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2、NA, Kegelgasse 27 - AUSTRIA Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:40:36 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 31 7 6 9006145 000

3、3362 789 I -:1 - C.I.E. TECHNICAL COMITTEE REPORT NME PFELIMINAIFE Ce rapport a t prpar par le Comit Technique “Ecleirage des voles publiques“. I1 a reu lapprobation unanime du Comit, e t il e s t recommand pour tude et appication. CIE 4.6 Ce rapport nest pas une Recommandation officielle de la CIE

4、approuve par les Comit Nationaux des Pays Membres. I1 doit tre not que toute recommandation y figurant est donne h titre de conseil e t non dobigation. PRELIMINARY REMARK This report has been prepared by CIE Technical Cominittee 4.6 “Road Lighting“. It has been approved unanimously by the Canmittee

5、and is recommended for study and application. This report is not an Officially Agreed CIE Recommendation approved by the National Cornittees of the Member Countries, It should be noted that any recommendations i n th is report are advisory and not mandatory, VORBEMS RK U N S Dieser Bericht wurde v o

6、 m Technischen CIE-Komitee 4.6 “Strassen- be leu ch tung“ ausgearbeitet. E r wurde une ng e s chrnk t vom Komi tee angenommen und w i d zum zuknftigen Studium empfohlen, Er ist keine Offiziell Anerkannte CIE-Empfehlung, die von den Nationalen Komitees der Mitgliedslnder anerkannt wurde. Es muss dara

7、uf hin- geniesen werden, dass alle Empfehlungen dieses Berichts nur a l s Anef tung dienen und nicht verbindlich sind. Previous page is blank Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11

8、/24/2007 08:40:36 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- -4- COMPOSITIOTJ OF TC-4.6 M?j%BEXS: J.B. de Boer Chairman J. Funke Secretary F. Behal E.-H. B jbrset M. Bonomo B. Brakalov M.J.P. Dempster J.T. Duff W.H. Edman A.J. Ficher E. Frederiksen L. Gaymard P. Gergel

9、y M.A. Gudjohnsen O. Hinojosa E . Kasurinen A. Ketvirtis W. Felhorski D. Murgaski K; Narisada M.A. Ostrovsky A. Pereira Marques H. Prochaeka W. Riemenschneider A. Romero de Tejada M. Sand P . Sandgren F, Sarteel K. Stolzenberg C ONSULTBNTS W. Adrian A . M . Marsden D.A, Schreuder K. Sbrensen J. Verm

10、eulen B.O. Westermann Netherlands Netherlands Caecho-Slovakia Norway Italy Bulgaria South Africa Great Britain U.S.A. Australia Denmark France Bum3rY Iceland Chile Finland Canada Poland Jugoslava Japan U.S.S.R. Portugal Aus tria Switzerland Spain Israel Sweden Belgium GeLlIlany Germany Great Britain

11、 Netherlands Denmark Netherlands Netherlands Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:40:36 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 3

12、3 7b 9006345 O003364 553 Glare i n road lighting is distinguished in discomfort and disability glare. Discomfort glare is quantitatively described by a Glare Control Mark which can be calculated from the photometric and geawtric quantities of a lighting installation. The evaluation of disability gla

13、re the increment i n the threshold of detection of the lminance difference between a relevant object and the road surface. is based upon the Holleday formula and expressed by calculating The uniformity of the road surface luminance is characterized by the overall unifonni ty and the longitudinal uni

14、formity, Le prsent rapport fournit les informations sur les mthodes pour calculer lblouissement public. et luniformit de luminance en clairage Le premier chapitre e s t consacr 3 lblouissement. I1 dfinit les deux types dblouissement (inconfort et incapacit) et donne des abaques pour mesurer ou value

15、r ces deux types dblouissement partir des caractristiques ltnnineuses des luminaires e t des caractristiques gmetriquec de limplantation. Le second chapitre traite de luniformit de luminance e t f a i t la synthse des travaux connus ce jour. Limit pour linstant aux cas des chausses sches, cerapport

