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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZED PROFILE ISO/IEC ISP 12067-I First edition 1996-07-01 Information technology - International Standardized Profile RB - Relaying the connection-mode Network Service - Part 1: Subnetwork-independent requirements Technologies de /information - Profil normalis - European Worksh

2、op for Open Systems (EWOS); - Open Systems Environment Implementors Workshop (OIW). ISO/IEC ISP 12067 consists of the following parts, under the general title lnfor- mation technology - International Standardized Profile RB - Relaying the con- nection-mode Network Service: - Part 1: Subnetwork-indep

3、endent requirements - Part 2: LAN Subnetwork-dependent media-independent requirements - Part 3: PSDN Subnetwork-dependent media-dependent requirements for virtual calls over a permanent access - Part 4: Definition of profile RB.51.1111, relaying the connection-mode Net- work Service between CSMAKD L

4、AN subnetworks and PSDNs using vir- tual calls over a PSTN leased line permanent acess - Part 5: Definition of profile RB51.1121, relaying the connection-mode Net- work Service between CSi?fA/CD LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using vir- tual calls over a digital data circuit/CSDN leased line permanent ac

5、ess Annex A forms an integral part of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067. . 111 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 23:19:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted wi

6、thout license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC ISP 12067-1:1996(E) 0 ISO/IEC Introduction This Inlcmational Standardized Profile (ISP) is dclincd in accordance with the principles specified by ISO/IEC Technical Report 10000. The conlcxt of Functional Standardization is one area in the overall field of Informa

7、tion Technology (IT) standardization activities. covering base standards. profiles. and rcgislration mechanisms. A profile defines a combination of base standards that collcctivcly perform a specific well-defined IT function. Profiles standardize the use of options and other variations in the base s

8、tandards, and provide a base for the development of uniform. internationally recognized system tests. ISPs arc produced not simply to “legitimize” a particular choice of base standards and options, but to promote real system intcropcrability. One of the most important roles for an ISP is to serve as

9、 the basis for the development (by organiirations other than IS0 and IEC) of internationally recognized test methods. The development and widcsprcad acccptancc of tests based on this and other ISPs is crucial to the successful realisation of this goal. ISO/IEC ISP 12067 consists of scvcral parts, of

10、 which this is Part 1. ISO/IEC ISP 12067-l specifies the profile requirements that arc subnctrvork-indcpcndcnt. Thcrc arc further parts which specify subnetworkdependent and mcdiadcpcndcnt rcquircmcnts. In addition, for each individual profile there is a part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 which idcntifics th

11、e specific rcquircmcnts of that profile, making reference to appropriate material from part 1 and from the subnctworkdcpcndcnt parts. iv Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/2

12、4/2007 23:19:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZED PROFILE OISO/IEC ISOllEC ISP 12067-1:1996(E) Information technology - International Standardized Profile RB - Relaying the connection-mode Network Service - Part 1: Subnetwork-indepen

13、dent requirements 1 Scope ISO/IEC ISP 12067 is applicable to interworking units concerned with operating in the Open Systems Intercon- nection (OSI) environment. It specifies a combination of OS1 base standards that collectively provide a relay function for the connection-mode Network Service. This

14、part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 specifics requirements which are applicable to interworking units operating the connection-mode Network Service regardless of the types of subnetworks to which they are attached. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which. through reference in t

15、his text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All documents are subject to revision, and partics to agrecmcnts based on this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 are warned against automatically applying any more recent edition

16、s of the documents listed below, since the nature of references made by ISPs to such documents is that they may bc specific to a particular edition. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards and ISPs, and ITU-T maintains published editions of its current Rc

17、commcndations. ISO/IEC 8208 : 1995. Information technology - Data communications - X.25 Packet Layer Protocol Data Terminal Equipment ISO/IEC 9646-7: 1995. Information technologv - open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodologv andframework - Part 7: Implementation Conformance Statem

18、ents ISO/IEC TR 10000-l : 1995, fnfirmation technology - Framework and taxonomy of International Standardized Pro/iles - Part I: General principles and documentation framework ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 : 1995. Information technology - Framework and taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 2:

19、Principles and Taxonornv for OS1 proflIes ISO/IEC 10177 : 1993. Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Provision of the connection-mode Network internal layer service by intermediate systems using ISO/lIX 8208, the .-.2.5 Packet Layer Protocol 1 Copyri

20、ght International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 23:19:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC ISP 12067-1:1996(E) BISO/IEC 3 Definitions Th

21、e terms uxd in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 arc dctincd in the rcfcrcnccd base standards (see clause 2). 4 Abbreviations Abbreviations used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 are delined in the referenced base standards (see clause 2). 5 Requirements 5.1 Introduction The requircmcnts in this clause

22、 apply to all intcrworking units within the scope of ISO/IEC ISP 12067, and are to be implcmcntcd for all subnctwork attachments to which ISO/IEC ISP 12067 applies. Additional specific requirements apply with rcspcct to attachments to certain types of subnetwork; these requirements are specified in

23、subscqucnt parts of ISO/IEC ISP 12067. 5.2 Static conformance requirements 5.2.1 Overall requirements An implcmcntation conforming to this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 shall: a) meet the rcquircmcnts for ISO/IEC 10177 in the subclause 5.2.2 below; b) meet the rcquircmcnts for ISO/IEC 8208 in the subcla

24、use 5.2.3 below; c) support all the fcaturcs idcntificd as rcquircmcnts in the Prolilc Rcquircments List in annex A. 5.2.2 ISO/IEC 10177 The implcmcntation shall: a) meet the static conformance rcquircmcnts spccificd in subclause 6.1 of ISO/IEC 10177; b) support the following capabilities identified

