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1、Analysis of Chinglish Errors Based on Conceptual Blending Theory从中美文化差异谈商务礼仪对商务谈判的影响 Influence of Business Etiquette on Business Negotiation Under SinoU.S. Cultural Differences1从中美文化差异谈商务礼仪对商务谈判的影响 摘要 加入世贸组织以来,中美间的经济合作逐渐增多,不论在中国还是在美国文化中商务礼仪都有着重要意义,尽管他们的商务礼仪有一些共同之处,但是也存在许多差异。中美之间存在着价值观、面子观、礼仪观、 思维方式、

2、时间观念、饮食观等方面的文化差异,而这些文化差异对双方的商务礼仪产生了一定影响。有贸易往来,就必有商务谈判。因此,国际商务谈判在对外经济交往中的重要性越来越突出,而这些礼仪的差异势必会对双方的商务谈判造成影响。本文在探讨了造成中美礼仪的差异背后的文化因素之后,进一步探讨了这些礼仪差异在中美商务交往中所产生的影响。最后指出在礼仪差异的背景下,双方应该培养意识,克服交际障碍,实现通畅而又有效的跨文化交际和商务往来。 关键词 中美文化差异;商务礼仪;商务谈判;应对策略Influence of Business Etiquette on Business Negotiation Under SinoU

3、.S. Cultural DifferencesEnglish Major YAO TingAbstract:The economic cooperation between China and the United States has gradually increased, since Chinas entry into the WTO. Business etiquette plays an important role in whatever Chinese cultural backgrounds or American. Though they have something in

4、 common as per the business Etiquette, but many differences do exist. There are cultural differences in values, face view, way of thinking, the concept of time, the habit of diet and other aspects of the cultural differences between China and the United States, which had certain influence on both si

5、des of the business etiquette. Where there is trade, there will be business negotiation. Therefore, the importance of international business negotiation in foreign economic relations is becoming increasingly prominent, and these differences in etiquette will certainly have an impact on both sides of

6、 the business negotiation. This paper firstly discusses the cultural factors causing the differences between Chinese and American etiquette behind in study, secondly discusses the impact of these etiquette differences in SinoU.S. business contacts .Finally it points out under the backgrounds of diff

7、erent etiquette , the two sides should foster awareness, to overcome communication barriers, to achieve smooth and effective intercultural communication and business. Key words: cultural differences between China and America; business etiquette;business negotiation;coping strategy ContentsIntroducti

8、on1Chapter 1 Conceptual Integration Theory and Chinglish41.1Conceptual integration theory41.2 Chinglish5Chapter 2 Using Conceptual Integration Theory to Analyze and Explain6the Causes of Chinglish62.1 Explanation of Chinglish formation under conceptual integration theory6Chapter 3 Analysis of Chingl

9、ish Errors Under Space Model of Conceptual9Integration Network93.1 “D” projection93.1.1 Syntactic level93.1.2 Culture Level133.1.3 Thinking Level143.2 “C+D” projection15Chapter 4 Strategies to Deal With Syntactic Errors of Chinglish164.1Improving English level164.2 Improving culture awareness164.3 D

10、eveloping English thinking pattern17Conclusion17References19Acknowledgements2047Introduction With the development of economy, the business cooperation between China and America is growing. Due to their different cultural background, the concept of time, standard of value, behavioral and eating habit

11、s are very different, therefore business etiquette is also different. With the rapid development of economy, successful business negotiation plays a more and more important role in todays international trade. In international business negotiations about differences in etiquette, courtesy, not only t

12、o shape the image of the organization, communication of information, improve efficiency, but also to a large extent influence and determine the negotiations success or not, whether both sides could achieve win-win in the course of trade. From the perspective of the differences between Chinese and Am

13、erican cultures, to compare their differences in etiquette in business activities, to further explore the impact of different business etiquette in business negotiation process a series of problems, to illustrate the relationship between culture and etiquette, the importance of the role played by th

