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1、Unit 5 The power of nature,Part 2 Of 2,1. burn to the ground 把烧成平地 Several houses had been burnt to the ground when the blaze was put out. 大火扑灭时,好几间房子已全部烧毁。,burn away 将(某物)烧掉,逐渐烧掉 burn down 将焚为平地,烧得精光,(火力)渐弱 burn up 将(某物)烧掉,烧旺(火) burn out (因过热)烧坏,烧尽,烧光;(火)熄灭 burn oneself out 因过度工作而身体累垮了 burn off 烧掉,

2、根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)整个城市在一场大火中烧成了平地。 The whole city _ in a big fire. (2)火箭进入地球大气层时就自动烧毁了。 The rocket _ when it entered the earths atmosphere.,was burnt to the ground,burnt up,(3)发动机烧坏了。 The engine had _. (4)在事故中他严重受伤,头发都烧掉了。 He was badly injured in the accident, and his hair _.,burnt out,was burnt off,

3、2. make ones way 行进,向前 A lively young man with dark hair and a ready smile made his way to the center of the room. 一个朝气蓬勃的黑发青年,面带微笑,径直走到屋子中间。,fight ones way 拼出去 feel ones way 摸索着前进 stand in ones way 阻止某人做某事 make way for 给让路,让位给 lose ones way 迷路 have a long way to go 还要做很大努力,根据汉语,完成英文句子。 (1)她犹豫了一下,但向

4、前走去。 She hesitated, but _. (2)你若想有出息,趁年轻时要学会发奋。 If you want _ in the world, you must learn to work hard while you are still young.,made her way forward,to make your way,(3)所有的车辆都得给救火车让道。 All the traffic has to _ a fire engine. (4)和你们比起来我们还有很大差距。 Compared with you, we still _.,make way for,have a lon

5、g way to go,3. vary fromto由到不等 Levels of unemployment vary from region to region. 失业情形各地不同。,variety n. (质量,种类,或特征的)变化,种类 various adj. 各种各样的;不同的,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)价格随季节变化而有所不同。 The prices _ season to season. (2)观点因人而异。 Opinions _ person to person.,vary from,vary from,(3)天气变化很大,有时很冷,有时相当暖和。 The weather

6、 _ very cold to quite mild. (4)在某些山区,温度时刻变化。 The temperature_hour to hour in some mountainous areas.,varied from,varies from,1. Having_experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didnt take much notice. 由于在夏威夷经历了多次地震,我就没有在意。,用所给词的正确形式填空 (1)已经劳累了一天,我早早上床睡觉了。 _ (work) hard all day, I went

7、 to bed early. (2)由于已经去过那里几次了,我昨天就没有跟朋友一起去。 _ (visit) the place for many times, I didnt go there with my friends yesterday.,Having worked,Having visited,2. The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study, but this_being_my_first_experience,_I stayed at the top and wat

8、ched them. 另外两个人攀下火山口去收集日后研究用的岩浆,但我是第一次经历这样的事,所以留在山顶上观察他们。,用所给词的正确形式填空 (1)由于她的眼镜破了,她无法看清黑板上的字。 Her glasses _ (break), she couldnt see the words on the blackboard. (2)这么多的人帮助他,他一定会成功的。 So many people _ (help) him, he is sure to succeed.,broken,to help,(3)天气很好,我们决定去野餐。 The weather _ (be) fine, we have

9、 made up our minds to go for a picnic.,being,3. I rushed downstairs only_to_see my hostess lying unconscious on the floor, surrounded by her guests. 我冲到楼下,却意外地发现我的女主人不省人事地躺在地板上,客人们围着她。,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 歌迷们等了3个小时,结果却被告知他们喜欢的明星不会来了。 The fans waited for 3 hours for their favorite star, _ (tell) that the s

10、tar wouldnt turn up.,only to be told,子女教育(读写任务) 当今社会是独生子女的时代,父母视孩子为掌上明珠,孩子在心理上自觉不自觉地有自己惯自己的现象。子女教育问题是教育类的热点话题之一,2010年的读写任务就是围绕“用金钱鼓励孩子学习”而展开的。该话题常涉及以下问题:父母过度干涉孩子的兴趣、爱好;如何鼓励孩子学习;家庭教育的重要性;给孩子报各种各样的培训班是否有必,要;如何正确引导孩子以达到教育目的;你对你父母的教育方法是否满意及理由等等。 实用表达: only child 独生子女 selfcentered 以自我为中心的 the treasure of

11、 the whole family 全家的宝贝 conduct the education of the younger generation 对年青一代进行教育,take education seriously 重视教育 satisfy the childs need 满足孩子的需要 the spoiled child 被宠坏的孩子 respecting the old and loving the young 尊老爱幼 be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar 品学兼优 broad mental development 全面的智能发展

12、develop an interest in learning 培养学习兴趣,study harder under the stimulus of praise 在表扬的激励下更加努力学习 Too much praise makes the children proud. 对孩子过度的赞扬会助长其骄傲心理。 Family education is as important as public education. 家庭教育和学校教育一样重要。 have a close relationship with their children 与子女保持密切关系,ensure their normal

13、growth and development 促进他们的健康成长与发展 the harmful effect of indulgence 放任(孩子)的危害,阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Praise is something we all love to receive. We feel good when someone says nice things about something weve said or done. Children love praise even more than adults do. As they are in the pro

14、cess of building selfesteem and confidence, feeling good about themselves is extremely important.,The reality is that it is much easier to criticize than it is to compliment. Bad behavior is more obvious than good behavior youre much more likely to notice your child is filling your shoes with shampo

