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1、毕业设计(论文)材料(二)外 文 翻 译题目:钢结构单层工业厂房设计专业:土木工程班级:14跨土木本1姓名:张守南学号:1442130136指导教师:马辉滨州学院建筑工程系2016年2月28日1钢结构疲劳损伤声发射监测汪文有,声发射技术工作,2010.2摘要:采用声发射技术对已开裂的焊缝进行监测,实现了在复杂的环境噪声中识别出裂纹活动信号。通过分析疲劳裂纹损伤产生的原因以及材料在交变载荷作用下产生声发射的机理,得到表征焊缝裂纹活动过程的信号特征。试验表明,声发射技术对钢结构裂纹损伤的活度、强度具有较大的敏感性,可以实现对裂纹损伤状态发展变化的实时监测。Abstract:Weld fatigue

2、 crack constraints life of steel structure. The monitoring of crack initiation, development process and the impact factors has great significance. In this paper, the acoustic emission monitoring of weld cracking, crack activities was identified in the complex environment noise signal. By analysis of

3、 the causes of fatigue crack damage as well as materials in alternating loads under the mechanism of acoustic emission the signal characteristics for characterizing the weld cracks activity process were obtained. It is shown that acoustic emission technique is rather sensitive to the steel crack dam

4、age activity and strength, and acoustic emission can achieve real-time monitoring of the development and changes of crack damage state.2 浅谈GB/T226钢的低倍组织及缺陷酸蚀检验法新旧版本的差异王秀芳(1983-),女,工学学士,钢的低倍组织及缺陷酸蚀检验法,2011,5.摘要:GB/T226描述了对结构钢、连铸坯等常用的宏观检验法酸蚀检验法.就1991版与新版标准的差异进行了对比说明,发现新版标准中基本每个章节都有不同程度的修改,主要包括试样的截取、加工

5、、腐蚀等方面,这样的修改使标准能更好地被运用到实际工作中.Abstract:The common macroscopic examination method for structural steel and continuous casting billet by etching was described in GB/T 226.The differences between the new edition standard and the old edition standard in 1991 were contrasted.It was found that all of the c

6、hapters had different degree of change basically in the new edition standard, including sampling, processing and corrosion, so as to apply the standard for practical work.3不同温度下16Cr3NiWMoVNbE结构钢的低周疲劳行为于慧臣(1964-), 男, 结构钢的低周疲劳 2014,6。摘要:对16Cr3NiWMoVNbE结构钢在25,100,200,300,350 下进行了应变比为-1的总应变控制的低周疲劳(LCF)试

7、验, 研究了不同温度下该结构钢的循环应力响应、疲劳寿命和循环应力-应变行为。结果表明: 试验钢在温度不高于200 时, 表现出循环软化的现象, 而在300 时, 表现出明显的循环硬化现象; 随着温度的升高, 疲劳寿命有下降的趋势, 利用三参数幂函数公式能较好地表征不同温度下的应变-寿命关系。Abstract:The total strain-controlled low cycle fatigue(LCF) tests at strain ratio of -1 were performed on a structural steel 16Cr3NiWMoVNbE at 25, 100, 20

8、0, 300, 350 . The cyclic stress response, fatigue life and cyclic stress-strain behaviors of 16Cr3NiWMoVNbE steel at different temperatures were investigated. The results indicate that the steel represented cyclic softening at the temperature no higher than 200 and cyclic hardening while the tempera

9、ture was 300 . When the temperature rose, the fatigue life shortened. The relationship between strain and life can be described well by three-parameter power function at different temperatures.4 H型钢结构焊缝超声波探伤丁街(1989-),男,技师,探伤技术负责人,2014。摘要:为保证钢结构的质量与安全,在不影响焊缝质量的前提下,对焊缝进行准确而快速的扫查,采用K2.5或K3的探头直射波法单面单侧探伤

