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1、 National Cooperative Freight Research Program December 2008 Announcement of FY 2009 Freight Research Projects Americas freight transportation system makes critical contributions to the nations economy, security, and quality of life. More than $660 billion (about 6.4 percent of the U.S. Gross Domest

2、ic Product) is spent annually to move freight, and the cost and volume of goods movement are crucial to the productivity of the entire U.S. economy. The National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP) was authorized in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Leg

3、acy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The NCFRP is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportations Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) and managed by the National Academies, acting through the Transportation Research Board (TRB). The NCFRP Oversight Committee, the governing board for

4、the program, met on November 13, 2008 and selected 10 projects for the Fiscal Year 2009 program. The purpose of this announcement is to inform the research community of these projects. This announcement contains problem statements that are preliminary descriptions of the selected projects. Panels ar

5、e being formed to develop detailed project statements and oversee these projects. Recommendations for panel members may be made by sending an email indicating the project of interest and a resume to Ms. Adrienne Blackwell ( by February 6, 2009. Detailed project statements, formally

6、 soliciting proposals for these projects, are expected to be released starting in April 2009. NCFRP project statements will be available only at the program website: . Each project statement will be announced by e-mail, and information on registering for this service and other details on the NCFRP a

7、re available at that site. The NCFRP will conduct research and disseminate timely findings that will inform investment and operations decisions affecting the performance of the freight transportation system. Proposals should evidence strong capabilities gained through extensive, successful experienc

8、es. Any research agency interested in submitting a proposal should first make a frank and thorough self-appraisal to determine whether or not it possesses the capability and experience necessary to ensure successful completion of the project. The specifications for preparing proposals are set forth

9、in a brochure entitled, Information and Instructions for Preparing Proposals, available on the website referenced above. Proposals will be rejected if they are not prepared in strict conformance with the section entitled, “Instructions for Preparing and Submitting Proposals.” Address inquiries to: C

10、rawford F. Jencks Manager, National Cooperative Freight Research Program Transportation Research Board 500 Fifth Street NW Washington, DC 20001 202/334-3233 - 2 - National Cooperative Freight Research Program Projects in the Fiscal Year 2009 Program Project No. Title Page 19 Truck Tol

11、ling The Role of Freight Markets and Industry Characteristics in Decision Making3 20 Resources and Procedures for Developing Local and Specific Freight Corridors Commodity Flow Databases3 21 Legal Considerations for Accessing Private Freight Data for Transportation Planning.3 22 Applying Benefit-Cos

12、t Analysis to Freight Project Selection: Lessons from the Corps of Engineers 4 23 Economic and Transportation Factors for Locating Freight Intermodal and Warehouse Distribution Facilities4 24 Preserving and Protecting Freight Infrastructure and Routes4 25 Generation and Attraction of Freight by Land

13、 Use Characteristics5 26 Strategies for Measuring the Cost of Freight Transportation .5 27 Promoting Environmental Goals in Freight Transportation through Industry Benchmarking 5 28 Truck Idling Scoping Study6 - 3 - FY 2009 National Cooperative Freight Research Program Oversight Committee Approved R

14、esearch Projects Project 19 Truck Tolling The Role of Freight Markets and Industry Characteristics in Decision Making Allocation: $150,000 Road pricing projects have improved traffic flow along congested corridors and facilities and raised new revenue for investment in transportation infrastructure.

15、 While many pricing projects have gained public acceptance, there is significant skepticism among key stakeholders, especially from the trucking industry. Recent TRB forums that brought advocates and analysts of road pricing together with trucking industry representatives highlighted the gulf in und

16、erstanding on the part of analysts in the business of trucking. The objective of this research is to identify the value that goods movement businesses seek from the transportation system and their willingness to pay for that value. The proposed research will look across the spectrum of freight marke

17、ts and their sub-sectors to address questions of who pays the tolls, how the tolls relate to other operating costs, whether these costs can be passed on to the customer, and who makes routing decisions. The proposed research is intended to be expansive with regard to freight markets, exploring not o

18、nly those that move the goods, but the shipping community as well. This project will be jointly funded by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Total project funding will be $300,000. Project 20 Resources and Procedures for Developing Local and Specific Freight Corridors Commodity Flow

19、Databases Allocation: $500,000 Commodity flow data are used to understand which industries in a state or region generate the most demand on the system; they provide a key link between economic trade relationships in a state or region and freight demand; they are also used in modal diversion studies;

20、 and are a key input to multimodal trade corridor studies and air quality assessments. State DOTs and MPOs need a variety of tools, but a number of useful commodity flow databases at the national level are of limited use at the state or regional level because they lack the appropriate level of geogr

21、aphical detail for flow origins and destinations. The objective of this research is to provide state DOTs and MPOs with guidance for compiling commodity flow data sets appropriate for sub- national analysis. This will include techniques for disaggregating national data sets; procedures and methodolo

22、gies for conducting local commodity flow surveys; a compendium of commonly available public and private data sources for use in constructing sub-national commodity flow data sets; and procedures for compiling local, state, or regional commodity flow databases from these various resources. Project 21

23、 Legal Considerations for Accessing Private Freight Data for Transportation Planning Allocation: $50,000 Most data on freight transportation originates with private companies. Many factors are operating to increase the priority on planning and public investment for freight transportation: globalizat

24、ion of the economy; congestion at border crossings, terminals, and line haul links; health effects of emissions from diesel vehicles; and concerns about global warming and energy resources. Private data sources can be important resources for transportation planning and policy making, but the challen

