2019-2020同步外研英语选修九新突破讲义:Module 2 Section 4 Reading Practice &amp Cultural Corner &amp Writing Word版含答案.pdf

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《2019-2020同步外研英语选修九新突破讲义:Module 2 Section 4 Reading Practice &amp Cultural Corner &amp Writing Word版含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步外研英语选修九新突破讲义:Module 2 Section 4 Reading Practice &amp Cultural Corner &amp Writing Word版含答案.pdf(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section Reading Practice & Cultural Corner & Writing .阅读 P25课文内容,完成课文缩写 Peking University biologist Xu Chongren explains that 1._biology techniques are used to take a gene from one 2._and put it into another.If a gene for 3._to drought is put into wheat or maize, then a crop highly resistant to 4._c

2、an be produced.Scientists have found that a crop with a gene that kills 5._can leave a 6._in the soil that kills helpful as well as harmful 7._.Yet reducing the 8._of insecticides needed by using GM crops can reduce the amount of cancer producing chemicalsor carcinogensthat are found in food. 【 答 案

3、】 1.molecular 2.organism 3.resistance 4 drought 5.pests 6.poison 7.insects 8.amount .阅读 P27课文内容,判断正(T)误(F) 1The most famous science fiction The Time Machine was written by an French Writer.( ) 2One type of human being evolved into a kind of creature called the Eloi was small and beautiful.( ) 3The E

4、lois mouths were big, with bright red, rather thick lips. ( ) 4The Morlocks were queer little apelike figures.( ) 5The Morlocks were like a human spider.( ) 【答案】 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T resistance n抵抗力;对抗;抵抗 (教材 P25)If a gene for resistance to drought is put into wheat or maize, then a crop highly resis

5、tant to drought can be produced.如果抗旱基因放进玉米或小麦中,然 后抗干旱性强的作物就可以生产出来。 The exhibition is held in memory of the 71st anniversary of World War and Chinas War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. 举办这项展览是为了纪念第二次世界大战 71 周年和中国的抗日战争。 The firm has to overcome its resistance to the new technology.这家公司必须克服

6、对采用新技术的阻力。 resistance to 对的阻力;对的抵抗力 resist v. 抵制;抵抗;反抗;忍住 resist doing sth. 抵制做某事;反对做某事,忍住做某事 resistant adj. 抵抗的;对抗的;不受影响的 be resistant to 对有抵抗力的;耐的 This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics. 这种新传染病对抗生素有抗药力。 完成句子 良好的日常饮食可增强身体的抗病能力。 A good diet helps the body to_disease. 一般坚持锻炼的,身体抵抗力都比较

7、强。 Generally those who exercise regularly_disease. 用 resist/resistant/resistance 的适当形式填空 Elderly people are not always_to change. There has been a lot of_to the new law. The bank strongly_cutting interest rates. 【答案】 build up resistance to have high resistance to resistant resistance resisted transf

8、er v转移;调动;改变;转变(from/to) (教材 P25)If a gene that produces an allergic reaction is transferred into another crop,.如果一个产生过敏反应的基因被转移到另一种作物上, She has been transferred to another department. 她已被调往另一部门。 Her father transferred her to a better school. 她父亲把她转到了一所更好的学校。 Within a few years they had transferred

9、barren wastes into fertile fields. 几年之内他们就把荒地变成了良田。 完成句子 两天后,这个展会转移到另外一个城市。 The exhibition_another city two days later. 那笔钱已转到我账上。 The sum of money has been_my account. 他就要调到另一个地方去。 He was about to_another place. 【答案】 was transferred to transferred into be transferred to oppose v反对 (教材 P25)In Europe

10、, a majority of consumers are in favour of banning them, and 79 percent of the UK public opposes GM food. 在欧洲,大多数消费者都赞成禁止他们,79%的英国民众反对转基因食品。 He found himself opposed by his own deputy. 他发现自己的副手反对自己。 They opposed the governments new policies. 他们反对政府的新政策。 I would oppose changing the law. 我将反对改变这个法规。 o

11、ppose doing sth. 反对做某事 opposed adj. 强烈反对;截然相反 as opposed to 与 形成对照 be opposed to (doing) sth. 反对 I am opposed to going shopping with others. 我反对与他人一起外出购物。 完成句子 这项锻炼不是增强力量,而是增强柔韧性的。 This exercise develops suppleness_strength. 他把所有反对他的人都关进了监狱。 He threw all those that_. 【答案】 as opposed to opposed him i

12、nto prison evolve v(使)逐步形成;发展;进化;成长(from/into) (教 材 P27)The Time Traveller, as he is called, finds that human beings have evolved into two completely different kinds of creatures.这位被称为时光旅行者的人 发现,人类已经进化成两种完全不同的生物。 Each school must evolve its own way of working. 每个学校必须形成自己的办学方式。 evolve out of 从演变(或进化、

