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1、一.雅思P2相关考试话题1.长时间的步行2.成功3.有关健康的文章4.开心的事5.电视上有趣的故事6.读过的报纸杂志的文章7.困难的决定8.想学的运动9.未来的目标10.有意思的管事11.想学的新技能使用说明:17个主题句+自己选取的支持句构成P2答案Hi! Im XX. Between May 2015 and now, Ive lost 85 pounds, dropped five sizes, ran a 10K, and learned a ton about healthy lifestyle changes.Heres an honest (and extremely vulne

2、rable) account of the steps I took and the things that surprised me along the way.1.First I signed up forWeight Watchers(手机App.)and started off slow.(这段可以说App)Ive been yo-yo dieting all my life, and the two biggest mistakes I have made again and again are this:1. Telling myself, “The diet starts tom

3、orrow” and bingeing (大吃特吃) on all my favorite foods.2. Giving things up cold turkey and depriving myself of foods I love.The main reason I signed up for Weight Watchers is because its about an overall change beyond the scale, not just losing weight. The program is based on a points system that focus

4、es on more than solely calories. Foods like fruits and vegetables are zero points, lean meats are very low points, and anything with added sugar is very high. Basically Weight Watchers encourages fresh, real food rather than processed crap but you can still eat your pizza and drink your alcohol the

5、key is to do it all in moderation and find healthy substitutes.2.I stopped the dangerous habit of restrictive calorie-counting (a road I have been down before) and focused on a healthy lifestyle.During my sophomore year of college, I lost 40 pounds. I looked great, I received endless compliments, I

6、felt more confident than ever before but in reality, I was miserable. I restricted myself to 400 calories a day, I did one hour on the elliptical seven days a week, and I popped diet pills like clockwork. I remember weighing myself every morning and being upset if I hadnt lost a pound. In a DAY. I b

7、ecame so obsessed with limiting myself that I wasnt actuallyliving my life, and the pressure of it became so intense because of the attention it came with. Everyone was happy for me and impressed, not even second-guessing that my very rapid weight loss was the effect of a dangerously unhealthy diet.

8、It is no surprise that I gained it all back, plus more. Thats because I wasnt focused on beinghealthy; I was focused on losing weight. Do I still get bummed if I gain? Of course, but I take it week by week and reflect on what I ate or how much I exercised and make small adjustments if need be. I als

9、o know that my bodyfeelsso much better because I am taking care of it. Its important to look at the bigger picture, not just a number on a scale.3.I followed the three most common pieces of advice when it comes to weight loss: tracking food, activity, and water intake.Tracking food: As I do follow W

10、eight Watchers, the point is to track all your food even the splurges you dont want to admit to (everyone is assigned a weekly allowance for this purpose). Its good to honestly track whats actually going in your body so you can manage portion control and stay accountable. For a week, I also wrote do

11、wn my level of hungriness every time I ate, which helped me control “boredom cravings.” If you are not with a program or using an app, you can also track your food with a journal or spreadsheet.Tracking activity: Getting an Apple Watch is actually what kick-started my journey because I was finally t

12、aking note of how much I moved. Obviously devices like this and FitBit are expensive, but you can always usefree appsto help you track your steps and other exercises.Tracking water intake: Hydrating is so, so important! Often when you think youre hungry, youre actually just thirsty. I downloaded the

13、Plant Nannyapp, which prompts you to enter your body info and lets you plant cute flowers as you drink more water. It also has push notifications so you can always see how many glasses you have left to drink in the day.4.I finally started eating legit breakfast, not just a piece of fruit.For most of

14、 my life, I never ate breakfast I just drank a Diet Coke and maybe munched on a banana. I thought the less I ate, the more weight I would lose, but eating more has actually helped me. Having meals like an omelettewithfruit keep me full longer, and I stopped snacking on random (bad) foods throughout

15、the day.5.I skipped the gym at first and opted for walking instead.I was not a gym person, and I knew that trying to eat healthy AND exercise heavily every day would be too much for me at once. Instead, I decided to move more by walking everywhere, which isnt hard in 城市名. I brought my sneakers to wo

