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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS 6230:1991 Specification for Installation of gas-fired forced convection air heaters for commercial and industrial space heating (2nd family gases) Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Thu Dec 07 06:40:33 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c)

2、 BSI BS 6230:1991 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Gas Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 28 June 1991 BSI 12-1998 First published August 1982 Second edition June 1991 The following BSI r

3、eferences relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference GSE/30 Draft for comment 87/73034 DC ISBN 0 580 19301 2 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Gas Standards Policy Committee (GSE/-) to Technical Committee GSE/

4、30, upon which the following bodies were represented: British Flue and Chimney Manufacturers Association British Gas plc Confederation for the Registration of Gas Installers Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department of Trade and Industry (Consumer Safety Unit, CA Division) Health and Safety Execut

5、ive Institute of Domestic Heating and Environmental Engineers Institution of Gas Engineers Liquefied Petroleum Gas Industry Technical Association (UK) Society of British Gas Industries Trades Union Congress The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through subcommit

6、tees and panels: British Combustion Equipment Manufacturers Association Home Office Loss Prevention Council Amendments issued since publication Amd. No.DateComments Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Thu Dec 07 06:40:33 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) B

7、SI BS 6230:1991 BSI 12-1998i Contents Page Committees responsibleInside front cover Forewordii Section 1. General 1Scope1 2Definitions1 3Exchange of information and planning2 Section 2. Application 4Indirect-fired air heaters3 5Direct-fired air heaters3 6Heat input rating for full space heating4 7Fa

8、n capacity4 8Outside location4 Section 3. Selection and installation 9Materials and components5 10Heaters5 11Installation and siting5 12Heater air supply6 13Building ventilation8 14Ducting9 15Return air ducting10 16Gas supplies and pipework10 17Electrical controls and connections11 18Other controls1

9、1 19Flues for indirect-fired air heaters11 Section 4. Inspection and commissioning 20Inspection15 21Commissioning 15 22User instructions15 23Servicing15 Appendix A Limitations of application of direct-fired air heaters in buildings17 Appendix B Occupational exposure limit 18 Appendix C Checks to be

10、carried out prior to commissioning 18 Appendix D Typical live run checks 20 Table 1 Mechanical ventilation flow rates 9 Table 2 Occupational exposure limits 19 Publications referred to22 Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Thu Dec 07 06:40:33 GMT+00:00 2006, Un

11、controlled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6230:1991 ii BSI 12-1998 Foreword This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Gas Standards Policy Committee. It is a revision of BS 6230:1982 which is withdrawn. The 1982 edition of this standard as amended by Amendment No. 1 of June 1989 dealt wit

12、h the installation of air heaters of rated output exceeding 60 kW but, because of the difficulty in interpreting domestic installation standards for industrial applications, the opportunity has been taken to incorporate the installation of air heaters of less than 60 kW rated input into this revisio

13、n. Any reference to rated input in the title and the scope has not been included. NOTEIn the preparation of this standard the opportunity has been taken to present it in the format of a practice specification as defined in PD 6501. This format allows the requirements of the specification to be suppo

14、rted by recommendations. To comply with this specification the user has to comply with all its requirements. He may depart from recommendations but this would be on his own responsibility and he would be expected to have good reasons for doing so. A British Standard does not purport to include all t

15、he necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. In particular, attention is drawn to the following. a) Statutory Instrument 1358:1984: The Ga

16、s Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1984. b) Statutory Instrument 1065:1985 (as amended): Building Regulations 1985. c) Statutory Instrument 1596:1981 (as amended): The Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1981. d) Statutory Instrument 2000:1988: The Noise Insulation (Amendment) Regulat

17、ions: 1988. e) Statutory Instrument 635:1989: The Electricity at Work Regulations: 1989. f) Model Water Bye-laws. g) Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and a back

18、cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Thu Dec 07 06:40:33 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Co

19、py, (c) BSI BS 6230:1991 BSI 12-19981 Section 1 Section 1. General 1 Scope This British Standard specifies the installation requirements of direct and indirect gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space heating, designed for commercial or industrial applications and meeting the requirements o

20、f BS 5990 or BS 5991. This standard applies to installations supplied with 2nd family gases (e.g. natural gas), including mixtures of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and air, distributed by a gas supplier and to the installation of heaters in areas where petroleum or other flammable heavier-than-air v

21、apours may be present (see clause 12). It does not include the safety requirements for installation where flammable dusts, toxic gases or flammable lighter-than-air gases may be present in significant quantities. In such cases it is essential that liaison takes place with the Health and Safety Execu

22、tive. The provisions of this standard also apply to air heaters designed to supply make-up air, door curtain heaters, spray booth heaters and transportable air heaters; air heaters designed for use with and without ducting and air heaters designed for permanent outdoor installation. The provisions o

23、f this standard do not apply to heaters complying with BS 5258-4 or BS 5258-13 which are designed for domestic applications. NOTE 1If heaters designed primarily for domestic application and complying with BS 5258-4 or BS 5258-13 are installed in commercial or industrial applications, the environment

24、 may be such as to require the application of the provisions in this standard relating to hazardous areas, and the presence of flammable and/or corrosive products. NOTE 2The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 2 Definitions For the purposes of

25、 this British Standard, the definitions given in BS 1179:1967 and BS 1179-6 apply, together with the following. 2.1 compartment1) an enclosure specially designed or adapted to house a gas appliance 2.2 condensing appliance a heater in which condensation of a part of the water vapour in the combustio

26、n products is designed to occur within the heater under equilibrium conditions, in order to make use of the latent heat in the water vapour 2.3 damper a device to regulate, direct or stop the flow of gases/fluids through an opening or duct 2.4 direct-fired air heater a forced convection air heater i