10、,根据焊缝坡口形式和缺陷波在焊缝中的位置,对缺陷波型进行分析定性,可有效地检出焊缝内部缺陷,从而达到对H型钢结构焊缝准确快速检测的目的。Abstract:In order to ensure the quality and safety of steel structure, in the premise of not affecting the weld quality, fast and accurately to the weld scan, K2.5 or K3 probe is applied to perform single-sided unilateral testing wi

11、th direct wave method, perform wave mode analysis and qualitative as per groove type of welds and defect wave position in welds, and internal defect of welds can be detected effectively, thus achieving accurate and quick detection to welds of H steel structure.5 Q345D钢结构梁腹板对接接头裂纹分析胡晓萍(1975-),女,工程师,博

12、士,2011。摘要:Q345D钢结构梁腹板对接接头热影响区出现了长约100mm的裂纹。采用金相方法观察了接头热影响区和母材的组织以及裂纹的宏观形貌,采用扫描电镜观察了裂纹的微观形貌以及对微区的化学成分分析。分析结果表明,焊接接头热影响区没有形成淬硬组织。裂纹两侧出现了一定宽度的脱碳层,脱碳层内部出现了二次氧化产物。该裂纹并不是焊接过程产生的裂纹,而是钢坯轧制以前其表面已存在微裂纹所致。Abstract:There was a crack, about 100mm long, in the heat affected zone (HAZ) of Q345D steel butt joint. T

13、he metallurgical structure of HAZ and matrix metal, along with pattern of the crack were observed using metallographic analysis. Scanning electronic microscope was used to analyze the microscopic shape of the crack and micro-area chemical composition. The results show that HAZ doesnt form the quench

14、-hardening structure. Decarburized layer appears in the two sides of the crack. There is some secondary oxide existing in the decarburized layer. The flaw isnt the hot crack or cold crack resulted from welding. Microcrack has initiated early in the surface of billet steel, then the crack appears aft

15、er welding.6复层矿脂包覆技术在滨海电厂钢结构关键部位的防护应用杨小刚,材料检测,2014,7摘要:某滨海火力发电厂钢结构关键部位采用复层矿脂包覆技术进行腐蚀防护。通过中性盐雾试验和电化学试验研究了防蚀膏和防蚀带对对碳钢的防腐蚀效果, 并介绍了该技术在滨海电厂钢结构关键部位的施工工艺和应用情况。盐雾试验和电化学试验结果表明, 防蚀膏和防蚀带具有优良的耐盐雾和耐氯离子渗透性能。通过在滨海电厂钢结构关键部位的实际应用证明了其具有良好的防腐蚀性能。Abstract:Key parts of steel structure in a coastal power plant are coate

16、d with multilayer petrolatum coating. Salt spray test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technology were used to study the anti-corrosion ability of anti-corrosion petrolatum grease and anti-corrosion tape. Applications of multilayer petrolatum coated anti-corrosion system were discuss

17、ed, and the process of the technology was also introduced. The results of salt spray test and EIS showed that the anti-corrosion petrolatum grease and anti-corrosion tape had high obstructive capacity for H2O, O2 and Cl-. The results of this project also illuminate that multilayer petrolatum coated

18、anti-corrosion system is a reliable and advanced technology.7富锌涂料在曹娥江大闸钢结构上的防腐蚀试验研究孙红尧,韩忠奎,任红伟,傅宇方,徐雪峰, 水性氟树脂涂料在桥梁钢结构上的应用,腐蚀与防护,2014,7摘要:根据曹娥江大闸的环境特点,对不同厂家的7种富锌涂料进行了近2年的浪溅区、潮差区和大气区的室外暴露试验和近10500 h的盐雾试验、盐水周期性浸泡试验和盐水浸泡试验的室内试验研究,得出几点结论:不同厂家的富锌涂料由于配方不同可能存在性能差异,有时差异程度可能很大;高锌粉含量的有机富锌涂料防腐蚀性能最优,低锌粉含量的环氧富锌涂料

