2019新课标英语艺考生文化课冲刺点金课件:Unit Twenty-four .ppt

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1、Unit Twenty-four,. 重点词汇必背 每个单元20个,其中重点单词15个,重点短语5个。 . 核心词汇运用 从本单元的重点词汇中选出核心单词7个和核心短语3个进行了精讲。 . 语法突破 对高考的各语法知识点进行精讲,并对该考点进行分析和训练。 或. 题型突破 对高考中的题型的进行分析,对它的解法进行归纳,并对该题型进行针对性训练。 . 作文模板必背 针对高考各话题列出模板,供考生记忆。 另配有【冲刺练】单元综合练习 是对命题的一种预测和对高考试题的提前演练。,一、重点单词 1. mental mentl adj. 心理的;智力的;内心的;精神病的 2. mention menn

2、n. 提及;记载 v. 提到,说起;提名表扬 3. merchant m:tnt n. 商人,生意人;批发商 adj. 商业的;商人的 4. metal metl n. 金属 adj. 金属制成的 5. method med n. 方法,办法 6. minimum minimm n. 最小量;最少数;最低限度 adj. 最小的;最少的;最低限度的 7. minority mainriti n. 少数;少数派;少数民族 8. mistake misteik n. 错误;过失 v. 弄错;错认,误会 9. mixture mikst n. 混合;混合物;混合剂 10. modern mdn adj

3、. 现代的,近代的,现代化的,新式的;时髦的,新潮的 11. modest mdist adj. 谦虚的,客气的;适中的;不过分的;端庄的;朴素的 12. moral mrl adj. 道德(上)的;精神上的;品行端正的 n.道德启示,教训;品行 13. motto mtu n. 箴言,座右铭;格言;警句 14. murder m:d v. 谋杀,杀害,屠杀;糟蹋,毁坏 n. 谋杀罪 15. musician mju(:)zin n. 音乐家,乐师 二、重点短语 16. keep calm保持镇静(别慌) 17. keep in touch with与(某人)保持联系 18. keep on

4、doing sth.继续做某事,留意做某事 19. keep / lose ones balance保持、失去平衡 20. keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事,构词 mentally adv. 心理上,智力上,精神上 用法 mental health 心理健康 mental illness 精神病 例句 His problem is mental, not physical. 他的问题是心理的而不是身体的。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 很显然,我们熟睡的时候,思想活动仍然不会停下来。 Its clear that _ does not stop whe

5、n were asleep. (2) 我们应该更注重心理健康。 We should pay more attention to our _. Keys: (1) mental activity (2) mental health,一、重点单词 1. mental adj. 心理的;智力的;内心的;精神病的,2. method n. 方法,办法,构词 methodology n. 方法学 用法 method of doing sth. 做的方法 例句 The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。 操练

6、根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 该学院采用新的外语教学法。 _ foreign languages are adopted in this institute. (2) 我们可以使用新的方法来完成它。 We can do it _. Keys: (1) New methods of teaching (2) by the new method,3. mistake n. 错误;过失 v. 弄错;错认,误会,构词 过去式: mistook 过去分词: mistaken 用法 make a mistake 犯错误 mistake for 把误认为当作 例句 You mistook my mean

7、ing entirely. 你完全误解了我的意思。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 善意很容易被误解为爱情。 Kindness is easily _ love. (2) 每个人不时都会犯错误。 Everyone may _ at times. (3) 我错拿了他的雨伞。 I took his umbrella _. Keys: (1) mistaken for (2) make mistakes (3) by mistake,4. mixture n. 混合;混合物;混合剂,构词 mix v. 混合,合成,掺入 用法 chemical mixture 化学混合物 mixture of

8、 tragedy and comedy 悲喜剧的混合 例句 She is mixing the mixture of flour and water. 她正在搅和面粉和水的混合物。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 空气是几种气体的混合物。 Air is a _ of gases. (2) 蓝色和黄色混合在一起就成了绿色。 If you _ blue _ yellow, youll get green. (3) 我听他的辩解,既感到有趣,又觉得不可信。 I listened to his excuse with _ amusement and disbelief. Keys: (1) m

9、ixture (2) mix with (3) a mixture of,5. modern adj. 现代的,近代的,现代化的,新式的;时髦的,新潮的,构词 modernize v. (使)现代化 用法 modern times 现代 例句 Modern agriculture is spoiling our beautiful country-side. 现代农业正在破坏我们美丽的农村。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 教育对于现代人十分重要。 Education is essential to _. (2) 很多现代人都长寿。 Many people live long heal

10、thy lives _. Keys: (1) modern men (2) in modern times,6. modest adj. 谦虚的,客气的;适中的;不过分的;端庄的;朴素的,构词 modesty n. 谦虚,虚心,朴实 modestly adv. 谦虚地,谨慎地,适当地 用法 modest in 在方面谦虚的 例句 Young girls must be modest in speech, dress and behavior. 年轻姑娘必须言辞谨慎、衣着得体、行为端庄。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 我以适中的价格买下了这所房子。 I bought the house

11、 at _. (2) 她仍然过着安静、有节制的生活。 She continued to lead a quiet and _. (3) 父母叮嘱我们要以谦虚的态度向别人学习。 Parents told us that we should learn from others _ attitude. Keys: (1) a modest price (2) modest life (3) in a modest,7. murder v. 谋杀,杀害,屠杀;糟蹋,毁坏 n. 谋杀罪,构词 murderer n. 杀人犯,凶手 用法 commit (a) murder 犯杀人罪 a case of m

