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1、本科学生毕业论文(设计) 题目(中文): 浅析飘中瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱 (英文): On the Analysis of Rhetts Love for Scarlett in Gone with the Wind院 (系) 湖南科技学院外国语言文学系 专业、年级 英语专业2005级 On the Analysis of Rhetts Love for Scarlett inGone with the WindByLi ShaSupervisedByAssociate Professor Luo XiaoyingSubmittedToThe Foreign Languages Department

2、In partial fulfillment of the requirementBachelor of ArtsIn the subject ofEnglish Language and LiteratureHunan University of Science and EngineeringYongzhou, HunanMay, 2009湖南科技学院本科毕业论文(设计)诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文(设计),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的

3、研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 本科毕业论文(设计)作者签名: 二九 年 五 月湖南科技学院本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告书论文(设计)题目浅析飘中瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱On the Analysis of Rhetts Love for Scarlett in Gone with the Wind作 者 姓 名李莎所属系、专业、年级 外语语言文学系 英语专业 2005年级指导教师姓名,职称罗小英、副教授预计字数5000开题日期2008-9-28选题的根据:1)说明本选题的理论、实际意义2)综述国内外有关本选题的研究动态和自己的见解飘这


5、 本论文通过对瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱进行研究分析,找出造成他们之间产生这样爱情的主要原因,从而深入的了解飘及瑞德和斯嘉丽。1介绍玛格丽特米切尔及其作品11 玛格丽特生平简介12 飘故事简介2瑞德爱斯嘉丽的表现2.1 让斯嘉丽在跳舞中得到满足 2.2 带斯嘉丽逃离亚特兰大 2.3 他们甜蜜的婚姻2.4 瑞德对他们女儿的爱3 瑞德与斯嘉丽爱的成因分析31人物性格的差异311 精明成熟的瑞徳312 多面的斯嘉丽32 时代背景的促使结语 本论文只是对书中瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱进行分析,从而深入了解人物性格和时代背景,但仍不够详尽。其实对飘这部名著的研究还有很大的空间,例如,对书中黑人语言特色的研究也很有价值。研究

6、方法: 理论分析、举例论证、归纳总结、平行推演、扩大视角完成期限和采取的主要措施:完成期限:(1)2008年6月8月 确定论文写作方向并查阅相关文献资料(2)2008年9月初 确定论文题目,做好毕业论文任务书(3)2008年9月底 对开题报告进行指导,要求完成开题报告(4)2008年10月2009年1月 根据开题报告的研究内容收集资料,查阅文献并完成毕业论文初稿(5)2009年2月3月 在论文指导老师指导下进行修改,最终定稿(6)2009年4月6月 论文答辩,最后修改,上交打印稿及电子版主要措施: (1)在图书馆查阅,借阅各种书籍,学术期刊。(2)在网上搜索有用信息,然后经过自己的综合整理,展

7、开论述。接受指导老师的指导和建议,与进行讨论。主要参考资料:Brian Philips. Study Guides to Gone with the WindM. Tianjin:Tianjin Science Press, 2003Blanche.H.Gelfant. “Gone with the Wind and the Impossibilities of Fiction” in The Southern Literary JournalJ. 1980(8): 3-31Cronin, Jan. “The Book Belongs to All of Us: Gone With the W

8、ind as Postcultural Product” in Literature Film QuarterlJ. 2007(1): 396-403Dawson Gaillard. “Gone with the Wind as Bildungsroma” in The Georgia ReviewJ. 1974(1): 9-18.Xiao Nan, Wang Yuanyuan. Gone with the WindM. Beijing: China Theatre Press, 2005郭勉愈,孙乐平等. 影响一生的百部名著M. 北京:当代世界出版社,2005郭艳玲. 黑色的坚毅小说飘主人公

9、的性格分析J. 辽宁师范大学学报编辑部,2007(5):106-108怀文. 外国文学名著赏析词典M. 杭州:浙江文艺出版社,1999解英兰. 一个令人着迷而飘逝的梦玛格丽塔米切尔飘中卫希礼形象剖析J. 运城学院学报编辑部,2003(1):73-75林放. 飘是怎样的一本书M. 杭州:浙江人民出版社,1980朱林宝,石烘印. 中外文学人物形象词典M. 济南:山东文艺出版社,1991指导教师意见:指导教师签名: 教研室意见:签 名: 年 月 日开 题 报 告 会 纪 要时间 2008年9月28日地点第二教学楼301与会人员姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)郑银芳副教授罗小英副

10、教授盘 群讲 师李丽平讲 师会议记录摘要:会议主持人:记 录 人:年 月 日指导小组意见 负责人签名:年 月 日系 部 意 见负责人签名:年 月 日湖南科技学院本科毕业论文(设计)评审表论文题目浅析飘中瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱On the Analysis of Rhetts Love for Scarlett in Gone with the Wind作者姓名李 莎所属系、专业、年级外语系 英语专业 2005 级指导教师姓名、职称罗小英(副教授)字 数5000定稿日期2009年4月22日中文摘要飘是美国女作家玛格丽特米切尔一生中创作的唯一的一部长篇小说。小说以南北战争为背景,着重描述塔拉农场主的女儿

