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1、A N S I +3-s3 Kb2-75 68 0724350 0007b73 7 USA standard Approved August 28, 1968 Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical - D-N-ethyllactamide carbanilate (ester) carbetamide 7 USAS K62.75-1968 Administrative Sponsor U. S. Department of Agriculture Copyright 1968 bv the United stetes meiica Stailarc

2、is Institute 10 East 40th Street, New York. N.Y. 10016 I Printed in USA Page 1 of 2 pages I. Common Name: carbetamide 1 . I The word “carbetamide“ (pronounced kar- bt-mid) has been accepted as the USA Stan- dard Common Name for the chemical for example, carbetamide-1 O0 prcent. 2 . 3 The Sponsor of

3、the common name “carbet- amide“ has agreed to release and permit the use of the name “carbetamide“ with respect to any product, whether or not manufactured Name furniehed upon requert. or forrriulatcd by it. which contains a pc!st con- trol chcinical conforming to the description set forth in this I

4、JSA Standard. 3. Limitations Neither the United States of Amcrica Stan- dards Institute nor its committce giiarantcws or assumes any responsibility thbt use of this name in connection with this or any other chemical or product will not infringe on or conflict with any existing proprietary name. trad

5、emark, or trade name. Approval as a 1JSA Standard common name constitutes recogni- tion by the Standards Institute that a conson- sus exists within a representative commit tee. operating under the Standards Institut(. yro- cedure and basing its recommendat ion on data submitted by a Sponsor. favorin

6、g considerat ion of the use of the name to designate the pest control chemical described herein by all in- terested persons. The informat ion concerning the chemical and physical properties of the chemical is not a part of the standard bu! it provided solely as an aid to identification. and the Stan

7、dards Institute does not guarantee its accuracy. i materi is reproduced from ierican National Standard &!A 9 , copyright , with permission of the American National Standards Institute, Inc. Not for resale. No pari of his publication may be copied or reproduced in any form, clectronic retrieval syste

8、iii or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the American National Standards Institute, Inc., 11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036. Please turn the page for the Appendix on physical and chemical properties and proposed usw of carlwiamidc.1 Copyright American National Standards

9、Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 10:43:32 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- A N S I K62.75 68 . I 0724350 0007674 O Page 2 of 2 pages Appendix (This Appendix i

10、s not a part of USA Standard K62.76-1968, but is included for informational purposes.) carbetamide Physical and Chemical Properties Systematic name Empirical formula Chernieai structure a-N-ethyllactamide carbanilate (ester) (=12Hl6N20S CH3 t Mdecular weight 236.22 Color Form Odor Melting range Boil

11、ing range Specific gravity SolubiIity Soluble in Insohble in Stability _ Pure colorIess cry ctailine odorless about 119C un known unknown 20C methanol ethanor acetone - Technical white to faint yeIlow crystdline odorless or faint odor higher than 110C trnknowrt unknown 20C methylene chloride dirneth

12、yformamide water at 22C about 3.6gAiter cyclohexane petroleum ether Stable under normal conditions I _ Proposed Uses Carbetamide has been tested and proved usefu for the selective control oi certain annua grasses in seedling and established stands of alfafa an clovers. Promising results have been ob

13、- tained in new seedings of alfalfa and clovers. On established stands, dormant applications have been most effective. This material is also effective as a chemica fallow for the control of cheat- grass (Brornus spp. ). K62.76-1968 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSI Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=OConnor, Maurice Not for Resale, 04/29/2007 10:43:32 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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