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1、知识改变命运百度提升自我 本文为自本人珍藏版权所有仅供参考 Classroom English 中小学英语教师课堂用语 开始上课 Greetings问候 1. T: Hello, everyone! 大家好! S: Hello, Miss White. 你好,怀特小姐。 2. T: Good morning, boys and girls! 孩子们,早上好! S: Good morning, Mrs. Black !布莱克夫人,早上好! 3. T: Good afternoon, kids! 下午好,孩子们! S: Good afternoon, Mr. Red. 雷德先生,下午好。 4. T

2、: Good evening, Class 3! 孩子们,晚上好! S: Good evening, Ms. Green !格林夫人,晚上好! 5. T: How are you today? 你好吗? S: Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢。你呢? T: I?m fine, too. Thank you.我也很好,谢谢。 6. T: How are things with you? 你好吗? S: Not too bad, thanks. 还不错,谢谢。 7. T: How are things with you? 你好吗? S: Not too bad, th

3、anks. 还不错,谢谢。 8. T: How are you feeling today, Billy? 你好吗 , 比利? S: I?m very well, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢。你呢? 9. T: I hope you are all feeling well. 我希望大家都挺好。 S: Same to you. Introducing Yourself 自我介绍 1.T: Let me introduce myself. My name is Ann and I come from America. I?m your new English teacher a

4、nd I?ll be teaching you English this year. And how about you? Can you introduce yourselves? 首先作个自我介绍。我叫安,从美国来,是你们的新英语教师,今年我将教 你们英语。你们呢?请作个自我介绍,好吗? S: I?m Lilly and I?m twelve years old. I am from China and I like English very much. 我叫丽丽,今年十二岁,我从中国来,我非常喜欢英语。 2.T: I?ll just tell you a bit about myself

5、. My name is Miss Smith and I?m from England. I?m your new English teacher. Can you introduce your neighbour to me? 我先介绍一下自己。我叫史密斯,来自英国,是你们的英语老师。你能介绍一下你的同桌吗? S: Yes. She is Rose and she is eleven years old . She is from Chongqing. 好的。她叫罗丝,今年十一岁,她来自重庆。 Checking Attendance 点名 1. T: Quiet now, plea se.

6、 I?m going to call the roll. Lilly? 请安静,我开始点名了。丽丽? S: Yes. 到。 2. T: Now! Let?s call the roll. Peter?现在开始点名。彼得? S: Here. 到。 知识改变命运百度提升自我 3.T: Right! Let?s see who is absent. Billy?我们看看谁迟到了。 S: Present. 到。 4.T: Is everyone here? 大家都到齐了吗? S: Yes, I think so. 我想是的。 5.T: Are we all here? 大家都到齐了吗? S: No,

7、I think Lilly is away. 不,丽丽没到。 6.T: Is anybody absent? 有人迟到吗? S: Yes, Lilly is. 是的,丽丽迟到了。 7.T: Who is missing? 谁缺席了? Who isn?t here? S: Sorry, I don?t know.对不起,我不知道。 8. T: What?s wrong with Lil ly today? 丽丽今天怎么了? S: Maybe she is ill. 她可能病了。 9. T: What?s the matter with you?你怎么了? S: I have a bad cold

8、. 我感冒了。 T: Are you feeling better? 好些了吗? S: Yes. Thank you. 好些了,谢谢。 T: Right! Back to the register. 我们继续点名。 10. T: Did you oversleep? 你睡过头了吗? S: Yes. I?m sorry.对不起。 T: Go to bed earlier tonight. OK? 今晚早点儿睡,好吗? S: Yes, sir. 好的,老师。 T: I see. Well, sit down and let?s get started. 我知道了。请坐下,我们开始上课。 S: Th

9、ank you . 谢谢。 11. T: Have you been ill? 你病了吗? S: Yes. I had a cough. 是的,我咳嗽。 T: Are you better now? 现在好点了吗? S: Yes. Thank you. 是的,谢谢。 T: Sit down and we can start. 请坐,我们开始上课。 S: Thank you, Miss Yang. 谢谢,杨老师。 Getting Ready for Learning准备上课 1. Time for class. 该上课了。 Class begins. 开始上课。 2. Let?s start o

10、ur lesson now. 现在开始上课。 Let?s begin our class. 3. I think we can start now. 现在我们可以上课了。 Is everybody ready to start? 大家做好上课的准备了吗? 4. I?m waiting to start.开始上课了。 I?m waiting for you to be quiet.请安静,开始上课了。 5.T: Who?s on duty today?今天谁值日? S: I am. 我。 6. T: What day is today? 今天星期几? S: Today is Monday. 星期

