选修八 3.2《Unit 3 Inventors and inventions》.ppt

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《选修八 3.2《Unit 3 Inventors and inventions》.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《选修八 3.2《Unit 3 Inventors and inventions》.ppt(115页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 选修(模块)8-3.2,English Song English Class Language Data Bank,课时分配,Period 1&2 Warming up and Reading I,Unit 3 Inventors and inventions,Period 1&2: 幻灯片9-48页,Warming up:,In groups, discuss the inventions you know and then make a list.,Warming up-I (4m),Do you know what these inventions are

2、 and when did they happen?,Telephone 1876,television 1923,colour television 1940,photocopier 1937,air conditioner 1902,electronic digital computer 1942,Atomic bomb 1945,Credit cards 1950,Penicillin 1928,Among the inventions above, which invention do you think is the most important one? Why?,Warming

3、up II (2m),What is an invention?,An Invention is something that is created by a human being. Inventing is a scientific activity.,Warming up-III (2m),What is a discovery?,A discovery merely makes known something that already existed in nature.,In pairs discuss which of the following pictures show inv

4、entions. Does any of them show discoveries?,Pre-reading I (4m),An amphibious car(2003),This is the first car that can travel safely on water and on land. When moving on water, the wheels of the car turn sideways and move into the body. The underneath of the car is strong enough to sail as a boat. It

5、 is a prototype and is not yet being produced for sale. This is an interesting modern invention.,Stephensons “Rocket” (1781-1848),George Stephenson was one of the first men to design engines for the railways which were new at that time. One of the first tracks to be laid was between Stockton and Dar

6、lington. Stephenson was one of the first railway engineers and in 1825 he drove the first train along the line.,The structure of DNA,This was a discovery of Francis Crick and James Watson and published in 1953. These two scientists were the first to show that our genes consist of two spirals of DNA

7、(called the double-helix). This work led directly to the human genome project in 2003, which discovered the Structure of DNA.,Do you know the stages every inventor must go through before they can have their invention approved? Discuss in pairs , and then put the following stages into a suitable orde

8、r.,1.Applying for a patent 2.Finding a problem 3.Doing research 4.Testing the solution 5.Thinking of a creative solution 6.Deciding on the invention,Pre-reading II (3m),The suitable order:,Finding a problem,Doing research,Thinking of a creative solution,Testing the solution,Deciding on the invention

9、,Applying for a patent,Patent office (专利局) plays the role of deciding what is an invention and what is not. And only inventions can get patens and so be recognized and protected.,patents,Reading The problem of the snakes,Skim the whole passage and get the main idea:,The text narrates _ and presents

10、_ and applying for _.,the problem of the snakes,the procedures of catching them,a patent,Reading-I(3m),Divide the text into four parts and work out the main idea for each paragraph.,Part I Part II Part III Part IV,(Para.1),The discovery of the problem of the snakes.,(Paras2-3),The research on the ap

11、proaches to solve the problem.,(Para. 4-6),The attempts to catch the snakes.,(Para.7-8),The requirement of getting a patent.,Reading II (5m),Scanning: Find out which paragraph or paragraphs deal with each inventing process in the passage and find the examples:,removed,harmed,methods,habits,three,one

12、,1,2,3,Reading III (7m),4,5,6,7,three,efficiently,recognized,Detailed reading:,Answer the following questions:,What are the three creative steps that the writer takes to catch the snakes without hurting them? Why did cooling the snakes make them less active? What might the advantages be of getting a

13、 patent?,Reading IV (5m),What are the three creative steps that the writer takes to catch the snakes without hurting them? _ _ _,To put the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat in the morning.,To put the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat in the evening.,To put the frozen bowl over the snakes habita

14、t in the evening and carry a net to collect the snakes without harming them the next morning.,2. Why did cooling the snakes make them less active?,The cooling made the snakes less active because they are reptiles and their body temperature depends on the heat around them.,You are able to prove that

15、you were the first person to make the invention. You are recognized as a real inventor. You can make money if you sell your invention to others.,3.What might the advantages be of getting a patent?,(The students can have various answers),Match the different writing characteristics with each writing s

16、tyles:,Formal language with few adjectives, not emotional, factual,Vivid use of words with similes and metaphors, emotional to describe atmosphere, not factual but imaginative,Creative writing/ story Description Report recount,Reading V (3m),Vivid use of language and more informal style, imaginative

