Encourage the Work of Chinas Enterprises Failure Analysis and Countermeasures 英语论文.doc

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1、Encourage the work of Chinas enterprises Failure Analysis and Countermeasures Abstract In this paper, analysis of the current work of our enterprises motivate the causes of starting failure, learn from and use the incentive of Western theory, when the Chinese enterprises how to conduct effective inc

2、entive to make some more systematic approach. In this paper, the work of Chinas incentive to conduct a more detailed reasons for failure and systematic analysis, then the use of motivation theory to enhance the quality of business leaders to embrace new ideas and concepts to increase awareness of th

3、e importance of incentives and the timely and accurate understanding of the needs of employees under the premise of designing a suitable new business development incentives. Key words inspire Causes of and Countermeasures 【Abstract】 On the basis of the analysis of the inefficiency of the Motivation

4、work of our enterprises nowadays, this paper uses the western impelling theory for reference and puts forward some systematic countermeasures on how to make the motivation work of our enterprises more systematic. At first, this paper analyses the causes of formation of the efficiency of our motivati

5、on work. Then it designs a new motivation system which suits the development of our enterprises, based on the premises of improving the leaders quality and acquainting them with the staffs demands immediately and accurately. Key words motivation; inefficiency; countermeasure Literature Review 【】 A s

6、tudy of the purpose and significance of Increasing emphasis on modern management, scientific and humane, motivational theory of modern management as an integral part of, but also confirms the trend. In practice, the incentive theory has a high value as a result of the increasing attention. In partic

7、ular, in recent decades it has been widely used Western management circles to its enterprise management to go to labor relations has been constantly adjusted so that the staff continue to meet the various needs have been greatly aroused the enthusiasm of the staff, so as to promote the forward the d

8、evelopment of capitalism. In China, due to awareness of the issue of incentives and research relatively late, face up to encourage the importance of management in the enterprise and to apply it to the management of the last 20 years, and because China is still in the old economic system, the period

9、of transition enterprises continue to be in the management of the impact of the old management, corporate incentives work is still not received enough attention, some enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises as a result of the worn by traditional ideas of the impact of incentives rather backw

10、ard, one-sided, simple, the enthusiasm of the staff and workers did not fully play out, economic efficiency of enterprises have deteriorated significantly. To this end, priority is to learn and use the incentive of Western theories to enable enterprises to establish as soon as possible in line with

11、corporate practice is conducive to the mobilization of the entire real and lasting enthusiasm and initiative of workers and scientific incentives. Second, the current international research dynamics For motivating studies, since the beginning of this century, Western management circles have carried

12、out continuous research, after a second leap. By McGregor (D. Mcgreor) of the X theory and Taylors differential piece rate system, carrot and stick, task - bonus, as the representatives stressed that economic man and simply by money incentives to stimulate the point of view, in order to stimulate th

13、eoretical research started. So far, has formed a number of more mature and systematic theory of motivation. Against the current corporate management is concerned, has been widely used in two main types: content-based theory of motivation and process-based theory of motivation. The former causes and

14、effect from the incentive stimulating study of the specific content of the starting persons psychological and behavioral development of the general laws, that is, people will have needs and desires to meet those needs, to meet demand is to arouse peoples enthusiasm and motivation. It includes Maslow

15、 (Maslow) demand level of theory, Herzberg (Herzberg)s two-factor theory and David McClelland (David McCelland) the theory of achievement motivation; the latter from the incentive Research focused on the process of starting the formation of motives and behavior of target selection process. It includ

16、es Vroom (V. H. Vroom)s prospect theory, Adams (J. S. Adama) of the equity theory, Locke (E. A. Locke) and Hughes (C. L. Huse) The goal-setting theory and so on. Several of todays commonly used in the writers brief overview of the theory and analysis. 1. Maslow (Maslow) hierarchy of needs theory Mas

17、lows human needs from the start made this theory. In his view, humans are the needs of animals, people not only have economic needs, more social and other needs. The needs of mankind had the purpose of their work and motivation. He put the needs of human beings fall into five categories: physiologic

18、al needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-realization. Thus, in stimulating the process to consider the different needs of different employees and, according to the needs of employees to take a different incentive measures, which do not always follow the material incentives of mo

19、ney or a single stimulus. He also believes that, in peoples psychological development process, these five requirements are in sequence an incremental, can basically meet the needs of the moment, after a last there will be a demand, when the pursuit of a higher level of incentive to meet the needs of

20、 their behavior has become the driving force. In accordance with this point, we can see if we have the conscious use of the individuals immediate needs or requirements to be met evoked potential, we can effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of individual behavior, in particular, the role is a high lev

21、el of demand and self-motivation will have a more lasting and more profound , super prospect of internal power, full use of these can inspire staff to be more stable and lasting enthusiasm for work. 2. Herzberg (Herzberg) two-factor theory As can be seen from the above analysis hierarchy of needs th

22、eory of motivation to make people understand the conditions necessary for, but it contains an incentive conditions, the tendency to generalize, it seems that no matter what the demand be met as long as people can inspire enthusiasm. This is obviously incomplete, it does not take into account incenti

23、ve effects. To this end, Herzberg demand to meet the incentive effect of proceeding through a large number found, prompting staff to generate work satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors are different, the former often and work closely with the content itself, the latter, and the working environmen

24、t or conditions linked. He then pointed out that the incentives and job content is closely linked factors, including the work a sense of achievement, performance recognition, work challenging, engaged in the development of future work, bear some responsibility, be raised, etc. . Such factors, if not