14、e business etiquette in business negotiations, in order to better to master and apply the foreign etiquette related, in order to improve the success of the transaction. Chinese known as a state of ceremonies said, about the study of etiquette can be traced back to thousands of years ago. However, th

15、at research on business etiquette, but since 2000 since Chinese join WTO, about the relationship between the articles began to emerge in large numbers. Li Yajing, Wang Ruis cultural differences on business etiquette influence (2002) in the article, from the perspective of cultural theory, analyzes t

16、he cultural factors on foreign businessmen negotiate greetings, greetings, the contract of personnel selection, the right time and cut the negotiation and negotiation communication. Zhao Yans on business etiquette and business negotiation (2009) in the text, she from the definition and characteristi

17、cs of business etiquette and business negotiation, respectively discusses the role of business negotiation and business etiquette in the role in the negotiations. Of etiquette and negotiation of Ni Duanhong (2010) starting from the general etiquette play in business negotiations, lists and analyzes

18、the etiquette link negotiation process, and then demonstrates their inseparable relation. He analyzed the business negotiations in the meeting etiquette, seating etiquette and language etiquette. A flash on contemporary etiquette (published in 2012 on the role of etiquette in business negotiations),

19、 he embarks from the business etiquette in business negotiations in the role, so as to illustrate the importance of business etiquette. The importance of business etiquette four stages from his business negotiation preparation, at the beginning of the negotiation, negotiation and negotiation after t

20、he signing of the contract. Huang Juan in 2012 published Lun business etiquette in business negotiations, reasonable use, discusses the importance of business etiquette, the etiquette of the negotiations, choose reasonable negotiation time, place, negotiators. Seats for negotiation, meeting, languag

21、e, field etiquette, after negotiations Etiquette: etiquette and etiquette signature. Cross cultural analysis of problems and Countermeasures in international business negotiations, Li Yu Zhang Yong (2004) he explores the East West cultural differences, cross-cultural issues in international business

22、 negotiations, according to people in the values, the different ways of thinking between Chinese and American negotiators at the negotiating table and different performance, and puts forward relevant countermeasures. Ji Jinghuas cultural differences impact on business negotiation (2009) in the artic

23、le, from the perspective of cross cultural comparative Chinese and American negotiating style, starting from the theory of culture and business negotiations, analyzes the influence of cultural differences on business negotiation, and given a large amount of cases, group to find the relevant solution

24、 scheme. It mainly from the collectivism and individualism, comparative analysis of high context and low context culture, in the relevant aspects made a more detailed analysis. Analysis of Sun Nas affect Sino US cultural business negotiations cultural factors (2010) he pays attention to the cultural

25、 influences on business negotiation, Weiss (1998) to the influencing factors of cross cultural negotiation into twelve variables, the author selects nine variables most associated with this research as the research framework, different search the two sides due to cultural influences of negotiating s

26、tyle. Jiang Zhihengs cultural differences impact on business negotiation (2011) of China and America from value system, analyses the cultural differences between the two countries, cultural differences between the two countries on a rough comparison. Then analyzes the influence these differences, an

27、d finally put forward the corresponding policy, to deepen bilateral negotiation strength difference, caused by cultural differences between the two countries, increase negotiation hope of success. Gao Junqiangs analysis of Sino US cultural differences impact on business negotiation (2013) by studyin

28、g the effects of cultural differences between China and the United States and on business negotiation, cultural differences appears to find the correct response to the US business negotiation process. The difference between the way of thinking, cultural differences, he put forward the difference val

29、ues of the behavior of the. He pointed out that Sino US business negotiations to understand the cultural differences, to improve communication ways, establish the cross culture consciousness, eliminate prejudice. Hoff Costandaas individualism collectivism cultural level is widely used in all kinds o

30、f cross cultural studies. One of the most obvious difference between the eastern and American culture is the differences in the use of context in communication. American anthropologist Holzer in his 1976 book, beyond culture raised in the book, from the perspective of context, communication can be d

31、ivided into two types, namely high context communication and low context communication. The former refers to rely mainly on the context exchange mode, the latter mainly rely on language communication mode. These two modes are present in all, culture, but in the long-term social development process,

