2019-2020英语选修七讲义:Unit 4 Section Ⅵ Language Points (Ⅲ) (Project) 含答案.pdf

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1、Section Language Points() (Project) .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1Some children are much more aggressive (好斗的) than others. 2There were a lot of drunk (喝醉的) drivers on the roads on Saturday nights. 3Only a few were content to pay the fines (罚金) 4The table shook suddenly,and all the glasses came crashing

2、(发出撞击声) onto the floor. 5I think we must have taken a wrong turning (拐弯处) somewhere. 6He braked his car just in time and avoided an accident. 7If more drivers became walkers or cyclists,the environment would be more friendly to people. 8Her illness arose from lack of rest. 9She announced that she wo

3、uld never do anything violating the rules. 10They are loading the truck with peaches. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1cycle vi.骑自行车cyclist n骑自行车的人 2drink vt.喝,饮;喝酒drunk adj.喝醉的 n.醉汉,酒鬼 3violate vt.违犯,违反;侵犯violation n违反,违犯;侵犯 4load n负荷,负载 ; 大量,许多 vt.装载,装上,装入loaded adj.有负载 的unload v卸(货) 5turn v旋转,使转动turning n

4、拐弯处,转弯处 6cross v横跨;横渡crossing n人行横道;十字路口,交叉点;穿越 寻规律 巧记忆 v. ist n.v. ingn. tourist n旅行者,观光者 typist n打字员 cyclist n骑自行车的人 printing n印刷,印刷术 reading n阅读;朗读 sailing n航海 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1arise from 起因于,由引起 2be aware of意识到,认识到 3be true of符合,对适用 4in connection with和有关 5result in导致 6watch out for密切注意,戒备,提防 7

5、in particular尤其,特别 8be aimed at旨在,目的是 9in good condition状况良好 10listen for留心听 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1The book is aimed at very young children. 2Watch out for the dog because it often bites little children. 3The food is good and the same is true of the service. 4He was injured in the accident arising fr

6、om carelessness. 5The children listened for the bell to announce the New Year. 寻规律 巧记忆 v.from动词短语v.for动词短语 depart from 离开,起程;开出 derive from 取得;起源;由来 die from 由于而死,因致死 die for 渴望,为而献身 head for 朝方向走去 look for 寻找,寻求;指望 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实 1.This is true of everyone as accidents affect drivers of vehicles a

7、s well as cyclists and pedestrians. 这对每个人都尤为重要, 因为事故不 只是影响到车辆驾驶员, 而且还影响 到骑自行车的人和行人。 as well as “除 之外;也;还”,用 于连接并列成分。 He advised me as well as answered my questions. 他不但回答了我的 问题, 还给我提出了 建议。 2.Many cyclists fail to pay attention to the cars that surround them,and often ride too close to cars to allow

8、them space and time to stop. 许多骑自行车的人不注意周围的汽 车, 而且经常骑得离它们太近,以至 于汽车没有足够的空间和时间刹车。 too.to.“太而 不能”, 用来表 示结果。 The sentence is too difficult for me to translate. 这个句子太难, 我不 会翻译。 3.Some cyclists make the assumption that traffic laws do not apply to them,but this is not true. 有些骑自行车的人认为交通规则不 适用于他们,但是这是不对的。

9、that 引导同位语从 句。 Nobody can explain the mystery that he suddenly disappeared. 没有人能够解释他 突然消失这个谜。 4.It is up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety. 通过注意道路安全来确保避免交通 事故是我们每个行人的责任。 Its up to sb.to do sth.“做某事是某人 的义务;由某人决 定做某事”。 Its up to all of us t

10、o solve the problems in our neighbourhood. 解决我们小区的问 题是我们所有人的 责任。 arise vi.出现,产生 (教 材 P62)The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased over the past year. 在过去的一年里,道路事故及由此造成的死亡人数均有所增长。 arise from/out of. 起因于;由引起 When problems arise,Chinese people have a way of

