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1、Unit Twenty,. 重点词汇必背 每个单元20个,其中重点单词15个,重点短语5个。 . 核心词汇运用 从本单元的重点词汇中选出核心单词7个和核心短语3个进行了精讲。 . 语法突破 对高考的各语法知识点进行精讲,并对该考点进行分析和训练。 或. 题型突破 对高考中的题型的进行分析,对它的解法进行归纳,并对该题型进行针对性训练。 . 作文模板必背 针对高考各话题列出模板,供考生记忆。,一、重点单词 1. horrible hrbl adj. 可怕的;令人恐惧的;恐怖的 2. host hust n. 主人;节目主持人 v. 做主人招待 3. hug hg v. 拥抱,抱紧 4. humo

2、(u)r hju:m n. 幽默,幽默感;诙谐,滑稽 5. hungry hgri adj.(饥)饿的 6. hurry hri v. 匆忙,赶快;急忙 n. 匆忙,仓促;急切 7. idiom idim n. 习语,成语 8. identity aidentiti n. 身份;同一性 9. ignore ign: v. 忽视;不理;不管;故意对(知道的事)置之不理 10. imagine imdin v. 想像,设想;猜想;认为 11. important imp:tnt adj. 重要的;有价值的;显要的 12. impossible impsbl adj. 不可能的;做不到的;不会发生的

3、;不合逻辑的 13. impress impres v. 给留下印象;铭记;使感动;印,压印 14. improve impru:v v. 改进,改善,提高 15. include inklu:d v. 包括,包含 二、重点短语 16. hand in上交 17. have an effect on 对有影响 18. have difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有困难,费劲做某事 19. have nothing to do with 与无关 20. hear from 收到某人的来信,构词 hunger n. 饥饿 hungrily adv. 饥饿地 用法 be hu

4、ngry for渴望 go hungry 挨饿 例句 There was no food and everyone was hungry. 没有食物,人人都饿着。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 绝大多数孩子都渴望有书看。 Most children have a _ books. (2) 他们已为那些饥饿的人们提供了食物。 They have supported the _ people with food. (3) 孤儿渴望得到慈爱。 The orphan was _ love. Keys: (1) hunger for (2) hungry (3) hungry for,一、重点

5、单词 1. hungry adj.(饥)饿的,2. hurry v. 匆忙,赶快;急忙 n. 匆忙,仓促;急切,构词 hurriedly adv. 匆忙地 用法 in a hurry匆忙 hurry off 匆忙或迅速离开 Hurry up 抓紧!快点! 例句 She hurried to the airport. 她匆匆赶往机场。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 他拿起提包沿着站台匆忙地走了。 He picked up his bag and _ along the platform. (2) 你必须赶紧些,否则不能及时完成。 You must _ or you cannot fin

6、ish it in time. (3) 你千万不可仓促做出决定。 You must avoid making decisions _. Keys: (1) hurried off (2) hurry up (3) in a hurry,3. imagine v. 想象,设想;猜想;认为,构词 imagination n. 想象;想象力;空想;幻想 imaginative adj. 富有想象力的 用法 Imagine that! 真想不到! imagine (sb.s) doing 想象(某人)做 例句 We can hardly imagine life without electricity

7、. 我们难以想象没有电的生活。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 我难以想象在这么困难的情况下该怎么办。 I cannot _ what to do in this difficult situation. (2) 你并没有真的看见鬼,这仅仅是幻象。 You didntt really see a ghost, its only your _. (3) 她想象自己走进办公室,告诉大家好消息。 She _ walking into the office and _ everyone the good news. Keys: (1) imagine (2) imagination (3) i

8、magined, telling,4. important adj. 重要的;有价值的;显要的,构词 importance n. 重要,重要性 importantly adv.重要地 用法 It is/was important for sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说做很重要 例句 She was clearly an important person. 她显然是个有影响的人。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 把交通安全常识教给孩子们是非常重要的。 Its very _ children about road safety. (2) 这是最重大的发现之一。 It was o

9、ne of _ discoveries that have ever made. (3) 遵守这些规则很重要。 It is _ that the rules _ observed. Keys: (1) important to teach (2) the most important (3) important, (should) be,5. impossible adj. 不可能的;做不到的;不会发生的; 不合逻辑的,构词 possible adj. 可能的 possibility n. 可能性 用法 It is impossible to do 做某事是不可能的 例句 Nothing is

10、 impossible to a willing mind. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 天空中的星星数不清。 It is _ count the stars in the sky. (2) 我们在一天之内完成这份工作是不可能的。 Its_ to finish the work in one day. Keys: (1) impossible to (2) impossible for us,6. improve v. 改进,改善,提高,构词 improvement n. 改进,改善,提高 用法 improve in 在方面有起色,有进步 例句 We mu

11、st make every effort to improve our environment. 我们一定要尽最大的努力来改善环境。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 我希望星期五之前天气会好转。 I hope the weather _ before Friday. (2) 你的书法需要改进。 There is need for _ your handwriting. (3) 老乔的身体和精神状况开始好转了。 Old Joe began to_ health and spirit. Keys: (1) will improve (2) improvement in (3) improv

12、e in,7. include v. 包括,包含,构词 including prep. 包括,包含 用法 include in 把包括进 例句 Her duties include sending and receiving letters. 她的职责包括收发信件。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 帐单中包含服务费吗? Is service _ the bill? (2) 请把我列入名单中。 Please _ me _ the list. (3) 这些作品是英国小说杰作的一部分。 These works are _ the great English novels. Keys: (1)

