Analysis of English and Chinese Word Formation 英语毕业论文1.doc

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《Analysis of English and Chinese Word Formation 英语毕业论文1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Analysis of English and Chinese Word Formation 英语毕业论文1.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Analysis of English and Chinese Word FormationAcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Zhang Yuanyuan, my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She led me into the world of linguistics. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thes

2、is could not have reached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor Yang Guixia, Professor Zhang Shaojuan, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past four years. Last my thanks would go to

3、my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesi

4、s. 11ContentsAbstract (in Chinese)4Abstract (in English)5Introduction6I. The current situation of the study of the English and Chinese vocabulary7II. The comparison between English and Chinese words8A. The different language systems of English and Chinese.8B. The way of thinking in words8III. The co

5、mparison of English and Chinese word formation9A. Similar word formation91. Conversion.92. Sounding-changing93. Affixation94. Compounding105. Abbreviation10B. Unique word-formation of English and Chinese101. The unique word-formation in English: blending and inversion.102. The unique word formation

6、in Chinese: reduplication10Conclusion11Bibliography12摘 要英语和汉语作为世界上两种重要的语言,在词的构成方面有许多共同点,同时也有各自比较独特的构成方式。通过大量的语言实例分析英汉词语来源,比较和归纳出英汉构词法的异同,对扩充词汇量、理解词意、进行英汉语言研究、创造新译词以及进行英汉翻译都有一定帮助。关键词:词;英汉构词法;比较AbstractBoth English and Chinese are very important languages in the world. They share many similarities wit

7、h each other in word formation, meanwhile they each have their own unique forms. Then we can compare and sum up the similarities and differences between English and Chinese word formation through a lot of analyses of English and Chinese words examples to help us enlarge our vocabulary, understand th

8、e meaning of words, do research on Chinese and English languages, create new translated words and do translation between English and Chinese .Key words: word; English and Chinese word formation; comparisonIntroduction Word is the smallest unit of language. It is analyzed from the phrases or sentence

9、s representing certain significance with a fixed speech form. And it is the smallest structure unit for independent operation. Vocabulary is the expression of language.I. The current situation of the study of the English and Chinese vocabulary A lot of traditional study between Chinese words and Eng

10、lish words has been done ever before, but articles on Chinese characters and English word formation are few. And there is less research on methods of word formation between English and Chinese and also less qualitative analyses of them. This article uses some relevant theories of linguistics, by ana

11、lysing Chinese and English vocabulary structure characteristics, similarities and differences in morphology, to learn English effectively and accurately. And for further research on Chinese and English, it also plays a valuable role in English learning.II. The comparison between English and Chinese

12、wordsA. The different language systems of English and Chinese.According to their morphological characteristics, vocabulary system can be divided into: isolating language, agglutinative and inflectional language. Isolated language is also called the analytic language or the root language. This kind o

13、f language expresses grammatical meanings through independent function and fixed word order .And isolating language lacks most declension. Chinese is an isolated language. While English is not .And English is a typical inflectional language, which is expressed using a morphological change as a major

14、 means of grammatical relations .And to a certain extent, most of the Indo European languages are inflectional languages.B. The way of thinking in wordsThe westerners used to think in a linear way. That is to express the central idea, namely the layers of deduction. For example: Care careful careful

15、ly careless. While the spiral mode of thinking in Chinese is that first claim the theme, then repeatedly discuss, and finally return to the Lord with repeated stress. For example, 看看、毛毛雨、心心相印and so on. So both western linear thinking and Chinese spiral thinking directly influence its form and connot

16、ation of vocabulary.III. The comparison of English and Chinese word formation There are such a large number of English and Chinese words that make the meaning of words so complicated. Word formation is a way to produce new words. English word formation includes sounding-changing, conversion, affixat

17、ion, composition, shortening, blending, back-formation; while Chinese word formation includes sounding-changing, conversion, affixation, compounding, abbreviation and reduplication. By comparison of both English and Chinese word formation, we have summarized their similarities and differences. A. Si

18、milar word formation1. Conversion. It does not add any ingredients, does not change the morphology, but takes a word from a part of speech into another part. This is called the conversion. Many English words expand their significance in this way, such as: match. As a noun, such as this sentence: Who

19、 won the tennis match? It is used as a transitive verb. Anther sentence: The color of the shirt does not match that of the coat. It is used as an intransitive verb. And conversion phenomena in Chinese is more flexible than English. This is because of a strong function of Chinese sentences. Since the

20、 ancient Chinese ,most words not only have had the function of transformation , but also have had the transformation function. For example: “美”, its adjective meaning好的、善的,like美德、美丽; as a verb:美容、美言、美誉;as an adverb:美滋滋 and so on.2. Sounding-changing It is a new method by changing the composition of

21、word pronunciation. English form new words by changing the consonants and vowels, and Chinese change initial consonants and compound vowels to form new words. For example : Chinese 和 (H ) is an adjective, meaning peace, harmony”. Like 和睦、和谐 ; when和 is a verb pronunciation (H ), in 一唱一和 meaning harmo

22、ny singing along. While in English, refuse word pronunciation of refuse (waste); when the verb is read into refuse (refuse). Also there are compound words in Chinese, such as director, part of speech is a verb, meaning to organize and guide the work, and director meaning role play or film, to organi