17、 but can be based on fact,Not use vivid or emotive language and sticks to the facts. It is clearly set out and follows the framework for the inventing process,Creative writing/ story Description Report Recount,Discussion:,Whats the writing purpose of the writer? What should we learn from this text?,

18、Reading IV (5m),1. Whats the writing purpose of the writer?,The writer wants to inform us of the scientific methods to solve present problems so that we students can not only broaden the horizons but become more skilled in discovering and considering carefully the problems in daily life. We are also

19、 encouraged by the writer to be creative and hardworking as well as thinking independently.,2.What should we learn from this text?,We can learn from the text the way of doing scientific researches and how to apply for a patent. We can also learn that it takes an inventor great determination persiste

20、nce to achieve his or her ambition and persistence to achieve his or her ambition in life.,Apply what we learn:,In pairs look at the following problems. Choose one and use the scientific stages to design a new invention to solve it. Remember to include one change to your invention in case it doesnt

21、work the first time.,After-reading (10m),(This can be done after class.),Problem 1: the apples growing on your apple tree are too high for you to reach them. What can you invent to pick your apples in comfort? Problem 2: You need to make a house but you only have fishing nets and many plastic bottle

22、s. How can you solve it? Problem 3: You want to catch fish but not hurt them when you do so. Design a fishing rod that will solve this problem.,Assignment,1.Go over the whole passage. 2.Recite the key sentences in the text. 3.Prepare for Learning about Language in the textbook.,Language points for r

23、eading I,Take a break!,Unit 3 Inventors and inventions,Period 3 Learning about language,Period 3: 幻灯片49-67页,The keys to the ex. 1,Checking answer I (3m),When I first _applying for a patent I was very puzzles by the criteria. I realized they would be very _, but I could not understand why new varieti

24、es of plants or animals were not included. I had produced a new type of lily and my _ was that my successful_ for a patent would make me very rich.,set about,strict,expectation,application,My plans were_ brought to a stop. A new plant variety, it seems, is not a _ invention as it is a result of adju

25、sting growth scientifically. So nothing went according to plan and that is why I am not as rich as I hoped to be!,abruptly,valid,Checking answer II (5m),The keys to ex. 2 :,1.the most convenient 2. distinguish them 3.now and then,4. call him up 5. criteria 6.monitored,Grammar,-Revise the Past Partic

26、iple as the Attribute, Predicative and Object Complement,过去分词做定语:,表示分词动作与所修饰的名词之间存在被动关系。单一的过去分词做定语一般防在被修饰的名词之前;过去分词短语做定语放在被修饰的名词之后,过去分词及过去分词短语做定语均可以转换为一个定语从句。,Explanation-(12m),破损的窗户很快就会被换掉。 _will be replaced soon. = The window which was broken will be replaced soon.,昨天买的书确实不错。 The books _are of hig

27、h quality. = the books which were bought yesterday are of high quality.,The broken window,bought yesterday,完成下面句子:,1._(污染的)air and water are harmful to peoples health. 2. The problem _(在会议上讨论的) yesterday was very difficult to solve. He,Polluted,discussed,过去分词作表语:过去分词做表语,表示主语的状态,且该状态通常是由外界因素引起的。这时过去分

28、词可以被看作一个形容词,是形容词化的过去分词。,我对金庸写的小说很感兴趣。 _. 当他听到他在比赛中赢得第一名时很兴奋。 He became _ when he heard he had won the first place in the competition.,Im interested in reading novels written by Jin Yong,excited,过去分词作宾语补足语:做宾语补足语的过去分词一般是及物动词,和宾语有逻辑上的主谓关系。可以带过去分词做宾语补足语的动词有:,see, hear, watch, feel, think, find等表示感觉和心理状

29、态的动词。 我们发现她变了很多。 _.,We found her greatly changed,2.make, get, have ,help, leave等表示“致使”意义的动词。 什么使他们这样害怕? _. 3.like, want, wish, order 等表示“希望,要求” 等意义的动词。 他不想让这样的问题在会上讨论。 He wont like such questions_.,What made them so frightened?,discussed at the meeting,单项选择: 1.You can make yourself _in English prett

30、y well if you keep on speaking the language. understand B. understanding C. to understand D. understood 2.- There is a hole in your bag. - I know. Im going to have it _. mend B. mending C. mended D. to be mended,D,C,Practice (20m),3.-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the

31、customers? - The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made,4.English is a language _ all around the world and is the _ language of most international organizations. to speak, working B. spoken , working C.