25、ge is to find ways to make selected private data available to meet the specific needs of planners. While some agencies have had important successes securing and using private transportation data, the barriers remain significant, and the structures of data sharing agreements are not widely known. The

26、 objective of this research is to study the legal issues and establish general approaches and protocols for agreements between private entities and public agencies to enable access to essential private data for appropriate public transportation planning purposes. - 4 - Project 22 Applying Benefit-Co

27、st Analysis to Freight Project Selection: Lessons from the Corps of Engineers Allocation: $50,000 State and local transportation agencies are encouraged to use benefit-cost analysis for project selection, and proposals are occasionally made to require benefit-cost analysis as part of the planning an

28、d project development processes for all publicly funded freight projects. Such a requirement already exists for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which must conduct benefit- cost analysis for its civilian navigation and flood control projects. The experience is mixed, with some arguing that benefit-

29、cost analysis has saved the nation from wasteful projects while others argue that benefit-cost analysis has paralyzed decision making, encouraged underinvestment, or put environmental restoration efforts at an inappropriate disadvantage. Congress has recently required that the Corps convene expertis

30、e from the National Academies to review its benefit-cost analysis methods. If state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations are to be required or strongly encouraged to apply benefit-cost methods to all freight investments, then the experience of the Corps should be car

31、efully considered so that mistakes are not repeated and successes are built upon. The objective of this research is to summarize past studies and testimonies on the effectiveness of benefit-cost analysis at the Corps of Engineers, supplemented by interviews with past and present Corps officials and

32、stakeholders. Project 23 Economic and Transportation Factors for Locating Freight Intermodal and Warehouse Distribution Facilities Allocation: $250,000 Public officials at the state and local level are frequently called on to consider the siting of inland ports, freight intermodal terminals, and war

33、ehouse distribution centers. Deciding to pursue these facilities as economic development generators, as a supporting function for current businesses, or in response to outside proposals without fully understanding the transportation, community and economic consequencesboth positive and negativeis no

34、t an uncommon issue. This has led to public officials expending time and resources on flawed strategies to attract facilities and incorrectly reacting to facility proposals. This can ultimately lead to inefficient transportation systems, negative community perceptions, and failed economic developmen

35、t strategies. In order for these facilities to be considered viable and positive community assets, public sector decision makers require an understanding of many factors to make sound decisions on whether to purse such facilities, or if they are approached about such facilities, what they need to co

36、nsider when analyzing their possible locations. The objective of this research is to provide public sector practitioners in both the transportation and economic development fields with an understanding of key transportation and economic-related factors and strategies that must be considered when bui

37、lding intermodal terminals and warehouse distribution facilities. Project 24 Preserving and Protecting Freight Infrastructure and Routes Allocation: $500,000 There has been a generalized decline of critical maritime infrastructure especially in urban areas, at the very time when there is renewed int

38、erest and identified need for more maritime transport of freight (and people). Critical maritime infrastructure is defined as ship repair/building, berths and anchorages, and storage areas. Existing freight routes are threatened by such factors as: gentrification around truck routes connecting pocke

39、ts of urban manufacturing and ports to the intercity highway network; conversion of short line railroads to recreational trails; permanent weight restrictions on aging bridges; and other changes in the surrounding landscape. Voters often put effective pressure on local decision makers to block freig

40、ht movement on long-used freight routes, leaving local manufacturers and others without needed access to the intercity and international freight networks. The objective of this research is to provide state and local officials, land use planners, transportation consultants, architects and - 5 - devel

41、opers with a state-of-the-practice review of current activities in this area. It will provide information on best practices, innovative zoning or other ordinances currently used, mitigation options, as well as a guidebook, which the aforementioned groups can utilize as they plan and develop faciliti

42、es in proximity to freight, port, and rail operations. Project 25 Generation and Attraction of Freight by Land Use Characteristics Allocation: $125,000 Trip generation and attraction rates by type of land use are a key element of local transportation and land use planning. Most estimates are based o

43、n personal travel rather than freight movement, and the freight estimates that are used are typically limited to the number of trucks. The objective of this research is to estimate the amount of freight activity generated or attracted by different types of land use for state and local planning studi

44、es. The research would extend truck trip generation estimates and guidebooks developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Truck Trip Generation Guide in NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 31-09. NCFRP funding for this project is contingent on the allocation of an equal amount by the Natio

45、nal Cooperative Highway Research Program. Total project funding will be $250,000. Project 26 Strategies for Measuring the Costs of Freight Transportation Allocation: $200,000 Data on the cost of transportation are central to understanding the economic importance of freight system performance, for ev

46、aluating the effectiveness of public policies to divert truck traffic to other modes, for understanding the implications of vehicle size and weight limits, for forecasting future freight demand and revenue generation for states and facility operators, and for monitoring the performance of transporta

47、tion investments, regulations, and policies. Traditional sources of cost data disappeared with deregulation, or have become invalid by post- deregulation pricing practices that are no longer reflected in reporting systems to public agencies. While the Commodity Flow Survey measures the value of comm

48、odities being shipped, it cannot measure the cost of moving those commodities. The only public data on freight costs are survey-based national price indices by industry from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Transportation Statistics beyond ISTEA, a publication by the Bureau of Transportation Statisti

49、cs, is among the publications that recognize the importance of this data gap and the profound difficulties in filling the gap. The objective of this research is to identify specific types of transportation cost data required by national, state, and local transportation and economic development agencies, assess different strategies for collecting those types of cost data, and propose a strategy for obtaining the needed data. Project 27 Promoting Environmental Goals in Freight Transportation through Industry Benchmarking Alloc


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