AS 2402-1-2-2005 Traction batteries-Lead-acid.pdf

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1、AS 2402.1.22005 Australian Standard Traction batteriesLead-acid Part 1.2: Vented cellsInstallation and usage AS 2402.1.22005 This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee EL-005, Secondary Batteries. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 26 November 2004. This Stand

2、ard was published on 14 January 2005. The following are represented on Committee EL-005: Australian Automobile Association Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association Energy Supply Associatio

3、n of Australia Engineers Australia Keeping Standards up-to-date Standards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. S

4、tandards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased. Detailed information about Standards can be found by visiting the Standards Web Shop a

5、t .au and looking up the relevant Standard in the on-line catalogue. Alternatively, the printed Catalogue provides information current at 1 January each year, and the monthly magazine, The Global Standard, has a full listing of revisions and amendments published each month. Australian StandardsTM an

6、d other products and services developed by Standards Australia are published and distributed under contract by SAI Global, which operates the Standards Web Shop. We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our Standards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent in

7、accuracies or ambiguities. Contact us via email at, or write to the Chief Executive, Standards Australia, GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001. This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 04253. AS 2402.1.22005 Australian Standard Traction batteriesLead-acid Part 1.2: Ven

8、ted cellsInstallation and usage First published as AS 2402.1.22005. COPYRIGHT Standards Australia All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher.

9、Published by Standards Australia GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia ISBN 0 7337 6445 2 AS 2402.1.22005 2 PREFACE This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee EL-005 on Secondary Batteries. AS 24021994 has been split into four parts as follows: Traction batteriesLead-acid, P

10、art 1.1 Vented cellsRequirements Traction batteriesLead-acid, Part 1.2 Vented cellsInstallation and usage Traction batteriesLead-acid, Part 2.1 Valve-regulated cellsRequirements Traction batteriesLead-acid, Part 2.2 Valve-regulated cells Installation and usage It is intended that Parts 1.2 and 2.2 w



13、2 3.5 ACID SPILLS . 13 3.6 ROUTINE DAILY INSPECTION 13 3.7 ROUTINE WEEKLY INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 13 3.8 ROUTINE MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 13 AS 2402.1.22005 4 Standards Australia .au STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Australian Standard Traction batteriesLead-acid Part 1.2: Vented cellsInstallation and usage S E C

14、T I O N 1 S C O P E A N D G E N E R A L 1.1 SCOPE This Standard specifies requirements for the installation and usage of lead-acid batteries of the vented type intended for installation in electric traction vehicles, industrial trucks, mechanical handling equipment, diesel locomotive starting applic

15、ations, semi-traction applications (e.g. golf buggies and wheelchairs) and other applications where deep cycling is required. 1.2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Standard. AS 1482 Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheresProtection by ventilation Type of pro

16、tection v 2359 Powered industrial trucks 2359.1 Part 1: General requirements 2359.2 Part 2: Operation 2402 Traction batteriesLead-acid 2402.1.1 Part 1.1 Vented cellsRequirements 2402.2.1 Part 2.1 Valve-regulated cellsRequirements 2548 Battery chargers for lead-acid traction batteries 2548.1 Part 1:

17、Battery chargers for vented cells AS/NZS 1337 Eye protectors for industrial applications 2210 Occupational protective footwear 2210.4 Part 4: Specification for protective footwear IEC 61044 Opportunity-charging of lead-acid traction batteries 1.3 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the fol

18、lowing definitions apply. 1.3.1 Actual capacity The quantity of electricity, usually expressed in ampere hours (A.h), that a fully charged battery can deliver for a specific set of operating conditions, including discharge rate, temperature, initial state of charge, age and final voltage. 5 AS 2402.

