2019-2020同步外研英语选修九新突破讲义:Module 6 Section 2 Language Points 【Introduction &amp Reading and Vocabulary(1)】 Word版含答案.pdf

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《2019-2020同步外研英语选修九新突破讲义:Module 6 Section 2 Language Points 【Introduction &amp Reading and Vocabulary(1)】 Word版含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步外研英语选修九新突破讲义:Module 6 Section 2 Language Points 【Introduction &amp Reading and Vocabulary(1)】 Word版含答案.pdf(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section Language Points Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1) revise v修订;修改;复习功课 (教材 P72)They then spent another 18 years revising it! 后来他们又花了 18 年修订它! The old rules have to be revised because they only applied to the circumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years ago. 旧的规则不得不修改,因

2、为它们只适用于一百年前制定它们时的情况。 The final exams are coming, and I have to start revising. 期末考试即将来临,我得开始复习功课了。 revised edition 修订版 revise for 复习功课(迎考) revision n. 修正;复习 reviser n. 修订者;修改人 He made some minor revisions to the report before printing it out. 在将报告打印出来之前,他做了一些小小的修改。 完成句子 我已改变了对他的看法。 I have_of him. 他修

3、改了他的故事,把它缩短了。 He_to make it shorter. 我没有很多时间为考试复习。 I dont have much time to_tests. 【答案】 revised my opinion revised his story revise for contract n合同,合约 (教材 P72)He signed a contract in June 1746 but the dictionary did not appear until 1755. 1746 年 6 月他签署了一份合同,但直到 1755 年词典才得以出版。 These clauses form a p

4、art of the contract between the buyer and the seller. 这些条款构成了买卖双方所签合同的一部分。 make/sign a contract with.同签订合同 by contract 根据合同 under contract 根据合同 contract for. 的契约 He made/signed a contract with a major American computer firm. 他同一家大型美国计算机公司签了约。 完成句子 你多久以前签的合同? How long ago did you_? 我按照聘约要在这里教一年书。 Im_

5、to teach here for one year. 我们在提供车辆方面与政府订有合约。 We_the government for the supply of vehicles/to supply vehicles. 【答案】 sign the contract under contract have a contract with enlarge vt.扩大,壮大 (教 材 P73)The project was clearly too big for one person to edit, so Murray enlarged the editing team. 显然,这项工作由一个人

6、编辑任务太重,因此默里扩大了编辑队伍。 There are plans to enlarge the recreation area. 已经有了扩大娱乐场地的计划。 I planned to enlarge this photograph. 我计划放大这张照片。 The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged. 警方把失踪姑娘的照片放大了。 enlarge 是由 largeadj.加了前缀en构成的动词 “en” 也可以放在形容词之后, 构成同义动词。如 : enable使能,endear使受喜爱,enrich使富裕, ensure保证,使安全;lessen减少,worsen恶化,变得更坏,widen加宽, deepen加深,sharpen削尖,sweeten使变甜,richen使富有,thicken使变厚, quicken加快,soften使软化等。 完成句子 中央政府想继续深化国有部门的改革。 The Central Government wants to continue to_of the stateowned sector. 我们必须以读书来增长见识。 We must_by reading. 【答案】 deepen reform enlarge our views


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