11、 coming together. 一旦出现问题的时候,中国人民就会团结在一起。 Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause. Emotional or mental problems can arise out of a physical cause. 身体上的原因可能会引起情绪或精神上的问题。 名师点津 arise 的主语多为以下抽象名词:argument/problem/question/ quarrel/movement。 明辨异同 arise/rise/raise arise (arose;arisen)

12、vi.表示问题、困难等“出现,产生”;表示“起床,起身” 时较正式。 rise (rose;risen) vi.表示“升起;增高”,说明主语自身移向较高位置,通常 用于日、月、云、雾、烟、河水、温度、物价、职位等。 raise(raised;raised) vt.表示“举起;提出;抚养;筹集”。 arise,rise,raise As the sun rose in the sky,the temperature climbed. The Chinese government is trying to raise education standards. When the question a

13、rose at the meeting,no one could answer it. crash n& vi.& vt.撞车;碰撞;倒闭;崩溃 (教材 P62)These are both very dangerous because they can result in crashes. 这两种情况都非常危险,因为它们可能导致撞车。 (1)in a crash 在猛撞中 (2)crash into 撞上 A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car. 昨天有一女孩在一桩涉及窃车的撞车事故中丧生。 A truck

14、went out of control and crashed into the back of a bus. 一辆货车失控撞上了一辆公共汽车的尾部。 语境助记 He experienced a serious crash todayhis car crashed into another and let out a loud crash of breaking glass. 他今天经历了一起严重的撞车事故他的车撞上了另一辆车,发出了很大 的玻璃撞碎的声音。 fine vt.处以罚金 n罚金,罚款 (教 材 P62)Recently the number of people fined for

15、 speaking on their mobile phones while driving has increased by 30 per cent. 近来,因驾车时用手机打电话而被罚款的司机人数增长了 30%。 (1)fine sb.some money罚某人多少钱 fine sb.for (doing) sth. 因某人(做)某事而处以罚金 (2)a heavy fine 重金罚款 Drivers risk a heavy fine for driving without a license. 无照驾驶的司机可能会被处以巨额罚款。 He was fined(fine) 200 dolla

16、rs for violation of traffic regulation. 他因违反交通规则被罚款 200 美元。 He got fined 200 for parking(park) illegally. 他由于非法停车被罚 200 英镑。 violate vt.违犯,违反;侵犯 (教材 P62)If you drive after you have consumed alcoholic drinks or are drunk,you are violating the law and risking your own life as well as the lives of other

17、s. 如果你酒后或醉酒开车,那么你是在犯法并且危及自己和他人的生命。 (1)violate human rights违反人权 (2)violation n. 违反;违背 in violation of 违反 (3)violator n. 违背者;违反者 It was reported that the book violated human rights. 据报道这本书的内容违反了人权。 The policeman scolded the driver for his violation(violate) of traffic regulations. 由于该司机违反交通规则,警察对他严加批评

18、。 All acts in violation of the law must be investigated. 一切违反法律的行为,必须予以追究。 load n负荷,负载;大量,许多 vt.装载,装上,装入 (教材 P63)Carrying more than a light load on your bicycle makes it more difficult to control. 用自行车带上重物使得车子难以控制。 (1)a load ofloads of许多(后接可数/不可数名词) take a load off ones mind 消除某人的精神负担, 使某人如释重负 (2)lo

19、ad (up) .with sth. 把某物装上 load sth.into/onto. 把某物装入/到里 be loaded with. 装满了 The good news has taken a load off my mind. 这个好消息消除了我的精神负担。 I have a load of/loads of problems to deal with. 我有许多问题要解决。 They are loading the truck with fresh fruits. They are loading fresh fruits onto/into the truck. 他们正在往卡车上装

