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1、 = 9009130 0003987 825 H ANSIIHI 9.6.4-2000 American National Standard. for Centifugal and Vertical Pumps for Vbration Measurements and Allowable Values 9 Sylvan Way Parsippany, New Jersey www.pumps. org 07054-3802 = 9009330 OOOL988 751 ANSIIHI 9.6.4-2000 American National Standard for Centrifugal a

2、nd Vertical Pumps for Vibration Measurements and Allowable Values Secretariat Hydraulic Institute Approved March 23,2000 American National Standards Institute, Inc. COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Informa

3、tion Handling Services m 9009330 0003989 b9 American National Approva! of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. Standard Consensus is established when, in

4、the judgement of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not nec- essarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, an

5、d that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, o

6、r proce- dures not conforming to the standards. The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American

7、National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. T

8、he procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, o r withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by call- ing or writing the American National Standards Ins

9、titute. Published By Hydraulic Institute 9 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, NJ 07054-3802 Copyright O 2000 Hydraulic Institute All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the

10、publisher. Printed in the United States of America ISBN 1-880952-45-9 COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services E 9009130 0001990 30“ E Contents Page Foreword . v Introduction/Scope . 1 Dyna

11、mics of vibration . 1 Lateral critical speed 1 Lateral dynamic analysis (optional) . 3 Torsional critical speed 4 Torsional dynamic analysis (optional) . 5 Structure lateral vibration 6 Structure dynamic analysis (optional) . 7 Vibr

12、ation measurements . 7 Vibration instruments . 7 Location of vibration probes 8 Allowable pump field vibration values . 8 Factors affecting vibration . 20 Unbalance of rotating parts and rotor balancing 20 Natural frequency and resonance . 23 Hydraul

13、ic disturbances 24 Other mechanical problems . 24 Effect of rigidity . 24 Appendix A Bibliography . 25 AppendixB Index 26 Figures - First critical speed 1 - Second critical speed . 1 - Simple horizontal centrifugal pump system . 4 9

14、.6.4.4 - End suction foot mounted-ANSI 873.1, B73.3, 873.5 9 -Vertical in.line, separately coupled, ANSI B73.2. . 10 - End suction, frame mounted . 12 - End suction, centerline support, API 610 . 13 - End suction, paper stock 14 O - End suction, solids handlin

15、g, horizontal and vertical 15 - Between bearing, single and multistage . 17 - End suction, close coupled horizontal and vertical in-line . 11 1 - End suction, hard metal and rubber-lined horizontal and vertical . . 16 iii COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information

16、 Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services - Vertical turbine, mixed flow and propeller type 18 by the manufacturer. . 19 grade G6.3 (metric) 21 grade G6.3 (US units) 22 -Vertical turbine, short set pumps, assembled for shipment 9.6.4

17、.15A - Allowable residual unbalance in pump impellers - -Allowable residual unbalance in pump impellers - iv COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services Foreword (Not part of Standard) Purpo

18、se and aims of the Hydraulic Institute The purpose and aims of the Institute are to promote the continued growth and well-being of pump manufacturers and further the interests of the public in such matters as are involved in manufacturing, engineering, distribution, safety, trans- portation and othe

19、r problems of the industry, and to this end, among other things: a) To develop and publish standards for pumps; b) To collect and disseminate information of value to its members and to the public; c) To appear for its members before governmental departments and agencies and other bodies in regard to

20、 matters affecting the industry; d) To increase the amount and to improve the quality of pump service to the public; e) To support educational and research activities; f) To promote the business interests of its members but not to engage in busi- ness of the kind ordinarily carried on for profit or

21、to perform particular services for its members or individual persons as distinguished from activities to improve the business conditions and lawful interests of all of its members. Purpose of Standards I) Hydraulic Institute Standards are adopted in the public interest and are designed to help elimi