19、防腐蚀性能最差;设计部门或工程业主在设计富锌涂料做底涂时最好委托有关部门做前期防腐蚀试验论证.Abstract:According to the environment in Caoe River floodgate,seven zinc-rich coatings were selected as test samples to investigate their anticorrosion properties by tests of outdoor exposure in splash zone,tideland and atmospheric zone for about two ye

20、ars and outdoor tests such as salt fog test,cycle salt solution test and salt solution test for about 10500 h.Different zinc-rich coatings from different factories showed different properties.The anticorrosion properties of high zinc content coatings were better than those of low zinc content ones.I

21、t is necessary to perform validation test before applying anticorrosion coatings in engineering.8 钢结构焊缝超声波探伤缺陷当量孔径的计算杨晓东(1968-),男,高级工程师,硕士,结构检测和土木工程,2011。摘要:通过理论分析和测试对比,确定钢结构熔透对接焊缝中横孔状焊接缺陷当量孔径适用的对比反射体为:RB,CSKIC系列试块上 3 mm长横孔及CSK A试块上的 1 mm短横孔。试验测出RB,CSKIC系列,CSKA试块与测试用试件表面能耗损失为4 dB,将RB,CSKIC系列试块不同深度 3

22、 mm长横孔和CSKA试块上的 1 mm短横孔反射回波幅值分别下调4 dB制作DAC(距离波幅)曲线。经超声波横孔理论回波声压分析,推导出钢结构熔透焊缝中类似于长横孔、短横孔状缺陷当量孔径的计算公式。对于竖孔状缺陷,制作不同孔径、不同厚度钢板的竖通孔反射体,建立波幅孔径曲线及回归函数,中厚板用一、二次波探伤,薄板用三次波探伤,插入法计算当量孔径,并对这种缺陷当量计算方法进行了验证。Abstract:The paper, through theoretical analysis and test comparison that the applicable contrastive reflect

23、ors in calculating the cross bore weld defect equivalent aperture in steel structure weld penetration were the followings, such as RB, 3 mm long cross bore in CSKC series test block and 1 mm short cross bore in CSKA test block. It was revealed in our experiment that the surface energy consumption of

24、 RB, CSKC series test block, CSKA test block and the check bar for test was 4 dB and the DAC curve was made when the dB values of RB, 3 mm long cross bore in the CSKC series test block with various depth as well as the reversed echo of 1 mm short cross bore in CSKA test block were reduced by 4 dB re

25、spectively. By echo sound pressure analysis of Ultrasonic Cross Bore Theory, the formula for calculating the defect equivalent aperture of long and short cross bore in steel structure weld penetration was derived. As to the erect bore defect, the dB curve and regression function were made for making

26、 erect through hole reflector with steel plate of various aperture and thickness. The fault detection was made with primary and secondary wave for medium plate and with tertiary wave for thin plate. The method of Sorting by Insertion, the defect equivalent calculating method, was applied in calculat

27、ing the equivalent aperture and was tested.10钢结构件焊接接头超声相控阵实际探伤条件的研讨李衍(1940-),男,高级工程师,超声相控阵实际探伤,2004,摘要:为提高对大型钢结构件的大板梁所有焊接接头的超声检测速度,采用相控阵UT,以电子扫描技术取代常规UT中探头的机械移动。根据有关工业标准要求,通过校验试块的验证试验,探讨分析相控阵超声检测的实际有效探伤条件。试验表明,只要五参数(声束聚焦位置、同时激励的阵元数、有效探伤范围、脉冲重复频率及探伤数据压缩比)正确设定,可明显提高钢结构件焊接接头相控阵UT的检测效率。Abstract:For incr

28、easing the UT speed of inspecting all of the welded joints in large-scale steel structure, the phased array UT was applied with electronic scanning in lieu of mechanical movement of the conventional probe. Based on the relevant industrial standard, this article made a discussion about the effective

29、inspecting condition in this field, through the test demonstration on the calibration blocks. The test verified that so long as the five parameters were set up correctly, such as the beam-focusing location, the number of elements energized simultaneously, the effective test range, the pulse repeatin

