2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破课时分层作业:5 Unit 14 Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 &amp Lesson 3) Word版含解析.doc

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2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破课时分层作业:5 Unit 14 Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 &amp Lesson 3) Word版含解析.doc_第1页
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《2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破课时分层作业:5 Unit 14 Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 &amp Lesson 3) Word版含解析.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破课时分层作业:5 Unit 14 Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)(Lesson 2 &amp Lesson 3) Word版含解析.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、课时分层作业(五)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1She hesitated(hesitate)before picking up the phone because she didnt know how to refuse the invitation.2If you want to have an examination,please make an appointment(appoint)with my secretary.3The government is committed to improving (improve) social security and health car

2、e.4Their suggestions have no scientific basis(base)5Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into existence(exist)6Operation(operate) of this equipment requires special training.7I would be surprised if he turned up unexpectedly.8Can you give me some advice on how to make up f

3、or the time I have lost?9Judging(judge)from his dress,he is probably a Tibetan.10She made no response(respond) to my letter.完成句子1他一进入房间便把灯打开。The moment he entered the room,he turned on the light.2你可以在网上订购,也可以提前和婚纱设计师预约。You can order online or make an appointment with a wedding dress designer.3他们的父亲很

4、擅长睡觉前编些故事。Their father is good at making up bedtime stories.4约翰考试前学习很刻苦,因而得到了回报。John studied hard before the examination,and it paid off.5如果这方面有所改善我会非常开心的。I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解I always had an idea of packing my lunch,but putting this healthy habi

5、t into practice was a different story.I always felt embarrassed when I saw my coworkers with their cute containers filled with fresh food that looked much more delicious than whatever I had grabbed out of necessity.Sometimes,I would be inspired (激励) to have a productive Sunday afternoon when I would

6、 cook my favorite food or buy a ton of groceries that I would never finish.However,once Wednesday rolled around,I would be back on the street,trying to find out what sounded good to eat.Once I got into the habit of packing my lunch the night before and remembering it before I left the house,making t

7、his a daily habit became natural.Heres why you should try it,too.At first,the idea of packing my lunch felt like a sacrifice (牺牲),but since I started bringing healthy food to my office,I have not looked back.Im able to bring foods that are rich in fiber and protein to make my brain full of energy as

8、 I write,and I am also clear of the ingredients that make my blood sugar rise quickly. It was the big kicker for me to keep this healthy habit.Portion control (分份控制) has always been a big problem for me.If there is food on my plate,Im going to eat it.By packing my own lunch,Im easily able to manage

9、portions and know my ingredient choices.Eating a cleaner and lighter lunch not only supports my general weightloss goals,but also makes space for the occasional weeknight dinner that I can enjoy freely.When developing my plan for 2016,I made a point to get real about the costs.I had no idea how much

10、 money I was spending on my lunch every week until I looked at my credit card statement.Its hard in downtown San Francisco to find something that is fresh,healthy and filling for under $10.That means $50 a week I could be saving.Its unbelievable!【语篇解读】如今很多上班族的午餐都是以快餐居多,其实午餐自带便当最好,因为午餐自带便当既卫生又健康。1Wha

11、t drove the author to prepare her lunch regularly?AHer lunch story.BHer healthy habit.CHer job as a cook.DHer coworkers packed lunch.D推理判断题。根据第一段的“I always felt embarrassed when I saw my coworkers with their cute containers filled with fresh food that looked much more delicious than whatever I had g

12、rabbed out of necessity.”可知,作者虽然有自备午餐的打算,但是一直没有付诸实践,是同事自备的午餐影响了作者。2What is the key to the authors success in her habit change?AHer determined spirit.BHer doctors suggestion.CHer perfect cooking skills.DHer coworkers encouragement.A推理判断题。根据第三段的“At first,the idea of packing my lunch felt like a sacrif

13、ice (牺牲),but since I started bringing healthy food to my office,I have not looked back.”可知,作者十分坚决地坚持自备午餐。3The author made it her practice to .Astop eating fatty foodsBhave a snack after lunchCmake a light lunch every dayDprepare a salad and a sandwich for lunchC推理判断题。根据第四段的“Eating a cleaner and ligh

14、ter lunch not only supports my general weightloss goals,but also makes space for the occasional weeknight dinner that I can enjoy freely.”可知,作者坚持煮清淡食物作为午餐。4What can be inferred from the last paragraph?AThe author had no idea about the cost of her lunches.BThe author used to work in downtown San Fran