19、1.22005 .au Standards Australia 1.3.2 Authorized person The person in charge of the premises, or other person appointed or selected by the person in charge of the premises, to perform certain duties associated with the traction batteries on the premises. 1.3.3 Capacity The quantity of electricity, u

20、sually expressed in ampere hours (A.h), that a fully charged battery can deliver under specified conditions. 1.3.4 Charging An operation during which a battery receives electric energy, which is converted to chemical energy, from an external circuit. The quantity of electric energy is known as the c

21、harge and is usually measured in ampere hours (A.h). 1.3.5 Cover A removable covering of suitable material enclosing the top of the battery. 1.3.6 Discharging An operation during which a battery delivers current to an external circuit by conversion of chemical energy to electric energy. 1.3.7 Electr

22、olyte A solution which will react with the electrodes and carry an electric current between them when the cell terminals are connected to form a closed circuit. 1.3.8 Fully charged battery A battery is considered to be fully charged if the electrolyte density and the voltage measured across the batt

23、ery terminals do not vary over three consecutive hourly readings taken at the end of the charging period, account being taken of temperature variations and the charging current is that specified by the battery manufacturer or supplier. 1.3.9 Industrial truck A powered industrial truck as defined in

24、AS 2359.1. 1.3.10 Lead-acid cell A cell in which the active materials are as follows: (a) Positive electrodes or plates: lead dioxide. (b) Negative electrodes or plates: spongy lead. (c) Electrolyte: dilute sulphuric acid. 1.3.11 Life The number of charge-discharge cycles before the capacity of a ba

25、ttery falls to 80% of the rated capacity. 1.3.12 Operator The authorized person under whose physical control an industrial truck is being operated, i.e. the driver. 1.3.13 Opportunity charging The use of periods of inactivity of a partially discharged battery (i.e. state of charge less than 80% of t

26、he nominal capacity) to increase its state of charge. AS 2402.1.22005 6 Standards Australia .au 1.3.14 Rated capacity The quantity of electricity in ampere hours (A.h), declared by the battery manufacturer or supplier that a battery can deliver after a full charge under specified conditions. NOTE: T

27、he specified conditions are the rate of discharge, final voltage and temperature. The capacity of a cell or battery is denoted by the symbol C. Because the capacity varies with rate of discharge, the symbol C is followed by a numerical subscript giving the rate of discharge. Thus C5 is the capacity

28、in ampere hours (A.h) at the 5 h rate of discharge. The specified temperature is usually 30C. The final voltage depends on battery type and conditions of service. 1.3.15 Service weight The service weight of a battery, which includes cells, trays, relevant covers and ballast weights used to compensat

29、e for lack of battery mass. 1.3.16 Shall Indicates that a statement is mandatory. 1.3.17 Should Indicates a recommendation. 1.3.18 Traction battery More than one traction cell permanently and electrically connected in one circuit, intended for use as the power supply of an electric vehicle or an ind

30、ustrial truck. 1.3.19 Traction cell A cell specifically designed to form part of a traction battery. 1.3.20 Tray (basket) An outer container enclosing a battery or battery unit and treated to resist corrosion by sulphuric acid. 1.3.21 User The company, organization or person that has possession of a

31、n industrial truck and is responsible for its operation. 1.3.22 Valve-regulated cell A cell which is closed under normal conditions but which has an arrangement which allows the escape of gas if the internal pressure exceeds a predetermined value. The cell cannot normally receive any addition to the

32、 electrolyte. 1.3.23 Vehicle A mobile, battery-powered machine intended for use on public roads. 1.3.24 Vent plug A removable plug fitted to the cell cover over the hole used for filling with electrolyte or topping-up with water, and designed to provide for the escape of gases from the cell while ob

33、structing the passage of acid spray. 1.3.25 Vented cell A battery that has its plates immersed in liquid electrolyte. The volume of electrolyte is sufficient to allow for a reasonable loss of water by evaporation and electrolysis during charging. The batterys cells have a vent in their cover that al

34、lows a free exchange of the gases inside the cell with the atmosphere. Water is normally added to vented batteries. 7 AS 2402.1.22005 .au Standards Australia S E C T I O N 2 I N S T A L L A T I O N A N D M A I N T E N A N C E O F V E N T E D B A T T E R I E S I N I N D U S T R I A L T R U C K S 2.1