15、o than you are to notice hes playing quietly with his blocks. Seeking ways to compliment and encourage children goes a long way towards making them feel good. Using descriptive praise, where you tell the child exactly what,it is that you like, works best of all. When you feel good about your child,

16、tell him. See if you can give your child some words of encouragement every day. Encourage good behavior with praise, rather than pointing out the bad. This means trying to do more praising than criticizing. Accept that everyone is different and love that difference. Encourage children to develop and

17、 feel excited about their particular interests. Let them feel a sense of pride about being different. On top of that,praising a child when hes behaving well is likely to make him want to keep behaving well. 【写作内容】 1以约30个词概括以上短文的要点; 2然后以约120个词谈谈你对“赞赏教育”的看法,内容包括: (1)你认为赞赏教育在当今中国行得通吗?为什么?,(2)李明英语考试又没及格

18、, 你会选择赞赏教育还是其他方式来教育他呢? 请说明原因。 【写作要求】 1在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2标题自定。,本篇读写任务所给文章属于议论文文体。针对这种文体的文章,在概括时我们首先要陈述作者的观点,然后再对论据进行概括。我们可以用下面的 “公式” 来表示 opinion/idea argument (supporting ideas/reasons)。时态大多采用一般现在时。本文的概要必须包含以下要点:We feel good when someone says nice things about somethin

19、g weve said or done. For children, feeling good about themselves is extremely,important. Seeking ways to compliment and encourage children goes a long way towards making them feel good. 下面我们来对写作要点进行分析:对于第一个问题“你认为赞赏教育在当今中国行得通吗?为什么?”,首先我们一定要开门见山直接表明我们的观点:认为“行得通”还是认为“行不通”。 然后再给出理由。如果我们认为“行得通”,可以从赞赏教育有助

20、于帮助学生建立自信心,激发和调动其进取心,提,高学生的学习兴趣等方向着手来支撑观点;如果我们认为“行不通”,则可以从赞赏教育会助长一些学生“我还差不多”“这样也挺好”的想法等理由着手。第二个问题“李明英语考试又没及格, 你会选择赞赏教育还是其他方式来教育他呢? 请说明原因。”其实是一种假设,在语气上我们最好选用虚拟语气。针对这个问题,我们是选用赞赏教育还是其他教育方式,要由前文内容来决定:如果前文我们认为赞赏教育,在中国行得通,这种情况下我们就可以选择用赞赏教育来教育李华;如果前文我们认为赞赏教育在中国行不通,我们就要选择其他的教育方式。只有这样,在内容方面我们才不会自相矛盾。最后不要忘记,不

21、管选用哪种教育方式,一定要给出一、两点理由。,Is praising good? People, especially children, love to be praised. However, its harder to praise people than to criticize them. It takes time to find ways to praise children. Nowadays, praise education has attracted more and more attention in China. Some experts of child educa

22、tion have called on parents and teachers to praise children. They say it will help the children build up confidence and selfesteem. The more they are praised, the better they,will behave. However, I dont think praise education can work in China. Since the introduction of the onechild policy in China

23、, many children have been badly spoiled by their parents. Too much praise will make them unaware of what they should do and what they mustnt do. If Li Ming failed in English exams again, I would help him find the problems in his English study and help,him find a way of learning suitable to him. Only

24、 in this way can his English be improved.,请阅读下面这篇新闻报道,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Ordinary schools can meet the needs of gifted students better than traditional elite ones because they are not weighed down by historical baggage, Chan Puiting, the Education Bureaus chief curriculum development officer for

25、gifted education, was speaking after a 14yearold girl at Chinesemedium secondary,school scored nearperfect results in this years Certificate of Education Examination. Ho Hoilam was awarded eight A grades, a Level 5 in Chinese language and a Level 5 in English. Hoilam was identified as being extraord

26、inarily gifted when she entered Form One, at the age of nine, and she consequently skipped Form Two. She had already jumped two grades in primary school. In 2005, she,attended a math course for gifted children run by the Education Bureau. She also took part in two training camps for the Internationa

27、l Mathematical Olympiad. Mr. Chan said Hoilams outstanding exam results showed that gifted students did not necessarily need to attend elite schools (重点学校). “Ordinary schools can have more room to operate and more space to work differently as they do not have the same historical baggage,” he said de

28、scribing Lo Kon Ting as,“obviously quite an innovative (创新的) school”. “The teachers and principal are willing to try new things,” he said. “Also, Hoilams primary school as just a typical village estate school, so it all depends on the schools attitude.” 【写作内容】 假如你是这份报纸的忠实读者李华,就文中所提及的现象很想写一封信给编辑,发表一下

29、自己的见解。信的内容主要包括:,1. 概括该新闻事件的中心内容,该部分词数大约30; 2. 就“什么才是教育的关键”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分词数大约 120: (1)你是如何看待这个事件的? (2)你身边的朋友或家长又是如何看待精英教育的? (3)这个事件给你的启发是什么?,【写作要求】 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用阅读材料中的句子。 _ _,One possible version: Hoilam, a talented student at an ordinary Chinesemedium school, a

30、chieved an outstanding result in the Certificate of Education Examination this year. Experts say an average school can better meet the needs for cultivating a top student. In my opinion, Hoilams greatest achievement is to challenge the belief that talent cannot be trained in ordinary environments.,I

31、n labelconscious society, people often place more emphasis on the name, the brand or the reputation than the quality. Looking around, I find parents of my friends try all means to send their children to private or key schools. It is therefore refreshing to see Hoilam still sets herself apart from th

32、e crowd. Though there is nothing out of the ordinary about her education, she has attended the school without hesitation.,Hoilam has shown people what can be achieved with the right attitude. So it is suggested that gifted students would do well if the school could provide them with opportunities to express, cultivate their abilities, and offer a more focused learning environment.,


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