大学英语口语教程 Love &amp Friendship.pptx

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1、,Love and Friendship,Think About It Which kinds of love and friendship do you usually keep ?,Discussion: What are the differences between love and friendship?,Appreciation,Friendship is a quiet walk in the park with the one you trust 友谊是 与信任的人在公园里的宁静漫步 love is when you feel like you are the two arou

2、nd 爱情是 对二人世界的钟爱 Friendship is when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care 友谊是 被注视时,你感到的关怀 love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart 爱情是 被注视时,你心里的温暖 Friendship is being close even when you are apart 友谊是 分离时,心依然靠近 love is when you can still feel their hand on your heart wh

3、en they are not near 爱情是 分离时,仍然有他/她的手在你心上,Friendship is hoping that they experience the very best 友谊是 希望朋友过得很好 love is when you bring them the very best 爱情是 希望你给他/她带去了最好 Friendship occupies your mind love occupies your soul 友谊 占据了思想 love is a warming touch that sends a pulse through your heart 爱情 占据

4、了灵魂 Friendship is knowing that you will always try to be there when in need 友谊是 雪中送炭 Friendship can survive without love 没有爱情 友谊仍可长存 love cannot live without friendship 没有友谊 爱情不能长久,Appreciation and understanding,A Fairy Tale A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding through the night. They lov

5、ed each other a lot Girl:“ Slow down a little Im scared.“ 女孩:“慢一点.我怕.” Boy: “No, its so fun“ Girl: “Please. its so scary.“ Boy: “Then say that you love me.“ Girl: “Fine. I love you. Can you slow down now?“,Boy: “Give me a big hug.“ The girl gave him a big hug. Girl: “Now can you slow down?“ Boy: “Ca

6、n you take off my helmet and put it on? Its uncomfortable and its bothering me while I drive.“ 男孩:“你可以脱下我的头盔并自己戴上吗?它让我感到不舒服,还干扰我驾车。” The next day, there was a story in the newspaper. A motorcycle had crashed into a building because its brakes were broken. There were two people on the motorcycle, of

7、which one died, and the other had survived. The guy knew that the brakes were broken. He didnt want to let the girl know, because he knew that the girl would have gotten scared. 驾车的男孩知道刹车失灵,但他没有让女孩知道,因为那样会让女孩感到害怕。,End,Instead, he was told the last time that she loved him, got a hug from her, put his

8、 helmet on her so that she can live, and die himself. Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale. 就在一会的时间里,就在平常的生活里,爱向我们展示了一个神话。,Mother,“M” is for the million things she gave me. “O” means only that shes growing old. “T” is for the tears she sleds to save me

9、. “H” is for her heart of purest gold. “E” is for her eyes, with love-light shining. “R” means right, and right shell always be. Put them all together, they spell “Mother” A word that means the world to me.,“Family“的含义,爸 Father 和 And 妈 Mother 我 I 爱 Love 你 You 爸妈我爱你=家庭,Father Mother Brother Sister Fr

10、iend Teacher Girlfriend Boyfriend,Motherland World Nature Life Science Truth Mankind Peace,I love,Hand in Hand,From Seoul Olympic Games 88 We can see the fire in the sky We feel the beating of our hearts together This is our time to rise above We know the chance is here to live forever For all time

11、Hand in hand we stand All across the land We can make this world a better place in which to live,Hand in hand we can! Start to understand Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time All the time Breaking down the walls between us Hand in hand Breaking down the walls Every time we give it all We feel the flame eternally inside us Lift our hands up to the sky The morning calm helps us to live in harmony For all time,


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