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1、 Teaching material: Advertisements in Unit 1, Module 4 ( Advance with English, Yilin Publishing House)Type of lesson: Reading The analysis of the teaching material:The teaching material deal with the topic of advertisements, consisting of three parts. In the first part , it serves as an introduction

2、 , bringing readers attention to the topic. The second part is the main body which contains three segments with subtitles, talking about the definition of advertisements and the classification of advertisements , the commercial advertisements may not tell the truth and the aims of public service adv

3、ertisements. The last part can be viewed as a summary of what has been addressed about and advertisements and the writer gives readers aome suggestion when we are faced with ubiquitous advertisements.The teaching material is an expository writing and the reading strategy concerning this genre is pre

4、sented in the book. Therefore, the students are expected to be acquainted with the structure of an expository writing. Besides the structure of the passage, through reading the passage, students will have a better understanding of advertisements and know how to deal with advertisements when they buy

5、 the product or service the ad promotes. It will cultivate students ability to distinguish “bad” ads from good ones and make sensible decisions.The analysis of students:The topic of advertisements seems to be familiar to students and moving songs. Beautiful pictures and celebrity endorsements are al

6、l attractive to students. However, commercial advertisements are so overwhelming that senior high students may not have the ability to see through the tricks hidden in those advertisements. Whats more , students often ignore the existence and significance of PSAs , which plays a great role in the cu

7、ltivation of social morality.In the Welcome to the Unit, the students have got a rough idea of what will be discussed in the unit, which will make it easier for them to understand the passage. Students in Grade Ten havent read many expository writings, it may be difficult for them to analyze the str

8、ucture of the passage but the subtitles can help a lot.Teaching aims and purposes:1. Knowledge and Ability: Students can achieve the comprehension of the reading material by using the corresponding reading strategies, such as skimming the text for the main idea, scanning the text for specific inform

9、ation and paying attention to the structure of the text. 2. Process and Approaches:Students are expected to know how to analyze an exposition.Students are expected to take an active part in the class and connect their own experience with what they are reading.3. Emotional attitude and Value:Students

10、 are expected to know the definition and classification of advertisementsStudents are encouraged to express their ideas about advertisements and cultivate their abilities to distinguish different ads and make wise decisions about purchases.Teaching focuses: 1.The teacher should help students to anal

11、yze the structure of the passage 2. The teacher should help students to grasp the gist of the reading passage.3. The teacher should enable students to develop their reading ability.Difficult areas for students:1.Students may find it difficult to understand the tricks hidden in the slogans of some ad

12、vertisements.2.Students may find it difficult to master the structure of an expository writing and write an exposition.Teaching methods and principlesVisual and audio methodInteractive methodCommunicative method Task-based learningTeaching aids:ProjectorA ComputerSome color pensTeaching ProcedureSte

13、p 1 Lead-in 1. Ask the Ss: What do you think of your school life?-Try to connect the Ss answers with school clubs.2. Group work Suppose you are the organizer of the English Club in the school, try to say something to attract more students to join you. You can only use three sentences at most.Ask som

14、e students to give their sentences and tell the Ss “What you did just now is in fact a kind of advertising.”Ask the Ss: Have you realized what you did just now is actually a kind of advertisement? -introduce the topic of the class-AdvertisementsStep 2 What is an advertisement?1. Ask the Ss “What is

15、an advertisement?” Let them use their own words. The Ss may have difficulty expressing it clearly and properly.-We are so used to advertisements that we often ignore them. So today we are going to read a passage about advertisements and try to learn more.2. Ask the Ss to read the passage (the part o

16、f “What is an advertisement?”) to get the authors definition of advertisements.An advertisement provides information and uses persuasive languages and exciting images to encourage people to buy a product or service or believer in an idea.3. More questions to help the Ss understand this part:Where ca

17、n we see advertisements? -Media- Billboard, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio, television What types of advertisement do we have?-(1) Commercial ads (2)PSAs4. Show the Ss some pictures of the two kinds of ads and ask the Ss to tell which type they belong to.It is very easy for the Ss to tel

18、l the types. Then ask:Whats the difference between commercial ads and PSAs? Commercial ads- To sell things; to get profits and money. PSAs- To educate peopleStep 3 Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?Up till now, we have learned something about advertisements and it is true that we

19、can get a lot of information from advertisements. But do you think all the ads are trying to tell us the complete truth? 1. Ask the Ss to skim the text to get the authors answer to this question “Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?”-Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it t

20、ells you the complete truth.2. Ask the Ss to have a more careful reading and ask the Ss to discuss how the writer support his idea-The writer uses two examples to support his idea.3. Then ask the Ss: Does the writer make any conclusion about this part? -Yes. “We must not fall for this kind of tricks

21、.”4. According to the above three parts, explain to the Ss the structure of expository writing:(1) Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the complete truth- Subject/topic(2) Two examples - Supporting details(3) We must not fall for this kind of trick! -ConclusionStep 4 Public ser

22、vice advertisements Ask the Ss to use the idea of expository writing to read part 3. Ask them to find the topic, supporting details and conclusion of this part.Subject/ topicPSAs are meant to be helpful to educate people.Supporting detailsexamples -(1) Deal with large social issues (2) About public

23、service projects (3) Teach us how to live healthy livesConclusion - All of these ads are meant to be helpful, and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give.Step 5 Structure of the whole passageNow weve learned more about advertisements and the structure of the expository writing. L

24、ets come back to the whole passage to see whether the whole passage follows the structure or not.Topic - AdvertisementsSupporting details- (1) What is an advertisement? (2) Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth? (3) Public service advertisementsConclusion - Be smart about advertisemen

25、ts! You see, the whole passage also follows the structure and it will be easier for you to read or write an expository writing if you follow the structure. Now lets have a practice.Step 6 ApplicationWrite an outline for a passage with the topic “Our school is a good one”. Try to use the structure we

26、ve talked about in this class.Subject:Supporting details:Conclusion:I can see that you are really proud of your school and speak loudly for it. “Our school is a good one. Come on and join us!” Do you think what you did is again a kind of advertisement? Yes. So lets come back to advertisements.Step 7

27、 Discussion1. Enjoy two ads(video). Ask the Ss to tell what type they belong to and ask them to express their own opinion about the ads.2. It seems that you can clearly express your own opinion about ads. So what do you think makes a good advertisements?(If time is limited, teacher can make a conclu

28、sion here. If time permits, ask the Ss to discuss and make a conclusion.)Step 8 Group work -designingNow I think you have got some idea about what is an advertisement, the types of ads, what are the two types are like and what makes a good advertisement. Now we are going to design one. Dont worry ab

29、out your designs. We are not the members of an advertising company. We are just try to experience the process and try to learn more about ads.1. Design a commercial ad: try to sell a kind of ice cream to students;(If they have their own idea, it is also accepted.)2. Design a PSA about school life.(P

30、rotect grass; save water; respect teachers)Divide the class into two large groups. One group is to carry out task 1 and the other task 2. We have mentioned that we can see ads in newspapers, magazines, on TV, the radio, billboards and so on. So you can choose one of the media for your ad. If it is i

31、n the paper, draw it out; if it is a video, act it out; if it is music, sing it out; if it is on the radio, just speak out. Step 9 ConclusionToday we read a passage about ads. We talked about the structure of expository writing and also experienced the process of designing an ad. Now Im sure you are clearer about ads. But dont forget: be smart about ads in your daily life.Step 10 HomeworkWrite a passage of around 100 words to describe one PSA which impresses you most and make comments on it, using the structure (subject, supporting details, conclusion).5


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