25、 ideal, workers may not be satisfied, but such factors can be improved, staff will be very satisfied so as to enhance employee motivation. Health care factors and the working environment or conditions relevant factors, including the companys policy and administrative management, supervision, working

26、 conditions, wages, safety, interpersonal relationships and personal life. Such factors, if not solved, employees are not basically satisfied, they were very dissatisfied; but such factors handled properly, it can only eliminate employee dissatisfaction and can not make people happy, so there is not

27、 much incentive effect. This shows, not to satisfy all human needs can mobilize their enthusiasm, only to meet the needs within the scope of work can really play an incentive. This makes the right incentives into the clear understanding of the conditions of phase. But the manager can not because of

28、health factors are a stimulus and ignored the importance of proven, good working conditions, to eliminate the external environment and the discontent of workers and attitudes, which have a positive role in improving management performance. In short, whether the demand or the hierarchy of two-factor

29、theory, are based on the incentives - to stimulate employee behavior and work-related factors studied in detail, they answered the what-based or on what basis can we mobilize the enthusiasm of a series of problems, they stand to make incentives based on the solid and reliable. However, in management

30、 practice, the mobilization of enthusiasm for work is a very complicated matter, in the entire incentive process, human psychology and behavior will be affected by many factors, so the basis of the right incentives will not necessarily achieve good incentive effects of , only to confront and deal wi

31、th a variety of factors affecting the smooth through every aspect in order to truly mobilize the enthusiasm of people. The process-based theory of motivation can make up for this flaw. Represented in the following two theories. 3. Vroom (V. H. Vroom) of the prospect theory Vroom from the incentive t

32、o start the process of carrying out this part around the objective of encouraging the process of research. That is, how to set up goals on demand and trigger incentive to work. Its basic point is: people expected that their actions will help achieve a certain objective circumstances, would be inspir

33、ed to do certain things together in order to achieve our goals. He believes that any time a person engaged in a particular impetus for action will be determined by his actions of the full results of the expected value is multiplied by the person anticipated such a result would reach the required goa

34、ls. In other words, motivation is a persons expectations and that a particular action will achieve its goals personally believe that the product of the probability. With the formula expressed as: M = E * Vp where M (Motivation) means the degree of motivation; E (Expectancy) means the expectation tha

35、t an action could lead to the probability of a certain expected results; V (Valence) means a potency that is, a person the degree of preference for a particular outcome. This theory tells us that managers should pay attention to target incentives, but the goal can not be too difficult to be with acc

36、eptability, otherwise it would lose confidence in employees. At the same time properly handle the job performance and incentives, rewards and the relationship between the satisfaction of personal needs. Awards to be with the individuals work performance is determined not only to reward the contribut

37、ion will reduce the peoples initiative to reward inappropriate will engender a sense of unfairness; the same time, due to the different needs of people should take a variety of reward, in order to receive a larger incentive effect. 4. Adams (J. S. Adama) of the equity theory If Vroom goal from the i

38、ncentive to examine the motivation process, Adamss equity theory is to start from this link rewards to encourage the process of research. In his view, the workers enthusiasm for work, not only by their income effects of the absolute returns, but also the relative rewards will be affected. That is, a

39、 person is not only concerned about their income in absolute terms (their actual income), but also concerned about the relative value of their income (own income and other income ratio). Each person does not consciously work to pay their own income to pay compensation and other compensation for pers

40、onal labor and the historical comparison. If and when he found himself with others, the proportion of income and expenditure equal to the proportion of income and expenditure, or the proportion of the current balance of payments equal to the proportion of income and expenditure of the past, we think

41、 it should be normal. And therefore ease of mind and hard work. However, if found to range from a sense of unfairness arises, it will filled with grievances. Thus, as an incentive link rewards, can really play a stimulating, does not depend on the absolute value of rewards itself or rewards, but dep

42、ends on the persons sense of justice. Therefore, the purpose of encouraging the process must focus on a fair and reasonable rewards, so as to play a good incentive effects. Taken together, these theories have been widely used Western firms to industrial organization, corporate efficiency, finance, i

43、nsurance and many other fields, and with the reality of their socio-economic conditions and the needs of staff changes and continue to be improved, thus can effectively motivate employees to work hard, but also greatly promoted the social progress. At home, because of incentives for research started

44、 relatively late, so, until recently, there have been some 20 years before the research work related to incentive problems, papers, however, are mostly qualitative description of its content is difficult to find motivation in the deep-seated problems in the work with foreign research results more mo

45、tivation theory far. Summarized the contents of these documents, we can see the problem of domestic research for the incentive to proceed in two major areas: First, the collation of the Western theory of motivation with the digestion, the main research results are: Wu Yun in The Historical Evolution

46、 of the Western theory of motivation and inspiration studied the history of the Western theory of motivation is extremely development trend of the development process, pointing out that the West experienced the evolution of theory of motivation - Deepening - an extension of three processes; Sun Jun

47、Ling on The West Incentive Theory, in accordance with the basic mode of human behavior, combined with different Psychology party different interpretations of these models, the behavioral theory of motivation into motivation theory, cognitive theory and the motivation to send a comprehensive theory o

48、f motivation and its three models were analyzed; Sun Lili in the Incentive Theory, introduced the Hierarchy of Needs theory, theory and two-factor theory of achievement and to the theory attributed to the demand, are due to the demand point of view; In addition, by Gan Huaming editor, but also busin

49、ess management publishing house personnel management instant also described in detail in the Western theory of motivation and conduct the order; Wang Jiang, Fan-min book of the human resources management has also conducted a study of incentives. The second is how the conduct of our business staff motivation, how to establish an effective incentive mechanism to explore and research, such as Liang Liang, Zhang Liang rope in th


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