高一英语必修4 Unit 5 Language points.ppt

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1、Theme Parks,Period 3 Language points,Read the first paragraph than answer,1. What is a general park for? 2. What can people do in these general parks?,Parks provide people with a place to amuse them -selves and to escape their busy lives for a while.,People sit chatting,play games,listen to birds si

2、nging,or just relax a bit , and family can have picnic or have fun together in other ways,1.provide sb.with sth. = provide sth to sb. The company provides us with all kinds of things The company provides all kinds of things to us 2.amuse oneself 自我娱乐,消遣 She amused herself by reading detective storie

3、s. 3.fun为不可数名词, Have (great) fun = have a wonderful time = enjoy oneself They had a lot of fun chatting on the Net,3.meet可与need,requirement等词连用,表示“满足需要,要求 They will do everything to meet the needs of the customers This will meet the markets demands 翻译:我们会增加产量来满足市场的需求 We will increase our production

4、to meet the demands of the market,Read the 2nd paragraph and answer,1. Some theme parks are so huge,what shall we do if we want to get around? 2. What is the purpose of the big companies that own theme parks?,The parks are such huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around,To make a pro

5、fit not just by the charges for admission,but also by selling souvenirs in their shops and advertising them on TV,1.Such that 如此以致 such是形容词+n Jim shut the window with such force that the glass broke. 辨析suchthat与sothat Such + n + that从句 so+adj/adv + that There were such a lot of people in the street

6、that we could hardly move on The weather is so good that we all like to go to a theme park. 但名词前有many,much,little,few修饰时,则用so There is _ little time left that I have to leave at once,so,2.not justbut also = not onlybut also 连接两个谓语 I not only heard it,but also saw it. =I not only heard it,I saw it to

7、o (as well). =I not only heard it,but saw it as well Professor Jefferson was not just a statesman but an inventor.连接表语 Not only did her parents but she is a singer.主语 He does business not just at home but abroad.状语 He is not just an artist but also a writer(not onlybut as well) He is not only an art

8、ist but a writer as well.,3.more than不仅仅是 This book is more than a grammar. More than happy/glad/willing to do (非常乐意做) We are more than happy to show you around Beijing. More than one+单数名词在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 More than one person _ been infected with disease. Has 4.such as 例如。罗列事物,一般是三都以上 We study lot

9、s of subjects at school,such as Chinese, maths,English,history and so on.,offer visitors sport to play to watch the past come to life cook cultural foods see characters from Disney films see and swim with dolphin take an active part in go on imaginary trips,1. Theme parks have a certain idea-a certa

10、in theme-that the whole park is based on. 1) certain 某,某一(些),某种 There are certain reasons why this information cant be made public. Drinking is forbidden in certain countries. 2) be based on / upon以为基础/根据 The film is based on a novel by D.H. Lawrence. This story is based on /upon facts.,2.involvein使

11、参与,使介入. Many children were involved in the school play. I got involved in the quarrel between Joan and Mary. 他参与了制定计划的工作 He was involved in working out a plan. 3.along with 连同随同一起 A bill came along with the luggage. 信与读者的问题同时到达。 The letter came along with readers questions The coach,along with the p

12、layers,_ (be) going to attend the meeting,is,4.cloth,clothing,clothes Cloth (U) 布料,用来做衣服的原材料。用作具体用途时是可数名词,a table cloth. This kind of cloth feels soft. Clothing各种衣服的总称,只有单数形式。 In winter,the people in the flooded area are lack of clothing to keep warm. Clothes人们穿的各种衣服,没有单数形式 Clothes are made from all

13、 kinds of material.,选词填空(cloth,clothing,clothes),1. All her _ are very beautiful. 2. They have enough _ and food for the winter. 3. The bag is made of _. 4. Cant you use a _ to clean the table? 1.clothes 2.clothing 3.cloth 4.cloth,e to life.活跃起来。复活 Youre very cool with your brother,but with your fri

14、ends you really come to life. Come的几个常见的短语 Come to oneself 恢复.苏醒 Come to light真相大白 Come to 共计,总共 The total population of China comes to 13 billion Come across 偶然遇见 Come out 出来,出版。 6.name after 与同名,以的名字命名 The building is named after Mr Shao Yifu. They named the little girl Lily after her mother.,6. T

15、here where take an active part in ,and ,where go on imaginary trips to space to experience life in the future. 1)part 作名词的用法.(活动中的)中的个人部分。常与介词in连用。 Did you take part in the decision? Tom played an important part in building the house. 2)go on a trip(进行)旅行,还可以说have a trip, make a trip,take a trip The

16、y are going on a trip to Europe. 再如go on rides去骑马,go on a visit去访问 Go on a voyage去航海 go on an outing去郊游,3)experience vt 经历,感受,感到 He experienced a strong feeling of sadness. It was the first time that he had experienced the sense of beauty. 还可以作名词.经验(不可数名词) Do you have any experience in teaching. You

17、 can gain much experience by making mistakes. 经历(可数名词) An unpleasant experience. Can you tell us your experiences during the past 5 years.,翻译下列句子,1. 做一个好的听者不仅仅就是“用耳朵听” 2.那些志愿者还有翻译人员确实帮了很大的忙。 3.春天树木不仅复苏,而且长得快。 4.在未来园里有如此多先进的设备,孩子们都玩得很高兴。 Being a good listener is much more than “listening with ears” The volunteers,along with the translators,did help a lot In spring,trees not just come to life,but also grow fast. There is so much advanced equipment in Tomorrow Land that the children enjoy themselves very much.,


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