs and Quotations,兵马未动,粮草先行。,担惊受怕者航不了海。/ 懦者事之贼。,不动武,就斗智。,2. He that forecasts al

29、l perils, will never sail the sea.,3. Either by might or by sleight.,1. An army marches on its stomach.,After- 6. Proverbs-2,在战争中,任何拖延都是危险的。 - 英国诗人 J. 德莱顿,战争中只有输家,没有赢家,尽管双方不论哪一方均可能自称为胜利者。 - 英国首相 N. 张伯伦,Proverbs and Quotations,All delays are dangerous in war. - John Drydon, British poet,4.,In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers. - Nerille Chamberlain, British prime minister,5.,


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