12、urder 一件杀人案 a charge of murder 指控犯有谋杀罪 例句 The police arrived at the scene of murder. 警察来到谋杀现场。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 他的父母和姐姐都是被恐怖分子杀害的。 His parents and sister _ all _ the terrorists. (2) 他唱得很糟,糟蹋了这支歌曲。 He _ the song by poor singing. Keys: (1) were, murdered by (2) murdered,二、重点短语,比较 keep contact with

13、保持联络 例句 Lets keep in touch. 让我们保持联系。 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 他表示希望我们与他的公司保持联系。 He express the hope that we will _ with his firm. (2) 我经常读报来尽量了解时事。 I try to _ current events by reading the newspapers. Keys: (1) keep in touch (2) keep in touch with,8. keep in touch with 与(某人)保持联系,9. keep on doing sth. 继续做

14、某事,留意做某事,比较 keep doing 一直(不停地)做 例句 What will be the consequence if you keep on doing like this? 你要是继续这样做下去,会有什么结局呢? 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 我认为坚持锻炼是个好主意。 I think it would be a good idea to _ morning exercises. (2) 她虽然累了,但仍继续做下去。 Tired as she was, she _ it. Keys: (1) keep on doing (2) kept doing,10. keep

15、 sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事,比较 stop/prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 例句 I dont know of anything to prevent you from doing so. 我不知道有什么能阻止你这样做。 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 我想任何人都不能阻止我去做这件事。 I do not think anybody can keep me from doing _ it. (2) 我希望你不要做出任何鲁莽的事情来。 I hope you will _ nothing rash. Keys: (1)

16、keep/stop/prevent me from doing (2) keep from doing,一、直接引语和间接引语的概述,二、直接引语转为间接引语要转换的几个方面,三、直接引语转换为间接引语时,时间状语、地点状语及指示代词和个别表示方向性动词的变化情况,四、直接引语变间接引语的方法:,【引语高考考点分析】,引语的考查主要在两个方面:一是作谓语+宾语+宾语补充语,一种就是宾语从句。从句要注意语序。宾语从句部分的分析和讲解放到了名词性从句,这里不再重复。,【引语同步训练】,一、单项选择 ( )1.Jim said to me,“They have been to the Summer

17、Palace.” Jim told me they had been to the Summer Palace. A.where B.that C.when D.whether ( )2.“Shall we have a drink?” she said to me. She me a drink. A.said to;to have B.told to;having C.asked;to have D.said; have,B,C,【引语同步训练】,( )3.“I go to school on foot,” Li Lei said. Li Lei said . A.that I went

18、to school on foot B.I go to school on foot C.that he goes to school on foot D.he went to school on foot ( )4.My mother asked for the computer. A.did I pay how much B.I paid how much C.how much did I pay D.how much I paid,D,D,【引语同步训练】,( )5.He said,“Mother,the boy is very naughty.” He very naughty. A.

19、said his mother that the boy was B.said to his mother that the boy is C.told his mother that the boy was D.spoke to his mother that the boy was ( )6.“Youve already got well,havent you?” she asked. She asked . A.if I have already got well,hadnt you B.whether I had already got well C.have I already go

20、t well D.had I already got well,C,B,【引语同步训练】,( )7.The old man asked,“Are you a soldier or a policeman?” The old man asked me . A.am I a soldier or a policeman B.was I a soldier or a policeman C.whether I was a soldier or a policeman D.whether was I a soldier or a policeman ( )8.“Have you finished yo

21、ur homework?” the teacher asked me. The teacher asked me . A.had I finished my homework B.have I finished my homework C.if I have finished my homework D.whether I had finished my homework,C,D,【引语同步训练】,( )9.A friend of my sisters asked,“Where is your sister?” A friend of my sisters asked . A.where my

22、 sister was B.where my sister is C.where was my sister D.where is my sister ( )10.My mother said,“Dont play football on the street.” My mother me football on the street. A.asked;not to play B.said to;dont play C.asked;dont play D.said to;not to play,A,A,【引语同步训练】,二、用适当的引导词填空。 1.Mr.Green said he was h

23、appy to help you with your English. 2.Johnson asked me I liked playing football. 3.My friend Jane asked me I liked the film. 4.I asked our English teacher I needed to get ready for the English class. 5.My father asked me I went just now.,that,if/whether,how,what,where,【引语同步训练】,三、用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.“

24、The ship will set sail for Hainan.” the young lady said. The young lady said the ship (set) sail for Hainan. 2.The little girl said,“I learned it by myself.” The little girl said she (learn) it by herself. 3.Jenny said to me,“I have been waiting for you all the afternoon.” Jenny told me she (wait) f

25、or me all the afternoon.,would set,had learned,had been waiting,【引语同步训练】,4.My son said,“I went there yesterday.” My son said he (go) there yesterday. 5.The teacher said to us,“A friend in need is a friend indeed.” The teacher told us a friend in need (be) a friend indeed.,went,is,高考话题:文娱与体育(entertai

26、nment and sports)-生命在于运动 Nowadays students health is becoming worse.“Eating well,running slowly and jumping low” has been so common among teenagers. Its reported that about two thirds of the students are short-sighted. So doing sports is as important as study. It is necessary to arrange proper exerc

27、ises such as running,gymnastics,eye exercises every day, which is of great benefit to students health. For all the students,taking part in various sports activities is really a good chance for them to build up their bodies. Also,students should get rid of bad habits and do all kinds of sports to keep fit.(100 words),


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