16、rk in a backpack and changed into them while wearing a dress and walked 60-plus blocks home. The first time felt like an eternity, but the more I did it, and the easier the routes I discovered, I came to enjoy this (mostly) peaceful hour to myself.And walking a lot is what helped me get into running

17、 later down the road. The baby steps count!6.I didnt give up on myself when times got rough.(很好说的经历)A little less than two months into my journey, I found myself crying hysterically on a subway train. I was wearing a nice dress, my hair was curled, and I was carrying flowers and boxes. A man offered

18、 me his seat, which I figured was becausea)I was a woman and he was being nice, orb) I was carrying a lot of stuff and he was being nice.I smiled at the gesture until he said, “You should sit since youre pregnant.” It was my birthday.To know that your weight has inconvenienced you in so many areas i

19、n your life whether its struggling to fit in a theater seat, hoping your seatbelt will close on an airplane, or not doing fun activities that depend on a weight limit and then to hear strangers point it out in this subtle, good-intentioned way, is heartbreaking. It was just another reminder of the s

20、hame I carried from my unhealthy habits. But instead of sobbing into a pint of ice cream, I called my mom and cooked dinner. I took the blow and moved on. It took an enormous amount of effort, but it also made me stronger.On another note: PEOPLE, *NEVER* ASSUME A WOMAN IS PREGNANT.7.I stopped orderi

21、ng Seamless and forced myself to learn how to cook my favorite foods with healthy substitutes.This was a huge change for me; I used to order delivery three to five times per week, I always ate lunch out, and my extent of “cooking” was heating up soup on the stove top. I did not even know how to chop

22、 vegetables.I started off simple and watched a ton of videos on how to cook very basic things like Brussels sprouts and shrimp. I even YouTubed how to properly cut apples. Now I cook every day, bring my own lunch to work, and experiment with healthy swaps. I was surprised to see how easy and satisfy

23、ing it was to replace pasta withzoodlesandspaghetti squash, burgers with turkey burgers, and rice and potatoes with cauliflower. And once I discoveredPB2, I was pretty much ruined for life (in the best way possible). Also, just to be clear, I definitely still eat rice, pasta, and potatoes. I just lo

24、ok at the swaps as a different meal option.For some amazing Weight Watchers-friendly recipes, check outSkinnyTasteand Emily Bites. I have also been inspired byTastyvideos, but I change the ingredients around a bit to make it healthier.8.I did my research and learned that added sugar is the goddamn d

25、evil.While this may seem obvious to many people, I was not aware how horrible added sugar actually is. To believe that you can cut all added sugar is bullshit in my opinion (it is literally in everything), but lowering the intake has so many benefits. I no longer crave cheesecakes and brownies, I do

26、nt feel like I need a dessert with every meal, and my constant headaches have stopped (though I do not know if this is a direct correlation).According to theAmerican Heart Association, women should eat a max of 30 grams (6 teaspoons) of added sugar per day. The average American eats about 100 grams

27、(20 teaspoons) of added sugar per day. There are 39 grams of sugar in ONE CAN OF COKE ALONE. If you havent already, cut soda. Your body will thank you.Anyway, added sugar is unavoidable, but if you lower your intake and focus more on natural sugar such as fruits, honey, and milk that is better for y

28、ou.9.And I learned that protein is the sweet, sweet angel.Protein keeps you full, so I look for foods that have a high protein content and low sugar content. While people tend to associate protein with meat, you can also get a healthy dose from beans, yogurt, eggs, cheese, nuts, and seeds.10.I learn

29、ed to celebrate non-scale victories.While its definitely a motivator to see the scale move down, its really about the other victories that make the lifestyle change so much more worth it. Things like being able to run a 10K, reachingONE derland, finally shopping at places other than Lane Bryant; tho