11、一。 T: What is the day before Tuesday called? 知识改变命运百度提升自我 S: It?s Monday.星期二前一天叫什么? 7. T: What?s the date today?今天几月几号? S: It?s September the first.九月一号。 8. T: How?s the weather today? 今天天气怎样? S: It?s fine.很好。 T: What about tomorrow? 明天呢? S: It?s sunny.晴天。 T: Was it fine yesterday? 昨天也是晴天吗? S: No, i

12、t was windy yesterday. 不,昨天刮风。 9. T: What?s the weather like today?今天天气怎样? S: It?s raining.今天有雨。 T: What?s the weather like tomorrow?明天天气怎样? S: It?s cloudy.明天多云。 T: What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天天气怎样? S: It was overcast. 昨天阴天。 T: Excellent! 回答得真不错! 10. T: Is it cold or hot? 今天是冷还是热? S: It?s

13、 hot.今天很热。 T: What temperature is it? 今天几度? S: It?s 29 C. 29 C。 11. T: What month is it? 现在几月份? S: It?s June.六月份。 T: What month follows after July? 7 月过了是几月份? S: It?s August.八月份。 12. T: What season is it? 现在是什么季节? S: It?s spring.春天。 13. T: Who?s on duty today?今天谁值日? S: I am. 是我。 T: Come to the front

14、 and make a duty report. 请到前面来做值日报告。 S: Today is Monday, March 3. Everybody is here. The weather is fine 今天是三月三日,星期一。大家都到齐了。今天天气很好。 T: Good. Go back to your seat, please. Thanks. 好,请回到座位上去,谢谢。 14. T: Who can retell the text / story? 谁来复述课文? S: Let me have a try. 我来试试。 T: Come on up here. 到这儿来。 15. T

15、: Which group can act out the dialogue? 哪组能表演这个对话? S: Our group. 我们组。 T: Please. 请。 英语课堂组织常用语 Encouragement and Praises 鼓励和表扬 1. Think hard. 好好想一想。 知识改变命运百度提升自我 Think it over. Think for a moment. 想一会儿。 2. Guess, please. 请猜一猜。 3.Go on, please. 请继续。 4. Be brave . 勇敢点。 Don?t be shy.别害羞。 Don?t be afraid

16、. 别害怕。 Don?t worry.别担心 /着急 5. Speak up, please. 请大声说出来。 6. Not really. 不完全正确。 Not quite, try again. 不完全正确,再试一次。 Have another try. 再试一次。 7. Good try, but not quite right. 很好,但还不完全正确。 Better, but still not quite right. Anyone? 好些了,但还不完全正确。还有谁愿意回答? 8. I?m afraid that?s not quite right.恐怕不完全对。 You can?t

17、 say that, I?m afraid.恐怕不能那么说。 You can?t use that word here.这儿不能用那个词。 9. Have a go. 试一试。 Have a try. 10. Don?t be afraid to ask questions.要大胆提问题。 Don?t be afraid of making mistakes.不要怕出错。 11. Hold to the end. 坚持下去。 Keep on. 12. Don?t give up.不要放弃。 Don?t be discouraged.不要灰心。 13. Take it easy. 别慌。 14.

18、 You?re right!正确! That?s right!对的! Quite right! 非常正确! Right! 对的! 15. That?s good!好! Good! Very good! 很好! Quite good! 非常好! 16. Much better. 好多了。 17. That?s it!对的! 18. Nearly! 基本正确! Almost right. 19. Well done! 干得不错! Good job! Beautiful job! Great job! 20. Excellent! 太棒了! Great! Super! 知识改变命运百度提升自我 Te

19、rrific! 21. Completely right! 完全正确! 22.You?ve improve a little.有进步。 You have made a lot of progress. 有很大的进步。 23.Good! That?s a difficult one. 答得不错!这个题比较难。 24.You read quite well. 读得很好。 You speak very fluently. 讲得很流利。 25.Your pronunciation is very good. 你的语音非常好。 You have very good pronunciation. Loud