16、justifie e t conseille de lemploi de luni- formit gnrale e t de luniformit longitudinale. Si ce rapport donne les mthodes pour calculer diffrents critGres, il ne prcise pas les valeurs limites qui doivent tre utilises c m e c r i t h de qualit. Pour cela, il f a u t se rfrer au docment CIE No. 12/2

17、(C.T. 4.6 , 1975). Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:40:36 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 31 76 lH 9006345 0001365 49

18、8 m -6- Bei der Blendung durch Straenbelevchtungsanlsgen drd zwischen psycho1 og i scher und phy s i 01 og i 6 ch er B lend em p f i ndu ng unters chi eden . Die Blendbegrenzungszahl f6r psychologische Blendung wird aus den photometrischen und geometrischen Daten der Anlage bestimmt. Die Blendbegren

19、zungszahl Er physiologische Blendung beruht auf der Holladay-Formel und ergibt sich rechnerisch aus der Schewellenuertexhhung fr die Wahrnehmung des Leuchtdichteunterschiedes zwischen einem relevanten Sehobjekt und der Fahrbahn. D i e rtliche Gleichmzigkeit der Fahrbahnleuchtdichte wfrd durch die Ge

20、samtgleichmigkeit und die Lngsgleichmfiigkeit gekennzeichnet. Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:40:36 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fro

21、m IHS -,-,- CIE 33 76 9006345 0003366 324 I -7- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 1. INTRODUCTION Pages 9 2. METHODS FOR QUANTIFYINS GLARE IN ROAD LIGHTIK INSTALLATIONS 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Discomfort Glare 2.3. Disability Glare 3. UNIFORMIN IN ROAD LIGHTIM; 3 . 1 . The problem 3 . 2 . Investigations

22、about uniformity 3.3. Earlier proposals for definition of uniformity 3.4. Basis for recommendations 3.4.1. Overall uniformity 3.4 -2. Longi tudina 1 uni f onni ty 3.4.3. Tranverse uniformity 3.4.4. Uniformity on wet road surfaces 9 9 9 13 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 18 19 REFERENCES 25 Copyright Internatio

23、nal Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:40:36 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- -!)- 1. INTROUUcTI ON The present report provides background informati

24、on on glare and non- uniformity i n road lighting installations and presents the methods for calculation t o be applied for determining the degree of glare and non- uniformity i n compliance with Document CIE 12/2 (TG4.6), 1975. The pre- sent Report does not contain recommendations as t o the restri

25、ction of glare and non-uniformity i n an absolute sense. In t h i s respect reference should be made to Document CIE 12/2 (TC-4.6), 1975. 2 . METHODS FOR QOANTIFYING GLARE I N ROAD LIGHTINC INSTALLATIONS 2.1 . Introduction Ii is generally accepted that both discomfort glare and disability glare shou

26、ld be restricted i n fixed road lighting installations. Since a functional connection between the two kinds of glare is not a t present known the two types of glare are most conveniently treated separately. The fundamentals as well as a survey of the essential research work carried out so f a r have

27、 been provided by Adrian (1974). I n th is report methods are given for t h e i r quantification. it should be noted that these methods are restricted t o quantification only, and that they do not give an assessaent of the levels of glare that may be tolerated i n road lighting installations. CIE Do

28、cument No12/2 (TG4.6). 1975 contains recommendations as to the acceptable degree of glare in road lighting installations. when deter+ mined i n accordance with the methods given i n t h i s Technical Report. 2 . 2 . Discomfort qlare The method far t h e quantification of discanfort glare is primaril

29、y based on the experimental work carried out by De Boer and Heemskerck Veeckens 1955, De Boer and Schreuder 1967, Adrian and Eberbach 1965, Adrian and Eberbach 1967, Adrian and Schreuder 1970 and 1971 and Adrian 1975 . Therein which expresses on an ordinal scale the subjective appraisal of the degre

30、e of discanfort experienced, Wordings have been used io describe the degree of The value of G associated to different sensations was as folleus t the discomfort from glare is described by a Glare Control Mark glare corresponding t o the values of this onlinal scale. G = 1 unbearable glare“ G = 3 “di

31、sturbing glare“ G = 5 “just admissible glare. G = 7 “satisfactory glare“ C - 9 “unnoticeable glare“. Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:40:36 MSTNo reproduction or n

