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1、题型:一、multiple choice单选题(20*1)二、true or false判断(10*1)三、short answer question(4*5,4 out of 6)简答纲要四、essay question(2*10,2 out of 3)简答+解释五、case study(1*30,1 out of 2)理论+阐述(联系案例,观点突出,层次清楚)+结论Part 1:The Basis of Global Management Theory and Practice (Chapter 1, 2 & 3)1. Management: Science, Theory and Pra

2、ctice (An Overview)2. Management and Society3. Global, Comparative and Quality Management1. Management: Science, Theory and Practice (An Overview)1) Definition of managementManagement is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficie

3、ntly accomplish selected aims.2) Five managerial functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, controlling-The functions of managers: p23-25-Coordination: the essence of managership3) Managerial functions at different organizational levels: how time is spent in carrying out managerial function

4、s at different organizational levels (P2 Figure1.1)4) Managerial skills and the organizational hierarchy:-Four skills required: technical skills, human skills, conceptual and design skills-How skills differ at different management levels (P5 Figure 1.2)5) The goals of all managers: to create a surpl

5、us6) Productivity, effectiveness and efficiency-Definition of productivityProductivity is the output-input ratio within a time period with due consideration for qualityProductivity=Outputs/Inputs (within a time period, quality consideration)-Compare effectiveness and efficiencyProductivity implies e

6、ffectiveness and efficiencyEffectiveness is the achievement of objectives.Efficiency is the achievement of the ends with the least amount of resources.7) Managing as practice is an art.The organized knowledge underlying the practice is a science.Science and art are not mutually exclusive; they are c

7、omplementary.8) P10-12了解3位管理学家的理论Frederick Taylorscientific management-maximum outputHenri FayolThe Father of Modern Management Theory-Unity of command: Employees should receive orders from one superior only.Elton Mayothe Hawthorne effect9) Understanding the systems approach to management: a basic u

8、nderstanding of how this book is organized (P22 Figure 1.6全书纲要)2. Management and Society1) The organization and its External Environment(P37 Figure2.1,了解外部环境都有什么,同时与内部环境区分)2)Definition of a pluralistic society多元化社会A pluralistic society: many organized groups represent various interests.(Each group h

9、as an impact on other groups, but no one group exerts an inordinate amount of power. Many groups exert some power over business.)3) Concepts of the ecological environmentEcology: the relationship of people and other living things with their environment, such as soil, water, and air.4) 企业社会责任Corporat

10、e social responsibility: “seriously” considering the impact of the companys actions on society.Social responsiveness: the ability of a corporation to relate its operations and policies to the social environment in ways that are mutually beneficial to the company and to society.5) Ethics in managingE

11、thics: obligationBusiness ethics is concerned with truth and justice and has a variety of aspects, such as the expectations of society, fair competition, advertising, public relations, social responsibility, consumer autonomy, and corporate behavior in the home country as well as abroad.6) Whistle-b

12、lowing揭发劣行: making known to outside agencies unethical company practices.7) Trust is the basis for change managementBelardo points out that trust should go beyond individual relationships and extend to the organization through the creation of a culture of trust that transcends individual leadership.

13、变革管理的基础是信任:人与人企业文化3. Global, Comparative and Quality Management1) 国际管理The study of International management focuses on the operation of international firms in host countries.国际商务International businesses engage in transactions across national boundaries. These transactions include the transfer of goo

14、ds, services, technology, managerial knowledge, and capital to other countries.2) Forms of international business : P57 figure 3.1注意流动要素及方向3) Unifying Effects一致性效应: unifying influences occur when the parent country provides and shares technical and managerial know-how, thus assisting the local compa

15、ny in the development if human and material resources.4) Multinational corporations-Definition of multinational corporations (MNCs)跨国公司Multinational corporations have their headquarters in one country but operate in many countries.-Understand how MNCs can be conducted:Ethnocentric orientation: Style

16、 of the foreign operations is based on that of the parent company Polycentric orientation: Foreign subsidiaries are given a great deal of managerial freedom Regiocentric orientation: Favors the staffing of foreign operations on a regional basis Geocentric orientation: Entire organization is viewed a

