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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDlZATlON .MEKnYHAPOAHAR OPrAHM3ALWW n0 CTAHflAPTH3ACW4.ORGANlSATlON ,NTERNAT,ONALE DE NORMAL,SAT,ON Industrial trucks - Dimensions of stillages - Connection gauge Chariots de manutention - Dimensions des plates-formes - Gabarit de raccorde

2、ment First edition - 1975-06-15 UDC 629.111.31 : 621.869.8-181 Ref. No. IS0 1756-1975 (E) ,” Is) 7 fz Descriptors : handling equipment, industrial trucks, lift trucks, dimensions Price based on 1 page Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Lic

3、ensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 22:16:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- FOREWORD IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IS0 Member Bodies).

4、The work of developing international Standards is carried out through IS0 Technical Committees. Every Member Body interested in a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that Committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental,

5、 in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated to the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. Prior to 1972, the results of the work of the Technical Committe

6、es were published as IS0 Recommendations; these documents are now in the process of being transformed into International Standards. As part of this process, Technical Committee ISO/TC 110 has reviewed IS0 Recommendation R 1756 and found it technically suitable for transformation. International Stand

7、ard IS0 1756 therefore replaces IS0 Recommendation R 1756-1970 to which it is technically identical. IS0 Recommendation R 1756 was approved by the Member Bodies of the following countries : Australia Greece Austria India Belgium Ireland Chile Israel Czechoslovakia Japan Egypt, Arab Rep. of New Zeala

8、nd France Peru Germany South Africa, Rep. of Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Kingdom The Member Body of the following country expressed disapproval of the Recommendation on technical grounds : U.S.A. The Member Body of the following country disapproved the transformation of ISO/R 175

9、6 into an International Standard : Germany 0 International Organization for Standardization, 1975 ? Printed in Switzerland Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 22:16:3

10、7 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 1756-1975 (E) Industrial trucks - Dimensions of stillages - Connection gauge 1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION This International Standard specifies the dimensions of the connection gauge of stillag

11、es, in direct contact with the hand-operated elevating trucks. NOTE - The dimensional specifications of the industrial trucks designed for handling the stillages are given in IS0 938, Hand-operated stillage trucks - Principal dimensions. 2 DIMENSIONS 2.1 Fr& height A, The free height A, taken under

12、the deck, is related to the maximum height A of the truck intended to handle the stillage. Dimensions in millimetres 2.2 Minimum free width B, The minimum free width B, measured between the feet of the stillage, is related to the maximum width B of the elevating frame of the truck intended to handle

13、 the stillage. Dimensions in millimetres 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 22:16:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/25/2007 22:16:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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