25、 in Table 1 of ISO/lEC 10177: - use of VC service; - NC cstablishmcnt. outgoing; - NC cstablishmcnt. incoming; c) not support the following capabilities idcntificd in Table 1 of ISO/IEC 10177: - cxpcditcd data transfer: - rcccipt confirmation. Copyright International Organization for Standardization

26、 Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 23:19:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- OISO/IEC ISO/IEC ISP 12067-1:1996(E) 5.2.3 ISO/IEC 820% The implcmcntation shall: a) meet the rcquircmc

27、nts for the X.25 Packet Layer Protocol of ISO/IEC 8208, as modified by ISOAEC 10 I77 in subclause 6.2.1; b) meet the static conformance rcquircmcnts specified in clause 2 1 of ISO/IEC 8208; c) support the following option from subclause 2 1.1.2 of ISO/IEC 8208: - transmit RR packets. 5.3 Dynamic con

28、formance requirements An implementation conforming to this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 shall: a) conform to the dynamic conformance rcquircmcnts specified in subciausc 6.3 of ISO/IEC 10177; b) conform to the dynamic conformance rcquircmcnts spccificd in clause 2 1 of ISO/IEC 8208; c) behave in accorda

29、nce with the requircmcnts of the Profile Rcquiremcnts List in annex A. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 23:19:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without

30、 license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC ISP 12067-1:1996(E) OISO/IEC Annex A (normative) Profile Requirements List A.1 Introduction ISO/IEC 9646-7 rcquircs that a Profile Rcquircmcnts List is provided for each profile and captures: a) the general options of the profile as a whole: b) a list of specification

31、s sclcctcd and combined in the prolilc; and rcfcrcnces to the related ICS proforma; c) for each of thcsc rcfcrcnccd base specifications. a section of the profile RL expressing the restrictions upon allowed support answers in the corresponding PICS proforma and information object ICS proforma. This s

32、ection of the prolilc RL is dcrivcd from the KS proformas of the relevant base specifications, indicating the changes of status values ncccssary to cxprcss the profile requirements. The first two items rclatc to the protilc as a whole. and so are included only in those parts of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 whi

33、ch arc specific to individual profiles. But each part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 contains the identification of those PICS proforma constraints which arc within its scope. ISO/IEC 9646-7 indicates that a profile RL may consist either of a simple list of constraints or of amended copies of the base PIGS pr

34、oforma. In this part of ISOAEC ISP 12067 the former method is used. A.2 Notation and conventions In many casts the constraints imposed by the prolile RL arc expressed in the form of symbols indicating the status in the context of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 of those base standard PICS proforma it

35、ems to which the constraints apply. The symbols used to identify constraints on the capabilities to be supported by a conforming implementation arc dcfmed in ISO/IEC 9646-7. It should bc noted that, in the context of received PDUs or fields or parameters of received PDUs, the capability to support t

36、hem is the ability to intcrprct the significance of the PDU or field and act upon it in accordance with the dynamic conformance rcquircmcnts of the protocol (which may in some cases mean generating an error report). PDUs or liclds which arc not supported arc those whose rcccipt is ignored and have n

37、o impact on the protocol operation. In some casts it is ncccssary to specify constraints not only on the capabilities which are implcmentcd, but on whether they arc used. When this is ncccssary. an additional prolilc spcciftc KS proforma is used to specify such additional rcquircmcnts. 4 Copyright I

38、nternational Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 23:19:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- BISO/IEC ISO/IEC ISP 12067-1:1996(E) A.3 Profile RL for IS

39、O/IEC 10177 The relcvanl base standard PlCS proforma is the PIGS proforma given in annex A of ISO/IEC 10177. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 imposts the following additional constraints: A.5 NC cstablishmcnt and release Base Itern Dcscriotion Constraint I VI NC cstablishmcnt incoming on VC m vo NC cs

40、tablishmcnt outeoine on VC m I A.6 Data Iransfcr phase Base item Dcscriplion ED cxpcditcd data transfer RC rccciol confirmation Constraint x X A.7 Mapping-protocol violalions Base Item MVe 1 MVdl MVq 1 MVq2 MVzl MVii2 MVz3 Description INTERRUPT when non-use of ED negotiated NC release D-bit when non

41、-use of RC ncgotialcd NC rclcase Q-bit set to 1 NC rclcasc Q-bit set to 1 NC reset Zero-length M-bit scqucnce NC release Zero-length M-bit sequence NC reset Zero-length M-bit scqucnce ignore Constraint m m 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 A.4 Profile RL for ISOllEC 8208 The relevant base standard PIGS proforma i

42、s the PIGS proforma given in annex B of ISO/lEC 8208 modified by annex B of ISO/IEC 10177. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 12067 imposes the following additional constraints: B.6 Proccdurcs. packet types and packet formats B.6.4 Call setup and clearing B.6.4.2 Call clearing Base ltcm Description Constraint

43、 C2b Call clearing lo rcjcct an incoming VC m B.6 Proccdurcs. packet types and packet formats B.6.8 Normal dala transfer and flow conlrol B.6.8.1 Sending data Base Item Description Constraint DSSb Sending Q = I in DATA packets X Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IH

44、S under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 23:19:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC ISP 12067-1:1996(E) 0 ISO/IEC ICS 35.100 Descriptors: data processing, information interchange, network Interc

45、onnectIon, open systems Interconnection, data transmission, connection oriented transmission, services, network service, profiles, Price based on 5 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 23:19:54 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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