13、发展、发育)而成 evolve into 发展成;进化成 evolve from 由进化 evolved adj. 进化的 evolvement n. 演变;发展;演化;进化 Scientists think that birds probably evolved from reptiles. 科学家认为,鸟很可能是由爬行动物进化而来的。 The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme. 这个简单的计划发展成了一项复杂的规划。 完成句子 这一系统有朝一日很有可能演变成一种新的生产方式。 Hopefully this system will s

14、omeday_a new production method. 我们人类从猿类开始进化用了几百万年的时间。 It has taken us several million years to_the apes. 【答案】 evolve into evolve from fancy v想象;设想;喜爱 n喜爱 (教材 P27)I fancied even then that there was a lack of the interest I might have expected in them. 我甚至那时在想,我可能对他们缺乏预想的兴趣。 Fancy her saying a thing l

15、ike that! 你能想象她竟说出那样的话来! I fancy hes pretty happy. 我猜想他很幸福。 fancyn./pron./doing/that 从句 想象 fancy sb.(to be/as)n./adj./prep.phrase 设想某人 take a fancy to 喜欢;爱上 have a fancy for 喜欢;想要;热衷于;爱好 catch/take sb.s fancy 中某人的意 I have taken a fancy to that new bicycle. 我非常喜欢那辆新自行车。 (2019全国卷)But the phrase “penny

16、 paper” caught the publics fancy, and soon there would be papers that did indeed sell for only a penny. 但是“一分报纸”这个词组却中了民众的意,不久确实就有了售价仅一分的 报纸。 完成句子 他迷恋上了邻家的女孩子。 He_the girl next door. 想一想整天坐在太阳底下的滋味吧! _in the sun all day! 我不喜欢在雨中行走。 I_in the rain. 【答案】 took a fancy to Fancy sitting dont fancy walking

17、 dawn v开始(出现);渐渐明白 n黎明;破晓 (教材 P27)Gradually the truth dawned on me. 渐渐地我明白了事实。 A new age for mankind is dawning. 一个人类的新时代正在出现。 dawn on/upon sb./sth. 逐渐(被人)知晓;明白 It dawned on sb.that/whclause某人开始明白 dawn on ones mind 了解 dawn on ones view 出现在某人面前 at dawn 拂晓;天一亮 Suddenly it dawned on me that they couldn

18、t possibly have met before. 我突然明白他们以前不可能见过面。 完成句子 我突然意识到我乘错了火车。 It suddenly_Id caught the wrong train. 他开始明白真相。 The truth began to_. 天一亮他们就开始干活。 They start work_. 【答案】 dawned on me that dawn on him at dawn 如何写表达观点的作文 写作任务 科学的发展使得人们能够改变很多普通食物的基因构成。你班同学参加了以 “转基因食品的优劣”为主题的辩论会,请根据以下提示写一篇发言稿提出正方 观点,谈谈转基因

19、食品的益处。 1解决粮食短缺问题; 2减少农药使用; 3节省生产成本,降低食物售价。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3可适当发挥被省略的内容; 4开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇 : GM food(genetically modified food)转基因食品 ; shortage 短缺 ; spray 喷洒 Hello,everybody!From our point of view there are some benefits of genetically modified food. _ _ _ _ _ 遣词造句 .词汇 1食

20、物短缺_ 2目前的世界_ 3减少杀虫剂的使用_ 4养活人们_ 5减少生产费用_ 6降低价格_ 7环保的_ 【 答 案 】 1.food shortage 2.the present world 3 reduce the use of insecticide 4.feed the people 5 reduce the production cost 6.lower the price 7environmentally friendly .句式 1我们认为,转基因食品有些好处。 _, there are some benefits of genetically modified food. 2首

21、先,转基因食品能解决目前世界上粮食短缺问题。 Firstly, genetically modified food can_in the present world. 3其次,转基因食品能减少农药使用。 Secondly, genetically modified food can_insecticide. 4第三,转基因食品能节省生产成本,降低食物售价。 Thirdly, genetically modified food can_. 【答案】 1.From our point of view 2.solve the shortage of the food supplies 3.reduc

22、e the use of 4.reduce production costs and so lower food prices 妙笔成篇 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【参考范文】 Genetically modified food is good for us Hello,every_From_our_point_of_view_there_are_some_benefits_of_genetically modified_food. Firstly, genetically modified food can solve the shortage of the food suppli

23、es in the present world.Scientists say there are about 6 billion people now on the earth and the number will increase to 12 billion by 2020.The world will need more food to feed the people.GM food technology can increase the yield of many crops such as soybean, maize, wheat and rice. Secondly, genet

24、ically modified food can reduce the use of insecticide.Too many insects need more insecticide so it will pollute the environment and cause the food not safe to eat.Genetically modified food neednt so much insecticide.So the use of genetically modified food is environmentally friendly. Finally, genetically modified food can save production costs and so lower food prices.With the rapid development of economy, the prices of many goods are so high that people are worried so much that they cant live well. So, isnt it good to use genetically modified food?


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