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1、7 / 7- - J I S BXO2Ob 73 m 4933608 0007564 b m JIS BO206-1973 Unified Coarse Screw Threads 1 Position 2.2 F o d a e (to be added to emark) Reference: the following are the calculation exanples of d, d and 4 on the basis of 7/16- 14WC. d=(d) x 2 5 . 4 (0.437 5) X25.4=11.112 4 =(Ci - n 19) x25.4=(0 .

2、a 7 5- 14 519)x25.4=9.934 d=(d-1.M)2532)25.4=(0.a7 5- 14 532) XE .4=9.149 n J I S BX02Ob 73 4733b08 00075bS 8 W ; - /. UDC 621.882.082.3 JAPANESE I NDUSTRIAL STANDARD Unified Coarse Screw Threads JIS B 0 2 0 6 - 1 9 7 3 Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association Printed in Japan 3s -

3、,-,- J I S B*O2Ob 73 m 4933b08 000756b T m Translation without guarantee standard in Japanese is to be evidence i n the event of any doubt arising, the original J I S B*R2Ob 73 = 4933bR 0007567 L UDC 621.882.082.3 JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD J I S Unified Coarse Screw Threads B 0206-1973 (Reaffirme

4、d: 1985) 1. Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the basic profile, and the formal and basic size of unified coarse screw threads used for aircrafts and otherwise only when especially required. Reference: This unified coarse screw threads are coincident with the coarse series screw thre

5、ads of IS0 inch screw threads specified in IS0 263. 2, Basic Profile, Formulae and Basic Size 2.1 Basic Profile The basic profile is shown with the thick continuous line in Figure. e Figure Basic Profile of Unified Coarse Screw Threads Reference: This basic profile is coincident with the basic profi

6、le of IS0 general purpose screw threads specified in IS0 68. Formulae used for calculation of basic size shall be as follows: 2.2 Formulae H= 25. a d=(d)x25.4 D-d O. 866025 25.4 p = - n n Hi= O* x 25.4 dz= (d - O 649519 ) x 25.4 DZ-dZ n n 1,082532 ) 25. .di=(d- Di=dl where n : number of thread ridge

7、s per 25.4 mm Remark: The numerical values in parenthese shall be the unit of inch rounded off to a place of 0,0001 inch. Applicable Standards : IS0 68-IS0 general purpose screw threads-Basic profile IS0 263-IS0 inch screw threads. General plan and selection for screws , e bolts and nuts-Diameter ra

8、nge 0.06 to 6 in -,-,- J I S B*O2Ob 73 W 4933608 0007568 3 = 2. B 0206-1973 2.3 Basic Size The basic size shall be in accordance with Table. Table Basic Size of Unified Coarse Screw Threads Unit: mm Yumber If :hread ridges :per 15.4 mm n Thread werlap Hi Internai thread IMin; liameter diameter diame

9、ter _ _ ad Pitch P Refer- mce) O. 3969 O. 4536 O. 5292 Nominal designation of screw thread* . . -. - .- 2 rnal th itch liamete. 4 1.598 1.890 2.172 Ex iIajor liamete: d 1.854 2.184 2.515 - - dinor liameter di 1.425 1.694 1.941 1 (Reference) No. 144UNC NO. 3-48 UNC O. 0730-64 UNC O. 0860-56 UNC 0.099

10、048 UNC 64 56 48 O. 215 O. 246 O. 286 NO. 2-56 UNC No. 440 UNC No. 540 UNC NO. 6-32 UNC 0.112040 UNC 0.125040 UNC O. 1380-32 UNC 40 40 32 o. 344 o. 344 O. 430 2.845 3.175 3.505 2.433 2.764 2.990 2.156 2.487 2.647 O. 6350 O. 6350 o. 7938 O. 7938 I. 0583 1.0583 NO. 8-32 UNC NO. 10-24 UNC 32 24 24 3.30

11、7 3.680 4.341 3.650 4.138 4.798 5.524 7.021 8.494 O. 1640-32 UNC O. 1900-24 UhC O. 2160-24 UNC O. 2500-20 UNC O. 3125-18 UNC O. 3750-16 UNC 4.166 4.826 5.486 6.350 7.938 9.525 11.112 12.700 14.288 O. 430 o. 573 o. 573 O. 687 O. 764 O. 859 NO. 12-24 UNC 4.976 6.411 7.805 1.2700 1.4111 1.51175 20 18 1

12、6 14 13 12 1/4-20 UNC 5/16-18 UNC 3/r16 UNC /16-14 UNC 1/2-13 UNC 9/1s-l2 UNC O. 4375-14 UNC O. 5000-13 UNC O. 5625-12 UNC 1.8143 1.9538 2.1167 O. 982 1.058 1.146 9.934 11.430 12.913 9.149 3 10.584 11.996 5i8-11 UNC 9/4-10 UNC 7 / r 9 UNC O. 6250-11 UNC O. 7500-10 UNC 0.8750- 9 UNC 11 10 9 1.250 1.3

13、75 1.528 15.875 19.050 22,225 13.376 16.299 19.169 21.963 24.648 27.823 30.343 33.518 38.951 14.376 17.399 20.391 23.338 26.218 29.393 32.174 35,349 41.151 2.3091 2.5400 2.8222 3.1750 3.6286 3.6286 4.2333 4.2333 5.0800 5.6444 5.6444 6.3500 - 1,0000- 8 UNC 1.1250- 7 UNC 1.2500- 7 UNC 1.3750- 6 UNC 1.

14、5000- 6 UNC 1.7500- 5 UNC 25.400 28.575 31.750 34.925 38.100 44.450 1 - 8 U N C lila- 7 UNC 11/4- 7 UNC 13/8- 6 UNC 1112- 6 UNC 13/4- 5 UNC 2 UNC 2l/&/2 UNC 2112-4 UNC 1.719 1.964 1.964 2.291 2.291 a. 750 2.0000- 4.5 UNC 2.2500- 4.5 UNC 2.5000 - 4 UNC 3.055 3.055 3.437 50,800 57.150 63.500 44.689 51

15、.039 56.627 4% 4% 4 47,135 53.485 59.375 65.725 72.075 78.425 84.775 91.125 97.475 - 23/4- 4 UNC 3 -4uNc 31/4- 4 UNC 2.7500- 4 UNC 3.0000- 4 UNC 3.2500- 4 UNC 6.3500 6.3500 6.3500 69.850 76.200 82.550 62.977 69.327 75.677 3.437 3.437 3.437 3.437 3.437 3.437 - 3l/2- 4 UNC 33/4- 4 UNC 4 - 4 U N C 3.50

16、00- 4 UNC 3.7500- 4 UNC 4.0000- 4 UNC 6.3500 6.3500 6.3500 - 88.900 95.250 101.600 82.027 811. 377 94.727 Note * The column 1 has priority to the column 2 and the latter is selected when required. nominal designation of screw thread expressed by the decimal system. Those given in the column of refer

17、ence mean the -,-,- , Japanese Text Established by Minister of International Trade and Industry Date of Establishment: 1952-09-22 Date of Revision: 1973-12-01 Date of Reaffirmation: 1985-02-01 Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: Investigated by : Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Divisional Council on Machine Elements Technical Committee on Basic Screw Threads 1985-02-19 B 0206-1973 Edition 1 This English translation is published by : Japanese Standards Association 1-24, Akasaka 4, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107 Japan 0 JSA, 1985 Rinted in Tokyo by Hohbunsha Co.,Ltd. -,-,-


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