27、n which the products of combustion mix with the heated air being supplied to the heated space 2.5 forced convection air heater2) an appliance designed to provide space heating from a central source by distributing heated air, by means of an air-moving device, either through ducting or directly into

28、the heated space 2.6 forced-draught burner3) a burner where the combustion air is provided under pressure 2.7 grille3) a non-closable fitment for an opening through which air passes 2.8 hazardous area an area in which explosive mixtures are or may be expected to be present in such quantities as to r

29、equire special precautions for the type of construction, installation and use of electrical apparatus and fuel-fired appliances 2.9 indirect-fired air heater a forced convection air heater in which the products of combustion are separately vented and do not mix with the heated air being supplied to

30、the heated space 1) Repeated from BS 1179-6:1980. 2) Repeated from BS 5990:1990 and BS 5991:1989. 3) Repeated from BS 1179-6:1980. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Thu Dec 07 06:40:33 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6230:1991 2 BSI 12-1998 Sect

31、ion 1 2.10 induced-draught burner4) a burner where combustion air is introduced by providing a suction in the combustion chamber by mechanical means 2.11 plant room a room in a building which houses plant or machinery 2.12 plenum chamber a chamber for receiving air before delivery to a heated space

32、or a combustion system 2.13 recirculation air air returned to a forced convection air heater from the space being heated and expressed as a percentage of the total air delivered by the heater, under the same temperature conditions 2.14 transportable direct-fired air heater a trolley or skid-mounted

33、direct-fired forced convection air heater designed to operate with a maximum air temperature rise through the appliance of 55 K or less 3 Exchange of information and planning NOTE 1Collaboration is essential between those concerned with the design and installation both at the planning stage and duri

34、ng the execution of work. Particular matters that shall be considered are: a) type of building and form of construction; b) sizes and purposes of rooms and working areas; c) size, height and route of flue (if any); d) provision of adequate air for combustion and ventilation; e) assessment of heat lo

35、sses and heat gains; f) gas pressures and the availability of supplies; g) electrical supplies; h) Statutory Regulations and any local bye-laws; i) liaison with fire insurers; j) transmission of noise and vibration; k) any hazardous area classification of the systems location. It is the customers re

36、sponsibility to ensure that: 1) the local authority is consulted with regard to building regulations and planning application requirements; 2) the fire authority and/or the enforcing authority under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, as appropriate, is consulted in respect of fire precauti

37、ons; 3) the fire insurers are notified of any proposed changes in the means of heating; 4) the local gas supplier is advised of the proposed installation of any gas booster or compressor which is either part of the appliance, or an addition to it. NOTE 2 Main contractors may need to draw their custo

38、mers attention to 1), 2), 3) and 4). 4) Repeated from BS 179-6:1980. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Thu Dec 07 06:40:33 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6230:1991 BSI 12-19983 Section 2 Section 2. Application 4 Indirect-fired air heaters 4.1 W

39、here vapours/gases or air borne dusts are present in the air which degrade to components that are potentially damaging to the appliance when passed through the combustion zone of a flame, all air to the burner shall be outside air. Products of combustion from indirect-fired heaters shall discharge i

40、nto a flue which terminates outside the building (see clause 19). 4.2 Indirect-fired heaters marketed as portable or transportable units shall be installed in exactly the same manner as fixed units. 5 Direct-fired air heaters 5.1 General 5.1.1 Where vapours/gases or air borne dusts are present which

41、 degrade to products that are potentially harmful to health when passed through the combustion zone of a flame (see Health and Safety Executive Guidance Note EH 40), all air to the burner shall be outside air. Recirculation, if practised, shall be downstream of the burner combustion zone. COMMENTARY

42、 AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 5.1.1. In some applications the production process or products stored in the heated space may be affected by constituents of the diluted products of combustion. Where there is any doubt the heater manufacturer should be consulted. 5.1.2 The total installation, that is the com

43、bination of the heater or heaters and the ventilation facilities in the room or rooms supplied with heated air, shall be designed and operated such that the concentration of carbon dioxide at positions where the air is normally, or is likely to be, inhaled by persons present shall not exceed 0.28 %

44、(V/V) (2 800 p.p.m.). COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 5.1.2. The specified maximum carbon dioxide concentration is approximately equivalent to one volume of products to 38 volumes of outside air being supplied to the spaces being heated, the volumes being referred to the same temperature.The conce

45、ntration of carbon dioxide is also approximately equivalent to a net heat input by direct firing of 86 kJ per cubic metre of outside air that enters the room per hour (see Appendix A); or to a gross heat input of 27 W per cubic metre of outside air (which equates to 37 m3 of outside air per kilowatt

46、 of gross heat input) that enters the room per hour. Where air extraction is not achieved wholly by positive means, e.g. where it is extracted either by relief grilles or partly by fans, knowledge of the air change rate of the room concerned is required in order to assess the maximum heat input that

47、 avoids excessive carbon dioxide concentrations. The recirculation air intake should be located downstream of the burner, unless the appliance is designed for upstream recirculation. (See also 5.1.1.) It should be noted that systems designed to comply with this standard give environmental concentrat

48、ions of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and aldehydes as the result of the use of direct fired-gas heating plant well below the limits specified in Health and Safety Executive Guidance Note EH 40. 5.1.3 In rooms where products of combustion are present from sources other than fro

49、m the direct-fired heater system, e.g. releases from small unflued appliances, the maximum values of combustion products concentrations shall include these local ambient levels (see Appendix B). COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 5.1.3. This requirement may limit or preclude the use of direct-fired heaters in some locations. 5.1.4 Heaters intended for intermittent use, e.g. door curtain heaters, shall not be installed to operate continuously where combustion products concentrations higher than those specified in this standard would be produced and sustained at inhalation le


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