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1、毕 业 论 文题目Words Refining in the Translation of Modern Novels from the Practice of “Kong Yiji” 学生姓名: 指导教师: 外语 系 英语 专业 (1)班 2010年 5月 30 日毕业设计(论文)任务书专业 英语 班级 本科 姓名 下发日期 2009年12月24日 题目 Words Refinding in the Translation of Modern Novels from the Practice of Kong Yiji专题现代小说翻译主要内容及要求小说的翻译随着社会的发展越来越多地得到人们的关

2、注,本文从鲁迅小说孔乙己为入手点,分析现代小说翻译中所体现的翻译理论及翻译技巧和方法。小说中的对话语言可称为性格语言,通过不同的语言,语气可透视人物的性格,在翻译过程中不仅要符合作者的写作背景、写作态度、写作风格及特点,也要顾及人物性格特点。从孔乙己译文中,逐个分析其用词用句,其独特的用词,既可反映出中国独特的文化充分保留中国元素又有独特的创新。主要技术参数进度及完成日期2009年12月24日 下发毕业论文任务书2010年2月15日 交开题报告和论文提纲2010年3月10日 交论文初稿2010年5月12日 交论文二稿2010年5月17日 交论文三稿2010年5月30日 交论文定稿系主任签字日期

3、教研室主任签字日期指导教师签字日期参 考 文 献Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English (Sixth edition).Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2000.Newmark, P.P. Approaches to Translation. Pergamon, Oxford, 1982.Nida, Eugene A. Language, Culture, and Translating.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,19

4、93.Nida. E. A. & Taber, C. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Brill Lyden,1974.Schaffner, Christian and KELLEY-Holmes, Helen. Ed. Cultural Functions of Translation. Multilingual Matters Ltd, 1995.包昂、包惠南,中国文化与汉英翻译。北京:外文出版社,2003。陈宏薇、李亚丹,新编汉英翻译教程。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008。林巍,中西文化比较及翻译研究。上海:华东理工大学出版社,2009。

5、谭卫国,新编英汉互译教程。上海:华东理工大学出版社,2009。尤金奈达著,严久生译语言文化与翻译,呼和浩特:内蒙大学出版社,1998。2 第 页 青岛理工大学毕业论文用纸摘 要随着社会的发展,小说在很多方面发挥着不可替代的作用,因此越来越多的人开始关注小说的翻译。本文着重以鲁迅的小说孔乙己为入手点,分析现代小说翻译中所体现的翻译理论及翻译技巧和方法。本文由四部分组成:第部分简要介绍小说翻译的意义,其在娱乐生活、文化沟通、学术交流、增进人们距离等许多方面具有重要意义;第二部分说明孔乙己这部小说创作背景及作者对孔乙己这个角色的态度,其深刻的社会内涵在翻译中是不容忽视的;第三部分为小说翻译的特点,小

6、说中含有其独特的元素,具有冲突性、故事性、戏剧性等特性;第四部分详细分析孔乙己的翻译译文,并提出自己的一些不同的理解,提出自己的看法及译法。关键词:小说,理论,翻译 ABSTRACTWith the developmence of our society, more and more people begin to realize the importance of novels. So many people recognized the significance of novels translation. In this article, I mainly analyze theorie

7、s in translation and show some skills used in the modern novels translation though analyzing the novel Kong Yijis English edition. In the first part, I show the significance of novel in the modern society. Novels have many significances such as entertainment, teaching, promoting cultural communicati

8、on, etc. Then, though I introduce the background of Kong Yiji, people can understand the situation under that society, which people can understand the novel deeply and benefit for the translation. The novels social meaning and culture factors couldnt be ignored in the translation. Moreover, the next

9、 part of this paper focuses on showing the characteristics of the novels translation. Finally, I analyze the Kong Yijis English edition in detail, using the examples to display the translation skills, and display the different views of myself.KEY WORDS: novel, theory, translationContentsIntroduction

10、. (9)Chapter One Significance of Novels Translation. (10)Chapter Two Writing Background of Kong Yiji. (11) 2.1 The background of this novel. (11) 2.2 The attitudes to Kong Yiji. . (11)Chapter Three The Characteristic of Novels Translation. (13) 3.1 Novels characters (13) 3.2 Translation of novels .