17、s an interdependent system operating in many countries 区分民族中心论ethnocentric(parent country)、多国中心论polycentric(host country)、区域中心论regiocentric(以区域划分,eg.欧洲、东亚)、全球中心论geocentric(collaborative双向交流)记要点:-Advantages of multinationals Taking advantage of business opportunities and raising money Establishment o

18、f low-cost production facilities Access to natural resources and materials Recruitment of managers and personnel -Challenges for Multinationals Increasing nationalism Better business negotiation skills of developing countries Maintaining good relations with the host country 5) Global or transnationa

19、l corporations全球性公司或跨境公司: views the whole world as one market。6) Country alliances and economic blocs了解即可-European Union-北美自由贸易区North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA )The United States, Canada, and Mexico-东盟自由贸易区Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)(无中国)7) International management: cu

20、ltural and country differences-France: Le Plan and Cadre (government planning on a national scale)-Germany: Authority and Codetermination劳资共同决策-Korea: Chaebol is characterized by a tight collusion between government and industrial conglomerates大财阀:与政府有紧密联系Korean concept of inhwa translates into harm

21、ony-Japan: a. Lifetime employment b. Decision-making: bottom-up (美: up-down) c. Theory Z 日本的管理方法怎样使用与美国An emphasis on the interpersonal skills needed for group interaction工作、生活圈子An emphasis on group decision-making群体决策,责任在个人(日本:责任在群体)An emphasis on informal relationships based on trust (“Wa”)和谐8) Po

22、rters competitive advantage of nations (p70) factor conditions生产要素/demand conditions/suppliers/firms strategy and structure/rivalry Part 2 : Planning(Chapter 4 & 5)1. Planning (a whole picture)2. Objectives3. Strategic planning1. Planning1) Definition of planningPlanning involvesa. selecting mission

23、s and objectives andb. deciding on the actions to achieve them; it requiresc. decision-making, that is, choosing a course of action from among alternatives.2) Planning and controlling are inseparable - the Siamese twins连体婴儿 of managementP85 Figure4.13) Types of plans (understand the concepts of the

24、types of plans)了解含义、分辨属于哪一种(1) mission or purposes= visions使命,公司存在的目的(2) objectives or goals具体、可衡量是否实现(3) strategies 战略:long-term(tactic: short-term)(4) policies政策,指导决策general statements or understanding that guide decision-making5) procedures:程序 method of handling future activities(6) rules: 规则,严格e

25、.g.no smoking(7) programs项目(8) budgets 预算 expected results expressed in numerical terms4) Steps in planning (pp 89- 93):(1). Being Aware of OpportunitiesIn light of:The market/Competition/What customers want/Our strengths/Our weaknesses(2). Establishing Objectives (Setting Objectives or Goals)What w

26、e want to accomplish(3). Developing Premises (Considering Planning Premises)In what environmentinternal or externalwill our plans operate?Forecasting is important in premising.-Principle of planning premises计划假定原理: the more thoroughly individuals charged with planning understand and agree to utilize

27、 consistent planning premises, the more coordinated enterprise planning will be.(4). Determining Alternative Courses(Identifying Alternatives)(5). Evaluating Alternative Courses (Comparing Alternatives in Light of Goals )(6). Selecting a Course (Choosing an Alternative)(7). Formulating Derivative Pl

28、ans/ Supporting Plans(8). Quantifying Plans by Budgeting5) Coordination of short- and long-range plansNo short-run plan should be made unless it contributes to the achievement of the relevant long-range plan.2. Objectives1) Definition of objectivesObjectives or goals (p86): the ends toward which act

29、ivity is aimed目标可验证性veriable objectives: at the end of the period it should be possible to determine whether or not the objective has been achieved2) Hierarchy of objectives (p95 Figure 4.3)Socio-economic purpose Mission Overall objectives (Top level) More specific overall objectives (in key result

30、areas) (Middle level) Division objectives Department and unit objectives Individual objectives (Basic level)Board of directors: socio-economic purposeTop-level managers: mission, overall objectives (long-range, strategic)Middle-level managers (objectives in order): more specific overall objectives (

31、in key result areas), division objectivesLower-level managers: department and unit objectives, individual objectives3) How to set verifiable objectives- Verifiable objectives (p97 Table4.1)- Quantitative and qualitative objective4) MBO (management by objectives) 案例- Concept of MBO: a comprehensive m

