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1、nature and environment 指对各个国家(China, Great Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zea1and, Japan, Russia, India, Egypt, Cuba, etc. )的介绍(包括历 史、地理),以及对人口增长(popu1ation growth) 、土地(land)、粮食、住房(housing)、污染 (pollution)、环境保护(environmental conservation)等问题发表意见。就公共场所吸烟、 随地吐痰、随地扔纸屑、课本资料回收等发表意 见。珍惜

2、水资源、使用再生资源、实现经济可持 续发展、创建绿色学校。 基础写作:介绍某个国家;介绍“世界环境日”; 介绍“地球一小时”活动;介绍“世界水日”;介绍 “无车日”活动;合理利用水资源;化肥与污染; 污染整治之前与之后对比;公共卫生意识;是否 应回收课本。 读写任务:应如何保护环境;环境保护与经济发 展孰优先;日常生活中怎样进行环境保护;动物 保护和人类生存孰优先;人口增长与环境。 1.环境污染的原因 (1)cut down trees 砍伐树木 (2)pollute the environment/air 污染环境/空气 (3)lead /water /noise/air /white po

3、llution铅/水/噪 音/空气/白色污染 (4)The rubbish was everywhere.到处是垃圾。 (5)give off smoke and poisonous gases into the air 排放烟雾和有毒气体 (6)pour waste water into rivers without being treated往河里排放未经处理的废水 2.破坏环境的后果 (1)acid rain 酸雨 (2)abnormal climate气候异常 (3)global warming 全球变暖 (4)sea level rise 海平面上升 (5)greenhouse ef

4、fect 温室效应 (6)extinction of animals 动物灭绝 (7)be harmful to/do harm to. 对有害 (8)flood many low-lying cities 水淹低洼城市 (9)drought/flood/sandstorms sweep across. 干旱/ 洪水/沙尘暴横扫 3.环保措施 (1)plant trees 植树 (2)sort rubbish 垃圾分类 (3)protect the ecology 保护生态 (4)save energy/water节约能源/水 (5)protect the environment 保护环境 (

5、6)ride bicycles to work 骑自行车上班 (7)develop renewable resources可再生资源 (8)fight against pollution 与污染作斗争 (9)sustainable development 可持续发展 (11)use eco-friendly products 使用环保的产品 (12)deal with rubbish properly正确处理垃圾 (13)recycle textbooks/trash 课本/垃圾回收利用 (14)ban smoking in public 禁止在公共场合吸烟 (15)improve our l

6、iving conditions 改善居住条件 (16)keep the balance of nature 保持自然界的平衡 (17)stop / keep/ prevent sb. from doing 阻止某人做 (18)ban the abuse of plastic bags 禁止滥用塑料袋 (19)dont litter/spit everywhere 不随地扔垃圾/吐 痰 Translate: 1.我们经常看到教室里没人,灯却开着。 2.浪费水的现象也比比皆是。 3.这些问题表明很多人缺乏环保意识。 4.人们可从小事做起,如回收废物,随手关灯 等。 5.树木被乱砍乱伐,废水不断地

7、流入河水里,汽 车产生很大的噪音,排放出有毒气体。 6.大量的环境破坏已经带来了很多负面效应,甚 至威胁到人类生存。 7.要记住:保护环境,人人有责。 Translate: 1.我们经常看到教室里没人,灯却开着。 2.浪费水的现象也比比皆是。 3.这些问题表明很多人缺乏环保意识。 4.人们可从小事做起,如回收废物,随手关灯 等。 It is very common to come across an empty classroom with the lights still on. It is not difficult to find evidence of wasting water. T

8、hese problems indicate that quite a few people lack the basic awareness of environmental protection. Meanwhile, people can begin with their neighbor, such as collecting used items for recycling, switching off the lights when not needed etc. Translate: 5. 树木被乱砍乱伐,废水不断地流入河水里,汽车 产生很大的噪音,排放出有毒气体。 7.大量的环

9、境破坏已经带来了很多负面效应,甚至 威胁到人类生存。 8.要记住:保护环境,人人有责。 For example, trees on the hills have been cut down, waste water is being poured continuously into rivers, and cars not only make loud noises but also give off poisonous gas The massive destruction of environment has brought numerous negative effects and ev

10、en poses a great threat to mans existence. We are supposed to keep in mind that everybody counts to take good care of our planet. smog 写作大练兵 三月本应该是个美丽的季节,但是雾霾(smog)天气持 续不断再次引起了全社会对环境保护的关注。假设你是新 华中学的学生李华,根据以下要点提示写120词左右的演 讲稿,主要内容包括: 1.描述现象 2.原因: 空气污染严重 危害:损害健康,尤其心肺;易造成交通事故。 3.解决措施:多选择自行车或公交车;多种树;使用 环

11、保产品 参考词汇:环保的environmentally- friendly 注意:1. 词数:120词左右; 2. 演讲稿开头和结尾已给出。 Good morning, everyone, My name is Lihua. Im honored to give a speech here. Thank you! 写作大练兵 A small town in southwest Britain is banning (禁止) plastic bags in an attempt to help the environment and cut waste a step that environme

12、ntalists believe is a first for Europe. Shopkeepers in Modbury, population 1,500, agreed to stop handing out disposable plastic bags to customers on Saturday. They said paper sacks and cloth carrier bags would be offered instead. Last month, San Francisco became the first U.S. city to ban plastic gr

13、ocery bags. Internationally, laws to discourage the use of plastic bags have been passed in parts of South Africa and Ireland, where governments either tax shoppers who use them or fine companies that hand them out. Bangladesh already bans them, and so do at least 30 remote Alaskan villages. Modbury

14、, about 225 miles southwest of London, has also declared a bag amnesty (宽限期), allowing local people to hand in plastic bags that have piled up at home. They will be sent for a recycling. The Modbury ban was the idea of Rebecca Hosking, who saw the effect of bags on many life while working in the Pac

15、ific as a wildlife camerawoman. She said response (反应) in the town so far had been “really positive“. “Modbury is quite an old-fashioned town and a lot of people have wicker baskets to go out shopping anyway,“ Hosking told Sky News Television. summary Modbury, a small town in Britain, is taking meas

16、ures to prevent people from using plastic bags and those people in town including shopkeepers have good attitudes toward this action and support the government. 【写作内容】 1、以约30个词概括短文的要点。 2、然后以约120个词就“应如何看待白色污染?”这个主题发表 你的看法,并包括下面要点: 1)以你的生活经历为例,说明乱扔食品塑料袋和包装盒对周边 环境影响。 2)你对这种行为有什么看法? 3)对于Modbury镇的商店店主全部支持政府禁止塑料袋,而 近来中国的“禁塑令”(Plastic limit order )颁布后,中国 不少店主不会这样做,你与你的同学如何看这种现象? 【写作要求】 1作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照 阅读材料的内容但不得直接;引用原文中的句子。 2标题自定 3作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 【评分标准】概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。


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