13、 included in (2) include, in (3) included among,二、重点短语,比较 hand over 交出;移交 hand in hand 手拉手地;联合起来;相随 例句 Hand in your examination papers now, please. 请把试卷交上来。 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 我要你们俩今天把练习本交上来。 I want you both to _ your exercise-books today. (2) 交出叛乱头子,你们就可以活命。 _ the rebel leader, and you survive. (3

14、) 学生们手牵手站成一排。 Students stand _ in a row. Keys: (1) hand in (2) Hand over (3) hand in hand,8. hand in 上交,9. have nothing to do with 与无关,比较 have something to do with与有关 have nothing in common 毫无共同之处 例句 I have nothing to do with the accident. 我与这场事故无关。 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 他的疾病与他的辛苦工作有关系。 His illness _

15、his overwork. (2) 他的成功与他的财富无关。 His success _ his wealth. Keys: (1) has something to do with (2) has nothing to do with,10. hear from 收到某人的来信,比较 receive a letter from 收到某人的来信 hear of/about 听说 例句 We are very pleased to hear from you. 我们非常高兴接到你的信。 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 耽误您时间了,我会静候您的回音. Thank you for your

16、 time. I am looking forward to _ you. (2) 我们获悉令尊去世,非常难过。 Were sorry to _ your fathers death. (3) 很高兴收到你的信。 It was a pleasure to _ you. Keys: (1) hearing from (2) hear of/about (3) hear from,一、语序的概念和分类 二、倒装语序的使用情况 1. 完全倒装的情况,2. 部分倒装的情况,【倒装句高考考点分析】,倒装句在写作中会用到,可以用来表示强调或保持句子平衡。写作中使用倒装句后使句式更加丰富一些。,【倒装句同步

17、练习】,一、单项选择 ( )1.Not until his comrades criticized him to admit his mistake. A.does he begin B.did he begin C.began he D.had he begun B (not until在句首,倒装,时态为过去时。) ( )2.Not only a promise,but also he kept it. A.did he make B.he made C.does he make D.has he made A (not only在句首,倒装,由后半句可知是过去时。),【倒装句同步练习】,

18、( )3.Only when thousands of flowers bloom together . A.spring will be considered here B.could spring be considering here C.can spring be considered here D.spring can be considered here C (only修饰时间状语从句,主句倒装。) ( )4. and caught the mouse. A.Up the cat jumped B.The cat up jumped C.Up jumped the cat D.Ju

19、mped up the cat C (up副词在句首,句子全部倒装。),【倒装句同步练习】,( )5.Never such a wonderful place as Hangzhou . A.have I seen B.I have seen C.had I seen D.I had seen A (道理同第一题。) ( )6. ,she was very brave. A.Girl as she was B.As she was a girl C.A girl as she was D.Girl as was she A (as引导的让步状语从句,表语提前时,名词前无冠词。) ( )7.I

20、didnt read the notice, . A.so did he B.neither didnt he C.nor did he D.he didnt,too C (nor这里等于neither,此句表示他也没注意到这个通知。),【倒装句同步练习】,( )8. ,I would have phoned you. A.If I knew it B.Had I known it C.If I know it D.Did I know it B (此句是虚拟语气,由后半句可知,是对过去事实的假设。从句为if I had known it,可把if去掉, had提前,变成倒装句。) ( )9.

21、They have done a good job. . A.So they have done B.So they have C.So have they D.So is it B (so+主语+助动词,表“确实”。) ( )10.Hardly the railway station when the train started. A.did I reach B.had I reached C.I reached D.I had reached B (hardly+had+主语+过去分词+when+句子。),【倒装句同步练习】,( )11.I like to watch TV plays,b

22、ut I dont watch TV every evening. . A.So do I B.So I do C.I do so D.So it is with me D (句中既有肯定含义,又有否定含义,此时用so it is with sb.表示前面的情况也适用于另一个人。) ( )12. the rain stop,the crops would be saved. A.Did B.Should C.Would D.Will B (此句为虚拟语气,倒装时should提前,去掉if。) ( )13.Seldom play chess. A.we B.we will C.do we D.w

23、ill we C (seldom否定副词放到句首,句子要部分倒装。),【倒装句同步练习】,( )14.Only after his death considered correct. A.was his theory B.his theory was C.did his theory D.had his theory A (此句属only放在句首修饰时间状语,主句倒装结构,又因是被动含义,所以选A。) ( )15.I dont think Jack will come today, . A.or Mary does B.Mary will either C.and Mary doesnt D.

24、nor will Mary D (句意为:我认为杰克今天不会来,玛丽也不会来。),【倒装句同步练习】,二、语法填空:用适当的词完成下列句子。 1.They cant speak Japanese, can I. 2.She was late this morning, was Li Ming. 3. came our English teacher,followed by some students. 4.At the side of the hill stood old house. 5.Difficult the task was,they managed to accomplish it

25、 in time.,neither/nor,so,In,an,as,【倒装句同步练习】,6. terrible weather it is today! 7. a clever boy is he that we all love him. 8.Hardly had we got to the station the train left. 9.Here (come) the bus! 10.No sooner I (take) off my coat than it began to rain.,What,Such,when,comes,had,taken,高考话题:饮食(food and

26、drink)快餐业的发展 Fast food business has developed rapidly in the past 50 years. Nowadays people can see all kinds of fast food restaurants here and there which shows it is closely related to our daily life. Fast food business has become part of our life and its development is good for both society and people.Firstly,fast food offers a fast and efficient way to eat, for everyone lives a very busy life.Secondly,fast food restaurants provide us with a good environment for entertainment and study.Thirdly,they also offer good opportunities of working practice and jobs to the young people.(100 words),


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