20、新鲜水果。 A number of local people have been arrested for trying to stop lorries loaded(load) with logs. 一些当地人因试图阻止满载原木的卡车通行而被逮捕。 (教材 P63)Some cyclists make the assumption that traffic laws do not apply to them,but this is not true. 有些骑自行车的人认为交通规则不适用于他们,但是这是不对的。 【要点提炼】 句中 that traffic laws do not apply

21、to them 为 that 引导的同位语 从句,说明 assumption 的具体内容。 (1)后跟同位语从句的名词有 : news,fact,thought,idea,possibility,chance, evidence 等; (2)同位语从句的引导词有 : that,what,which, who, when,where,why,how, whether 等; (3)that 引导同位语从句时,仅仅起连接作用,在从句中不充当任何成分,也没 有意义。而其他连接代词或连接副词引导同位语从句时,起引导从句和充当句子 成分的双重作用; (4)whether 可引导同位语从句,有词义,但在从句

22、中不充当句子成分,if 不能 引导同位语从句。 Our teacher gave us some advice how we (should) use the computer. 老师给我们提出了一些如何使用电脑的建议。 The question who should do the work requires consideration. 谁该做这项工作,这个问题需要考虑。 The question what is the most important thing for us now remains to be discussed. 当前对我们来说最重要的是什么这一问题尚待讨论。 We ha

23、ve some doubt whether they can complete the task on time. 我们怀疑他们是否能准时完成任务。 名师点津 that 引导同位语从句和定语从句的区别:that 引导同位语从句时,在从句中不 充当句子成分,往往不能省略;that 引导定语从句时,在从句中充当主语或宾语, 作宾语时可以省略。 The bag that/which lies on the ground is hers. 地上的那个包是她的。(定语从句) The news that our women volleyball team had won the championship

24、encouraged us all greatly. 我们女排赢得冠军的消息大大地鼓舞了我们所有人。(同位语从句) (教材 P62)Drivers have to take the responsibility to watch out for people crossing the road,especially senior citizens who may not be able to walk very fast and young children who may not look before stepping into the road. 【分析】 这是一个复合句。Drivers

25、.people crossing the road 是主句,句中现 在分词短语 crossing the road 作名词 people 的后置定语;后面有 who 引导的两个定 语从句,分别修饰先行词 senior citizens 和 young children。 【翻译】 司机们有责任留意过马路的人们,尤其是那些行动缓慢的老人和 过马路时不注意观察两边的儿童。 .单句语法填空 1He was fined for speeding the other day. 2A similar situation appears to be true of other planetary syste

26、ms as well. 3He regarded the burglary as a violation (violate) of his home. 4The Department of Agriculture has programs aimed (aim) at increasing interest in locally grown food. 5I am writing to you in connection with your recent job application. 6He publishes as well as prints (print) his own books

27、. 7Are there any problems loading the goods onto the boat? 8 A Malaysia Airlines passenger jet was reported to have crashed (crash) in Ukraine 60 km from the border with Russia with 298 people aboard. 9They are talking about the problems arising (arise) out of change over a new type of fuel. 10Who d

28、o you think it is up to to clean (clean) the windows today? .单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误) 1Anyone violates the law will definitely be punished. violatesviolating 2The truck loaded into a lot of apples hit a big tree.intowith 3Its up for you to decide when we will start.forto 4We are repairing the roof as well

29、as paint the walls. paintpainting 5A man is being questioned by the police in the connection with the attack.去掉 connection 前的 the .完成句子 1This notice is aimed at increasing peoples awareness of the accidents. 通告的目的是增加人们对事故的了解。 2 There are more and more family problems arising from/out of the lack of communication 现在因缺乏交流而引发的家庭问题越来越多。 3He got a message from Mr.Green that the manager couldnt see him today 他从格林先生那儿得到消息,经理今天不能见他。 4Its up to us to help those in need. 我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人。 5Thats the new machine whose parts are too small to be seen 那就是那台零部件小得几乎看不见的新机器。


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