32、anagerial system (1) that integrates many key managerial activities in a systematic manner (2) and is consciously directed toward the effective and efficient achievement of organizational and individual objectives-Benefits of MBO Motivational aspects of clear goals Improvement of managing Clarificat

33、ion of organizational roles, structures and delegation of authority Encouragement of commitment to the goals Development of effective controls -Failures of MBO and recommendations Failure to teach the subordinates the concept of MBO programs Failure to give guidelines to goal setters Failure to set

34、verifiable goals with the right degree of flexibility Conflicts between short-run goals and long-run goals Overuse of quantitative goals 3. Strategic Planning1) Strategy is defined as the determination of the basic long-term objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and alloc

35、ation of resources necessary to achieve these goals.Policies are general statements or understanding that guide or channel thinking in decision-making(见第四章)Strategy concerns the direction in which human and material resources will be applied in order to increase the chance of achieving selected obje

36、ctives.The essence of policy is discretion2)Strategic planning process战略计划的流程P109( requirements: be able to describe the strategic planning process; understand how to make industry analysis)- Inputs-Industry analysis (Porters theory): to evaluate the attractiveness of theindustry by analyzing the ex

37、ternal environment (five forces: p120)- Enterprise profile (where the company is, where it should go missions)- Present and future external environment (threats and opportunities)TOWS- Internal environment (strengths and weaknesses) Matrix- Alternative strategies- Evaluation and choice of strategies

38、- Implementation- Consistency planning应急计划2) TOWS Matrix重点Steps: 1 Evaluate the internal factors- dominating factors: W or S?2 Evaluate the external factors- dominating factors: T or O?3 Select the strategy: SO/WO/ST/WT strategyTows Matrix for Strategy Formulation P113 Figure5.2超级重要,每个格内容解释及应3) Blue

39、 Ocean: less competitive market4) Business Portfolio Matrix组合矩阵 stars/question marks/cash cows/dogsP117 Figure 5.4画图、解释(注意横纵轴)5) Hierarchy of company strategiesCorporate-level strategy (developed by executives-industries, portfolio of businesses)Business strategies (developed by general managers of

40、business unitsto gain a competitive advantage in a particular area of product line)Functional strategies/policies(devised for departments to support the business and corporate strategies.)6) 波特的产业分析方法和一般竞争战略Porters industry analysis and generic competitive strategies The basis for formulating generi

41、c strategies: - An analysis of the attractiveness of an industry (industry analysis)- The companys position within the industryA) Industry analysis (five forces)(1) The competition among companies (2) The threat of new companies entering the market (3) The possibility of using subsititute products o

42、r services (4) The bargaining power of suppliers (5) The bargaining power of customersB) generic competitive strategies:Step 1: overall cost leadership strategy OR differentiation strategy?成本优势战略、差异化战略Step 2: broad market OR narrow market (focused strategy)?Step 3: focused low-cost strategy OR focus

43、ed differentiation strategy/ broad market low-cost strategy OR broad market differentiation strategy6) Planning premises are the anticipated environments in which plans are expected to operate7) Delphi Technique(了解)experts, make a forecast, feed back, repeat, consensusPart 3: Organizing (Chapter 7)1

44、. The Nature of Orgnanizing1) Organizational role:目标职责权限Verifiable objectives/major duties or activities involved/area of discretion or authority2) Definition of organizing (p24)Organizing is part of managing which involves establishing an intentional structure of roles for people to fill in an orga

45、nization. Organization implies a formalized intentional structure of roles or positions. Intentional structure of roles:People working together must fill certain rolesThe roles people are asked to fill should be intentionally designed to ensure that required activities are done and that activities f

46、it together so that people can work smoothly, effectively, and efficiently in groups.3) Organization- Formal organizationthe intentional structure of roles in a formally organized enterprise- Informal organization a network of interpersonal relations that arise as people associate with one another4)

47、 Organizational levels and the span of management-The reason for levels of organization is the limitation of the span of managers.(Organizational levels exist because there is a limit to the number of persons a manager can supervise effectivelyA wide spanfew organizational levels/ a narrow spanmany levels)-Problems with organizational levels: 层级过多的问题Are expensive/ com


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