2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破讲义:Unit 13 Section Ⅲ Reading(Ⅱ) (Lesson 2 &amp Lesson 3) Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破讲义:Unit 13 Section Ⅲ Reading(Ⅱ) (Lesson 2 &amp Lesson 3) Word版含答案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破讲义:Unit 13 Section Ⅲ Reading(Ⅱ) (Lesson 2 &amp Lesson 3) Word版含答案.doc_第2页
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《2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破讲义:Unit 13 Section Ⅲ Reading(Ⅱ) (Lesson 2 &amp Lesson 3) Word版含答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破讲义:Unit 13 Section Ⅲ Reading(Ⅱ) (Lesson 2 &amp Lesson 3) Word版含答案.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section Reading() (Lesson 2 & Lesson 3).匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思()1.personalityAn.要求()2.conductorBvi.躲避()3.independentCn.减轻,宽慰()4.selfishDadj.不安的,不快的()5.characteristicEn.个性,性格()6.desireFn.售票员;指挥()7.requirementGadj.独立的()8.upsetHadj.自私的()9.reliefIn.渴望,欲望()10.shelterJn.特点,特性答案15EFGHJ610IADCB.选择下列句中相应词组的汉语意思()1.T

2、hey huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.()2.We always get lost/lose our way in London.()3.He loved best to find fault with me.()4.His wife would love him to give up his job.()5.Teachers ought to be patient with students.答案15CADEB第一步速读了解文章主题和段落大意速读P12教材对话,选择最佳答案 The dialogue tells us

3、 .Atwo students disappeared three days agoBmy French tutor knows where they areCpeople found the three students in a cottageDthe three students hide in a cave答案A第二步细读把控文章关键信息细读P12教材对话,判断正误1The French tutor had tears running down her cheeks at lunch.()2The news report was about the two missing students.()3The two students got lost maybe because of the snow.()4The two students have been missing in the mountains for nearly a week.()5The two missing students may have no water,but they may have some food.()答案15TTFFT


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