雅思口语Part2范文范文:经历过的糟糕天气 Describe a bad weather experience you have had.doc

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雅思口语Part2范文范文:经历过的糟糕天气 Describe a bad weather experience you have had.doc_第1页
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雅思口语Part2范文范文:经历过的糟糕天气 Describe a bad weather experience you have had.doc_第2页
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《雅思口语Part2范文范文:经历过的糟糕天气 Describe a bad weather experience you have had.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《雅思口语Part2范文范文:经历过的糟糕天气 Describe a bad weather experience you have had.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Describe a bad weather experience you have had.You should say:what sort of bad weather it waswhen it happenedwhere you were when it happenedand explain how it affected you.Well, I am from England, and in England, we love to talk about the weather! It changes all the time, and so its actually quite h

2、ard to think of one specific example of bad weather that I have experienced there. Even so, I can recall one particularly extraordinary day, when bad weather brought my city of Sheffield to a standstill. I am going to tell you what the weather was like, where I was when it happened and how it affect

3、ed me I still shiver as I recall it!我来自英国,在英国,我们喜欢谈论天气!它一直在变化,所以我很难想出一个坏天气的具体例子。即便如此,我仍能回忆起一个特别不寻常的日子,恶劣的天气让我所在的谢菲尔德市陷入停顿。我要告诉你天气怎么样,我当时在哪里,它对我有什么影响,当我回忆起来的时候,我仍然在发抖!The bad weather was snow. It does snow in parts of the United Kingdom every year, and where I live in Sheffield we do always get some

4、snow in the winter months, especially on the higher ground. I quite like snow, it can be cold and a bit inconvenient if you get a heavy snowfall, as then public transport stops and everything grinds to a halt. However, it is also really beautiful how a snowfall can turn everything white. It is fun t

5、o build snowmen, make snow angel shapes in the newly fallen snow, to go sledging in the hills and even to have a sneaky snowball fight if you are brave enough to find someone to take on. So on the whole, I like snow, I enjoy the novelty of it, and as long as you are dressed appropriately (hat, glove

6、s, scarf, waterproof trousers and thick winter coat) it isnt too bad. The day Im thinking of, though was rather different.坏天气是下雪。英国的部分地区每年都会下雪,我住在谢菲尔德,那里的冬天总是会下雪,尤其是在地势较高的地方。我很喜欢雪,如果下大雪,天气会很冷,有点不方便,因为那时公共交通会停,所有的东西都会停下来。然而,一场雪能把一切都变成白色,这也是非常美丽的。在刚下过雪的地方堆雪人,堆雪天使,在山上玩雪橇,如果你有足够的勇气找个人来玩的话,还可以打一场鬼鬼祟祟的打雪仗

7、。所以总的来说,我喜欢雪,我喜欢它的新奇,只要你穿着得体(帽子、手套、围巾、防水裤和厚冬衣),就不会太糟糕。我想起的那一天,虽然很不一样。I woke up on a December morning about four years ago and the first thing I noticed was that it was really really quiet. It is hard to describe if you have never experienced it, but after a thick snowfall, everything sounds differen

8、t. The sounds that you normally hear are changed by the muffling effect of the snow, but also there was no sound of traffic. The snow had fallen so deeply, that cars were stuck in driveways and buses in their depots, the only way to get about that day would be on foot. I was lucky because I only liv

9、ed about two miles from work, so I could still get in. I pulled on my wellington boots, and waterproof clothes and headed off into town. I quickly discovered that this was not like any normal snowfall. The snow had fallen feet deep onto the ice, it was really treacherous even trying to walk in these

10、 conditions. Where I live in Sheffield, it is incredibly hilly. Snow ploughs had cleared the major roads, but this had exposed dangerous thick black ice underneath which was impossible to walk across. The combination of ice and steep slopes meant that I was sliding around everywhere and so was every

11、one else. Although at first, it was quite comical, watching people skidding about and falling over, after a while I started to be quite anxious, it was dangerous, you couldnt even stand upright. I got to one road crossing at the top of a hill, and the road was so slippery the only way to get over it

12、 was to literally crawl across on my hands and knees. The other side of the road a complete stranger was lying down and reaching out to pull people across safely. It was so bizarre, I have never seen anything like it before or since. The roads were thick ice, but the pavements were piled high with d

13、rifts of snow up to three feet deep, I thought Id never make it to the office that day let alone home again by nightfall!大约四年前,我在12月的一个早晨醒来,我首先注意到的是,那里真的很安静。如果你从来没有经历过,这是很难形容的,但在一场大雪之后,一切听起来都不一样了。通常你听到的声音会被雪的消音效果所改变,但也没有交通的声音。雪下得很大,汽车被困在了车道上,公共汽车被困在仓库里,要想在这一天出门,唯一的办法就是步行。我很幸运,因为我住的地方离工作地点只有两英里,所以我仍然


15、积雪,厚达三英尺,我想那天我到不了办公室了,更不用说在天黑前回家了!My normal walk to work would have taken me perhaps 30 minutes, but on this day it took over three times that long as I had to negotiate the tricky roads and paths. When I got there, I found only a couple of other people had made it in as well. Most people had looked

16、 out of their windows and decided it was far too dangerous to attempt the journey. I think they were right! My manager had made it in, but he quickly decided it was silly to stay, we all still had to get home safely somehow, and it was still snowing outside. I was working at a university at the time

17、, and for the first time in its history it was declared closed, it was ridiculous to expect staff and students to make the trek in I should have stayed in bed! We stayed at work long enough to phone people to cancel appointments and confirm we were shut, and then I had the same long trek home in the

18、 snow again. I was exhausted by the time I got back!我每天步行去上班可能要花30分钟,但在这一天,我需要花三倍的时间才能穿过崎岖的道路。当我到那里的时候,我发现只有几个人也成功了。大多数人都从窗户往外看了看,觉得尝试这次旅行太危险了。我认为他们是对的!我的经理进来了,但他很快就决定留下来是愚蠢的,我们仍然要设法安全回家,外面还在下雪。当时我在一所大学工作,学校在历史上第一次宣布停课,指望教职工和学生长途跋涉而来真是荒谬我真该躺在床上!我们在办公室呆了很长时间,打电话取消约会,确认我们已经关门,然后我又在雪地里长途跋涉回家。我回来的时候已经筋疲

19、力尽了!It was quite an experience, it made me appreciate how much we should respect the elements. I felt safe at first because it was an urban environment, and usually, we dont get much disruption due to bad weather there, but really the snow and ice made it unnavigable for the next few days. I suppose

20、 in countries where they always get a lot of snow and ice they are better prepared for it when it comes. We were certainly taken by surprise. That was my most memorable bad weather adventure. It was fun in a way, but I wouldnt welcome that every year, plus it was freezing. Its hard to keep smiling when you are so cold! I still love the snow but I respect it a lot more than I used to.这是一段相当不错的经历,它让我意识到我们应该多么尊重这些元素。一开始我觉得很安全,因为那是一个城市环境,通常情况下,那里的恶劣天气不会给我们造成太大的破坏,但真的是冰雪让它在接下来的几天里无法航行。我想在一些国家


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