2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Period 1教学案人教新目标版.doc

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit4. why dont you talk to your parents?period 1 SectionA1a-2d【教学目标】知识与技能(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: Allow wrong guess although until deal(2)熟练掌握下列短语: too much, too many, look through, give back, so that(3)掌握下列句型:Whats wrong? Im really tried because I studied until midnight last night. You could giv

2、e him a ticket to a ball game.I think you should ask your parents for some money.Why dont you talk to him about it?过程与方法讨论,听力训练,pairwork, role-play.情感、态度与价值观遇到问题要主动地去和家人、朋友或亲近的人交流;如果遇到身边的人遇到问题,能主动提供帮助。【教学重难点】重点:1.掌握4个单词, 1个词组( allow, wrong, guess, deal, work out)2.和朋友伙伴们谈论你的麻烦和问题。难点:1. Modal verbs c

3、ould and shouldWhy dont you ?2.conjunctions until, so that and although【导学过程】一新课预习1.get enough sleep 2.hang out 3.get into a fight 4.after-school class 5. call up 6.its not a big deal 7.thank you for advice 二. 情景导入1. 导入学生们平时在学校和生活中存在的问题。T: Whats the matter/ Whats wrong? S: He has too much homework t

4、o do. T: Do he like to do it?S1:No, he doesnt. Because he doesnt have any free time to do things he likes. 2. Look at these problems. Do you think they are serious or not? Ss discuss with their partners and give some advice. I have to study too much so I dont get enough sleep. I have too much homewo

5、rk so I dont have any free time to do things I like. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. I have too many after-school classes. I got into a fight with my best friend.三合作探究1. read the sentences in 1a again. know the meaning of the sentences. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to liste

6、n and circle the problems. Play the recording again. Check the answers with the Ss. 3. Let Ss read the conversation in the box. Use the information in 1a to make other conversations. Let some pairs act out their conversations. e.g. A: Whats wrong? B: Im really tied because I studied until midnight l

7、ast night. A: Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening? 4.Work on 2a: T: Peter has some problems. What advice does his friend give him? Fill in the blanks with could or should. Let Ss read the sentences in 2a. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and write the words in the blank. Play the re

8、cording again to check the answers. 5.Work on 2b: Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know the meaning of each sentence. Play the recording for the Ss to write the letters (a-e) next to the advice in 2a. Play the recording again to check the answer

9、s. Answers: 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. Pair work 7. Role-play 2d四点拨总结My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 我父母不允许我跟我的朋1. 友们一起闲逛。allow verb.允许;准许allow: let sb do sth 允许He is not allowed to stay out late.他不可以在外待到很晚。His parents wont _ him _ _ out late.他的父母不会允许他在外待得很晚。Smoking is not all

10、owed in the hall.大厅内不准吸烟。We do not _ smoking in the hall.我们不准有人在大厅内吸烟。I guess you could tell her to say sorry.我想你可以叫她道歉。guess verb.猜测;估计I dont really know. Im just guessing.我并不知道,我只是猜测。Can you guess his age?你能猜出他的年龄吗?We can only _ at her reasons for leaving.对她离去的原因我们只能猜测。He_ right/wrong.他猜对/错了。_ _ _

11、where Ive been?你能猜出我去什么地方了吗?I guess想;以为-Are you ready to go?-Yeah, I guess so . “你准备好出发了吗?”“是的,我想可以了。”-They arent coming, then?-I guess not.“这么说,他们不来了?”“我想是吧。”_ _ (that) youll be looking for a new job now.我想你现在要找新工作了吧。He didnt see me, _ _.“我想他没看见我。”3. Although he is wrong, its not a big deal.尽管他错了,但

12、是没有什么大不了的 deal noun.1) a good/great much; a lot大量;很多They spent a great deal of money.他们花了大量的钱。Im feeling a good deal better.我感觉好多了。 It took_ _ _ of time.这费了很多时间。2) 协议;(尤指)交易tomake a deal(with sb)(与某人)达成一笔交易Its a deal!(= I agree to your terms)就这么办吧! Listen.This is the_(= this is what we have agreed a

13、nd are going to do) .听着,下面是我们达成的协议。3) 大事;要事I felt the pressure on me, winning was such abig dealfor the whole family.我感觉到了压力,取胜对全家来说是如此重要。 Its nobig deal.=Its not _ _ _.这没什么大不了的4. 辨析too much /much too/ too manya. You gave me too many cards. b.I have too much work to do. c.He works much too hard. a.

14、too many只能同可数名词连用too many films太多的电影; too many companies 太多的公司; too many problems 太多的问题b. too much 与不可数名词连用The project is taking too much timetoo much water 过多的水或者做状语修饰动词She laughs toomuch.她笑得太多了。eating toomuchand drinking toomuch.大吃大喝I spend too much on clothes.They both talk too much.c. much too 修

15、饰形容词或者副词The baby skin is much too delicate.宝宝的皮肤太娇嫩了。I cant reach the shelf - its much too high.五训练评价 单项选择( ) 1. Why dont you _ her a scarf? A. get B. to get C. getting D. gets ( ) 2. I think a watch is not _ to get for my best friend. A. enough special B. special enough C. more enough special D. sp

16、ecial enough more ( ) 3. Its Marys birthday next week, we are _ her a scarf. A. putting B. getting C. giving D. Making( )4.I found a letter _ on the floor when I came into the classroom. A. lying B. lay C. lies D. lie( )5.Look! Some people are running the red lights. We should wait _ others are brea

17、king the rule. A. if B. although C. unless D. because( )6. A nice day, isnt it? Yes, _ go for a picnic and relax ourselves? A. Would you like B. Why not C. What about D. why dont ( )7.Why dont you_ an English club to practice_ English? A. to join; to speak C. join; speaking D. to join; speaking填空1.

18、为什么你不跟你父母道歉呢?_ _ _ say sorry to your parents?2. 尽管太阳高照,却不很暖和。_the sun was shining it wasnt very _. 3. 我会一直等到他们来。Ill wait_they arrive. 4. 马上写信给他,使他能够及时了解情况Write to him at once _ _ he may know in time. 5. 把你的旧衣服翻一翻,看看有没有可以送人的。Look _ your old clothes and see if anything to give_. 6. You l_ happy. Maybe your team won. 7. -Why didnt you go to the party last night?Because my parents didnt a_ me to go out at night.六学习反思开心 ,我学会了: 1. 2. 3. 加油 ,这些我还不懂: 1. 2. 3.


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