11、斯嘉丽奥哈拉在战前战后的生活,同时通过斯嘉丽与艾希礼、瑞德等人的感情纠葛为线索,刻画了一副壮观而又生动的南方社会的生活画面。在作品塑造的众多富有特色的人物当中,最具争议性的人物莫过于瑞德巴特勒。他精明,懂得在乱世中如何生存;他成熟,知道自己该如何去表达爱。本论文通过对瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱进行研究分析,从而透析造成他们这样爱情的主要原因-人物性格的差异和时代背景的促使。通过研究瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱,有助于读者更深入的了解玛格丽特笔下的瑞德巴特勒和斯嘉丽奥哈拉。关键词(3-5个)飘; 瑞德的爱; 成因英文摘要Gone with the Wind is the only novel written by A

12、merican writer Margaret Mitchell. The novel mainly focuses on the life of Scarlett OHara, the daughter of the owner of Tara Plantation before and after the Civil War. The author has portrayed a spectacular and vivid picture of the life of the South community to us through describing the love and dis

13、putes among Scarlett, Ashley and Rhett. Among so many unique characters described in the book, the most controversial one must be the core shapeRhett Butler. He is astute, knowing how to survive in turbulent times; he is mature, knowing how to love Scarlett. By analyzing Rhetts love in this paper, w

14、e could find out the main reasons that conducte to his lovetheir different characteristics and the force of Civil War. Learning Rhetts love, we readers could get a better understanding of Rhett Butler and Scarlett OHara.关键词(3-5个)Gone with the Wind, Rhetts love, reason指导教师评定成绩评审基元评审要素评审内涵满分指导教师实评分选题质


16、力能运用本学科常规研究方法及相关研究手段(如计算机、实验仪器设备等)进行实验、实践并加工处理、总结信息。10外文应用能力能阅读、翻译一定量的本专业外文资料、外文摘要和外文参考书目(特殊专业除外)体现一定的外语水平。5论文质量35%文题相符较好地完成论文选题的目的要求。5写作水平论点鲜明;论据充分;条理清晰;语言流畅。15写作规范符合学术论文的基本要求。用语、格式、图表、数据、量和单位、各种资料引用规范化、符合标准。10论文篇幅10000字左右。5实评总分 成绩等级 指导教师评审意见: 指导教师签名: 说明:评定成绩分为优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五个等级,实评总分90100分记为优秀,808



19、成绩等级 评阅教师评审意见: 评阅教师签名: 说明:评定成绩分为优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五个等级,实评总分90100分记为优秀,8089分记为良好,7079分记为中等,6069分记为及格,60分以下记为不及格。湖南科技学院本科毕业论文(设计)答辩记录表论文题目浅析飘中瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱On the Analysis of Rhetts Love for Scarlett in Gone with the Wind its communicative functions On vague language in Spoken English and its communicative fun

20、ctions作者姓名李 莎所属系、专业、年级外语系 英语 专业 2005 年级指导教师姓名、职称罗小英(副教授)答 辩 会 纪 要时间 2009年5月8日上午地点第二教学楼301答辩小组成员姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)郑银芳教 授罗小英副教授盘 群讲 师李丽平讲 师答辩中提出的主要问题及回答的简要情况记录:会议主持人:记 录 人:年 月 日答辩小组意见评语:评定等级:负责人(签名): 年 月 日系学位委员会意见评语:论文(设计)最终评定等级:负责人(签名): 系部(公章) 年 月 日校学位委员会意见评语:评定等级: 负责人(签名): 年 月 日Contents摘要.A

21、bstractIntroduction 11 A Brief Account of Margaret Mitchell and Her Work.31.1 Brief Introduction of Margaret Mitchell.31.2 Main Story of Gone with the Wind.52 Embodiment of Rhetts Love for Scarlett.92.1 Satisfying Scarlett at Dance.92.2 Helping Scarlett Escape from Atlanta.112.3 Having Their Sweet M

22、arriage.122.4 Loving Their Daughter.133 Reasons for Rhetts Love.163.1 Different Characteristics.163.1.1 Astute and Mature Rhett.163.1.2 Versatile Scarlett.193.2 The Force of Civil War.21Conclusion.24Notes.26Bibliography.27Acknowledgements摘 要飘是美国女作家玛格丽特米切尔一生中创作的唯一的一部长篇小说。小说以南北战争为背景,着重描述塔拉农场主的女儿斯嘉丽奥哈拉

23、在战前战后的生活,同时通过斯嘉丽与艾希礼、瑞德等人的感情纠葛为线索,刻画了一副壮观而又生动的南方社会的生活画面。在作品塑造的众多富有特色的人物当中,最具争议性的人物莫过于瑞德巴特勒。他精明,懂得在乱世中如何生存;他成熟,知道自己该如何去表达爱。本论文通过对瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱进行研究分析,从而透析造成他们这样爱情的主要原因-人物性格的差异和时代背景的促使。通过研究瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱,有助于读者更深入的了解玛格丽特笔下的瑞德巴特勒和斯嘉丽奥哈拉。关键词: 飘; 瑞德的爱; 成因AbstractGone with the Wind is the only novel written by America

