雅思口语原创范文Part 3 Topic 20 想获得的奖.doc

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1、1.What reward can children get from school?There are many different achievements and awards that children can get from school. There are awards for academic achievement which are awarded to children who demonstrate exceptional talent and aptitude in their studies. There are also awards for attendanc

2、e and punctuality which reward children for the effort and dedication to their studies. On special occasions students may also be given prizes for participation in talent competitions such as singing and dance. Children are rewarded moderately in schools in China however, there are many western scho

3、ols which use awards daily to motivate their students. Personally I think this is excessive.2.Should parents push their children to get prizes?I do not think it is important for parents to push their children to get prizes. I think prizes can distract a child from their studies and apply unneeded pr

4、essure upon them. It would be better for parents to push their children to get good grades and focus on their studies. Education should be exciting and enjoyable for children, however, if they are pushed to focus on prizes it can be stressful and unenjoyable. However, there are many families for whi

5、ch good grades are not enough and they want their child to achieve prizes as well. This is a common belief among strict and conservative families.3.1s it good for children to compete for prizes at school?I do not think that it is good for children to compete for prizes at school. Prizes should be aw

6、arded to children who do well as a personal token of appreciation for their hard work. Prizes should not be things for which children compete against each other. It is better to encourage children to work hard for their own sakes and not to be awarded as better than their peers. Yet, many people wou

7、ld disagree with me. People from western countries with individualistic attitudes believe that competition between people is good and health. Therefore, these people believe that it is good for children to compete for prizes.4.What kinds of rewards can companies offer to their outstanding employees?

8、There are a variety of incentives which companies offer as a reward to their outstanding employees. Many companies will offer their outstanding employees vacation rewards such as all-inclusive holidays to tropical resorts. However, this is quite a grandiose reward and often companies may offer more

9、humble tokens of appreciation for outstanding work. A very common gift to outstanding employees is a very fine and expensive pen. This is often a gift given to employees that are entering retirement. In contrast to this, companies sometimes reward all their employees at once by hosting a staff party where everyone can have fun and enjoy themselves.


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