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1、ANSI INCITS 286-1997 (R2002) (formerly ANSI X3.286-1997) for Information Technology Abstract Test Suite for FDDI Station Management Conformance Testing (FDDI SMT ATS) Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConn

2、or, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 02:22:02 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards

3、 developer. Consensus is established when, in the judgement of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires tha

4、t all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made towards their resolution. The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing

5、, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give interpretation on any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to

6、 issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard ma

7、y be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writin

8、g the American National Standards Institute. American National Standard Published by American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd, New York, NY 10036 Copyright 1998 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form,

9、in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America CAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may be required for the implementation of the standard disclose such patents

10、 to the publisher. However, neither the developers nor the publisher have undertaken a patent search in order to identify which, if any, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date of publication of this standard and following calls for the identification of patents that may be re- quired for

11、 the implementation of the standard, no such claims have been made. No further patent search is con- ducted by the developer or publisher in respect to any standard it processes. No representation is made or implied that licenses are not required to avoid infringement in the use of this standard. Co

12、pyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 02:22:02 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- American National Standard for Information Tech

13、nology Abstract Test Suite for FDDI Station Management Conformance Testing (FDDI SMT ATS) ANSI X3.286-1997 Secretariat Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) Approved September 25, 1997 American National Standards Institute, Inc. Abstract Conformance tests are specified herein to test the Sta

14、tion Management (SMT) functions and protocols of FDDI. FDDI is a set of standards which define a 100 Mbps token ring architecture that uses fiber optics as the transmission medium over distances of tens of kilometers in extent. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under li

15、cense with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 02:22:02 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ii Contents Page Foreword iv 1 Scope1 2 Normative references1 3 Definitions .2 4 Conventions and abbreviations.2 5 Ti

16、mer definition2 6 Physical Connection Management (PCM) CFM:Configuration Management; F:Fail (when used in the verdict column of the Dynamic Behavior tables); I: Inconclusive (when used in the verdict column of the Dynamic Behavior tables); ILS:Idle Line State; IUT:Implementation Under Test; MAC:Medi

17、a Access Control; MLS:Master Line State; P:Pass (when used in the verdict column of the Dynamic Behavior tables); PCM:Physical Connection Management; PDU:Protocol Data Unit defined in terms of SMT and MAC Frames; PHY:Physical Layer Protocol; PICS:Protocol Implementation Con- formance Statement; PIXI

18、T:Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing; TTCN:Tree and Tabular Combined Notation; TTCN(P): Tree and Tabular Combined Notation for PCM QLS:Quiet Line State; ALS:Active Line State; HLS:Halt Line State; ERR:Error; RMT:Ring Management; MIB:Management Information Base. 5 Timer definition

19、A set of timers, as described below, is used in the test suite, their values must be initialized prior to the beginning of test, unless a default value is specified. T_REQ: the Target Token Rotation Timer (TTRT) is configured in the IUTs MAC in units of s. This value will be converted to units of 80

20、 ns for MAC claim process. T_REQ1: an alternate TTRT configured in the IUTs MAC in units of s. This value will be converted to units of 80 ns for MAC claim process. T_REQ2: an alternate TTRT configured in the Others MAC in units of s. This value will be converted to units of 80 ns for MAC claim proc

21、ess. T_Max: the maximum token rotation time in s. D_Max: the maximum ring latency. The default value is 1773 s. T_Non_Op: time to allow ring recovery to occur before duplicate address conditions are examined. The default value is 1 s. RM_React: maximum for the RMT state ma- chine to recognize that t

22、ransition conditions exist and to execute the appropriate transition. The default value is 83 ms. T_Jam: time for which Jam Beacon is sent. The default value is 370 ms. T_DBJ: time to start the second Beacon of the Double Beacon Jam after the first Beacon is sent. The default value is 82 ms. T-Direc

23、t: time for which a Directed Beacon is sent before the Trace function is invoked. The default value is 370 ms. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 02:22:02 MDTNo re

24、production or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ANSI X3.286-1997 3 T_Stuck: time to allow a Stuck Beacon to be sent, followed by the initiation of a Trace. The default value is 8 s. T_Rmode: the maximum time allowable for Restricted Dialogue on the ring. The default value is zero s

25、econds for Non-Used Restricted Dialogue. T_Announce: the interval between sending Jam Beacons. The default value is 2500 ms. T_Limit: The rate-limiting interval for the Status Report Protocol. The default value is 2 s. Topr: Time required for a test operator to initiate operation on the IUT, for exa

26、mple, triggering NIF request frame to be sent from the IUT. This is used in conjunction with the TTCN Implicit Send event for test coordination. This test suite uses a default value of 3 minutes. The following are the expiration values of the timers used in PCM test cases. Whenever the name and the

27、value correspond to American National Standard X3.229, the ANSI reference is indicated. TB_Min: Minimum Break time for link. Range: TB_Min 4.823 ms with default values Default: 5 ms (SMT PCM); TB_Max: Break time before the BS_Flag is set. TB_Max shall be sufficiently large so that it will not be set

28、 inadvertently by noise generated by an optical bypass switch, which is bounded by MI_Max. Range: TB_Max 30.0 ms with default values Default: 50 ms (SMT PCM); MI_Max: Maximum Optical Bypass media interruption time. The range and default value for MI_Max is specified in the PMD document. Range: MI_Ma