35、BATTERY CONNECTORS AND CABLES A vented battery designed for use in industrial trucks shall be equipped with a battery connector complying with the following: (a) If a site has trucks with both valve-regulated and vented batteries, the valve-regulated batteries shall be fitted with battery connectors

36、 that cannot be connected to the vented battery chargers. (b) The length of the cable attached to the connector shall be as short as practicable, without interfering with the disconnecting operation and without placing stress on terminals. (c) Live parts shall be recessed from the face of the connec

37、tor to reduce the possibility of shorting. (d) The removable portion of the connector shall be provided with means for being grasped during removal. (e) A battery connector shall have the proper rating for use in its application (e.g. d.c. voltage rating, current rating, and temperature rating). NOT

38、E: To obtain lower voltages to run accessories it is recommended to use a suitable d.c/d.c converter to step the voltage down. Batteries should not be tapped to obtain a lower voltage. 2.2 IDENTIFICATION PLATES Part 1 of this Standard requires that lead-acid traction batteries designed for use in in

39、dustrial trucks are legibly and durably marked with the following information: (a) The name of the battery manufacturer or supplier. (b) The battery manufacturers or suppliers model number. (c) The serial number. (d) The nominal voltage. (e) The capacity of the battery at the 5 h rate of discharge,

40、and the capacity of the battery at the h rate of discharge, if the battery manufacturer or supplier has rated the battery at the h rate. (f) The electrolyte density of a fully charged cell, for vented cells. (g) The service weight in kilograms. Alternatively, the battery weight may be stamped on the

41、 removable container (and ballast) near the lifting means. (h) A warning label as shown in Figure 2.1 or a warning label giving the same information. The wording shall be in contrasting colours with respect to the background. NOTE: The warning of a dangerous voltage need not be part of the label, if

42、 the battery terminal voltage does not exceed 120 V. These warning labels should be prominently displayed on the battery in a position that is not likely to be hidden from view when installed in a vehicle. AS 2402.1.22005 8 Standards Australia .au FIGURE 2.1 TYPICAL WARNING LABEL (i) The polarity of

43、 the positive terminal shall be permanently identified by either a POS, P, or + and, if coloured, shall always be red. The polarity of the negative terminal shall be permanently identified by a NEG, N, or and, if coloured, shall always be blue or black. (j) The positive side of the battery charging

44、plug shall be permanently identified with the markings POS, P, or + and the negative side with the markings NEG, N, or . Batteries should be marked with information concerning the type of charger to be used with the battery. NOTE: Regulations, such as the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangero

45、us Goods by Road and Rail, may contain requirements for the marking of batteries and their containers. Users and operators should not remove identification plates. 2.3 BATTERY CHARGING AND CHANGING FOR THE USER NOTE: Regulatory authorities may have requirements for the application of risk management

46、 strategies. Users of industrial trucks shall ensure that the charging and changing of batteries complies with the following: (a) Battery charging installations shall be located in areas designated for that purpose. (b) Battery chargers for lead-acid traction batteries shall comply with AS 2548.1. (

47、c) Smoking shall be prohibited in charging areas. This shall be indicated by signs. (d) Batteries shall be protected from sparks from grinding, welding and other activities likely to produce sparks. (e) A carboy tilter or siphon shall be provided when acid container in carboys is used. When diluting

48、 concentrated sulphuric acid to make up electrolyte, always add the acid to the water and not the water to the acid. (f) Charging apparatus shall be positioned or adequately guarded to prevent inadvertent damage by any vehicle. 9 AS 2402.1.22005 .au Standards Australia (g) Adequate firefighting equi

49、pment shall be provided. (h) Eye protection, and rubber gloves shall be used by persons maintaining batteries. Clothing completely covering the arms and legs should be worn. NOTE: AS/NZS 1337 specifies requirements for eye protectors. (i) Safety shoes shall be worn by people handling batteries. NOTE: AS/NZS 2210.4 specifies requirements for protect


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