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1、 *汽车股份有限公司 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 文档作者: 汉普汉普咨询 创建日期: 12-DEC-2000 确认日期: 23-FEB-2001 控制编码: NHL_SETUP_AP 当前版本: 2.0 审批签字审批签字: 实施单位项目负责人 *汽车项目负责人 项目总监 *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 ii Company Confidential - For internal use only 文档控制文档控制 更改记录更改记录 日期日期 作者作者 版本版本 更改参考更改参考 12-DEC-2000 黄发根 1.0 没有前面的版本 23-FEB-2001 黄发根 2.0 更正以前的版本

2、 查阅查阅 姓名姓名 职位职位 签字签字 分发分发 拷贝号拷贝号 名字名字 区域区域 1 2 3 4 *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 3 目录目录 文档控制 ii 目录 3 Open Or Close Periods 设置日历会计AP会计期.4 Define Payables QuickCodes设置帐套选择.5 Define Tax Names设置税名称 .6 Define Tolerances 设置发票容限.8 Define Invoice Approvals 设置发票审批.9 Define Payment Terms 设置发票付款期限10 Define Payables QuickC

3、odes设置快速编码采购系统.18 Define Payment Formats 设置付款格式 19 Define Financials Options 设置选项财务系统.24 Define Payable Options 设置/选项/应付款管理系统 .29 Set Up Aging Periods 设置日历帐龄分期38 Define System Profile 系统管理预置文件系统.42 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 4 Open Or Close Periods 设置设置日历日历会计会计AP会

4、计期会计期 Description: Use this form to open and close accounting periods in your calendar. Accounting Periods Zone 会计期区会计期区 Use this zone to review information such as period status, period number, fiscal year, period name, and date ranges for each accounting period. 期间状态期间状态 Period Status 期号期号 Period

5、Number会计年度会计年度 Fiscal Year 期名期名 Period Name 起始日期起始日期 Begin Date 终止日期终止日期 End Date 将来 2 2001 FEB-00 01-FEB-2000 28-FEB-200 打开 1 2001 JAN-00 01-JAN-2000 31-NOV-2000 关闭 12 2000 DEC-00 01-DEC-2000 31-DEC-200 关闭 11 2000 NOV-00 01-NOV-2000 30-NOV-2000 关闭 10 2000 OCT-00 01-OCT-2000 31-OCT-2000 关闭 9 2000 SE

6、P-00 01-SEP-2000 30-SEP-2000 关闭 8 2000 AUG-00 01-AUG-2000 31-AUG-2000 关闭 7 2000 JUL-00 01-JUL-2000 31-JUL-2000 关闭 6 2000 JUN-00 01-JUN-2000 30-JUN-2000 关闭 5 2000 MAY-00 01-MAY-2000 31-MAY-2000 关闭 4 2000 APR-00 01-APR-2000 30-APR-2000 关闭 3 2000 MAR-00 01-MAR-2000 31-MAR-2000 2 2000 FEB-00 关闭 01-FEB-2

7、000 29-FEB-2000 关闭 1 2000 JAN-00 01-JAN-2000 31-JAN-2000 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 5 Define Payables QuickCodes 设置设置帐套帐套选择选择 Description: Use this form to choose set of books for ap business . Set of books Choose Zone 帐套帐套 科目表科目表 本位币本位币 会计日历会计日历 NHL_GL_BOOK NHL_A

8、CCOUNT_FLEXFIELD RMB NHL_GL_CALENDAR Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 6 Define Tax Names 设置设置税税名称名称 Description: Use this form to define the tax names you use to record tax charges on your invoices Rate-汇率汇率 税码税码 Tax Code 税种税种 Tax Type 税率税率 Rate % 总帐帐户总帐帐户 GL Account 帐户

9、说明帐户说明 Account Description 增值税增值税 交易类交易类 型型 启用启用 Enable 有效自有效自 有效至有效至 17% 销售税 17 01.0000.214111.0000.0000 公司.不分明细.应交税金-应交增值税-进项税.不分明细.不分明细 10% 销售税 10 01.0000.214111.0000.0000 公司.不分明细.应交税金-应交增值税-进项税.不分明细.不分明细 6% 销售税 6 01.0000.214111.0000.0000 公司.不分明细.应交税金-应交增值税-进项税.不分明细.不分明细 Recovery Rules- 退税规则区退税规则

10、区 Tax Code 税码税码 Recovery Rate 退税率退税率 Rules Name 退税名称退税名称 17% 0 空 10% 0 空 6% 0 空 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 7 Others-其他其他 Tax Code 税码税码 Description 说明说明 Enable For Self-ServicesUsers 启用以供自启用以供自 动用户使用动用户使用 Offset Tax Code 抵消税码抵消税码 17% 10% 6% Company Confidential - F