29、x 15.0 ms Default: 15 ms (SMT PCM) C_Min: Minimum time required to remain in the Connect State to ensure that the other end has recognized Halt Line State. Range: C_Min 1.2 ms with default values Default: 1.6 ms (SMT PCM); C_Second: A timer used to check PCM wait for a change in the Connect State si

30、nce it enters Connector State from Break State and has not yet received HLS. Default: 1 s; PC_React: Maximum time for PCM to make a state transition to Break upon receiving QLS. Range: PC_React 3.0 ms Default: 3 ms (SMT PCM); LS_Min: Length of time continuous reception of ILS is required to be used

31、by PCM. Range: 25 s LS_Min 0.48 s with default values Default: 0.48 s(SMT PCM); LS_Max: Maximum time to reestablish the correct line state as specified in the PHY docu- ment. Range: LS_Max 25 s Default: 25 s (SMT PCM); TL_Min: Minimum time to transmit a PHY line state before advancing to the Next PC

32、M state. TL-Min is set to twice the time required for line state recognition(LS_Max). Range: TL_Min 50 s with default values Default: 50 s (SMT PCM); N_Second: A Timer used to check PCM wait to receive ILS in Next State Default: 1 s; LS_Less: A timer which measures the amount of time that it take th

33、e IUT to make a correct Line State transition. Default: 0.24 s; T_Out: Signalling timeout. The minimum time that a PCM State Machine will remain in a state awaiting a line state change. When a line state change is expected and no transition is made in T_Out time, a transition shall be made to the Br

34、eak State. Range: T_Out 100 ms Default: 100 ms (SMT PCM); LC_Short: Short Link Confidence Test Time Range: LC_Short 5*10(4) ns Default: 50 ms (SMT PCM); LC_Medium: Medium Link Confidence Test Time. Range: LC_Medium 50 *10(LER_Cutoff) ns Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS

35、 under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 02:22:02 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ANSI X3.286-1997 4 Default: 500 ms (SMT PCM); LC_Long: Long Link Confidence Test Time. Range: LC_Long 500 *

36、10 (LER_ Cutoff) ns Default: 5 s (SMT PCM); LC_Extended: Extended Link Confidence Test Time. Range: LC_Extended 50 s Default: 50 s (SMT PCM); T_Next(7): LC_Test, Time for Link Confidence Test (SMT PCM); B_Second: A timer used to check when IUT detects Link Error Rate exceeds the LER_Cutoff threshold

37、; it enters Break State and transmits QLS. Default: 1 s; T_Next(9): Time for the optional MAC Local Loop to prevent deadlock. This allows sufficient time for MAC recovery process completion and the exchange of neighbor information frames. Range: T_Next(9) 200 ms Default: 200 ms (SMT PCM). NS_Max: Th

38、e maximum length of time that noise as measured by TNE, is allowed before a connection is broken down and restarted. Range: 5.8 ms NS_Max 0.7255 ms Default: 1.3 ms (SMT PCM); Trace_Max: Maximum propagation time for a Trace on an FDDI topology. Trace_Max places a lower bound on the detection time for

39、 a non- recovering ring (T_Stuck) Range: Trace_Max 6.001773 s with default values Default: 7.0 s 6 Physical Connection Management (PCM) when transmission of the packet is complete, the tester transmits ILS */ n ?line-state /* check if the current line state is in a specific state */ n ?OTHERWISE /*

40、any line state */ n START timer-name /* start the timer with pre-specified duration */ n ?TIMEOUT timer-name /* test for expiration for the specified timer */ n +test-procedure-name /* call another test procedure */ n GOTO label /* goto another event line with indicated label */ As in many programmi

41、ng languages, a com- ment is a character string of the following form: /* Text of comment */ A label for an event line is denoted by a se- quence of letters ending with a “:“, and appears after the indentation level number, for example, 3 L1:?TIMEOUT C_min. The “!“ Transmit event means that the test

42、er begins sending the indicated line state and continues sending it until another “!“ operator is encountered. The START timer event may be combined with the Transmit (!) or Line state check (?) event lines. Multiple timers may be started on the same event. For example, 1 !QLS START TB_Min, START TB

43、_Max. The event lines are evaluated starting from the first indentation level, 1. There may be several event lines at each indentation level. These event lines represent a set of alternatives and the tester must wait for at least one of them to occur before proceeding to the next indentation level.

44、If multiple events occur at the same time, the event line appearing first applies. A transmit event line (!) is considered to have occured or completed when the transmission of the specified line state symbols is initiated. A line state check event (?) is satisfied when the current line state matche

45、s the specified state. When an event line is satisfied, the tester moves on to the next indentation level following that event line. If there is no higher level event line, then the test is complete. If a completed Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with AN

46、SI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 02:22:02 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ANSI X3.286-1997 6 event line contains a verdict specification, the test is also considered completed, even if there is a higher i

47、ndentation level event line following. The event lines, with the exception of GOTO, SEND and Tree Attachment Event, may assign one of these verdicts: PASS, FAIL, or INCONCLUSIVE. A GOTO event can only specify the labels ap- pearing on the first line of an indentation level that is lower or equal to

48、the current indentation level. An event line that invokes another procedure is considered not satisfied if none of the first level event lines in that procedure have occured. Note that PCM is intended to operate in very noisy environments (perhaps as bad as a BER of 10 2 and does not generally react to brief noise events. We do not simulate noise in our PCM tests except for the Link Quality Tests; rather we expect that the IUT and the tester transmit nothing but clean line states without any errors. If the IUT transmits NLS or LSU it is always grounds


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