20、er or Lower 声音大小 1. Louder, please. 请大声点儿。 Say it louder, please. Once again, but louder. 再说一次,但请大声些。 2. Speak up. 大胆讲。 3. I can?t hear you. Say it again , but this time louder. 我听不见。请大声地再说一遍。 4. Speak more clearly. 讲清楚些。 Not so quickly, I can?t follow.讲慢点儿,我听不清。 5. Not so loud. 请小声点儿。 Softer, pleas

21、e. 6. Slower, please. 请再慢一点。 Repeat 重复 1. Again, please. 请再说一遍。 Once again, please. 2. Once more. Say it once more. 3. Once again, but more fluently. 请流利地再说一遍。 4. Let?s try it again.我们再试一次。 Again, but more quickly this time. 再试一次,这次稍快一些。 5. Repeat, please. 请跟我说。 Say it after me. 6.The whole sentence

22、, please. 请重复整个句子。 Try it again from the beginning. 从头再来一遍。 Textbook Activity 1. Books out, please. 请把书拿出来。 Take out your books. 2. Open your books, please. 请打开书。 Look at Page 17. 翻到第 7 页。 Have a look at the picture on Page 20. 请看着 20 页的图画。 3. Now turn to Page 16. 请翻到第16 页。 4. Turn over, please. 请翻到

23、下一页。 知识改变命运百度提升自我 Over the page, please. Turn to the next page. Next page, please. Let?s move to the next page. 5. Turn back to Page 11. 请翻回到11 页。 6. Close your books. 请把书关上。 All books closed, please. Put your books face down. 7. Have you found the place? 找到在哪儿了吗? Lilly, please show Billy the place.

24、 丽丽,请告诉比利在哪儿。 Help Betty find the place, Tom. 汤姆,请帮助贝蒂找到地方。 8. It?s on the left.在左边。 It?s on the right.在右边。 It?s in the middle.在中间。 9. Let?s read the text aloud.让我们大声地读课文。 I?ll read it to you first.我先读给你们听。 You start, Lilly. 丽丽,从你开始。 Now we?ll read it again.我们再读一遍。 10.Go on reading, Lilly. 丽丽,请继续。 N

25、ext, please. 下一个。 Next one, please. You go on , please. 请你继续。 Someone else, please. 另请一个。 Discipline 纪律 1.Don?t do that!别那样做! Stop that! Stop doing that! 2. Sssshhh. 请安静! Be quiet! Silence, please! 3. Don?t talk!请不要讲话! Stop shouting ! 别闹! Calm down! 安静! 4. Not so much noise, please! 别闹! 5. Not anoth

26、er word, please! 别聊了 ! No more chatting! 6. Stop passing notes! 别递条子 ! No, Billy, that?s not the way to behave in cla ss. 比利 ,上课别那样做! 7. Sit still. 请安静地坐着。 Stay in your seat. 坐在自己的座位上的座位。 Stay where you are. 坐好。 8. Don?t keep turning round.别东张西望 ! 知识改变命运百度提升自我 Behave yourself. 规矩点 ! 9. Don?t whisper

27、 the answer!别议论答案! Without whispering! 不要交头接耳。 10. Don?t give hints.不要提示。 Don?t cut in.不要打断。 11. Let him try it on his own. 让他自己做。 I?m sure she can manage on her own.我相信她自己会做。 12. What? 请再说一次。 Pardon? Sorry? 13.Sorry, I can?t hear you. Class, please be quiet. 对不起,我听不见。同学们,请安静。 14. What was that? 说什么

28、? I missed that. What did you say? 我没听清,你说什么? 15. I didn?t quite catch what you said.我没听清楚你说什么。 The rest of you, please be quiet. I can?t hear what Lilly is saying for the noise. 其他同学请安静,我听不清丽丽在说什么。 16. Get on with your work quietly. 请安静地做作业。 17. Don?t disturb your neighbour.别影响同学。 There?s no need t

29、o discuss it with your neighbour. 没必要互相讨论。 18. Work by yourselves. 请独立完成作业。 No cheating. 不要作弊。 19. Everybody work individually. 请独立完成作业。 Try to work independently. 20. Everyone, listen. 请大家听。 Listen to what I?m saying.听我说。 21. No talking while I?m writing on the blackboard. 我板书时,请不要讲话。 No writing wh

30、ile I?m explaining.我解释时,请不要写。 22. Don?t move your lips while you?re reading.读书时,嘴唇别动。 23.You?d better not start until everyone is ready. 等大家准备好后再开始。 Don?t read it until I let you. 我叫你们读时再开始。 24. Wait a moment! Not this page. This page. Here. 请等等,不是这一页,是这页,在这儿。 No, not this dialogue. This one. Look.