15、cisco.CMoney spent on packed lunch was less than expected.DIts hard to find fresh food in downtown San Francisco.C推理判断题。根据末段的“That means $50 a week I could be saving.Its unbelievable!”可知,在营养丰富的自备午餐上花的钱比作者预料的要少。.完形填空Last December,Michael Fulmer came through the door of his home in Guthrie,Oklahoma.“G

16、uess what!” he 1 announced to his wife Kelsey.It was the end of a busy year in which the 23year old had 2 nearly a full season in the majors (棒球大联盟) for the Detroit Tigers and 3 the Rookie (新人) of the Year award,so she waited to 4 what was making him so happy.“I fixed a shower today by myself,” Fulm

17、er said.“That was probably a 10,” Kelsey said,judging her husbands level of 5 .The Rookie of the Year announcement?“A seven,” she said.When he first 6 to fill in for a friend by working for Cyrus Wright Plumbing in the fall of 2014,Fulmer saw an opportunity to keep 7 in the winter.The job would also

18、 help out 8 ,since his minor league (小职业球队联盟) salary was 9 .And it would give Fulmer a(n) 10 kind of workoutrepairing water pipes,for example.On his first day,he thought,“What have I gotten myself 11 ?And whats that smell?”But the more he spent 12 ,the more interested he became.The young man who onc

19、e had to have 13 described to him by their location in the truck 14 he didnt know their names was now 15 about what would be needed for a given job.So he kept 16 during the off season, 17 as his baseball salary increased.From October until early January,when he begins his preseason throwing program,

20、Fulmer 18 into his black Ford pickup at 7:15 am. three days a week and 19 the 30 minute trip.He goes to Yukon,Oklahoma,where he and his boss,Larry Wright, 20 eight to 10 hours fixing leaks and doing other related jobs.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。棒球运动员Michael Fulmer休赛期间兼职做水管修理工,并从中找到快乐。1A.sadly BproudlyCpatientlyDn

21、ervouslyB由下文中的“I fixed a shower today by myself,Fulmer said.”可知,Fulmer骄傲地(proudly)对妻子说自己当天的工作成果。2A.restedBplayedCpracticedDtriedB由上文中的“the end of a busy year”和下文中的“the Rookie of the Year award”可知,Fulmer几乎打(played)了一个赛季的比赛。3A.declaredBrememberedCwonDexpectedC由下文中的“The Rookie of the Year announcement?

22、A seven,she said.”可知,Fulmer赢得了(won)年度新人奖。4A.recognizeBproveCseeDexplainC由下文Fulmer所说的“I fixed a shower today”可知,妻子想看看(see)究竟是什么事情让这个棒球大联盟的年度新人奖获得者如此开心。5A.curiosityBintelligenceCabilityDexcitementD由上文的“I fixed a shower today by myself,Fulmer said.”可知,丈夫很兴奋(excitement)。6A.failedBhesitatedChopedDagreedD

23、由下文中的“to fill in for a friend”可知,朋友不能上班,Fulmer同意(agreed)来替班。7A.comfortableBenergeticCbusyDcalmC冬季没有比赛,做些修理工作是个让Fulmer保持忙碌(busy)的机会。8A.financiallyBimmediatelyCrepeatedlyDequallyA由“The job would also help out”可知,Fulmer的工资低(low),干修理工作经济上(financially)也是补贴。9A.lowBhighCenoughDreasonableA参见上题解析。10A.strange

24、BdifferentCeasyDfunnyBFulmer作为运动员要锻炼,现在做修理工作是一种不同(different)形式的锻炼。11A.intoBoutCfromDoffA由“whats that smell”可知,Fulmer抱怨自己所做的事情。get into sth.意为“从事某项事情”。12A.holding onBshowing upClooking aroundDhelping outDFulmer越帮忙(helping out),兴趣越浓厚。13A.goalsBtoolsCreasonsDconcernsB过去Fulmer需要别人给他描述工具(tools)在卡车上的具体位置,

25、因为(because)他不知道这些工具的名字。现在他已经很清楚(clear)做什么工作需要什么工具。14A.thoughBifCbecauseDsoC参见上题解析。15A.clearBworriedCparticularDscaredA参见13题解析。16A.dressing upBshowing offCgoing awayDcoming backD即使(even)薪酬提高了,Fulmer休赛期仍然回来(coming back)做修理工作。17A.justByetCeverDevenD参见上题解析。18A.climbsBlooksCfallsDmarchesA一周三天早上Fulmer要爬(climbs)进皮卡车,完成(makes)30分钟的车程。19A.plansBmakesCorganizesDpreparesB参见上题解析。20A.learnBcampCworkDthinkC由下文中的“fixing leaks and doing other related jobs”可知,Fulmer工作(work)8到10个小时。


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