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1、以生为本,提升效率,从容迎考,Company Logo,,Contents,反思,以生为本课堂教学所取得的一点成绩,复习准备工作,复习计划及需要注意的细节,Company Logo,,复习前的准备工作,知己:分析研究学生,制定合理目标及复习计划,知彼:分析研究中考,准备相关资料,Company Logo,,复习计划,第一阶段,第二阶段,第三阶段,第四阶段,3月中旬4月中旬,4月中旬5月中旬,5月中旬中考前,中考前三到四天,Company Logo,,Contents,讲评课中对写作的指导,讲评课中对阅读方法的指导,讲评课的基本模式,改革背景,理论支撑,Company Logo,,我校以小组合作

2、学习为载体的生本课堂改革的大背景,改革背景,对传统讲评课弊端的反思及改进,Company Logo,,理论支撑,Company Logo,,讲评课的基本模式: 四大板块,板块一,板块二,板块三,板块四,课前教 师准备 环节,课内小 组学生 讲评,课堂班 内纠错 、 老师精 讲,课内反 馈检测 (二次 反馈),2、准备相关讲解内容及针对性练习。,板块一、课前教师准备环节:,1、课前抽查,发现问题,归纳整理。,讲评课的 基本模式,2、组内同学任务分配,3、老师的任务,板块二、课内小组学生讲评,1、各组由小组长组织,自行评讲、纠错,1号同学组织讲评,2号同学负责记录,并到黑板上板书本组的普遍问题和疑

3、难问题(或汇报),3号和4号同学在1号和2号同 学的协助下纠错,巡视,答疑,为学生提供必要的支持和帮助,讲评课的 基本模式,板块三、课堂班内纠错、老师精讲,学生:自己能解决的问题,学生内部互助解决。,教师:只讲学生不能解决的问题,对重难点进行精讲,归纳提升,突破难点。,原则一:,原则二:,讲评课的 基本模式,Company Logo,,1、组内反馈检测练习,两种反馈方式,2、全班反馈检测练习,板块四、课内反馈检测(二次反馈),讲评课的 基本模式,讲评课中对学生阅读方法的指导,对于阅读题和B卷中的难度题,需要老师进行较长时间的方法指导,学生已基本掌握解题要领后,老师才能放手让学生自主解决。,基本

4、原则,新的中考题型: 我对新中考题型:排序题的思考,英语阅读排序题的特点: 阅读理解能力+逻辑思维能力,解题技巧:了解英语文章体裁,说明文,记叙文,议论文,记叙文的基本结构模式,记叙文的线索,以时间转移为线索,以人为线索,以事为线索,以物为线索,以感情为线索,A. Clara, however, started to play the piano in public at the age of nine and was very successful. B. She became very busy with the housework and her children. C. When Ro

5、bert died in 1856, Clara had to make money for their seven children by herself. She taught music and played the piano around Europe. During this hard time, music always gave her comfort and joy. D. Many people know Robert Schumann was an important musician, but they do not know that his wife, Clara

6、Wieck Schumann, was in fact more famous than he in their time. E. Clara died at 77. Now she is still thought to be one of the best musicians in history. F. Clara was born in 1819. G. In 1840, Clara got married. H. In her time, most women did not appear before the public. I. But Clara could never for

7、get her love for music; she felt she had to share it with other people. In 1842, Clara began to play in public again. J. It was hard for her to find time to practice the piano.,排序题的解题步骤思考,排序题的解题方法和技巧,先易后难,词语呼应,上下文联系,A. Clara, however, started to play the piano in public at the age of nine and was ve

8、ry successful. B. She became very busy with the housework and her children. C. When Robert died in 1856, Clara had to make money for their seven children by herself. She taught music and played the piano around Europe. During this hard time, music always gave her comfort and joy. D. Many people know

9、 Robert Schumann was an important musician, but they do not know that his wife, Clara Wieck Schumann, was in fact more famous than he in their time. E. Clara died at 77. Now she is still thought to be one of the best musicians in history. F. Clara was born in 1819. G. In 1840, Clara got married. H.

10、In her time, most women did not appear before the public. I. But Clara could never forget her love for music; she felt she had to share it with other people. In 1842, Clara began to play in public again. J. It was hard for her to find time to practice the piano.,F,A,G,I,C,E,D,H,B,J,在讲评课中对写作的有效指导,老师先

11、轮流抽查3-5份写作基础好的同学的作文进行指导、批 改,形成范文 将范文复印分发给各个小组 组长组织本小组的同学对题目进行分析 1. 确定文体。2. 确定写作思路。3. 分析得分要点。 小组共同阅读老师分发的范文,感受优秀同学的文章,寻找差距 对照范文交换批改本小组同学的作文、评分 作文归还给本人后,组长组织小组成员共同总结本小组共同的问题和改进方法,上交老师汇总 老师再针对全班的普遍问题进行指导和纠正 每位同学再对照题目要求、范文和同学标注的错误自行改错,需要注意的细节,充分有效利用时间,科学合理布置作业,分清轻重处理作业,错题本的使用,主要成果及影响,教师,教学效果,角色转变,主要成果及影响,学生,学习成绩,学习方式,反思,合作学习 习惯和方 法的培养,科学的分组,快乐学习 高效学习,观看课堂实录片段,期望各位,关注身体健康 享受美好生活 等待中考好消息!,,Thank You !,


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