30、g frequency and the test data compression ratio,the efficiency of phased array inspection for welds in steel structure could be raised obviously.11 钢结构热喷涂长效防腐蚀技术的研究与发展李衍(1940-),男,高级工程师,超声相控阵实际探伤,2005摘要:综述了热喷涂技术在钢结构长效防腐蚀方面的研究与发展概况.对锌、铝及锌铝合金涂层的耐蚀机理和防护特点作了比较,从国内外对长效防腐蚀涂层的耐蚀性研究、热喷涂防腐蚀材料的开发、防腐蚀喷涂工艺等方面阐述了

31、该项技术的发展,指出了热喷涂长效防腐蚀技术存在的问题并对其发展前景作了展望.Abstract:The development of thermal spraying technology used for long term corrosion protection of steel structures is summarized.The anticorrosive mechanism and characteristics are compared between zinc coating,aluminum coating and zinc-aluminum alloy coatings.

32、The development of thermal spraying anticorrosion technology is reviewed from three aspects,i.e.,the research on corrosion resistance of coatings;anticorrosive thermal spraying materials;thermal spraying approaches.The problems of thermal spraying anticorrosion technology are referred.And the prospe

33、ct of development about this technology is put forward.12 在304奥氏体不锈钢表面制备耐热防腐蚀层邵红红,硕士生导师,2006摘要:以SUS304不锈钢为基材,通过电镀沉积镍和高温扩散处理的方法制备耐热防腐蚀层.用扫描电镜、X衍射仪、能谱仪等设备对耐热防腐蚀层进行分析.结果表明:经1050 高温扩散30 min后,不锈钢表面的镀层由机械结合转化为冶金结合,镀层与基材的结合力显著提高.热震试验、盐雾试验和高温氧化试验结果证实,研制的镀层具有高的耐热防腐蚀性能.Abstract:The heat and corrosion resistan

34、t layer was prepared on the surface of SUS304 stainless steel by electric plating Ni and high-temperature diffusion.The properties of the layer were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD) and energy spectroscopy.The results showed that the plating on stainless steel tra

35、nsformed from mechanical binding to metallurgical binding and the binding force between coating and substrate was improved greatly after high-temperature diffusion at 1050 for 30 min.The results of thermal shock test、salt spray test and high-temperature oxidation test showed that the plating had hig

36、h heat and corrosion resistance.13 钢结构热喷涂长效防腐蚀技术的研究与发展邵红红,硕士生导师,2006摘要:综述了热喷涂技术在钢结构长效防腐蚀方面的研究与发展概况.对锌、铝及锌铝合金涂层的耐蚀机理和防护特点作了比较,从国内外对长效防腐蚀涂层的耐蚀性研究、热喷涂防腐蚀材料的开发、防腐蚀喷涂工艺等方面阐述了该项技术的发展,指出了热喷涂长效防腐蚀技术存在的问题并对其发展前景作了展望.Abstract:The development of thermal spraying technology used for long term corrosion protecti

37、on of steel structures is summarized.The anticorrosive mechanism and characteristics are compared between zinc coating,aluminum coating and zinc-aluminum alloy coatings.The development of thermal spraying anticorrosion technology is reviewed from three aspects,i.e.,the research on corrosion resistan

38、ce of coatings;anticorrosive thermal spraying materials;thermal spraying approaches.The problems of thermal spraying anticorrosion technology are referred.And the prospect of development about this technology is put forward.14 浪花飞溅区钢结构的热喷涂腐蚀控制研究进展刘毅, 博士研究生,2008摘要:浪花飞溅区是海洋钢结构腐蚀最严重的区域, 威胁着海洋钢结构的安全稳定运行

39、。开发浪花飞溅区钢结构长效防腐蚀技术尤为必要。本文介绍了国内外对浪花飞溅区钢结构的腐蚀控制技术, 在此基础上, 综述了热喷涂长效防腐蚀技术及其工程应用, 并指出了其今后的发展方向。Abstract:The splash zone is the most severe corrosion environment for marine steel structures, which seriously threatens the security of service for steel structures. It is particularly necessary to develop lon