11、or internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 8 Define Tolerances 设置设置发票发票容限容限 Description: Use this form to define the matching and tax tolerances you want to allow for variances between invoice, purchase order, receipt, and tax information. PO Matching Region PO匹配 Use this region to define the matching t

12、olerances for an invoice. Tolerance 容限容限 Hold Name 挂起名称挂起名称 已定货数量已定货数量 Quantity Ordered(%) 0.3% Qty Ord 最大定货数量最大定货数量 Maximum Quantity Ordered(%) Max Qty Ord 收到的数量收到的数量 Quantity Received(%) 0.3% Qty Rec 最大收到的数量最大收到的数量 Maximum Quantity Received(%) Max Qty Rec 价格价格 Price(%) 0.3% Price 0.3 汇率额汇率额 Exchan

13、ge Rate Amount Max Rate Amount 装运额装运额 Shipment Amount Max Ship Amount 总额总额 Total Amount Max Total Amount Tax Region 税 税税 Tax(%) Tax Variance 税额范围税额范围 Tax Amount Range Tax Amount Range Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 9 Define Invoice Approvals 设置设置发票发票审批审批 Description:

14、Use this form to define the invoice approval codes that you use to hold or release invoice payments. You can define as many invoice approval codes as you require. Approval Codes Zone 发票审批发票审批 名称名称 Name 说明说明 Description 可允许可允许 Accounting Allow 可释放可释放 Manul Releaseable Allow 失效日期失效日期 Inactive Date (系统

15、缺省值) (系统缺省值) Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 10 Define Payment Terms 设置设置发票发票付款期限付款期限 Description: Use this form to enter payment terms that reflect the way you do business. Oracle Payables uses the payment terms you define to calculate a payment schedules for invoices

16、. Payment Terms Zone 付款条件区付款条件区 Use this zone to define and review payment terms. 付款条件付款条件 Name 立即付款 说明说明 Description 立即付款 截止日截止日 Cut Off Day 等级等级 Rank 有效日期自有效日期自 Active Dates From 有效日期至有效日期至 Inactive Dates To Payment Term Lines 付款条件行付款条件行到期区到期区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables

17、to create and invoice payment schedule when you enter an invoice and choose payment terms you define in Payment Terms zone. Payment Term Lines Due Region 付款条件行付款条件行到期区到期区 Use this region to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create due dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a pa

18、yment term for an invoice. % 到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 日历日历 Calendar 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 0 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 11 Payment Term Lines - First Discounts Region 付款条件行付款条件行第一折扣区第一折扣区 Use this zone to specify ho

19、w you want Oracle Payables to create first discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 0 Payment Term Lines - Second Discount Region 付款条件行付款条件行第二折扣区第二折

20、扣区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create second and third discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 Payment Term Lines - Th

21、ird Discounts Region 付款条件行付款条件行第三折扣区第三折扣区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create third discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead

22、 100 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 12 Payment Terms Zone 付款条件区付款条件区10 天付款天付款 Use this zone to define and review payment terms. 付款条件付款条件 Name 10 净天 说明说明 Description 10 净天 截止日截止日 Cut Off Day 等级等级 Rank 有效日期自有效日期自 Active Dates From 有效日期至有效日期至 Inactive Dates To Payment Te

23、rm Lines 付款条件行付款条件行到期区到期区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create and invoice payment schedule when you enter an invoice and choose payment terms you define in Payment Terms zone. Payment Term Lines Due Region 付款条件行付款条件行到期区到期区 Use this region to specify how you want Oracle Pa

24、yables to create due dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 日历日历 Calendar 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 10 Payment Term Lines - First Discounts Region 付款条件行付款条件行第一折扣区第一折扣区 Use this zone

25、 to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create first discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 E

26、RP 系统 应付设置文档 13 Payment Term Lines - Second Discount Region 付款条件行付款条件行第二折扣区第二折扣区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create second and third discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date

27、天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 Payment Term Lines - Third Discounts Region 付款条件行付款条件行第三折扣区第三折扣区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create third discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额

28、 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 14 PPayment Terms Zone 付款条件区月末付款付款条件区月末付款 Use this zone to define and review payment terms. 付款条件付款条件 Name 月末付款 说明说明 Description 月末付款 截止日截止日 Cut Off Day 等级

29、等级 Rank 有效日期自有效日期自 Active Dates From 有效日期至有效日期至 Inactive Dates To Payment Term Lines 付款条件行付款条件行到期区到期区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create and invoice payment schedule when you enter an invoice and choose payment terms you define in Payment Terms zone. Payment Term Lines D

