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1、Performance Appraisals 绩效评估,Some Views 一些看法,Some people reckon that performance appraisals are like cleaning a teenagers room: everyone wants the result, but no-one wants to do it. 有些人认为绩效评估好比清理青少年的房间一般?每个人都想见到成果,但是却没有人想要去做。 Others reckon that being asked to do performance appraisals is like being a

2、sked to give sailing lessons while you are bailing out the lifeboat: someone else wants a result but you are too busy to do it. 有些其他人认为被要求做绩效评估好比你正在为救生艇抽水使其免於下沉的当时,被要求教别如何航海:有人想要知道结果,但你却太忙而无法完成它,Some Views (Cond) 一些看法 (续),It is curious that most of us find it hard to get round doing regular appraisa

3、ls of the people who report to us, yet still desperately want feedback from those we report to. 很奇怪的是,我们大多发现找时间替属下做定期评估是件很困难的事,但却拼命地想从自己的老板身上得到工作绩效的反馈。,Unworthy Responses to a Request for An Appraisal 属下要求评估时,典型推拖的回覆,Too Busy 太忙 Megalomania 自大狂 Too senior 太资深 Cop-out 逃避 Cowardice 怯懦,Too Busy 太忙,An a

4、ppraisal? Trust me. Our future is glorious. Of course the company really cares about you, but we cant pause in the midst of battle. Onwards and upwards. 绩效评估?相信我。我们的未来是光明灿烂的。当然罗!这个公司是真的很关心你的,但是我们不能停在战场的正中央。,Megalomania 自大狂,You know how important you are to the future of the company. But so too am I.

5、 And I am so busy that I havent got round to thinking much about you. Please forgive my shortcomings. 你知道你对这公司的未来有多重要,但是我也是。我太忙了,因而没太多时间好好想到你,请原谅我的弱点吧!,Too Senior 太资深,You are so senior that of course it is not appropriate to evaluate you formally on any of those silly forms. Like you, I really enjoy

6、 our partnership and our informal chats. So its not really a problem is it? 你实在是太资深了,若要很正式的用这些愚蠢的表格来评估你,当然一点都不合适。我真的很喜欢我们的合作方式和非正式的沟通型态,所以这并不是什麽问题,不是吗?,Cop-out 逃避,Good question. Tell me how you would like me to appraise you? (I dont have a clue, but it gets me off the hook for a while.) 好问题。告诉我你希望我怎

7、麽评估你呢? (我一点想法都没有,这样问他可以让我暂时脱离困揪场?,Cowardice 怯懦,A long pause I am surprised that you are asking for an appraisal at this time. It really isnt appropriate. (Doesnt the fool know that he is doing a bad job at the moment?) (长时间的鸦雀无声)我很意外你竟然在这个时候提出评估的要求,这个时机真的很不适当。 (难道这个笨蛋看不出他现在的工作表现有多糟糕吗),Appraisals Giv

8、e Us the Chance of 评估让我们有机会 ,Feeding-back constructively on past performance 对过去的工作表现给予建设性的反馈 Building and re-inforcing working relationships 建立更稳健的工作关系 Working together to agree a development plan to improve future performance 一同形成个人的发展计划,以改善未来工作表现 Sending signals to those who decide ompay and prom

9、otion 让将被升迁或炒鱿鱼的人得到这个讯息,Outcomes 结果,Win-win result with both side motivated “双赢” 让双方都感到对未来充满冲劲 Agreement (not just acceptance) on specific objectives that are challenging and achievable 同意(并非只是接受)具挑战性并可达成的明确目标 A joint plan on how to get there 共同形成达到目标的行动计划,A Less Than Honest Appraisal Is 不诚实的评估是会 ,Misleading to you 令人误解 Unfair to the person you are appraising 对被你评估的人不公平 Dangerous for the agency 对公司是危险的,


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