24、n writer Margaret Mitchell. The novel mainly focuses on the life of Scarlett OHara, the daughter of the owner of Tara Plantation before and after the Civil War. The author has portrayed a spectacular and vivid picture of the life of the South community to us through describing the love and disputes

25、among Scarlett, Ashley and Rhett. Among so many unique characters described in the book, the most controversial one must be the core shapeRhett Butler. He is astute, knowing how to survive in turbulent times; he is mature, knowing how to love Scarlett. By analyzing Rhetts love in this paper, we coul

26、d find out the main reasons that conducte to his lovetheir different characteristics and the force of Civil War. Learning Rhetts love, we readers could get a better understanding of Rhett Butler and Scarlett OHara.Key words: Gone with the Wind, Rhetts love, reasonIntroductionGone with the Wind, the

27、only novel of American writer Margaret Mitchell, has always been getting peoples great concern. Ever since its first publish, lots of well-known scholars, at home and abroad, have conducted their researches on such masterpiece.Haskell (2005) made a review on this book. Her argument was mounted on fe

28、minist principles. She contends that “themes centering on women” are “always an inferior subject matter to socially conscious critics of literature and film”. Huang Jinwei (1999) gave explanations with his own characteristics on the glamor, value and characteristics of the book. Ding Yun (1999) had

29、made some researches on Scarletts mental spirit, image and aesthetic value. Rightly because Gone with the Wind is such a glorious masterpiece that many aitistic characteristics are worth studying. Here, Rhetts loveRhett loves Scarlett is chosen as one main aspect to be concerned.Knowing the love bet

30、ween the two heroesRhett and Scarlett in the book is worthy of study, the writer focuses on it. After doing this research, we can get a clearer idea of their love. It is their different characteristics and the force of the time that make it.Here, exemplication will be applied to show Rhetts love for

31、 Scarlett. The thesis is devided into five parts. The first part is introduction. It briefly introduces some current researches on the masterpiece and the framework of this paper. The second part tells the backgroud of the writer and the main story of Gone with the Wind. The third part maily shows u

32、s how Rhett loves Scalrlett by giving examples in the book. The forth part focuses on analysing the reasons for their love. The last part is conclusion.1 A Brief Account of Margaret Mitchell and Her Work1.1 Brief Introduction of Margaret MitchellMargaret Mitchell was born on Nov. 8, 1900, in a lawye

33、r family in Atlanta. Her father, Eugene Muse Mitchell, who used to be an Atlanta attorney, is a short, prudent and conservative old man, descended from Scotch-Irish and French Huguenots. Her mother, Mary Isabelle Stephens, of Irish-Catholic ancestry, is exquisite and always energetic. She was also a

34、 champion fighting for womens rights at that time. The family included many soldiers, who had fought in the American Revolution, Irish Uprising and Rebellions and the Civil War.The imaginative child loves playing with boys, riding her lovely pony and dreaming. She was fascinated with stories of the

35、Civil War that she heard from people around. So, when Margaret decided to write a novel about the Civil War, Atlanta had become the natural background.Margaret Mitchell had studied at Smith College in Massachusetts in the fall of 1918, not long after the United States entered World War I. In January

36、, 1919, her mother died during a flu epidemic so that Margaret had to leave college to take charge of the family. Having lost her mother, Margaret became a runaway horse. At the right time, Margaret became acquainted with two men, an ex-football player and bootlegger, Berrien Kinnard Upshaw, and a l

37、anky newspaperman John Robert Marsh. She chose Upshaw, and the two were married in September.The Upshaw marriage was stormy and short lived. They divorced in October, 1924. And less than a year later, she married Marsh. The two held their wedding reception at their new apartmenta house which Margare

38、t affectionately nicknamed “The Dump”.Only months after their marriage, Margaret left her job to convalesce from a series of injuries. It was during this period that she began writing her book. Starting from 1926, Margaret had written for about nine years. More than 200 pages of manuscripts were not

39、 being the final version until an editor-in-chief and vice president of a publishing house in New York met Margaret Mitchell and finally got the pile of manuscripts in 1935. Having worked together for more than a year, they finally made Gone with the Wind meet the readers. Margaret did not think her

40、 book would be so badly welcome that made her famous overnight.On Aug. 11th, 1949, Margaret Mitchell was knocked off by an off-duty cab driver. She died five days later and was buried with other members of her family.A legendary woman had walked over her extraordinary life in that way. The only thin

41、g she left us was a unique moving novel, an immortal work.1.2 Main Story of Gone with the WindThe story starts on a large cotton plantation named Tara in rural Georgia in 1816, on the eve of the American Civil War. The heroine, Scarlett OHara, is the eldest of the three daughters of Irish immigrant Gerald OHara and his wife, Ellen. Gerald, is quite a wealthy planter. It was not until 43-year-old that he married 15-year-old Christina Ellen, a noble immigrant from the East Coast of French. Gerald is of bad temper, but good-natured, while his young wife is of good ed


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