2020学年人教版高中英语必修二练习:Unit 4 Section 3 巩固 Word版含解析.doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 4Section .单句语法填空1The town came _into_sight as we turned the corner.解析:come into sight“进入视线”。2We didnt find the Blacks _ attended_(attend)the lecture.No one had told them that there _would be_(be) a lecture the following day.解析:句意:我们发现布莱克夫妇没出席讲座。没人告知他们第二天有讲座。3Tommy,your mum has be

2、en out without glasses!Well,take it easy.It wont be long _before_ she is back home for them.解析:后句句意:别急,不久她就会回来拿的。It wont be long before.“不久就”。4A new law that protects the disabled peoples right has been passed so _that_ they can ride buses for free.解析:考查连词词义。句意:保护残疾人权利的新法律通过了,因此他们可以免费乘公交车。so that“因此

3、”。5She was afraid _to go_(go)into the yard because she was afraid of _being bitten_(bite) by the big dog _lying_(lie) at the gate.解析:考查afraid的用法以及非谓语动词。be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事;be afraid of doing sth.担心做某事;dog与lie(躺)之间为主动关系,且表示正在进行,因此应用现在分词。6Most companies marketing effort is focused on getting cus

4、tomers,with little attention _paid_(pay) to keeping them.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:大部分公司的营销工作以赢得顾客为中心,而很少注意留住他们。本句的后半句是介词with的复合结构,attention和pay之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词表示被动。7 _Though/Although_ the dog is fierce,it never harms people.解析:句意:尽管这只狗很凶猛,它从不伤害人。8Before the foreigner entered that country,his passport _was inspe

5、cted_(inspect) by the customs official.解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这个外国人进入那个国家前,海关官员查看了他的护照。.完成句子1Because of _being bitten by a snake_,he was rushed to hospital.(bite)由于被蛇咬伤,他被火速送往医院。2 _Having inspected the troops_,the two presidents had a close and friendly talk.(inspect)视察完军队后,两位总统进行了亲切友好的会谈。3I will give you

6、all the facts _so that you can judge for yourself_.(judge)我会给你所有的事实以便你可以自己判断。4Suddenly they noticed a house _with two big trees standing in front of it_.(with)突然他们注意到一所房子,房前有两棵大树。5We dont know when the river here _came into being_.(come)我们不知道这儿的这条河是何时形成的。6 _It was not long before_ his dream came tru

7、e.(before)不久他的梦想实现了。7He _used to go fishing_for fun,but now he has no time to do so.(used)过去他经常去钓鱼玩,但是现在没时间这样做了。8The dish is too salty because he _has put too much salt into_ it.(put)由于他往菜里放了太多的盐,这道菜太咸了。9Because there are many students _supporting the idea_,they had to give in.(support)因为有很多学生支持这个观点,他们不得不让步。10 _According to what he said_ ,he didnt get what he had wanted.(according)根据他所说的话,他没有得到他想要的。


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