22、nate misunderstandings between the manufacturer, the purchaser andlor the user and to assist the purchaser in selecting and obtaining the proper product for a particular need. 2) Use of Hydraulic Institute Standards is completely voluntary. Existence of Hydraulic Institute Standards does not in any

23、respect preclude a member from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to the Standards. Definition of a Standard of the Hydraulic Institute Quoting from Article XV, Standards, of the By-Laws of the Institute, Section B: “An Institute Standard defines the product, material, process or proce

24、dure with reference to one or more of the following: nomenclature, composition, construc- tion, dimensions, tolerances, safety, operating characteristics, performance, qual- ity, rating, testing and service for which designed.” Comments from users Comments from users of this Standard will be appreci

25、ated, to help the Hydraulic Institute prepare even more useful future editions. Questions arising from the con- tent of this Standard may be directed to the Hydraulic Institute. It will direct all such questions to the appropriate technical committee for provision of a suitable answer. If a dispute

26、arises regarding contents of an Institute publication or an answer pro- vided by the Institute to a question such as indicated above, the point in question shall be referred to the Executive Committee of the Hydraulic Institute, which then shall act as a Board of Appeals. V COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Insti

27、tute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services m 7007130 0001773 o19 m Revisions The Standards of the Hydraulic Institute are subject to constant review, and revi- sions are undertaken whenever it is found necessary because of n

28、ew develop- ments and progress in the art. Units of Measurement This standard is written using both metric and US Customary units of measure- ment. Metric units appear first followed by US units in brackets. Tables, charts and sample calculations are printed twice, first in metric units, then in US

29、units. Consensus for this standard was achieved by use of the Canvass Method The following organizations, recognized as having an interest in the standardiza- tion of centrifugal pumps, were contacted prior to the approval of this revision of the standard. Inclusion in this list does not necessarily

30、 imply that the organization concurred with the submittal of the proposed standard to ANSI. A.R. Wilfley in millimeters (inches) of the center of gravity, it is possible to calculate the first nat- ural frequency or critical speed (in CPM), as follows: Metric: N, = 0.0299 I dsi5 US Units: N, = 187.7

31、 I dsi5 Where: N, = critical speed (rpm) dst = static deflection, mm (in.) Figure - Second critical speed 1 COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services HI Pump Vibration - 2000 If the rotor sy

32、stem is assumed to be simply supported only at its bearings, in air, on infinitely rigid bearing supports, the resulting critical speed is the “dry critical speed.” The following equations yield dry critical speeds for three common configurations. (Note: These examples are intended to be for illustr

33、ation purposes only and are nut intended to provide standard calcula- tion methods.) Examples: Example 1: Shaft, between two bearings dst = 5L/384El. w = shaft weight per length, kN/m (pounds per inch) i = shaft length, meters (inches) E = modulas of elasticity, GPa (psi) I = moment of inertia, mete

34、rs4 (in4) t L i I W I + + I I I III I l Shat E. I Bearings Example 2: Impeller between two bearings (massless shaft assumed) d , = wa2 b2 / 3ElL05 w = impeller weight, kN (pounds) E = modulas of elasticity, GPa (psi) moment of inertia, metei.s4 (in4) I = L = shaft length, meters (inches) c. L 4 I W

35、I / E* I impeller -+- Shaft i a b Example 3: Overhung impeller on two bearings (massless shaft assumed) dst = wa2 L / 3EI.5 w = impeller weight, kN (pounds) E = modulas of elasticity, GPa (psi) I = moment of inertia, meters4 (in4) i = shaft length, meters (inches) Y i Shat Impeller 7 vertical, horiz

36、ontal or axial; measured as shown in Figures to Pump intakes (wet wells) shall be properly designed in accordance with ANSVHI 9.8-1 998, Pump Intake Design The values in Figures to are not appli- cable to factory or laboratory acceptance tests. Experi- ence has show

