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1、最新教学资料鲁教版英语Unit1 When was he born? 清单序号:1-7 清单 主备: 审核:一、重点短语1.出生 be born 2.一个冰盒 a box of ice 3.画画 paint pictures4.音乐天才 musical talent 5.音乐爱好者 music lover 6.遇到麻烦 get in trouble7.处于困境 be in trouble 8.期待做某事 expect to do 9.手头,在手边 at hand10.坚持做某事 keep on doing 11.破裂,解散 break up 12.因为 because of13.参军 join

2、 the army 14.被改编成电影 be made into a film15.表演京剧 perform Beijing Opera 16.一名巴西运动员 a Brazilian player17.在地上 on the ground 18.身体不好 have bad health19.病得很严重 become seriously ill 20.赢得一次滑冰比赛 win a skating competition21.钢琴诗人 the poet of the piano 22.触及听者的内心 touch the hearts of the listeners23.一位和蔼可亲的奶奶 a ki

3、nd and loving grandmother24.想方设法做某事 try every means to do 25.和某人一起度过/消磨 spendwith sb.26.为国家队效力 play for a national team 27.辍学 drop out of school28.出生于一个农民家庭 be born into a farmers family29.有天赋表演的人们 people with great talents 30.因做了某事羡慕某人admire sb. for doing sth.31.获得诺贝尔文学奖 win the Nobel Prize in Lite

4、rature二、重点句子1.他什么时候开始画这些画的? When did he start painting these pictures?2.他不得不想方设法去找书来读. He had to try every means to find books to read.3.手上没有别的书可读,他就开始读汉语词典. With no more books at hand, he started reading a Chinese dictionary.4.越来越多的人开始对他的作品感兴趣。More and more people are becoming interested in his wor

5、ks.5.他12岁时就辍学并参加了工作 When he was 12, he dropped out of school and started to work.6.有时他在学校的建筑物上画画时会遇到麻烦 He sometimes got in trouble for painting the buildings at school.7.莫言说他从来没有想过会得奖 Mo said he never expected to win the prize.8.他25岁时病得非常严重,一直到后来身体都非常差 He became seriously ill when he was 25 and cont

6、inued to have bad health into his old age.9.大家称他为“钢琴诗人”,因为他的音乐能够触及听者的内心 People called him the poet of the piano because his music could touch the hearts of his listeners.10.世界失去了一位音乐天才,但是他的精神在今天依然留存在他的作品中 The world lost a musical talent, but his spirit continues to live in his works today.11.在他的晚年,比

7、起开大型的演奏会,他更喜欢在他的公寓为几个朋友演奏 In his later years, he enjoyed playing at this apartment for a few friends more than giving big concerts.12.你多早开始学做事情都不为过 You are never too young to start doing things.13.李娜什么时候开始她的网球生涯的? When did Li Na start her life as a tennis player?14.他/她什么时候出生的?When was he / she born?最新精品英语资料


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