23、ze and guide the work as a director working people, to express their thought with an actors.3. AffixationAffixation method is a new method that consists of a root or words and affixes. It exists in both English and Chinese word formation. From the grapheme, there is no difference between Chinese aff

24、ixes and roots; while in English, the difference is very big, but easy to distinguish. Both English and Chinese words have the prefixes and suffixes. Some common English prefixes are: meaning antisense, anti-, dis-, il-, im-, in-; meaning common :co-, col-, com-, con-; table outward, extra-, over-;

25、table beyond, too, and then, back to the re- - semi-. While the Chinese are: old -, small -, O -, first -, second -, and - to -, etc. Suffixes in English and Chinese are also very large, such as occupation suffix in English: -an, -ant, -ar, -er, -ian; said: -ain, -al, meaning posts; -ary; says peopl

26、e from somewhere; -an, -er, -ese, people who do some action; -al, -ar, -or, ster; -ess, -ette, -ine ,meaning negative, etc. At the same Chinese also has the similar word suffixes, such as occupation: 师,士,员; relatives:人,夫,头;action: 者,人,徒;meaning of general people:子,生,友, etc.4. CompoundingTwo or more

27、than two independent words are compounded in a certain order to form a new word, and this word formation is called compounding method. English compounds are mainly used to form nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, such as himself, everything, inside, sunshine, blackbird, football etc .For the Chine

28、se, words can be said to be the main methods of word formation, which is mainly composed of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs, but it is generally through the subject verb, verb, verb complement, coordinate and partial positive relationship, such as :subject predicate relationship:心疼、日出; verb obj

29、ect relationship:读书、拼图; verb complement relationship: 提高、揭露; parallel relationship: 长短、好坏; partial positive relationship: 冰箱、内衣.5. AbbreviationAbbreviation is the word shortening, which is characterized with strong new creative ability, especially prominent in scientific style and the style of newsp

30、apers and periodicals. In Chinese, for example: 地下铁路地铁、高等学校高校、北京大学北大、中央电视台央视、国有企业国企etc. And English abbreviations mainly use letters of initials or extracting words. For example: Voice of America, VOA, World Trade Organization WTO, December Dec., address ad., United Nations UN, very important person

31、, VIP etc.B. Unique word-formation of English and Chinese1. The unique word-formation in English: blending and inversion.Blending refers to cutting two original words,choosing one of the head or tail, and then splicing into a new word, such as SICOM (situation + comedy),psywar (psychological + war )

32、 sitcom, psychological warfare, Motel (motor + hotel), Autolodge (auto + lodge ) . The inversion and the affixation are just the opposite. Affix affixes to form new words, and inversion is to get rid of the suffix to form new words. The using of inversion of words are mainly verbs, such as: Editor e

33、dit, peddler peddle, beggar beg etc.2. The unique word formation in Chinese: reduplication The reduplication is one of the common means of grammar in Sino Tibetan Languages .It is by overlapping part or all of morphemes words. Nouns, pronouns, quantifiers in modern Chinese, verbs, adjectives and adv

34、erbs can form new words according to a certain format overlap.For example: AA type想想、年年; AAB type -毛毛雨、悄悄话;BAA type -热乎乎、黄澄澄; AABC type -历历在目、丝丝入扣;BCAA -可怜兮兮、衣冠楚楚; AABB type -高高兴兴、规规矩矩; ABAC -一言一行、各种各样; ABAB type -分析分析、痛快痛快;AA - 练一练、挑一挑etc.ConclusionFrom the analyses and comparison above, we can see

35、 that English and Chinese languages have many similarities in word formation. English belongs to the Indo European languages. It is alphabetic writing. Letters combine and generate syllables; Chinese belongs to the Sino Tibetan language family, which is an expressive tendency of syllable words. The

36、morpheme is mostly monosyllabic morpheme, and it can be freely combined into words. Their differences make them have their own unique characters in word formation. But from a look on the whole, the similarities are still the mainstream in English and Chinese word formation. Mastering the similaritie

37、s and differences between the two languages in word formation, is not only conducive to the expansion of vocabulary, but also beneficial to English and Chinese language study.BibliographyKramsch, Claire. Language and Culture. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003.Bauer, L . Engli

38、sh Word-formation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983Searle, J. Language and Social Context. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.Spencer, A. Morphological Theory. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1991戴炜栋. 新编简明英语语言学教程M. 上海: 上海外语教育出, 2010.何自然. 语言学与英语学习M. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1997.张维友. 外语语言文学系列教程M.英语词汇学教程 2009魏红. 学术论文J. 构词法是迅速扩大英语词汇量的有效方法 2009 丁琳, 徐玲. 期刊论文J. English word formation processes 2009 张莉. 期刊论文J. 浅谈英语构词法中的词缀法2008卢春媚. 广州大学学报J.浅谈英语构词法 2002彭君. 安徽文学期刊J. 英汉构词法比较2008周付娟. 安徽农业大学学报J. 英语词汇语义的认知机制2011俞瑜. 安徽农业大学学报J. 思维模式对汉语和英语的影响 2005


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