37、n that vibration levels measured on temporary factory setups may be as much as two times higher than those obtained in the field. The field vibration acceptance levels are applicable to the pump when operating anywhere within the pre- ferred operating range (see ANSVHI 9.6.3-1 997). When entering th

38、e charts, the abscissa refers to the power the pump is drawing at the time the vibration measurement is made. To illustrate, assume a pump was sold for rated duty point of 225 m3/h (1000 gpm), with a preferred operating range of 110 to 250 m3/h (500 to 1100 gpm). At the rated duty point, the pumt wo

39、uld draw 37 kW (50 hp). A vibration reading is taker in the field when the pump is operating at 180 m3/h (800 gpm), at which time it is drawing 34 kW (45 hp). To evaluate the vibration level, one would enter the appropriate chart at 34 kW (45 hp) and read the acceptable field vibration level. If lat

40、er the pump rate of flow increases to 250 m3/h (1100 gpm), where the power consumed is 45 kW (60 hp), then one would enter the appropriate chart at 45 kW (60 hp). If the rate of flow were less than 110 m3/h (500 gpm), the vibra- tion acceptance standards would not be applicable because the pump was

41、operating below the minimum of preferred operating range. These vibration values are to be used as a general acceptance guide with the understanding that vibration levels in excess of these values may be acceptable by mutual agreement if they show no continued increase with time and there is no indi

42、cation of damage, such as an increase in bearing clearance o r noise level. Operation within the pumps Preferred Operating Region, POR, as recommended by the pump man- ufacturer (see ANSUHI 9.6.3-1997, Centrifugal and Vertical Pumps - Allowable Operation Region) 8 COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licen

43、sed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services 1 IIP 7007330 00020U3 bbb 9 7.1 1 6.10 5.08 4.06 3.04 2.03 1 .o1 O 0.75 7.5 75 750 Input power Q test conditions - kW 0.28 $ 0.24 0.20 0.16 U - - ; F C 3 z 8 . v O c 2 0.12 - 0.08 9 9 0.04 O

44、O .- u 1 10 1 O0 1 O00 Input power Q test conditions - BHP HI Pump Vibration - 2000 Figure - End suction foot mounted-ANSI 873.1, 873.3, 873.5 9 COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services HI

45、Pump Vibration - 2000 E a - 3 Co- P ; E C 3 u) . E E 5.08 6 : 1 0 I A 2 . 0 3 E r 1.01 O O P U a l ic C 3 ? - - C o - z I .- s T i 0 0.75 7.5 75 750 Input power test conditions - kW 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 I I I 1 10 1 O0 1 O00 Input power test conditions - BHP Figure - Vertical in-lin

46、e, separately coupled, ANSI B73.2 COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services HI Pump Vibration - 2000 7.1 1 u 6.10 L c 5.08 C o - z 4.06 . 3.04 A 2.03 1.01 O al L = 3 c - O (D v E O m .- - 0.75 7.5 7

47、5 750 Input power test conditions - kW 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 O Input power O test conditions - BHP v X Y I Figure - End suction, close coupled horizontal and vertical in-line 11 COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute

48、 Licensed by Information Handling Services HI Pump Vibration - 2000 7.1 1 6.10 5.08 4.06 3.04 2.03 1 .o1 O 0.75 7.5 75 750 Input power O test conditions - kW 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.12 0 . 0 8 0.04 O 1 10 1 O0 1 O00 Input power O test conditions - BHP Figure - End suction, frame mounted 12 COP

49、YRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT Hydraulic Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services U 2 - o! m - J = C 3 z o al v . E E I C O .- + E o U ! E - g ! m - = c 3 a o al v v al r u c I . .- .- c e 0 5.08 4.06 3.04 W 9009130 0002007 201 within AOR within POR i 6 : : : y: O 0.75 7 . 5 75 750 Input power test conditions - kW 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 O HI Pump Vibration - 2000 1 10 1 O0 1 O00 Input power 6 3 test conditions - BHP Figure - End suction, centerline


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