32、different culture of different modes of communication focused and preference. Therefore, it has formed the context culture. Low context culture concept was proposed by Holzer in a 1976 book beyond culture in. According to the analysis of Holland Masterton rationale Doherty University of Limburg orga

33、nization anthropology and international management professor Hofstede value latitude, we found that due to different national culture differences on uncertainty avoidance of the first business contact and agreed to be three ways of understanding, practice and different cultural backgrounds of the bu

34、sinessmen call letter and man in the middle of this in several ways also has the very big difference. In conclusion, since the reform and opening up China, research on the Sino US cultural differences, a large number of domestic and foreign articles. With the development of Sino US economic and trad

35、e relations, about etiquette and culture, influence of business etiquette for business negotiation, impacts of cultural differences on Sino American business etiquette, business etiquette in business negotiations with, etiquette and business negotiations, cultural differences impact on business nego

36、tiation and other research be too numerous to enumerate. American is Chinas main trade strategic partners, however, from the perspective of cultural differences between Chinese and American influence, business etiquette in business negotiation research is relatively less. Therefore, from the perspec

37、tive of cultural differences, to explore the relations between culture and etiquette, in the thorough analysis caused by cultural differences in business etiquette difference, thus influence has become a topic of talks to brook no delay.Chapter 1 Theoretical Basis An international business negotiati

38、on is a kind of cultural activities and of intercultural communication as wellDifferent country has different cultural background and the views to the business etiquette may be different, So cultural difference and business etiquette disputes are very important in an international business negotiati

39、on1.1 The definition of business etiquette Business etiquette can be defined as behavior norms that should be abided by business people in their activities. Such a definition can be interpreted as the following three aspects:First, it helps to make clear the objective users of business etiquette. Ob

40、viously, business etiquette is mainly used by business people to communicate effectively and deal with the interpersonal relationship. For common people,business etiquette is not an effective personal skill. Second, it helps to limit the effective scope of business etiquette. Only in business activi

41、ties, business etiquette can be used, but not for other types of interpersonal communication. Third, it helps to define the basic content of business behavior norms which are the basic content of behavior. Therefore, business etiquette can be regarded as standardized business practices for the manne

42、r that business people deal with others.1.2 The definition of business negotiation “Negotiation is everywhere in business circles” is a proverb that everyone knows in business circle. The negotiation which the businessmen hold is called business circle. The negotiation is one of the most important a

43、ctivities in business occasions. Broadly speaking, business negotiation is a debate between two parties for the purpose of reaching an agreement; haggling, bargaining and acting out are resorted to for passing an obstacle and bleaching out a conflict of opinion. According to conventional rules in bu

44、siness, business negotiation is counted as conciliating the conflicts of interest of the parties concerned. It is an indispensable means to adjust and resolve the conflict between the economic interests of different stakeholders. In terms of contemporary business negotiation theory, the substance of

45、 the relevant business negotiation is the cultural dialogue and cross-cultural communication, which is particularly correct in international business negotiations. 1.3 The relationship between culture and etiquette Etiquette is dependent on culture; what is excellent etiquette in one society may sho

46、ck another. Etiquette evolves within culture. Etiquette acting as norms and standards of business communication is a product of human civilization. Whether in China or in America, people are proud of civilized manners. However, the historical background of natural environment and cultural traditions

47、 concept between China and America is different, so there are obvious differences between Chinese and American on etiquette in some aspects. Chapter 2 The Cultural Difference between China And AmericaOf all the cultures all over the world,there enjoy some common grounds,which are the basis for peopl

48、e from different cultures to communicate with each otherBut as each culture possesses its own history and development environment,habitual and repetitive customs,accumulated by a peoples national experiences,gradually constitute sets of cultural values that mold the basic frameworks for their thoughts and behaviorBusiness etiquette is an important component part of human culture, Hence it is certainly influenced by the culture it belongs to.2.1 The cultural background between China and AmericaChina is a typical agricultural c


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