2020学年人教版高中英语必修三Unit1 基础过关及答案.doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit1 基础过关一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:handsome, clothing, social, award, satisfy, national, gain, starve, watermelon, religious1 Never believe in him; He is nothing but a wolf in sheeps _.2 He was _ the Hero of the City for having saved a boy from the big fire.3 The March of the Vo

2、lunteer(义勇军进行曲) is the Chinese _ anthem. 4 Mum, I am _. Is dinner ready?5 Whats your _ belief? Islam. 6 I like fruit, such as pineapples, mangoes, grapes and _. 7 China didnt _ its independence until 1949.8 Your answer is quite _. I am satisfied with it.9 She is very _ and has a large circle of frie

3、nds.10 After selling the old car, I bought a new _ one made in Germany.第二组:feast, independence, agricultural, ancestor, admire, daily, Christian, rooster, lamp, gather 11 America declared its _ on July 4, 1776.12 In China Tomb-sweeping Day(清明节) is a day to be in memory of their _.13 These machines a

4、re inspected twice _.14 _ has the same meaning as cock.15 I am now _ convincing information for my paper.16 It was Edison who invented the electric _.17 Those who believe in Christianity are called _.18 I _ him for his bravery and determination. He made it in the end.19 The central government has ma

5、de a series of _ policies to encourage farmers to work the land.20 They held a grand wedding _ at a five-star hotel. More than 500 guests were invited.第三组:weep, permission, couple, energetic, possibility, European, forgive, origin, obvious, drown, announcer, apologise, fool, sadness, arrival 21 With

6、out my _ anyone is not allowed to enter.22 To get the job done, one should be _ and dynamic(动力的). 23 Britain, France and Germany are all developed _ countries.24 Do you know the _ of the earth?25 When the girl was saved up the shore, she was almost _.26 If you do something wrong you should _ to othe

7、rs.27 You were _ enough to believe him.28 On my _ home I found the front door open.29 At the news, he was lost in deep _.30 There came the _ voice, “Flight for Beijing delayed due to thick fog”.31 It was very _ that he showed no interest in our plan.32 Please _ me for coming late.33 Is there any _ t

8、hat our team will defeat theirs?34 We havent seen each other for a _ of days.35 I _ to see him looking so sick.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):take place in memory of dress up look forward to day and night as though have fun with keep ones word hold ones breath 1 Children often _ the arrival of a hol

9、iday.2 Mom, dont worry about me. I am _ other boys.3 The Olympic Games _ every four years.4 There is to be a get-together tonight. Please _ for it. 5 That school was founded _ the famous scientist.6 The couple worked _ to pay back their debt.7 It looks _ its going to rain soon.8 I _ to visit him the

10、 next day.9 _ and count 1 to 10.参考答案一 第一组:1 clothing 2 awarded 3 national 4 starving 5 religious 6 watermelons 7 gain 8 satisfying 9 social 10 handsome 第二组:11 independence 12 ancestors 13 daily 14 Rooster 15 gathering 16 lamp 17 Christians 18 admire 19 agricultural 20 feast 第三组:21 permission 22 energetic 23 European 24 origin 25 drowning 26 apologise 27 fool 28 arrival 29 sadness 30 announcers 31 obvious 32 forgive 33 possibility 34 couple 35 wept二 1 look forward to 2 having fun with 3 take place 4 dress up 5 in memory of 6 day and night 7 as though 8 kept my word 9 Hold your breath


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