40、g lasting technology for steel structures in splash zone. This paper introduces recent advances in the development of the corrosion control techaiques for steel structures in splash zone at home and abroad. In addition, thermal spray anti-corrosion technique and its engineering application are summa

41、rized, the characteristics and future research directions of thermal spray corrosion protection technique are also presented.15 铝合金表面溶胶-凝胶防腐蚀膜层研究进展及展望吴俊升(1976-),副教授,博士,从事材料化学表面改进研究,2011摘要:铝及其合金具有低密度、高比强度等优点,在很多行业被广泛使用。然而,由于其耐蚀性一般,很大程度上限制了它的应用。提高其耐蚀性的有效手段之一就是采用溶胶-凝胶技术在铝合金表面制备防腐蚀膜层,该技术具有操作简单、节能环保等优点,有

42、望取代对环境不友好的铬酸盐处理技术。对铝合金表面溶胶-凝胶氧化物、有机、有机改性硅酸盐、含掺杂物有机改性硅酸盐复合等防腐蚀膜层的研究进展进行了综述,并展望了未来可能的研究方向。Abstract:Aluminum and its alloys have many excellent properties, such as the low density and high strength/weight ratio, and so on. They are widely used in many industries. However, poor resistance to corrosion l

43、imits their application. One of the effective ways to improve their corrosion resistance is preparation of anti-corrosion coatings on aluminum alloys by sol-gel technology, which has advantages of simple operation, environmental protection and so on. It is expected to replace the conventional harmfu

44、l chromate treatment technology. In this paper, sol-gel anti-corrosion coatings on aluminum alloys, such as oxides, organic coatings, ormosil coatings, dopant-containing ormosil coatings are reviewed. The challenges for industrial productions and future research on sol-gel corrosion protective coati

45、ngs are also briefly discussed.16 建筑钢结构焊缝超声波检测能力验证计划与技术分析丁杰(1979-),女,硕士,工程师,主要从事金属材料及其制品的无损检测技术研究等工作,2014。摘要:介绍了由第三方机构组织的建筑钢结构焊缝超声波检测能力验证计划。该计划测试了92家检测机构对相同检测样品进行超声波检测的结果,然后基于稳健统计技术与Z比分数,对检测数据进行了技术分析。最后讨论了影响检测结果的因素。AbstractA proficiency testing scheme of ultrasonic testing of welding joints in steel

46、 structure organized by a third part unit has been introduced. A Z-score testing procedure was applied to evaluate the 92 pieces of PT samples, with the investigation of influence factors on the results as well.17 EN 10160标准在钢板超声波检测中的应用许青阳,宁增根.EN 10160标准在钢板超声波检测中的应用,2011摘要:在某国际合作项目中须对钢板进行超声检测。中方检测结果

47、和德国检测结果存在较大差异, 有的差异高达20 dB。为此对两国的钢板探伤标准、方法和探伤设备进行了比较和分析, 找出了原因。提出在钢板探伤中借鉴EN 10160标准推荐的钢板AVG曲线法, 同时绘制底波AVG曲线和平底孔AVG曲线, 这样可在探伤过程中随时观察表面耦合状态, 不论使用软保护膜探头还是硬保护膜探头都可得到较为一致的探伤结果, 因此是一种行之有效的判伤方法。Abstract:In an international cooperative project, ultrasonic testing of steel plate was carried out. There was a

48、big difference in the testing results as conducted by Chinese side and German side, some of which were up to 20 dB. After comparing and analyzing the testing standards, methods and testing equipment of two countries, the cause was found out. Proposal was made to refer to steel plate AVG curve method

49、 recommended by EN 10160 standard: drawing AVG curve of the reflected wave of flat-bottom hole and AVG curve of the bottom wave at the same time, so that the coupling state in the steel surface could be observed at any time during UT, regardless of the use of soft or hard protective film probe.More consistent testing re


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