32、 speaking, worked D. spoken, worked,B,B,5.A: Who are those people with the banner? B: A group _ itself the League for Peace. A .calling B. calls C. called D. is called 6.There was a terrible noise_ a sudden burst of light. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed,A,B,7.How to feed a

33、 _ population is a problem that is _ many people. growing, troubling B. grown, troubled C. growing, troubled D. grown, troubling 8.He found a magazine _ with the owners name_ on the desk with the back cover _ off. marking, lying, torn B. marked, lying, torn C. marked, laid, tearing D. marking, layin

34、g, tearing,A,B,高考链接:,Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you wont have time to _ before the party. (NMET2004) get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change 2.The disc digitally _ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.(2004 上海) recorded B. recording C. to be recorded D. having

35、recorded,A,A,3. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _ as 3M. (2004 浙江) knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known,4.You should understand the traffic rule by now. Youve had it _ often enough. (2005 天津) A. explaining B. to explain C. explain D. explained,B,D,Assignmen

36、t,1.Finish the exercises on grammar in this unit. 2.Preview the reading materials in Using Language.,Take a break!,Unit 3 Inventors and inventions,Period 4 Reading II,Period 4: 幻灯片68-84页,Alexander Graham Bell,Do you know the following scientists and what things they invented? Match the following two

37、 columns.,Galileo Einstein Newton Watt Edison Alexander graham Bell,telephone telescope steam engine bulb Theory of Relativity Newtons law,Alexander Graham Bell was an inventor that lived between 1819 and 1905. He was born in Scotland and later lived in the U.S. He spent much of his career teaching

38、the deaf.,Have you ever wondered why telephone companies often have the word “Bell“ as part of their name? Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876 - and this is the phone companys way of honoring his achievement! The very first phone call was from Bell to his lab assistant, and he said

39、“Mr. Watson, come here at once. I want you.“,Read the passage and answer the questions:,What did he think was the key to his success as an inventor? How did curiosity make Alexander Graham Bell into a great inventor? What inventions did Bell make by chance? Why will he always be known as the invento

40、r of the telephone?,2.How did curiosity make Alexander Graham Bell into a great inventor?,It made him ask questions ,think of practical ways to solve problems, be prepared to try solutions (and alter them) several times and finally publish his findings for others.,1.What did he think was the key to

41、his success as an inventor?,He believed that his curiosity was the key to his success.,3.What inventions did Bell make by chance?,Bell invented the telephone and the tetrahedron shape by chance. Both of these are extremely useful and still used today.,4.Why will he always be known as the inventor of

42、 the telephone?,He will always be known as the inventor of the telephone because it was a very popular invention and the patent made the most money ever.,Reading task,Was Leonardo Da Vinci just a painter,?,Mona Lisa-,Da Vincis most famous painting,Discussion:,Do you think Leonardo da Vinci is really

43、 a good painter? What else do you know he is famous for?,Read the passage and then answer the following questions:,Why did Leonardo need to design things for employer when he was such a great painter? Why were Leonardos design different? How did painting help him invent things? Which skill do you th

44、ink was more important: his drawing for the inventions or his understanding of machines for his painting? Give a reason.,1.Why did Leonardo need to design things for employer when he was such a great painter?,Because painting did not always provide a steady income when he was young so he had to deve

45、lop his drawing skills to earn money in other ways and he learn to design whatever his employer wanted.,2.Why were Leonardos design different?,Because he had developed a new attitude towards machines. He realized that by understanding how each separate machine part worked, he could improve them and

46、combine them in different ways to improve existing machines.,3.How did painting help him invent things?,While he was studying under Verrochio , Leonardo observed and used a variety of machines. By studying and drawing the machines ,Leonardo gained knowledge about their design and structure. His draw

47、ing skills enabled him to produce clear drawings of his mechanical ideas easily, many of which can still be used to create perfect working machines. The use of mechanical gears was his most interesting part and he came up with numerous inventions based on the gear.,4.Which skill do you think was more important: his drawing for the inventions or his understanding of machines for his painting? Give a reason.,His unde


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