11、.(14)3.2.1Grasping the feature of language.(14) 3.2.2 Culture corresponding.(15)Chapter Four The Translation of Kong Yiji(17) 4.1 Good translation sentences. (17) 4.2 Inexact translation sentences.(20)Conclusion.(22)Acknowledgements.(23)Bibliography.(24)Introduction Translation plays an important ro

12、le in the modern society. It is the bridge for the people from all over the world to communicate with each other. While, reading novels is a good way to learn the different customs and know the different cultures. So translate novel is very importance. But with the development of our society, the tr

13、anslation manners also need change with the world. Now, there are many academic articles about translation, but few articles about modern novels translation, especially concerns Lu Xuns works. Lu Xuns novel own an high position in Chinas literature development in the modern history, so this paper is

14、 based on analyzing Lu Xuns Kong Yiji not only show the translation theories used in it, but also the translation skills. Novel which is a typical literature type has its own characteristics, therefore translator not only focuses on two languages differences but also need pay attention on the backgr

15、ound of novel, the society surroundings, authors attitudes, languages tempers, and different thoughts and so on. In the Kong Yji which translated by Mr. Yang Xianyi and Mis. Dai Naidie, there are many translation skills used that are so wonderful and excellent, which manifest the Chinese unique cult

16、ure and the translators new ideas that for the translation career. Though these years study, I have some different understanding on some sentences translation, and show my ideas on it using the different skills and manners.Chapter One Significance of Novels TranslationTranslating consists in reprodu

17、cing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. There is a story from Genesis of Holy Bible, named “The Tower of Babel”. From the story we know that at first people all over the world spoke one lan

18、guage and they could communicate with each other without any obstacle. Since they had no problem in communicating with one another, they could do everything they wanted, even thing like building” a tower with its top in the heavens”. However, when the Lord knew the whole thing, he confused their lan

19、guage. As a result, earthly people couldnt communicate with one another and they gave up their plan of building the tower of Babel in the end. Of course, this is just a story. But the story tells us that language makes it possible for people to communicate with one another freely so as to complete e

20、very task in human life. In a certain sense, People who cannot understand one anothers speech are unable to carry out their grand plans and ate incapable of accomplishing great tasks. In order to help people communicate with and learn from one another, a new career known as translation came into bei

21、ng.Novel is a literature creational type, which plays an important role in modern society. Introducing a foreign countries novel to our country, not only can entertain people, rich lives, but also can enhance culture communication. Though the novel, reader can realize different customs, traditions a

22、nd habits. Thus increase the mutual understanding between two countries, or understanding among the global people. A good novel has teaching significant. It can educate person many things. Chapter Two Writing Background of Kong Yiji2.1 The background of this novel The novel Kong Yiji happened in a s

23、ociety that very different from now. And it is quiet unique during China society development. That time, examination of old China had been cancelled but the educational system had not been changed. A lot of educated people hadnt been get free from the federal thought. Lu Xun thought that we must aga

24、inst “the quintessence of the country” to get free of individual spirit, making the people free from the federal thought which had existed thousands years to wake the people and change the thought situation of fool and indifferent. Only do this, we can save Chinese nation from dangerous situations,

25、fright for peoples free and liberation. So, he called for changing the peoples character and free the people. All the works he wrote about unfortunate persons in the illness society, means to disclose the pain and make peoples attention. To wake the people, provoke person to take action. Lu Xun crea

26、ted Kong Yiji and many other criticism novels to attack on the old world.Lu Xuns style is wry, often sardonic but with a biting edge on societal issues. His mastery of the vernacular language, coupled with his expertise with tone - often sardonically refusing to occupy any easy position, using his l

27、inguistic virtuosity as his shield - make some of his works (like A True Story of Ah Q) virtually untranslatable. In this he has much in common with the early Natsume Soseki. Lus importance to modern Chinese literature lies in the fact that he contributed significantly to every modern literary genre