30、ue Region 付款条件行付款条件行到期区到期区 Use this region to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create due dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 日历日历 Calendar 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 30 0

31、Payment Term Lines - First Discounts Region 付款条件行付款条件行第一折扣区第一折扣区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create first discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Mont

32、h 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 15 Payment Term Lines - Second Discount Region 付款条件行付款条件行第二折扣区第二折扣区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create second and third discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you en

33、ter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 Payment Term Lines - Third Discounts Region 付款条件行付款条件行第三折扣区第三折扣区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create third discount dates for your invoice

34、payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 16 Payment Terms Zone 付款条件区下月十号付款付款条件区下月十号付款 Use this zone to define and rev

35、iew payment terms. 付款条件付款条件 Name 下月十号付款 说明说明 Description 下月十号付款 截止日截止日 Cut Off Day 等级等级 Rank 有效日期自有效日期自 Active Dates From 有效日期至有效日期至 Inactive Dates To Payment Term Lines 付款条件行付款条件行到期区到期区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create and invoice payment schedule when you enter an in

36、voice and choose payment terms you define in Payment Terms zone. Payment Term Lines Due Region 付款条件行付款条件行到期区到期区 Use this region to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create due dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 日历日历 Cale

37、ndar 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 10 1 Payment Term Lines - First Discounts Region 付款条件行付款条件行第一折扣区第一折扣区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to create first discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term f

38、or an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 17 Payment Term Lines - Second Discount Region 付款条件行付款条件行第二折扣区第二折扣区 Use this zone to specify how you want Oracle Payables to

39、 create second and third discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 Payment Term Lines - Third Discounts Region 付款条件行付款条件行第三折扣区第三折扣区 Use this zone to

40、specify how you want Oracle Payables to create third discount dates for your invoice payment schedule when you enter a payment term for an invoice. %到期到期 %Due 金额金额 Amount 固定日期固定日期 Fixed Date 天数天数 Days 月月/日日 Day of Month 提前月数提前月数 Months Ahead 100 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系

41、统 应付设置文档 18 Define Payables QuickCodes 设置设置快速编码快速编码采购系统采购系统 Description: Use this form to create and maintain QuickCodes for the following accounting-related items: Date Mask, Disbursement Type, Dont Pay Reason, Source, Tax Type. Payables QuickCodes Zone 类型类型 Type 代码代码 含义含义 说明说明 Description 标记标记 有效有

42、效 Active 失效日期失效日期 Inactive On 启用启用 税收类型 vat 增值税 增值税 是 供应商类型 国内供应商 国外供应商 国外供应商 是 供应商类型 国外供应商 国内供应商 国内供应商 是 供应商类型 虚拟供应商 虚拟供应商 虚拟供应商 是 供应商类型 employee 员工 员工 是 其 余 采 用 系 统默认值 Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 19 Define Payment Formats 设置设置付款付款格式格式 Description: Use this form t

43、o define the payment formats you need to create payment documents. 人民币付款 付款格式付款格式 Payment Format 人民币标准付款 付款方法付款方法 Payment Method 支票 仅允许零额付款仅允许零额付款 Zero Amount Payment only 按到期日分组按到期日分组 Group by Due Date 币种币种Currency 多多 Multiple 单一和币种单一和币种 Single and Currency Name 是,RMB 汇款汇款Remittance 单据之前单据之前 Before

44、 Document 单据之后单据之后 After Document 无无 None 是 发票数发票数 Number of Invoices 10000 程序程序Programs 建立付款建立付款 Build Payments 建立付款标准程序 格式化付款格式化付款 Format Payments Oracle 付款格式程序 分离汇款分离汇款 Separate Remittance Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 20 美元付款 付款格式付款格式 Payment Format 美元标准付款 付款方法付款

45、方法 Payment Method 支票 仅允许零额付款仅允许零额付款 Zero Amount Payment only 按到期日分组按到期日分组 Group by Due Date 币种币种Currency 多多 Multiple 单一和币种单一和币种 Single and Currency Name 是,USD 汇款汇款Remittance 单据之前单据之前 Before Document 单据之后单据之后 After Document 无无 None 是 发票数发票数 Number of Invoices 10000 程序程序Programs 建立付款建立付款 Build Payments 建立付款标准程序 格式化付款格式化付款 Format Payments Oracle 付款格式程序 分离汇款分离汇款 Separate Remittance Company Confidential - For internal use only *汽车 ERP 系统 应付设置文档 21 日元付款(限于有日元存款的公


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