30、se little things are incredible measures of success.11.About four months into my lifestyle change, I quit drinking but not intentionally.This is actually one of the hardest parts of my weight loss journey, but not because I miss alcohol; its because people will NOT LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT IT.I never se

31、t out to quit because of calories or points, I just slowed down and noticed how much better my body felt without booze. Its a real bummer to see how much my social life revolves around drinking, but I have just as much fun when Im not taking shots at the bar. People are absolutelyconvincedthat I am

32、not having fun or that Im being too restrictive because I wont have a beer. This is a personal choice, and I promise that I am enjoying myself. (Especially because its cheaper and there are no hangovers!)So if you are thinking about quitting drinking, just remember that you are doing this foryouand

33、not other people! And if you do want to continue drinking, that is OK too! You are allowed to enjoy life the way you want to just be smart about it.12.When I finally felt comfortable enough to work out, I joined a gym and tried a bunch of classes.I joinedCrunch Gymabout five months after I started W

34、eight Watchers. I stuck to the elliptical at first since that was my comfort zone, but I eventually got theC25K appand began running on the treadmill. After I got into a groove, I took some classes at the gym (Zumba, spinning, cardio dance, strength training, etc.). And after months of always making

35、 fun of SoulCycle, I finally did a class and actuallylovedit. They turn the lights off and you can just jam without feeling self-conscious. I also did aHamilton-themed rideand Im pretty sure it changed my life.13.I dont sacrifice my social life I just plan healthier meals and snacks around it.Part o

36、f a balanced lifestyle also includes mental health. You cant spend all your time worrying about what you will eat or when you will work out (which I am still partly guilty of). But I will often make dinner before going out and pack a snack in my purse so I can eat when Im hungry and not feel terribl

37、e about it.When going to restaurants, I look at the menu ahead of time and stick to veggies and lean meats. Id rather not always do salads, so a turkey burger is usually my go-to.14.On days when I feel like the same girl from eight months ago, I look at before and after pictures.When you see your bo

38、dy every day, its hard to notice changes. And if youre a bigger person, its even more difficult to see significant transformations in the mirror. That is why you must depend on those non-scale victories and take a look at how far youve come!If you are just starting out, take progress pictures! I was

39、 a classified expert at hiding my body with a purse or another human being, and now I regret it. Its also refreshing to see how much happier and more confident you are in later pics.15.I relied on support from the Weight Watchers Connect feature.(关于App内容)In November/December of 2015, Weight Watchers

40、 changed its plan from Points Plus to Smart Points, as well as added this new Connect feature. It has been a total game changer.Members can post success stories, relatable struggles, ask for advice, share recipes, and more. I do the online program, so this is a great way for me to get the support of

41、 IRL meetings without dishing out the extra cash.16.I took the hard but important step of donating all my old clothes.I just did this recently, and it was one of the most terrifying things Ive had to do to date. People tell me all the time about their friend who lost a bunch of weight and gained it

42、all back, a story I know all too well. I had planned to keep my plus-size clothes “just in case,” but that is the wrong mentality. I have to look forward, not back. I think I will always have this constant fear of returning to old habits and spiraling out of control, but I am hopeful that I will per

43、severe because I made the effort to change my overall mental and physical health.17.Im finally learning to love myself.This is the hardest challenge of all. I have never been happy with my body, and it has limited me from having so many amazing life experiences. I still have a good amount of weight

44、I would like to lose, but Im finally starting to feel comfortable in my skin. I feel I am working toward the person Ideserveto be. I will continue to aim for my goal weight, and possibly start some personal training to get me to the next level, but I will not cut calories or starve myself for a meal

45、 if Im not losing as much as I want to. Its all about balance.So if you are looking to make a lifestyle change, or perhaps youve already begun, just remember to do this for yourself because youwant to not because you feel pressured to. If you are truly happy with your mind, body, and soul, OWN IT. If you are putting on a facade to hide your unhappiness, then maybe its time to take control. Dont let anyone or anything bring you down just take it slow and enjoy the ride. Its not a race!


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