28、 except the novel during his lifetime. Kong yiji is the second article of Nahan written before the Movement of May 4th, which is aimed for against with the federal society and the federal cultural. 2.2 The attitudes towards Kong YijiThe writer made the Kong yiji an example. Though this role, reader

29、can realize the situation of people living at that time, reflecting the indifference to the other person. Kong Yijis life is full of sadness and miserable. He is struggle in the low level of the society. His thought maybe funny but the more attractive point is the other peoples apathy and sneer at s

30、uch sadness circumstances. Such reflection from other person, making the reader feels angry about them, about their indifference. Chapter Three The Characteristics of Novels TranslationBefore translating novels, we should understand its characteristics. Zhu Wei(2006) once said, novel is a type of na

31、rrative literature of expressing the realistic life or societys phenomenon basis on the fabricated expression of the art. The basic essential parts of novel are distinctive figures character、concretive describe the surroundings and complete story plots, etc.3.1 Novels charactersFabrication is the es

32、sential character of novel, while grasp the feeling experiences of figures life is the artistic content that novel included. The more new things, imperceptible, distinctive, precise, deeply in feeling description, the more novelize features in this work. Portray a role in a novel, novelist can take

33、an real person an example, mixing with other persons stories, just as Lu Xun said, “the model of a figure not always use one person. Usually it has a Beijing peoples face with Zhejiang persons accent, dressed like a Shanxi person, a mixing figure.” An excellent novel always has an unforgettable typi

34、cal figure. Readers can realize and understand many peoples deeply emotion or thought though these artistic figures. The story plots come from life, which is more concentrate and more typical than the real life. Novels progress like life has beginning, development, climax and end. The arrangement de

35、pends on the authors plane. Author uses his literary talent to make readers lost in the plots, not like report or thesis such boring, which the logical and clearly is the most important. Novel dont exist one model. It has the power of emotion that brings to the reader. It includes the feeling of the

36、 author and the feeling that wanted to give to readers. Compared with other literature types, novel could not be limited by the time and space, using various artistic creative methods to expose the realistic society from many angles, owning a large capacity to describe the society. We can clear the

37、condition of the society that time, no matter in home or in abroad. On the factor of the writing methods and the characters of language, novels language full of emotions like poetries, but not identical to the poetry simply express the feelings. For instance, Kong Yiji, Lun Xun uses this role to exp

38、ress the national peoples sad conditions and bad spirits. He is expressing his feeling while waking the national people. It likes the essays write way to deeply expose the authors feeling and comment, but has the developing of the story and figures characters, such as Ah Q, Raintu, and Kong Yiji and

39、 so on. Kong Yiji is one of the typical roles, Lu Xun bring us a full of sadness and pitiful character in our mind. It uses the dramatic dialogue of play to show the roles temper and the movement in mind, but not limited by the time and space as play. So the figure is vigorous and made readers know

40、the character quickly. 小四号、Times New Roman、加粗3.2 Translation of novel3.2.1Grasping the feature of languageWhen translate novels, we should grasp these characters of novel and character of authors writing style. In “A true story of Ah Q”, author is the narrator. He tells this story to you, so the lan

41、guage of it is more colloquial. Then the words choiced using in this novel should use the spoken language if want to keep the original style. The novel owns dramatic language, such as “Ah Q, you miserable wretch! Did you say I belonged to the same clan as you? Ah Q made no reply. ” Novels dialogue w

42、e can called temper language, which show the temper of the speaker. Though the manner of speaking and tone, which we can know by the context, we can know the emotional change and the plot development of the novel. Every language has its society dialect, which reflects on the individual parole. So wh

43、en translate dialogue, translator should understand the culture of the source language, making the work as the local characteristic as possible. Here, we can call it literal translation approach. The literal translation approach exhibits many advantages. By adopting this approach, we can preserve in

44、 the version not only the original meaning and form, especially the original figures of speech and figurative meaning, but also the national and local colors and features in the original, in addition, by employing this method, we can introduce many things foreign into China, such as new ideas, new fashions, new inventions, new technologies and new expressions. Similarly, we can also export many new things in Chin


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