32、etworking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 33 76 9006345 0003368 IT7 I The wordingdo not purport to indicate an absolute level of glre to be recommended. They have nevertheless been listed here as they have been used i n the experiments. I t should furthennore be noted that values G 9 ha

33、ve no practical meaning, The subjective appraisal of the glare, and thus the associated value of the Glare Control Mark i s found to be dependent upon the following photometric and geometric quantities of the liohting installations t Ig8 - the luminous intensities of the lanterns emitted i n di- 430

34、, rections making an the downwnrd vertical (Iso and IB8 i n cd). IBO is the value of the luminous intensity emitted under an angle of 8 0 with the downward vertical i n the meridion plane parallel with the roads axis (the Co-plane according to CIE publication No 27 (TG2.4), 1973. IB8 has to be d e t

35、 e r mined i n the same meridian plcne. angle of 8 0 and 80 respectively to In cases of strong toe-in of the light distribution, the Glare Control Mark determined on the basis of these luminous in- tensities might be higher than the value corresponding t o the actual degree of glare. In curves or i

36、n cases of very complicated geometries or of more than two rows of lanterns the luminous intensities have t o be determined i n meridion planes through the road users eyes. For the exzct calculation of G in these cases reference should be made to Adrian and Entmann 1971. As to the limits of applicab

37、ility of the luminous intensity values in the meridian plane parallel with the road axis i n calculating the glare control mark for non-straight road sections and/ or complicated lantern srrangements reference should be made t o the Technical Report, Publication CIE No 30 , (TC-4.6), 1976 entitled “

38、Calculation and Measurement of Luminance and Illuminance i n Road Lighting ; Computer Program for Luminance, Illuminance and G 1 a re“. h - the reduced mounting height expressed i n m . of the lantern above the level ai the observers eye I h = h - 1 . 5 when h equals the mounting height of the lante

39、rn in m. - the flashed area (in ) of the lantern projected in the direction of 76“ with the downward vertical in the road axis parallel meridian plane. 2 F Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not

40、for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:40:36 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- -11- In the case of multiple lanterns mounted closely together on one mast and illuminating the same carriageway the effective luminous area can be approximated by an addition of the visible are

41、as of the single lanterns (Eberbach, 7974). In that case the arrangement of single lanterns has to be considered as one lantern with IBO and IB8 followinf out of the resulting distribution and the total flux installed. - L P 2 - the average road surface luminance i n cd/m - the number of lanterns o

42、r multiple lanterns per kilometre of road length. I t should be noticed that C is not significantly affected by the uniformity of the road surface luminance as long as it is in the order of the recommended values. I t was not found to be dependent upon the road width, neither whether t h e lanterns

43、have been arranged i n a single-sided, opposite staggered, or. twin-bracket arrangement. Difficulties may arise i n determining the flashed area i n cases of very nowuniform luminance distributions over the luminous area. It has been found (Eberbach, 1974) #at those parts of the area observed a t th

44、e angle of 7 6 O to the downward vertical showing less than 1/100 of the maximum luminance i n this direction can be neglected. There is another approach, e.q. when the maximum luminous intensity can only be detennined w i t h difficulty to find F with reasonable accuracy. A rectangular occluder lar

45、ger than the dimensions of the lantern is t o be moved into the flashed lumi- nous rea from each of t h e f o w sides until the intensity I,6 each time drops to 0.98 of its value. The remaining area obtained by this procedum is i n f a i r agreement w i t h that found by photometric evaluation as de

46、scribed be fore. 1 . 1 roads where the surroundings (house fronts etc.) have a lminance of the same order as that of the road surface, L i s sufficient also t o determine GO In cases, however, where show windows, advertisements etc. are present, the state of adaption of the dri-vers eye is different

47、, and G is not directly dependent upon c. A t the present time no quantitative data are available in t h i s respect. - The research indicated above can be described by the following empirical relationship (see ref. 4) Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license

48、with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:40:36 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- The relationship between G and the subjective appraisal of glare is based on laboratory experiments involving a great number of expe- rinental installations, and is validated to a reasonable degree i n a great


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