31、不是这个对话,瞧,是这个。 25. If you don?t pay attention, it?ll go in one ear and out the other! 如果你不注意,就会一个耳朵进一个耳朵出。 If you don?t listen properly, it?ll go in one ear and out the other! 如果你不好好听,就会一个耳朵进一个耳朵出。 Dividing the Class Up 分组 知识改变命运百度提升自我 Choral response 集体回答 1. All together now, please. 大家一起做。 2.The wh

32、ole class, please. 全班一起做。 3. Everyone, listen and repeat. 大家听好并重复。 4. Let?s read together.我们一起读。 5. Let?s say it in chorus.集体说。 6. Please say it with me. 请跟我说。 Class In Halves 两组活动 1. I want this half to repeat this sentence. 请这一半的同学重复这句话。 2. Now, I?ll divide you i n half. 现在,全班分成两组。 3.Now, I?m goin

33、g to divide you down the middle. 现在,全班从中间分成两组。 4.Now, this half of the class, you?re ,A? and this half, you?re ,B?. 这一半为 A组,这一半为B组。 5. Right. Now ,A?, you ask the questions and ,B?, you answer t he questions. Then we?ll change over. 好,现在请A组同学问, B组同学答。然后交换。 Boys or Girls 男同学或女同学 1. Now all the boys.

34、所有男同学。 2. Just the boys. 只是男同学。 3. The boys can begin. 男同学开始。 4. Girls only. 所有女同学。 5. Let?s begin with the girls.女同学开始。 Taking Turns轮流 1. Lilly first, you next. 丽丽先做,然后你做。 2. Now you, please. 现在该你了。 2. It?s her turn first, then it?s your turn and so on. 从她开始,然后是你,这样依次轮下去。 4.T: Whose turn is it? 该谁了

35、? S: Mine. 该我了。 T: Not yours. It?s his.不该你,该他了。 5.T: Is it you now? 现在该你了吗? S: Yes. 是的。 6.T: Good. Have you all had a go now? 很好,你们都轮到了吗? S: Yes. 是的。 T: Who hasn?t had a turn yet?谁还没有轮到? S: I haven?t.我。 T: Now it?s your turn, Lilly.好,丽丽,该你了。 7. This row, please. 这一排,请。 8.These two rows, please. 这两排,

36、请。 9.The next group. 下一组,请。 10. Just the front. 前排的同学,请。 知识改变命运百度提升自我 11.Not you again, Lilly, you?ve sai d a lot today. 丽丽,这次不该你,今天你已说了很多了。 12. Wait a second, Billy, let someone else have a turn. 比利,请等一等,这次让别的同学做。 Individual Response个别回答 1. In turns. 依次回答。 2. Let?s start with Billy.比利,从你开始回答。 3. Ta

37、ke it in turns, starting here. 从这里开始依次回答。 4. One after the other, please. 请依次回答。 5. One by one, please. 请一个一个来。 6. One at a time, please. Not all together. 一次一个。不要一起说。 7. Your turn, Lilly. 丽丽,请你做。 8. Just you, Billy. 比利,请你做。 9. Now you Lilly. 丽丽,该你了。 10. Next one, please. 下一个,请。 10. One boy at a tim

38、e. 一次只需要一个男同学。 11. This time, Lilly please. 丽丽,这次请你回答。 12. The rest , wait your turn, please . 其余同学请依次来。 14. Hands up before you answer. 请举手回答。 15. Now this time, don?t put your hands up. I?ll point. 这次请不要举手,我来点名。 Pairs and Groups双人或小组活动 1. Find a partner and work in twos. 请找一个伙伴进行双人活动。 In pairs, pl

39、ease. 双人活动。 In twos, with your neighbour. 请与你的同桌进行双人活动。 2. I?ll divide the class into groups.请全班分为小组进行练习。 I want you in groups, please. 3. In fours. 请四人一组。 Work in fives. 请五人一组练习。 4. Form five groups of six. 六人一组,分成五组。 5. Three pupils in each group. 请三人一组。 There are too many in this group. 这一组的人太多了。

40、 You?ll have to join that group.你加入那一组。 You, too, Billy. 比利,你也加入那一组。 6. Oh, You are by yourself, aren?t you?噢,你一个人吗? Oh dear. You are on your own, aren?t you? 7. Turn round and face your neighbour. 请转过来面向你的同桌。 8. How about going to sit there, next to him? 请坐到他旁边去好吗? What about joining in with them?

41、请加入他们好吗? 9. In your pairs/groups, I?d like you to practise the dialogue. 请分组练习对话。 10.Boys on the left, you are Jim. You take Jim?s part. Those on the right, you are Peter. You take Peter?s role. 左边的男同学请扮演吉姆;右边的男同学请扮演彼得。 知识改变命运百度提升自我 11.Girls on this side, you ask the questions. Those on that side, p

42、lease give the answers. 这边的女同学,请你们问;那边的女同学,请你们回答。 12.When you?ve finished ,change over, so that you can take the other part. 你们完成后,就请交换角色练习。 13. Stop now! Let?s hear what some of you have done. 别做了,先听听你们的对话。 14.OK. Well done! Let?s hear this pair. 很好!请听听这一组的对话。 15.Well, everybody. Stop here, let?s h

43、ear this group. 好了,大家都别做了。请听这一组的对话。 Movement 活动 1. Come in, please. 请进。 Go out, please. 请出去。 2. Stay outside for a moment. 请在外面等一会儿。 3.Stand up. 起立。 Stand by your desk(s). 请站在桌边。 4. Sit down, please. 坐下。 Sit in your seat(s). 5. Come here. 请到这儿来。 Come out here and face the class. 请到这儿来并面对全班同学。 6.Face

44、 the class. 请面对全班同学。 Face me. 请面对我。 Face the front. 看前面。 7. Look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。 Look left. 看左边。 Look to the right. 看右边。 Look over here. 看这里。 8. Eyes to the front, please. 请看前面。 9. Turn round. 转过头来(去) Turn and face the blackboard. 请转过头来面对黑板。 10. Attention, please. 请专心。 Don?t look out of the

45、 window.别朝窗外看。 11. Back to the class. 请背对全班同学。 Turn your back to the class. Stand with your back to the class. 请背对全班同学站立。 12. Go and sit at the back of the class. 请坐到后面去。 Come and sit at the front. 请坐到前面来。 Go and sit next to Bill. 请坐到比尔旁边去。 Billy, go and sit behind Lilly. 比利,请坐到丽丽后面去。 13. Go back to

46、 your seat(s) please. 请回到你的座位上去。 Thank you, you can sit down again. 谢谢,你可以坐下了。 Back to your place. 请回到你的座位上去。 14.Come and fetch your book. 去把你的书拿来。 知识改变命运百度提升自我 Take this to Lilly. 请把这个拿给丽丽。 Give this picture to Billy. 请把这张画给丽丽。 15. Hands up. 请举手。 Put up your hands. Raise your hands, please. 16. Han

47、ds down. 请把手放下。 Put down your hands. 英语教学各环节 Introduction 介绍 1. Let?s go over what we learnt last time. 让我们复习上节课的内容。 Let?s do it once more, shall we?我们再做一遍,好吗? 1. How about revising it? OK? 复习一下,好吗? What about having another practice? Alright? 再做一个练习,好吗? 2. First we?re going to learn a dialogue.首先,我

48、们学习对话。 Then I want you to learn something new. 然后,我们学习新内容。 Later on perhaps we?ll play a game. 随后,我们可能会做一个游戏。 At the end of the lesson if there?s time, we?ll sing a song. 最后,如果还有时间,我们将唱首歌。 3.By the end of the lesson you?ll be able to have this dialogue with your friend. 学完这一课,你们就能和你的朋友做这个对话了。 5.OK.

49、Let?s have a rest. You must be tired. 好,你们一定累了,我们休息一会儿吧。 Presentation Stage 呈现 1. OK. Look. 看这儿。 Right. Look again carefully. 再仔细看。 Now. Listen. 听。 Fine. Listen again. 很好,再听一遍。 I?ll say it again. Listen. 我将重复一遍,请注意听。 2. Now this is about what we did last lesson. Remember? 这是我们上节课所学的内容,还记得吗? Now this is something new. Ready to listen? OK then. 下面是新内容,准备好了吗?请注意听。 Practice Stage练习 1. Repeat after me. All together. 请全班跟我重复。 Good. Now you say it after me. Ready? 好,现在请跟我说。准备好了吗? 2. Listen first, then repeat. OK? 先听,然后重复。 Listen and repeat. 3. Everybody! Again! 全班再来一遍。 知识改变命运百度提升自我 Group


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